I am Tyson

Chapter 225 - Opportunity will not always be in front of you

Chris Yukban was not happy for too long.

He has not played for 13 months, and the time for refusal has reached the limit.

WB and WBC called Chris Yukban and assigned him a challenger.

If he refuses to play again, the WBA and WBC organizations will have sufficient reasons to deprive him of the title.

Chris Yukban panicked instantly.

Seeing that I could raise my eyebrows and make a fortune, but this kind of trouble happened in the emergency.

If he continues to avoid war, his desire to make big money will be completely destroyed.

I believe that the two major organizations, wba and wbc, will deprive him of his title regardless of whether he is a gunner.

The man who can make the two organizations obediently become little brothers, no one but Mike Tyson.

Chris Yukban has reached the threshold of having to fight.

There are two multiple choice questions before him.

The first is challenger Ike Quartaire, followed by Ibf’s middleweight champion Alva.

According to the thinking of normal people, the most popular Alva is undoubtedly the best choice.

You can also earn a lot of money.

But Chris Yukban, an unusual person, would not choose Alva.

He wants to solve the trouble in front of him, and then raise his worth again.

Ike Quartaire was his ultimate choice.

Ike Quarthai’s nickname is Rocket Launcher.

Analyzed from the name, it is known that this is a boxer with absolute blow ability.

In fact, he is indeed a typical heavy hit boxer.

It is not uncommon for a middle-weight fighter to be a fighter, but there are definitely a few brushes that can stand up to the challenger.

The 23-year-old has a current record of 30 wins and 29 games.

Such a record is enough to show the power of ‘rocket launcher’!

(At the end of the century, I almost killed the Golden Boy.)

Now the best event organizer is Mike Tyson, who not only controls the heavyweight game, but also sets his eyes on Oliver’s sub-heavyweight and Alva’s middleweight.

When it comes to holding contests, Tang Jin has to be mentioned.

Tang Jin, after being squeezed by Tyson with no living space, turned his eyes to other slightly worse levels.

Including light heavyweight and super middleweight, middleweight and so on.

However, because there are fewer and fewer signing boxers, his situation has become more and more difficult.

When he heard that Chris Yukban would host the game, Tang Jin instantly found his goal.

Middleweight is Tang Jin’s next place to start.

Middleweight and super middleweight have speed and power.

In terms of the splendid level of the game, although it is inferior to the games full of variables such as the heavyweight class, it is much stronger than the unnoticed small class.

Whatever Tang Jin said was a celebrity in boxing promotion.

He also knows clearly that small-scale competitions are minefields of famous promoters.

Even if he withdraws from the boxing promotion industry, he will not promote those small events.

To promote small events with extremely low KO rates, it is entirely to take money.

Furthermore, the small-level world champions will not be able to catch fire at all. They will push the fire forcibly, and the boxing fans will not buy it at all.

In other words, the commercial value of the small level is extremely low. Except for some big consortia, there is no boxing promoter to touch.

In order for the small level to survive, the boxing organization also spent a lot of thought…

When Tang Jin knew that wba and wbac boxing organizations put pressure on Ukban, he immediately contacted each other.

They immediately held a meeting and told Chris Yukban that as long as he can give Tang Jin the right to host the game, Tang Jin is willing to pay him a million dollars in appearance fees.

At first glance, it seems that Tang Jin paid a higher appearance fee than Tyson, but it should be clear that the one-million-dollar appearance fee paid by Tang Jin is purely an appearance fee, and there will be no additional dividends. .

And when Tyson can provide Chris Yukban with a $900,000 appearance fee, the dividend after the game is the big head.

Although Chris Yukban’s math skills are average, he knows this.

He also knows his worth, and he can never get higher in the face of the stingy Tang Jin.

What’s more, Tang Jin is also a celebrity who used to promote himself.

Soon the two people had the same taste, and it didn’t take long for them to sign the competition contract.

In recent months, the most talked about game is nothing more than Ibf middleweight champion Alva against wbo middleweight champion Norton.

Both of them are passionate attacking boxers!

They competed for the title of two boxing organizations caused a lot of discussion.

It has to be said that after the last beautiful two rounds of the opponents, Alva has greatly improved his reputation.

Even if Tyson no longer appears in front of the media with him now, his attention will not decline much.

It can be said that he is a boxing champion with his strength to conquer others.

The second most popular discussion today is, of course, the current double-organized boxing champion Chris Yukban and Ike Quartaire.

Ike Quarthai has a lot of popularity. He has been killed from the lower level all the way, lasting for a 30-game winning streak and creating a miraculous end of 29 games in the middleweight.

It is now the top challenger.

Originally, his game with Chris Yukban should have happened in January this year.

Chris Yukban’s all-out refusal to refuse to compete with the Quartet, plus Yukban’s double organization title soon, he has the right to postpone the game.

