I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 47

The first place Otto headed towards was a bookshelf where mana utilization techniques were stored.

The shelf contained over dozens of different mana utilization techniques.

‘Let’s see…’

Otto skimmed through the bookshelf and took out four books, placing them in his embrace.

[Notification: You have obtained the item <Gramaton’s Tome: Path of the Warrior>]

[Notification: You have obtained the item <Gramaton’s Tome: Path of the Mage>]

[Notification: You have obtained the item <Gramaton’s Tome: Path of the Gladiator’s Will>]

[Notification: You have obtained the item <Gramaton’s Tome: Path of the Sage’s Wisdom>]

“What are these books?”

“They are mana utilization techniques created by a genius. We’ll teach them to our troops in the future.”

“Genius? Who is it?”

“Gramaton von Koutachi. He was our ancestor who was active around 300 years ago. Strangely, he dedicated his entire life to researching mana utilization techniques before passing away, leaving these techniques as his legacy.”

“What are their effects?”

“They are mana utilization techniques necessary for using martial arts and magic. They are easy enough for anyone to learn, have fast growth rates, and provide excellent stability.”

“So, isn’t that a great thing?”

“But don’t expect too much. They are not high-level mana utilization techniques.”

“Still isn’t it a significant advantage that they are easy for beginners?”

“That’s right. It enables anyone to use mana, and they can become stronger in a short period.”

“If what you’re saying is true… the combat capabilities of soldiers and mages will strengthen rapidly.”

“Just getting stronger? Mass production is also possible because they are easy to learn.”

Producing soldiers and mages who can use mana?

It was a terrifying thought.

Ordinary soldiers not knowing how to use mana was the norm…

“The Gladiator’s Will and Sage’s Wisdom are for intermediate users. They help knights and formally trained mages become stronger at a faster pace.”

“Why would Koutachi family keep such incredible mana utilization techniques in this warehouse?”

“Because of deep-rooted misconceptions and excessive attachment.”


“The Koutachi family was obsessed with merging magic and swordsmanship. They only focused on producing powerful magic swordsmen and paid no attention to mobilizing a large force.”

“I see…”

“They never truly understood the value of these mana utilization techniques.”

Otto chuckled.

“But I’m different. I will teach these mana utilization techniques to our soldiers. Their combat capabilities will increase by at least three times.”

“I… I can’t even imagine.”

Camille couldn’t even fathom it.

Throughout history, such an army had never existed.

Individual soldiers using mana and being able to use basic magic?

If such an army existed…


‘It might not be a dream.’

Camille thought that Otto’s ambition to achieve continental unification might not be an empty boast.


Otto, holding Gramaton’s Tome, also grabbed books about various weapon techniques and magic that he would teach the soldiers.

Though the things Otto collected were all fundamental, they had the advantage of being easy to learn and having rapid growth.

And… “Starting today, learn this.”

Otto extended a book towards Camille.

“What is this?”

“The Swiftblade.”

“Swift… blade?”

“It suits you well.”

Through his research, Otto knew which swordsmanship style would suit Camille best.

Based on Otto’s experience, if Camille mastered the ‘Swiftblade,’ he would become incredibly powerful at an astonishing speed and eventually grow into an SSS-grade hero unit.


Otto infused mana into the book.

A hologram-like figure of a person emerged from the book, demonstrating the swordsmanship stance.

“Mastering swordsmanship with just a book is impossible, right? But this book makes it possible. It was written with magic, so even without a good mentor, you can learn swordsmanship. It also contains information about mana utilization techniques, so let’s learn together.”

“Oh my goodness…”

“The Koutachi family isn’t just an ordinary family, you know? This place holds tremendous power.”

With a smile, Otto handed Camille the skill book containing the ‘Swiftblade.’

“Now, let’s go get some equipment.”

“Oh, understood.”

Camille looked astonished by unexpectedly obtaining the high-level swordsmanship technique, the ‘Swiftblade.’

“Here, take this too.”

Otto handed Camille a set of armor and a sword.

“It’s the Set of Abyssal Resolve. As the user becomes stronger, the equipment’s stats keep increasing.”

“Such precious items…”

“I’ll get you an even better sword later, but for now, use that. It’s called the Fang of the Ice Dragon. It suits you well.”

“I’ll handle it carefully.”

“You’ll look great.”

With a smirk, Otto set off to find the items he would wear.

In truth, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that there were no graduation-level items in the Koutachi family’s treasure vault that Otto could continuously use.

Due to his rapid growth, he had to replace any item he used with a better one in no time.

So, he hastily filled his inventory with whatever was available, knowing that he could retrieve and use them when needed.

[Notification: You have obtained the <Life Excavation Device> item!]

[Notification: You have obtained the <Cradle of Partisan> item!]



[Notification: You have obtained the <Enchanting Bracelet of Spells> item!]

