I am Vardy

Chapter 712 - Young wife

Why doesn’t Milan have a chance to reverse?

First, there is little time left;

Second, Milan has no reverse genes at all, they only have reversed genes.

Istanbul Night is a miracle for Liverpool, but it is a tragedy for Milan!

This is like a curse, which is often hung in the mouth by rival fans, and it has been stabbed in the chest of Milan fans again and again.

Milan had a goal in the final moment, Shevchenko scored the first goal after returning to Milan, but this has not affected the overall situation, because before Shevchenko scored, Inter has extended the lead to 3 goals.

In the end, at the foot of Milan’s 3:5 defeat at home, they can only watch their opponents celebrate their victory in their own territory.

At the end of the game, Vardy was threatened by the captain of the national team, Beckham. Obviously, Beckham was still grudged about the crescent moon replica that Valdy copied.

However, this did not scare Vardy at all. With Beckham being so afraid of his wife’s character, as long as she used his wife’s diplomacy to ensure that the hot girl ruled Beckham to be obedient, she did not dare to find Valdy’s trouble.

This game is very exciting. The eight goals alone are enough for the fans to ponder for a while, and it can be regarded as a more classic match in the history of Milan Derby!

It’s just that this result is probably difficult to satisfy Milan fans. Shouldn’t the large investment in summer bring a crushing result?

How did you end up still being crushed by Inter Milan?

It seems that the situation of Inter Milan’s dominance of Serie A will continue to continue until there is a super team to break the monopoly of Inter Milan, but no one knows when this super team will appear.

This game has indeed become a resource for fans, all kinds of confrontations before the game, all kinds of accidents in the game, and so many goals, it seems that every detail is worth a book.

Milan, who had lost the ball, died down. After the game, they simply expressed their regretful view of the loss, and then said nothing, lost, and there is no mood to speak.

Inter Milan, who won the game, did not show much arrogance. Instead, it appealed to the Italian Football Association because the referee made a misjudgment against Inter in this game.

Although he won the game, the process was far from being a real crush. Milan’s combat power actually made Inter Milan a headache.

In this case, the referee’s missed penalty will be infinitely magnified. Many people will think that if Inter Milan gets the penalty early, will the game be a different direction?

Is this just a misjudgment by the referee, or is it a hidden meaning?

If it is a misjudgment, it is acceptable, but if someone is targeting Inter Milan against Valdi, then Inter will have to discuss a statement.

After the phone door, the entire Italian football world seems to have turned into a startled bird. So far, it has not recovered its vitality. So, who gave them the courage to target Inter Milan?

Inter Milan’s complaint made the media seem to smell fishy sharks, madly bite them up, and all kinds of hype fueled it, as if they had to lift the lid again.

Anyway, what the Italian football looks like has nothing to do with them. They only hope that the bigger the event, the better, so that their sales will explode. It’s best to come back to such a powerful phone door. In this way, I am afraid that the future Their sales can be guaranteed for a year.

The Italian Football Association is very helpless. Facts have proved that this is indeed a misjudgment by the referee. After the game, even after the referee watched the video of the game, they all admitted this.

We really didn’t want to do anything!

Heaven and earth conscience!

Don’t injustice!

The brutal Italian Football Association immediately held a press conference and announced the results of the investigation. In fact, the investigation was only symbolic.

“After our investigation, the referee on duty in the Milan Derby did make some mistakes, but this is only a misjudgment in the case of poor sight angle, and there is no deeper reason. For this, the referee has already I apologized to the Inter Club, and we deeply regret this.”

“Fortunately, Inter won the game in the end, and there were no more serious consequences. This is still a matter of pleasure.”

“In order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, we will put more effort into the training and selection of referees, and strive to create a more fair competition environment for Serie A. This is our original intention!”

“Finally, I have to say sorry to Inter Club!”

The Italian Football Association is really tough now. At least for the past two seasons and the next few seasons, they can no longer be the rulers of the past, they are just servers.

The Inter Club did not continue to dig deeper, let’s go down a step, after all, there is no evidence to prove that this is someone fooling, can’t the referee make a mistake on the court?

That is obviously unrealistic, and the referee is not a saint!

But Valdi remembered this referee, just like the people who had been written on his notebook, that is his blacklist.

Let’s meet again next time. If you are honest, it’s okay. If you jump again, don’t blame me for being rude. I will let you know how terrifying it is.

What made Vardi feel relieved is that after this game, Milan’s number one goalkeeper Abbiati seemed to be decadent. It is said that the training was in a state of disappointment. After several criticisms, there was no improvement. Finally Ancelotti was directly transferred to the reserve team!

This is the end that provokes Valdy. After this battle, Valdy feels that this way of attacking people is the most ruthless.

Defeating you completely in the place where you are most proud, so that you no longer have the courage to stand in front of yourself.

At the end of this round of the league, the European War reignited and Inter will face the second opponent in the UEFA Champions League group stage, Werder Bremen.

It’s a pity that Vardy still has to suspend the game and he doesn’t even have a chance to sit on the bench.

This made him feel very sorry, but what he regretted was not that he couldn’t play, but that he couldn’t play to seduce the younger daughter-in-law.

Although Özil, born in 1988, was only 20 years old and was younger than Valdi, he had already settled on the main position in Bremen.

As a favorite player of Vardi’s previous life, Vardi has always been looking forward to Ozil’s rapid growth and a real contest on the court. Of course, it is also a good day to play side by side.

It’s just a matter of doing things, Inter Milan really encountered Bremen, but the result was that Valdi was suspended, where is it reasonable?

In order to make up for the regret, Vardi specifically told his teammates to take good care of his little daughter-in-law before the game.

As a result, during the competition ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Inter Milan’s animals really treated Ozil as his wife. All kinds of expectations were met, and they almost did not rub Ozil to death.

Ozil’s performance is indeed dazzling. Perhaps it was because of this game that Mourinho had an interest in Ozil before taking Ozil to Real Madrid.

In the game, don’t look at Ozil’s youth, but there is a general style in his hands and throws. He performs exceptionally well in the midfield and often can pass a deadly threat.

It’s a pity that Bremen’s overall strength is not an Inter opponent at all. Ozil also has no way to support the team without a teammate, and there is no way to lead the team to a victory.

He is a good team server, but not a good leader.

In addition to the fierce contest, Inter players also had a strong interest in this little daughter-in-law because of Valdi’s advice.

His eyes are so big!

His figure is so delicate!

Well, the skin is also very fair.

So, the big guy took turns to defend Ozil. You pinch me to pinch, and treat Ozil as an inflatable doll in the house. Rubbing it up is called an ecstasy.

So much so that Ozil was about to collapse afterwards, so he cried and shouted to go home to find his mother.

He has never seen such a wolf-like opponent, and the opponent’s wolf-like tiger is used a bit wrong?

Also, Cambiasso, can you take your hands away from me first when you talk badly?

Seeing how his daughter-in-law was getting angry, Valdy couldn’t smile in the stands.

now it’s right!

It should be like this!

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