Tang Jin, a former promoter of events, once again appeared in the public eye.

When everyone knew that he was going to promote the middleweight game, they all expressed great surprise.

In the past few years, Tang Jin was the Big Mac in the heavyweight competition. He was in charge of almost all the famous heavyweight games.

But after Tyson appeared, it changed this status quo.

Since then, Tang Jin has gradually withdrawn from public view.

Unexpectedly, he actually got a Kris Yukban game now.

It is estimated that he wants to make a comeback!

These two games have attracted a lot of attention.

The originally calm middleweight also became turbulent because of Alva and Chris Yukban, Ike Quarthai and others.

I do not know whether it is intentional or unintentional, the two games coincidentally arranged on the same day.

Originally, the two games were staggered for a week, but under Tyson’s magical operation, the match between Alva and Norton was delayed by a week.

After Tang Jin heard the news, he nearly spit blood three liters.

It’s intentional!

Tyson has the ability to delay the game, Tang Jinke does not have that great reputation and strength.

What’s more, Tyson did very concealed. When Tang Jin announced the match date, Tyson immediately changed the match date.

The match between Alva and Norton is arranged at Madison Square Garden.

The match between Chris Yukban and Quartet was arranged by Don King at the San Francisco Bull Palace Stadium.

Tang Jin has rich experience in the promotion of the event, but despite this, he still can not catch up with Mike Tyson.

The attendance rate of the Madison Garden Plaza competition held by Tyson reached 90%.

The attendance of the Niu Gong Stadium held by Tang Jin only reached 60%.

The Tyson team earned $18 million in proceeds from tickets and PPV sales.

Tang Jin’s income was only $3 million.

The investment in the competition is similar to each other, that is to say, after more than 50%, those gains will become team gains and other partners’ gains.

Tyson’s $18 million will need to be split about half.

And Tang Jin will have two million US dollars as a partner. After excluding other expenses, Tang Jin’s personal income will definitely not exceed 500,000 US dollars.

After deducting about 40% of the tax, Tang Jin can really get 300,000 yuan.

Tang Jin was busy working for four or five months, only to earn $300,000, which made him unacceptable.

This is also destined to show another operation…

The much-anticipated middleweight competition has begun.

Chris Yukban appeared on the court and his condition looked very good.

Since he appeared on the field, he hasn’t stopped talking.

Because there is no microphone, no one knows what he is whispering, people just see his mouth keep moving.

Ike Quarthai is a young man with a height of only 1.71 meters. His arm span reaches 180 centimeters.

In terms of size, he grows stronger.

Although he has some popularity, it is much worse than Chris Yukban of the muzzle type, so when he played, he was greeted with applause.

When the two appeared together on the boxing ring, Chris Yukban was still chattering nonstop.

Even Quartet, who was not far away from him, could not hear what he was muttering.

When the two were brought together on the spot, Quatti heard his words clearly.

“Hey, are you a little girl…you look very weak…how about, let’s play with it…little girl, brother will love you…”

The referee, who was sandwiched between the two, heard Chris’ tourist-like words, and almost couldn’t carry on his lines.

Funny, he is serious.

Like a performer, he is always chattering.

Chris Yukeban’s pre-match performance made the audience burst into warm applause and laughter.

Although the number of people on the venue is not large, it is still very lively.

Ike Quartay felt a little uncomfortable.

He is a Ghanaian who likes to be silent, but his opponent is opposite him, talking nonsense non-stop, and talking about those disgusting, cannon-speaking words.

Despite knowing that the other party was performing a poor psychological offensive, Quartet was still angry.

At the beginning of the game, Ike Quartaire showed full aggressiveness, and his heavy punch hit the mouth of Chris Yukban fiercely.

Chris Yukban’s boxing skills are very good. In the first time, he launched a responsive tactic, constantly taking the method of controlling distance to consume.

The two of you are very exciting, and the 60% attendance still makes the whole scene very lively.

In the sixth round, Ike Quarthai finally seized the opportunity, and he attacked Chris Yukban’s evil mouth with a heavy punch.

In this round, Quartet chased Chris Yukban and knocked down the opponent twice.

The field referee’s two countdowns were very slow, which gave Chris Yukban ample time to adjust his state.

Ike Quarthai clearly noticed that he was hacked!

The angry Quartet began to exert force frequently in the seventh round.

Chris Yukban’s confidence in being beaten plummeted, and he kept running around the court, even though he still ate a lot of punches.

In the eighth round, Chris Yukban’s mouth was swollen like two ham sausages.

In the ninth round, Chris Yukban began to use very dirty punches to attack the areas where Quartet was prohibited from hitting.

The referee turned a blind eye to this situation and did not stop the game at all.

