I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 222 Prelude: The Boy Named Amael

In a sprawling garden adorned with vibrant hues of green, a heartwarming scene unfolded. A young boy, his hair as white as the purest snow and his eyes a captivating shade of amber, held a wooden sword with determination. His name was Amael, and he was squaring off against his father, Kleines. The atmosphere was filled with the spirit of a jovial duel, a father and son bonding through playful combat.

"Come on! Mael! You can do it!" Kleines shouted with a grin.

The cheerful encouragement from his father spurred Amael into action. His little wooden sword swung through the air with surprising determination. "Ah!" Letting out a yell, he rushed forward, attempting to strike his father. However, Kleines effortlessly parried Amael's enthusiastic sword swings, his grin growing wider with each exchange.

Undeterred, Amael's small face was etched with seriousness as he continued his valiant efforts. He swung his makeshift sword with all his might, hoping to land a single hit on his father. The battle of playful swordplay continued, a testament to their strong bond and shared laughter.

Their impromptu battle took place against the backdrop of an enchanting garden, a sanctuary of nature's beauty. Vibrant flowers painted the landscape, and a gentle breeze carried the scents of blooming life. Meanwhile, three observers gazed upon the scene, their smiles radiating warmth.

Lydia Alea Olphean, Amael's mother, was seated gracefully on the mansion's grand steps. Her delicate hand rested on her chin as her eyes sparkled with maternal affection. She watched her youngest son's valiant attempts at challenging his father, her heart swelling with love.

"Come on, Mael!" From the side, Connor Olphean, the eldest brother and the twin brother of Christina, was cheering for his brother. He had white hair like the rest of the family but shared the same grey eyes as his father.

Kleines, the father, exuded a mix of amusement and pride as he faced his determined son. He effortlessly parried Amael's enthusiastic sword swings, his grin growing wider with each exchange.

Amael, hearing his elder brother cheering for him, felt a sudden surge of determination. He wanted to show his brother, whom he admired, how much he had grown. Kicking off the ground, he jumped and swung his sword downward with a yell.

Kleines was surprised at first by his son's gaze but eventually a smile appeared on his face and he lowered his sword slightly. "U-Ugh!" Letting out a groan, Kleines fell on his knees, 'exhausted'. "You got me, son…" He said while clenching the fabric on his chest exaggeratedly. "You beat me!"

Amael was at first surprised but soon a wide smile appeared on his face. "I…I did it!" He turned toward Connor, Lydia, and Christina and jumped high. "I beat Dad! Did you see it?!"

Lydia stood up and lifted Amael happily. "That's my son for you!" She kissed Amael's cheeks and praised the giggling Amael.

"Why did you let him win, Dad?" Christina asked with a whisper to Kleines.

Kleines grinned and patted his daughter. "It's your brother's birthday, that's why. I hope you got a present for him."

"Yes!" Christina replied excitedly. "I have the best gift for him!"

"Mine is better though," Connor interjected, puffing out his chest.

"No! Mine is better!"

As Connor and Christina bickered, a man in a black butler outfit appeared and bowed slightly. "My Lord, they have arrived."

"Already?" Kleines sighed and looked at his wife.

Lydia nodded and put down Amael. "Albert, can you help Amael and Connor put on a nice suit?" She added, stroking Connor's head.

"Of course, My Lady," Albert chuckled and accompanied the two sons to the changing room.



"It's been a long time, Kleines!" A man with silver-grey hair warmly embraced Kleines, his laughter ringing through the air. "How have you been, my friend?"

Returning the embrace, Kleines chuckled. "Very well, Felix. What about you and Lauren?" He inquired, turning towards a striking woman with equally silver-grey hair.

Both Felix and Lauren hailed from the esteemed Reis Aquila House, their presence adding a touch of familiarity to the gathering.

"We are well too," Lauren chimed in, engaging Lydia in a conversation.

Lydia's eyes lit up with delight as she noticed two children, their silver-grey hair matching that of their parents. The older of the two, a boy of six, stood alongside his younger sister, their adorable camaraderie evoking affectionate chuckles. "What a charming pair they make!" Lydia cooed, crouching down to their level. "They've grown remarkably since the last time I laid eyes on them." She playfully pinched their cheeks, earning shy smiles from Harris and a composed demeanor from Euphemia.

"Yes, aren't they just adorable?" Lauren beamed with motherly pride. "Harris, Euphy, this is Aunt Lydia. Remember her?"

"..." Harris and Euphemia found themselves momentarily speechless under Lydia's warm scrutiny. Harris flushed with embarrassment, while Euphemia managed a composed composure that only seemed to encourage Lydia's cheek-pinching enthusiasm.

"Mother?" Connor, impeccably dressed in a dashing suit, appeared followed closely by Amael and Christina.

"Wooow…" Amael's eyes widened in awe as they landed on Euphemia. It was the first time he had encountered someone with silver-white hair, and he was utterly captivated. Euphemia returned his gaze, prompting a flustered Amael to retreat behind his mother's protective embrace, clinging to her skirt with a shy smile.

"These are MY sons!" Lydia proclaimed with a playful smirk, her tone dripping with pride.

Connor stepped forward, displaying a charming mixture of formality and warmth. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Uncle Felix, Aunt Lauren. And you as well, Harris, Euphemia."

