I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 46-2

That afternoon, as soon as lunchtime was over, the leaders of the Koutachi family rushed to where Otto was staying.

Since it was clear that Otto would inherit the Koutachi family, there was no need to say more.

They were just trying to get in line early.

<If anyone wants to show me some respect… you can come find me after lunch, and I might have time for you.>

Otto even gave them time to offer bribes.

“This is a gift for the master.”

“Oh my, this is quite valuable.”

Otto greedily accepted the bribes they offered.

“Number 37, where are you? Come out here quickly.”

“I’m here!”

Camille made numbered tickets and managed the waiting list, distributing them to the leaders of the Koutachi family.

‘I didn’t become a knight to end up doing this.’

But here he was, helping him even receive bribes…


“Oh, this is nothing special. I prefer cash.”

“I-Is that so?”

“It seems like your respect is lacking.”

“Oh, no! We’ll prepare again!”

Otto was preoccupied with appearing impressive to the leadership, and he seemed determined to take his share of the spoils.

Not only did he receive Conrad’s absolute trust and support, but he also received the loyalty of the leadership. He had no qualms about taking the money they had.

-That evening.

“Wow, how much is all of this worth?”

Otto was enjoying himself as he evaluated the value of the bribes he had received during the day.

But that wasn’t all.

During the process of confiscating the property of the publicly executed, Javier and Kujo, Otto managed to take a considerable amount of gold coins.

“Are you that happy about it?”

“Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

“Well, I guess it’s good news… but aren’t you being too obvious about it?”

“I have to be obvious about it.”

Otto frowned as if he meant something.

“To unify the world… no, the continent, I need a lot of money. Wars are fought with money, okay?”

“I completely agree that wars are fought with money… but why do you want to unify the continent so badly? Isn’t that insane? Isn’t it just ambition?”

There was logic in Camille’s words.

You couldn’t call it ambition to start a war and try to unify the continent without reason.


Because countless people would die because of one person’s greed.


“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“What do you think of the world right now?”

“I think it’s peaceful enough.”

“I think differently.”


“In my eyes, this world…”

Otto answered while recalling the main scenario of the game, “Territory War”.

“It looks like a ticking time bomb. A time bomb that will soon explode with a big bang. A big war is going to happen. The whole continent will be covered in blood.”

“Are you talking about the World War you mentioned before? The one that will start when the Arad Empire falls?”


Otto nodded his head.

“There’s still about three years left. We need to train a strong army, stockpile weapons and food within that time. For that, we need money. We also need to make a lot of alliances.”

“I can’t fully understand, but… I get it for the most part.”

Camille couldn’t fully understand Otto’s words.

However, since there is an old military maxim that says “If you want peace, prepare for war”, he thought it wasn’t a bad idea.

“Now that you understand, let’s go get some equipment.”

“What equipment are you suddenly talking about?”

“This is the Koutachi family we’re dealing with.”

Otto laughed heartily.

“How many good equipments do you think they have?”

“Well, that may be true, but…”

“Let’s take some of the equipment that’s rotting away in their warehouse.”

“But…are you sure”

“If we ask for it, they’ll give it to us.”

Otto believed that Conrad would fulfill his request without any suspicion because their rapport had already ended.


“Open the family treasure house?”

“Yes, grandfather.”

“Haa! My grandson my help to open it? Can’t you open the treasure house yourself? Oh well! I will open it for you, bring whatever you need.”

“Hehehe. Thank you.”

As expected by Otto, Conrad readily opened the treasure house.

In fact, the treasure house was the Koutachi family’s biggest asset.

It stored all kinds of weapons, armor, and accessories.

There were also hundreds of skill books containing various magic and swordsmanship techniques.

“Are all of these artifacts?”

Camille scanned the items on display in the treasure house and licked his lips.

“There are so many.”

“You probably haven’t seen so many artifacts displayed in one place before.”

“I haven’t. This is the only place like it.”

Otto had played the game multiple times before, so he wasn’t surprised by the size of the treasure house.

“Now, let’s see….”

Otto immediately moved towards the items he was looking for.

He knew exactly which items and skill books were valuable and where they were located in the treasure house.

So he didn’t need to browse around or look for them.

He just went to the location where the desired items and skill books were and obtained them.

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