However, when Ike Quarthai made a slightly illegal action, the field referee issued a severe warning.

The black whistle proceeded to such an extent that the anger in Ek Quarthai’s heart kept rising.

For such an obvious black whistle, he encountered it for the first time!

An angry heavy blow boxer is terrible.

In the tenth round, Ike Quartaire knocked down Chris Yukban three times, and the last time directly stunned the opponent.

At this level, the field referee couldn’t play any black whistle anymore, and he finally raised his hand to terminate the whole game.

In this way, Ike Quarthai successfully defeated Chris Yukban’s two gold belts in the face of adversity and became the new double organization world champion.

Ike Quarthai made a terrible breath, and he kept patting his chest, proclaiming to the world who was the real powerhouse.

Tang Jin was crying without tears under the stage.

In this case, Chris Yukban also lost the game, which is really a piece of mud that can’t be put on the wall!

How did you pick such a thing?

On the other hand, the match between Alva and Norton has already begun.

Norton’s style is a boxer type of close combat.

When a fight-and-fight fighter encounters a heavy blow fighter, his disadvantages are revealed.

In the first round he was knocked down once by Alva.

After being knocked down, Norton became bloody. He fought Alva’s heavy punch and returned a few beautiful counterattacks.

The entire second round was in a fierce match.

Everyone saw the power of Alva and Norton.

The high frequency of the two’s offensives constantly caused the audience to exclaim and scream, and fans who loved their boxers called out their names and nicknames aloud.

The two boxing champions are destined to be a fast game.

In the third round, Alva knocked down Norton three times. The referee waved to stop the game and hugged Norton.

Alva has become a double organization middleweight world champion of wbo and ibf.

Tang Jin became a promoter of boxing this time and did not make much money.

So he hit his bad idea on the loser Chris Yukban.

Anyway, he was a loser, and he didn’t have much reputation. More importantly, this waste ruined his plan.

Exploiting yourself again is completely logical.

There is no pressure for Tang Jin to cross the river and demolish the bridge!

His promise and agreement to give Chris Yukban a one-million-dollar appearance fee turned into empty talk.

In the end, Tang Jin only paid Chris Yukban $300,000.

Of course Chris Yukban is not happy, he has lost the game and lost the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Now Tang Jin, as a promoter of the event, actually turned the promised one million dollars into the current 300,000.

Lying in the hospital, Chris Yukban completely ignored his two ham-like mouths and immediately prepared to go to the court to sue Tang Jin.

After Tang Jin received the news, he immediately went to Chris Yukban’s ward with cash.

He opened the box full of two hundred thousand dollars and threw it in front of Chris Yukban.

The colorful knives instantly confused Chris Yukban’s eyes.

In front of real money, Chris Yukban’s computing power disappeared instantly.

He felt that this two hundred thousand dollars was extremely real.

The contract worth US$700,000 became insignificant.

Rather than touching the emptiness of 700,000, it is better to take these two hundred thousand dollars into his arms.

Almost no time for thinking, Chris Yukban took the contract out and handed it to Tang Jin without hesitation.

He beautifully held the cash of two hundred thousand dollars in his arms tightly, waiting for the medical staff to change the medicine for him.

Tang Jin’s magical operation once again made everyone dumbfounded.

His deeds were again exposed and reported, and Ali also appeared in it.

Everyone was pondering a question while mocking Chris Yukban.

Is real cash really more tempting than a string of illusory numbers?

If such problems occur in China in the 21st century, they will be ridiculed mercilessly.

Because in that era, all young people face numbers.

If someone puts a million cash in front of him and wants to exchange a note worth 1.5 million in his hand.

Most people will say two words to this kind of person: silly*.

He will also send him three words: Get away.

The failure of Chris Yukban also doomed his career to an abrupt end.

This greedy double-organized boxing champion finally ushered in the biggest failure in his life.

His two gold belts did not sell at a good price, and even this price exceeded his bottom line.

The appearance fee of a million dollars turned into a half a million dollars in a blink of an eye, and he was still complacent, praising that everything was very real.

Chris Yukban is also regarded as a typical negative textbook of IQ rubbing on the floor, reminding everyone how important it is to think deeply about digital computing.

Although Tang Jin’s magical operation sounds very popular, he wants to make his reputation plunge again.

I believe that as long as the brain is normal, no one will believe in Tang Jin’s gibberish.

Tang Jin’s situation will become more difficult.

As a disciple of Tyson, Alva was successful.

He won the titles of ibf and wbo middleweight world champion.

Then his confrontation with Ike Quataire has become a topic that people talk about.

Both of them belong to the type of heavy hit boxer, with a rapid penetration ability and continuous heavy hitting ability.

I believe that the battle between them will be very hot.

Tyson called Alva and Oliver to the boxing room lounge.

