I am Tyson

Chapter 226 - God like man

Oliver’s eyes flicked and he said, “How about playing real combat?”

This product’s mind is not pure!

Relying on the advantage of body size, want to pit the middleweight Alva.

Oliver’s usual weight can reach about 95 kg, while Alva’s weight is only more than 70 kg.

The height and wingspan are also safe to crush.

Is it clear that you want to bully Alva?

Oliver ignored Tyson’s playful smile, and stared at Alva.

Alva is an honest man, but he is not a fool.

“Treacherous Orver, I won’t be fooled by you! We can take other methods, how about guessing fist? I like this method, it is wise and full of uncertainty.”

The order of appearance of the two has been arranged properly.

After a lot of wit and bravery, Alva will be the headline main event that night, and Oliver will play as the joint main event.

Tyson watched them play tricks all the way.

When everything was completed, Tyson immediately began to let people contact their opponents.

After their opponents signed the competition contract, Tyson held a press conference ten days later.

At the press conference, Tyson announced the game, and the boxing ring was shocked.

People who can host events of this size can hardly find a second except Mike Tyson.

The point is that two of his disciples will appear on the field as favorites to win.

Although they have known Tyson’s ambitions for a long time.

But when all this happened, they still startled them.

If Tyson and his disciples really become the rulers of the middleweight, sub-heavyweight, and heavyweight categories, then it can basically declare that Tyson’s era of comprehensive supremacy has come.

Everyone smelled this smell.

Most of the media participated in this press conference.

They raised various questions at the press conference, especially about why Tyson arranged such a game.

Tyson gave them the answer.

“My personal value has been reflected, and I have become a well-deserved heavyweight champion. But I think this is still not enough. I need to maintain boxing at this peak state and continue this golden age, so I chose some excellent People, they will shine in their own level and dedicate their body and soul to the boxing cause.”

Although the grays he said were always tall, everyone understood what he meant.

Dominating the heavyweight is not only his goal, he also wants his disciples to dominate every order of magnitude.

It is estimated that the middleweight and sub-heavyweights are just the beginning.

Because the disciples taught by Tyson are not only these two, there are many boxers and even champions in Tyson Training Center.

As Tyson said, this is just the beginning.

He wants to show Mike Tyson’s power to the whole world, not only in individuals, but also in his whole group.

The whole press conference was very lively, especially those reporters, they were extremely enthusiastic.

They all know that when Tyson appears in the media, it always brings news that shocks the world.

After Tyson answered some questions, he stepped back and asked Oliver and Alva to deal with these reporters.

Dealing with reporters is also a technical task.

Tyson needs them to develop in all directions and be able to be the champion of all levels on their own.

Fortunately, Alva, although he doesn’t talk much on weekdays, he responded to reporters’ questions, and he answered them reasonably and concisely.

Oliver is obviously much worse. When dealing with reporters, he always mixes some strong personal emotions and views on certain things. The more he is like this, the more the reporters like to ask him questions.

After all, reporters are not too serious.

In 1992, the end of the year has been reached. After Tyson finished handling the press conference, the bell of 1993 was already ringing.

Their game is scheduled for April.

During this time, Tyson asked Alva and Oliver to conduct closed training in all aspects.

Even Tyson, the trainer, entered the closed state with them.

In two months, these three people barely stepped out of the Tyson Boxing Stadium.

Under Tyson’s strict supervision and guidance, the two’s skills have been improved again.

After all, it is Mike Tyson, who is with them every day to practice the actual combat, the world’s best world heavyweight super boxing champion.

Under violent beatings and endless devastation, it is difficult to grow or not.

Tyson got up every morning and said the first sentence to the two of them: “You need to supervise yourself strictly and enjoy the “massage” service I bring to you, because only then can your era come.”

Alwar naturally goes without saying.

This guy has always been very attentive, he will work hard to think about every action Tyson taught him, and strive to complete the amount of training Tyson has given him.

Two months of closed training is undoubtedly a torment for Oliver.

Strictly speaking, he is still an unwilling person, even though Tyson has led him to psychological counseling several times.

In order to enhance Oliver’s willpower, Tyson is more to let him complete some extreme training.

Although the three people did not appear in front of the media in the past two months, they are still the most talked about in the boxing industry and the boxing media.

Oliver’s opponent is an ordinary thing.

But Alva’s opponent is definitely a tough guy.

Ike Quarthai has a record of 31 consecutive wins and 30 finals. In the middleweight category, Alva will face severe challenges.

I believe that this game is a game full of the biggest variables and the most exciting game.

As long as the senior boxing fan knows, Oliver got four gold belts to become a unified sub-heavyweight champion, there is almost no suspense.

As long as he plays the ideal of normality, it can be realized with a high probability.

But Alva is different.

Many people feel that the middleweight Alva and Quartide game can play a game full of variables as heavyweight.

Two heavy hit boxing champions, their collision together will become extremely warm.

Many boxing fans have heard of this news, and they have also seen the news about Alva and Oliver from the newspapers and news. Both of them will play as Tyson’s disciples on the same night and perform two levels of united belt warfare. .