"He remembers us?" Lauren raised an eyebrow in surprise before affectionately patting Connor's head. "You've grown into a fine young man. Where's your twin sister?"

"Aunty!" Christina bounded forward, enfolding Lauren in a tight hug.

"Christina! You're becoming a proper young lady, aren't you?" Lauren teased, a twinkle in her eye as she observed Christina, her dear friend's daughter.

Harris found himself blushing slightly in Euphemia's presence, while Euphemia greeted Christina with a genuine smile.

"And the one in hiding is my youngest!"

"M-Mom!" Amael's embarrassed protest only fueled Lydia's affectionate antics, as she playfully pressed her cheeks against his.

"He truly is adorable, Lydia!" Lauren's embrace enveloped Amael, her maternal fondness evident. "I remember when he was even smaller, always clinging to you like a panda cub."

Amael's face flushed a deep shade of red at the teasing remark, longing for the ground to open and swallow him whole.

"And here's your birthday gift, Amael!" Lauren gently lowered Amael and presented him with a beautifully wrapped box.

"It's for you." Harris stepped forward, his expression shyly earnest as he handed Amael a gift. Euphemia followed suit, her graceful presence drawing Amael's gaze.

Amael's heart raced as Euphemia approached, his cheeks heating up. "I hope you like it, Amael."

"Y-Yes! I'll like it!" Amael's voice wavered with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"You haven't even opened it yet…"

"I-I'm sure I'll love it!" Amael stammered, his eagerness evident.

Lydia's mischievous grin only widened as she watched her youngest son's flustered response, her gaze then shifting to Lauren. "Shall we proceed with the engagement between our children, Lauren?"

Lauren's enthusiasm was palpable as she clapped her hands in delight. "Absolutely! Isn't that right, dear?"

Felix's attention turned to Kleines, his brows raising inquisitively. With a shrug and a slightly exasperated sigh, Kleines indicated he wasn't opposed to the idea, though he also gave a silent nod toward Euphemia. He respected her feelings and her choice would be prioritized.

Patting Euphemia's hair affectionately, Kleines posed a light-hearted question. "What do you say, Euphemia? Both Connor and Amael are good boys. Which one would you like to marry?"

Euphemia's thoughtful gaze shifted between the two brothers, finally making her decision by pointing at Connor.

Amael's heart visibly shattered, his crestfallen expression prompting him to seek refuge in his mother's comforting embrace.

"Ah… young love…" Both Kleines and Felix shared a chuckle at the turn of events.

"It's alright, Amael! There are plenty of potential spouses out there for you!" Lydia offered a hasty reassurance, her panic evident. "H-How about we arrange marriages with all the maids?"

"Lydia?!" Kleines interjected, dumbstruck. He knew very well that Lydia was really capable of pulling off that to cheer up Amael.

In the midst of the lighthearted chaos, Christina took charge, declaring, "Amael will marry no one! He's going to stay with his big sister forever!" She emphasized her point by hugging Amael's arm protectively.

Connor, slightly embarrassed by Euphemia's choice and unsure of how to navigate the situation, remained quiet, his thoughts a mix of emotions and uncertainty.

Turning his observant gaze on Amael, Felix remarked playfully, "Now that I'm looking at him... he doesn't really resemble any of you." It was true – while Connor and Christina each bore a striking resemblance to their respective parents, Amael had unique features.

Curious, Amael looked up at Felix, seeking an explanation. Lydia, however, quickly intervened, her voice carrying a tender note. "Amael is a little different, that's all," she said with a reassuring smile.


|Happy birthday.|

Edward's voice echoed through the confined space of his jail cell, his gaze fixed on the cold stone ceiling. 

"You're a bit late, Nevia," Edward responded with a hint of amusement. "Cleenah wished me a happy birthday in the morning."

|I'm not Cleenah, and I've been occupied with my own matters,| Nevia's voice resonated within his thoughts.

"As always," Edward mused.

|I'm nearing my end. I'll fade away within the next few hours.| 

Edward had already come to terms with this, but it was still a bitter pill to swallow. He was about to lose Nevia but strangely he didn't feel anything. He was certain that he would see her again.

|I've imparted as much knowledge as I could and assisted you in the ways I could. However, many things will remain concealed until you're prepared, both mentally and physically.| 

Edward brushed aside her words. "I won't let you disappear forever, Nevia."

|You can't defy Fate, Edward,| 

"You're a goddess, Nevia," Edward retorted. "Like Persephone, you might have reincarnated. I believe that. Unless you truly wish to leave this world behind and embrace death, which I can understand, though I won't accept it."

|Yes, I've reincarnated, and I'll be reborn anew, with no memories of the past.|

Edward's heart ached at the thought, but he understood her reasoning.


|There are things that are better left forgotten than remembered.| 

"If that's your wish..."

|You hardly know me, Edward. Your priority should be looking after those you hold dear.| 

Edward's voice grew solemn. "And I will, Nevia. You're included in that list. As for not knowing you, my instincts tell me otherwise. I trust them."

Silence hung in the air for a moment.

"Goodbye, Nevia," Edward whispered, feeling Nevia's presence inside him vanishing. "I'll find a way to reunite with you, once I become the Apostle of Nihil."

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