Tyson first said to Alva: “Your performance is very good, you have become the topic of the people’s mouth, everyone is discussing you.”

Alvaro bowed his head shyly: “I just did what I should do. My opponent Norton is a tough guy, so our game will be wonderful.”

Tyson laughed: “You don’t have to be humble. Whether you can get attention or not depends on who your opponent is, but whether you can conquer each other and conquer all with beautiful means. Beat powerful opponents to show Out of your strength, even if you are a famous boxer, when you stand on the ring, you will become a benchmark, and everyone will measure your strength and your value. So strength is the most real existence.”

Oliver next to him couldn’t sit still, he said: “Mike, did you call me to hear you praise this stink boy? You have to figure out, he only has two belts, and I already have three. Now.”

Tyson hit him mercilessly and said: “Yes, you have three gold belts, Alva only has two, but he never lost his belt, he has not succumbed in front of any opponent, he will not be beaten You have to run around, and then have a sweet dream under the opponent’s fist.”

Oliver instantly wilted.

Holyfield’s duel has become a pain in her heart forever!

“I feel like we should talk about something else.”

His voice was so small that he could barely hear it.

Tyson smiled comfortably, the topic changed, and said: “I will call you here, I want to discuss something with you.”

Alva: “No matter what, you can arrange it. There will never be any different opinions with me.”

Alva is telling the truth, he can get to where he is today, a large part of the credit is Mike Tyson, he is trained under the supervision of Mike Tyson, and develops his style under the guidance of Mike Tyson. .

He is a person who understands gratitude!

Oliver: “Mike, won’t you sell it anymore?”

Tyson went on.

“Now the middleweight situation is very clear. Alva holds the gold belts of wbo and ibf, while Ike Quarthai holds the two gold belts of wba and wbc. The united battle between you has become a boxing. The focus of fans’ attention is a very important middleweight promotion opportunity for us.”

“Your styles are heavy hits. I believe it will attract most of the boxing fans to pay attention to your game, and it can also cause a lot of reports! Alva, your chance is here. I want to arrange you in Las Vegas, where Ike Quartet fought four gold belts for the united battle.”

Tyson put his eyes on Oliver.

“Oliver, you now have wba/wbo and ibf sub-heavyweight gold belts, wbc’s sub-heavyweight gold belts are in David Gardner’s hands, so I want to arrange you to be with David on the same night Gardner competes.”

“I mean, Oliver, you will play with Alva on the same night. The two of you will fight for the gold belt in Las Vegas.”

As Tyson finished speaking, both of them fell into contemplation.

I believe that it must be a grand game.

Tyson’s two disciples will complete their unity at different levels.

It sounds like a gimmick alone, and the space for operational promotion is enormous.

Furthermore, Alva’s reputation has been continuously improved, and he has gained a certain number of fans.

Oliver, as a genuine heavyweight champion, has regained three gold belts in a strong style, and also has a certain number of fans to support.

If they put the two games on the same night, I believe their popularity is almost no less than Mike Tyson appeared on the field.

The advantage of this is that it allows more people to understand the two of them.

For example, Oliver fans will see how brave Alvar is, and Alvar fans will appreciate Oliver’s performance.

This is a good opportunity to **** powder.

Although Tyson’s money will be slightly less, but he does not care about that little money.

Just let your disciples truly walk into everyone’s vision, and believe that they will bring more generous returns for themselves!

Suddenly, UU reading www.uukaanshu.com Oliver thought of a problem.

“Which of us is the headline main event, and who is the joint main event?”

The headline main game is the last game and belongs to the final game, while the joint main game is the penultimate game.

This question made Tyson scratch his head.

Determining who is the headline main event is a very troublesome thing.

But a minute later, Tyson solved the problem well.

“Whether it is the headline main game or the joint main game, your appearance fees and dividends will be carried out in accordance with the headline main game execution rules.”

A certain amount of appearance fee, plus 15% of the dividend is the salary distribution standard of a champion.

That is to say, Tyson set all their games as the headline salary distribution standard.

Appearance fee plus dividends will be distributed by 50%.

Coupled with other players’ appearance fees, the money spent on this alone will reach 60.

The remaining 40 will be distributed by Tyson’s team and other interested partners.

After a brief pause, Tyson continued: “On the standard of execution, the headline main game and the joint main game are the same, but I will not participate too much in the specific order of the game. The two of you are very good friends. You have been training together for a long time, so you can solve this difficult problem by yourself. Do you understand? You are either a rock-paper-scissors cloth, or you have a wonderful debate, or come to a real combat training, and I All you have to do is to stand by and watch, except to applaud and laugh.”

Tyson’s meaning is very simple, he will not let go of this trouble.

In the end, no matter what decisions the two of them make, Tyson will support and negotiate with their opponents.

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