All the boxing fans who like Tyson are all enthusiastic and concerned about this game.

The highly anticipated final will be held in Las Vegas.

The pre-sale of tickets is very smooth.

Thirty thousand tickets were sold out within two days.

This time the average ticket price is $1,300.

In terms of ticket income, it reached nearly $40 million.

Because this time the venue is Las Vegas Stadium.

Tyson has contracted this stadium for many years for boxing matches and UFC matches.

In this Las Vegas stadium, with ready-made equipment and very good decoration facilities, the cost is greatly reduced.

Because of the cost reduction, Tyson rightfully refused to join many beneficiaries.

In the net income of the box office alone, the two of them led the game, reaching $34 million.

From the data point of view, this game has a high degree of attention.

This was confirmed on the day of the game.

When the game reached the joint main event, the audience on the scene was already full.

Oliver received the last gold belt, which ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

Sao Bao’s Oliver hung four gold belts, he shouted loudly into the microphone: “Everyone in the world, have you seen it? Now my body is covered with gold belts, I will now officially announce the age of Oliver When I arrive, I will follow in the footsteps of Mike Tyson and continue to defend my throne and become the undisputed super boxer!”

“I will use my strength and blood to protect the dignity of Mike Tyson and me! Yes, we are one, we love each other…”

Tyson, who followed the live broadcast in the background, almost vomited blood three times.

The ghost will fall in love with you!

Lao Tzu only wants to beat your unsullied mouth!

Next is the highlight of the night.

The confrontation between Ike Quartaire and Alva Hudgens.

This time, Tyson appeared on the field as a corner coach.

At the beginning of the game, Alva and Ike Quarté launched a duel between Mars and Earth.

The collision of two heavy blow fighters made the whole scene full of blood.

The boxing to meat fight makes everyone who sees this game hooked.

When the explosive power and technology reach this level, they show more fighting wisdom and fighting courage.

In terms of bravery, Alva Hudgens clearly outperforms Ike Quartaire.

At the beginning of the game, except under his feet, there was no other action.

Ike Quartaire also showed his superhuman willpower.

When he was hit by heavy punches, he quickly launched the punching mode.

On the defensive side, Ike Quartaire used the traditional armor defense, while Alva used the U-shaped rocker arm that Tyson taught him to dodge.

The two people are inseparable and inseparable, and they continue to stage infighting.

In the fourth round, Ike Quarthai was finally beaten and exposed.

Alva seized this opportunity and used a continuous output punch to accurately hit the key point of Ike Quartaire.

In the fourth round, Ike Quartaire was knocked down twice.

In the fifth round, Ike Quarthai was knocked down once.

In the sixth round, Ike Quarthai was knocked down once.

In the seventh round, Ike Quarthai was knocked down once.

In the seventh round, after Ike Quartaire was knocked down, the field referee stepped away from the continuous attacking Alva and waved to terminate the game.

Ike Quarthai’s upper body had already visibly shaken.

But he was still not convinced, and he kept talking to the referee: “Hey, I’m fine! I can fight again.”

He felt that he had no problems, but the field referee was extremely rich in experience.

The field referee knew clearly that if Ike Quataire played again, there would really be a problem.

As a referee who protects fighters on the field, he has the responsibility and the right to prevent the game from continuing.

Everyone on the scene could see clearly that Ike Quarthai was in a very bad state.

There was no problem with the court referee’s decision.

Ike Quarthai lost nothing wrong.

This fierce **** fight came into everyone’s mind. Although Ike Quartaire lost two gold belts, his fighting style allowed him to gain a large number of fans, which will also be the cornerstone of his comeback.

Alva has become the middleweight world champion of the four major boxing organizations~www.mtlnovel.com~ The strong rise of him and Oliver made everyone sigh with Tyson.

Mike Tyson is not only a heavyweight super boxing champion, but also an excellent trainer who can control all weights.

He was able to pick out the best among thousands of people to complete the **** of all levels.

If you want to make a difference in boxing, then investing in the Tyson training hall is definitely a top choice.

When Alva hung four gold belts on his body, he wept with joy.

Who can imagine that he was a normal young man three years ago.

Because he loves boxing and loves boxing, he embarked on the road of boxing.

Because there is no guidance from a famous teacher, he has gone very uncomfortably in amateur boxing.

But when he came to the Tyson training room one day, Tyson selected him from so many excellent people.

“I once asked Mike, what made you choose me among thousands of people?”

“You know, there are super good boxers, some of them have practiced since childhood, and some people have won major awards in amateur boxing, and I am just an unknown little boxer, I even plan to play another game. Just get a job.”

“Mike Tyson, the person I respect most tells me this: I can see the halo emanating from everyone, I can feel their aura, I can know what kind of person they are, they will do What kind of things, what kind of people do they want to be, how strong are their inner desires.”

“In my mind, Mike Tyson is a man like God. He knows everything and he is omnipotent. In boxing, he is an absolute god!”

Alva Hudges hung all his belts on the side of Tyson.

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