I am Vardy

Chapter 713 - Wang Fang scares people

In the end, in Ozil’s almost humiliating humiliation, Inter Milan defeated Werder Bremen at home and achieved two consecutive victories in the UEFA Champions League group stage. In the absence of Valdi, they still showed their invincible strength.

Of course, Valdy did not deliberately talk to Ozil. Ozil is now like a startled bird. If Valdi takes the initiative to come to the door, maybe what kind of association can come out of Ozil’s mind!

In order to avoid leaving a heavier psychological shadow on the younger daughter-in-law, Valdy gave up the idea and let it grow freely and savagely.

After the game ended, Valdi and his teammates were once again separated and returned to the national team to prepare for the World Preliminaries.

In these two world preliminaries, the strong and powerful England once again defeated the opponent without any suspense and defeated the opponent, leading the standings.

Against Kazakhstan, Vardy played the whole game and contributed one pass and one shot. In the case of the second half, England still beat the opponent by four goals. The fat man in good condition staged a hat trick.

Next, against Belarus, England still did not encounter too many challenges. Even if they played away, they still had no power to fight back. After Valdy helped the team to open the record in the first half, they rested in the second half. It’s a tacit agreement between Heinkes and Mourinho-don’t put Valdi to waste.

Obviously an opponent like Belarus, with or without Valdi, can win in England, there is no need to die Valdy alone.

However, the weather conditions in Russia are still different from those in Italy. After returning to Italy, Vardi, who was unsatisfied with the weather, actually caught a cold again.

Mourinho directly drove him away. Although Valdy’s cold was a big loss, if he would infect the Inter Milan, it would be called the end of the world.

When she returned home, Valdi was also unwilling to see her. The pregnant woman had poor resistance. Elena didn’t want Valdi to infect herself again, so she sent Valdi directly to the little black house. Poor Bara could only stay alone. Sleepless.

It’s okay to catch a cold, but because the body hasn’t recovered to its best, Mourinho did not put Valdi on the starting list, but let him sit on the bench. .

Facing the fierce Rome at home, Vardy knew that this game would never be easy.

Facts have proved that his worries are justified. Even though Inter is stronger than Roma, Roma is also a strong Serie A team. It is one of Inter Milan’s championship contenders and is not so easy to pass.

In the first half, Mourinho set up heavy soldiers in the midfield, just to intercept Rome’s attack, but the tactics failed, and the defense was penetrated by Rome twice. Although Ibrahimovic scored the score gap, Inter Milan still Back to the locker room with a backward score.

Roma have succumbed under the cruel rule of Inter Milan for several years. Perhaps they could still compete in front of Inter Milan, at least to show their sense of existence, but since Valdi came, they have completely become a passerby team, even They are the runners-up in the league, but Inter is like a behemoth, repressed on them.

Once, twice, three times…

Okay, actually countless times!

Can’t I stand up once and overthrow the mountain on my head?

It happened that Valdy didn’t play because of a cold. This is the best chance for Rome to overthrow Inter. If they can’t beat Inter, then they won’t struggle.

Rome, which has completely exploded and has full firepower, is indeed crazy. At least there are few teams that can lead Inter.

But now the question is coming. Obviously Mourinho will not easily concede. If the magic bird sent Valdi, then how can Valdi, a crazy super shooter, poke several holes in Rome?

No one believes that Rome can withstand the brutality of Valdi. His fierce reputation is definitely scored with one goal after another.

Rome was really tough. Even if Valdi didn’t show up, he still brought them tremendous pressure. Valdi was like an unmatched **** of war, lying in their hearts.

Not every game has a stupid hang like Mancini, do you still expect to play one more person every time you face Inter?

Besides, even if one more person is played, as long as Valdi comes on, he can still shatter the hope of Rome’s victory.

Vardi is simply the biggest bug in world football. Without accidents, he can take away all the championships, so that all opponents have no way to live.

Many coaches have been studying Valdy, how to limit this incomparable big devil.

The final conclusion is, don’t try to defeat Vardy with strength, because Valdy will always be more powerful than you.

On the contrary, as long as there are many accidents that may occur on the field, it is best to create accidents artificially. This is the only way to limit Valdy.

Just as Matrazzi had done with Zidane, it might be possible to dislodge Valdy until he lost his mind.

Only Vardi who is not on the court is a good Vardi in everyone’s mind.

So, what should Rome do if Valdi really plays?

Send someone to surround Valdi and say various swear words to him?

Or maybe it’s a bit simpler, just shoveling off the court?

Anyway, don’t expect Valdi to be in bad shape, or sympathize with Rome and be merciful!

After the start of the second half, Mourinho really didn’t mean to change Valdi, because he believes that with Inter Milan’s lineup, there is still a chance of winning.

However, Mourinho allowed Vardi to warm up on the sidelines, which is also the final guarantee. If the offense is weak on the court, then changing Valdi to solve the game is the solution to the bottom.

As a result, Rome was dumbfounded.

If you want to play, you can play quickly, otherwise you will get far away!

Why are you warming up on the sidelines?

This method is the most annoying. I must always worry about your playing when you are not on the field. This is more tormenting than Valdy’s direct playing.

Valdi ran on the sidelines and suddenly grinned at Sicinho not far from the field, almost not scaring Sicinho.

The psychological shadow that Valdi brought to Sisinho was gradually dissipated after he talked to a psychiatrist five or six times. To say who Sisinho is most afraid of, it is undoubtedly Valdi.

What does this guy mean to smile at me?

Could it be that after this product is ready to play, it will start against me?

Why do I have another rush to lose my life?

Just when Sicinho was disturbed, Quaresma received a pass from Sneijder and suddenly broke through on the right, directly passing the restless Sicinho.

Although Quaresma is always called parallel, but he does have a pass in the pass. This time he found Ibrahimovic again accurately. The domineering heads of the day and night poured directly into the goal of the Romans. Score.

Looking at the celebratory Inter players, Sicinho felt as if he beeped the dog, where the whole person was stupid, as if thinking about life.

Is this the power of Valdy, even if he does not play, can bring immense deterrence to the opponent?

Seeing the team scoring a goal~ www.mtlnovel.com~ Mourinho called Valdi back and asked him to sit on the bench, which didn’t seem to require him to play.

In the next game, Inter’s momentum to equalize the score also came up completely, launching a wave of fierce attacks against the Roman position, which made Rome simply breathless.

However, the Red Wolf who sits at home is also extremely tenacious. In the cheering of the home fans, he almost made the defense to the extreme. All kinds of desperation, refusing Inter Milan outside the national goal, just firmly held his goal under the offensive.

Roma’s performance is commendable. This may be their best match against Inter.

However, Mourinho is clearly not just satisfied with a draw, even if playing away, he still wants to win.

As a result, Valdi was called by Mourinho to warm up on the sidelines, ready to go out to solve the battle at any time.

When seeing Valdy warming up again, the Roma players giggled.

Why did the Big Devil play again?

Don’t move, just blow up a king and scare people?


As a result, when the Roma players were disturbed by Valdy’s warm-up, they couldn’t concentrate and they were caught by Inter Milan, a fatal one.

Sneijder received Ibrahimovic’s back to do it, and his iconic burst shot broke the goal of Rome. Inter made a big reversal.

Looking at Valdi who was called back to the bench by Mourinho and quietly doing the game, and then look at the Inter players celebrated on the field, the Romans turned the sadness in their hearts into a river…

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