[Notification: You have obtained the <Shield: Reap What You Sow> item!]

Otto roughly dumped all the usable items into his inventory.

Then he equipped a rough and massive sword called <Berserker sword> and a set of armor named <Resolute Weedwalker’s Greaves>.

‘With these, there shouldn’t be any problems until level 150.’

Otto had spent a long time researching to clear the game, and he knew the optimal item setup based on the level.

‘I definitely need to take this.’

Lastly, Otto picked up a small bead.

[Notification: You have obtained the <Vile Death Bead> item!]

Otto immediately put the bead into his mouth.

Then, the bead slid smoothly into his mouth and dissolved.

“What are you doing?”

Camille furrowed his brows as Otto suddenly swallowed the bead.

“It’s not food, so why would you…?”

At that moment.


Otto spat something out.


Something swiftly passed by Camille’s face.

Startled! Camille attempted to react as something flew towards him, but it was too late.

There was a small hole in the wall behind him.

If that something had pierced through his forehead…


Just the thought of it was dreadful.

“What… did you spit at me?”


“Spit… pierced through the wall?”

“This one can.”

Otto opened his mouth wide.

Then, the <Vile Death Bead> that had melted in his mouth regained its form.

“Why do you have such filthy, deadly, and vile weapons?”

“No need to praise it.”

“Do you consider that praise?”

“Well, then it’s praise. Dirty, deadly, and vile things are good. It means the opponent got furious.”


“Anyway, now that we have everything we need, let’s go have a late-night snack.”

It seemed that Otto quite liked the fancy desserts of the Koutachi family.


The next morning.

“So, what are you planning to do now?”

“For now, I want to go back and do my duty.”


Conrad’s expression hardened upon hearing Otto’s response.

“You are now the heir of the mighty Koutachi family. You are meant to succeed this old man and become the head of the Koutachi family and eventually the king of this land. Don’t you understand that?”

“Yes, I do.”

“But despite that, you want to go back to that rural corner?”

“It’s not the right time yet.”


“My goal is to unify the continent.”

“Continent unification…”

“The geographical location and the surrounding circumstances here are not favorable. It’s unsuitable for undertaking something big.”

Otto’s words were true.

Around the Koutachi Kingdom, there were so many powerful nations that trying to expand their influence could easily attract aggression and result in a concentrated counterattack.

“For now, I will return to the Kingdom of Lota and quietly strengthen my power.”


“I hope you can wait until then. I will continue to explore the stronghold intermittently, so you don’t have to worry.”

“If that’s your intention, I won’t stop you for now.”

Conrad listened to Otto’s explanation of his own grand plan and was granted permission for his return to the Kingdom of Lota.

“I will send 30 Dark Knights, 100 Knights, and 20 Magicians with you. And I won’t spare any financial support either. If you need any help, you can always ask this old man.”


“My grandson is going to achieve great things, so as your grandfather, I should at least do this much for you.”

Conrad’s support was tremendous.

High-level personnel such as Dark Knights, Knights, and Magicians couldn’t be trained overnight.

They were elite forces that required consistent education and training for at least 5 to 10 years.

For the Kingdom of Lota, which was just taking its first steps as an emerging nation, Conrad’s support was like a timely rain during a drought.

“Thank you very much, Grandfather”

“Hahaha, don’t mention it. Your old man can do anything for you. Don’t disappoint me, got it?”

“I will show you results.”

“You better. I have high expectations for you.”

Conrad didn’t consider Otto’s assurances as empty words.

Based on the abilities Otto had demonstrated in the past week, Conrad believed he was more than capable of achieving great things.


That night.

Conrad threw a grand party to celebrate Otto’s return to the Kingdom of Lota.

[Hey, kid! Give me a chance, please! How can I miss out on the party? Didn’t I agree to your request last time?]

Kairos, who had been quiet until then, started causing a scene as soon as the party began, demanding to switch bodies.

He could remain calm at other times, but it seemed he couldn’t tolerate a party overflowing with alcohol and meat.

‘You think I’m crazy? Letting you borrow my body again?’

No way. Well, aside from that.

“Ugh, just thinking about that hangover… It still feels like my stomach is turning upside down.”

Otto shuddered, remembering the time when Kairos borrowed his body and almost died from the hangover.

[Please… Just allow me for an hour…]

‘Not happening.’

[You don’t want to? Are you heartless? I have risked my life for you more than once…]

At that moment.

“Hello there.”

A young man with silver hair approached Otto and greeted him.


Otto was taken aback when he saw the face of the silver-haired young man.

‘Why is he here?’

The appearance of someone unexpected, whom he didn’t expect to meet from the Koutachi family.

But Otto wasn’t the only one surprised by this turn of events.

[That guy, who! Who is he?]

Kairos exclaimed angrily.

[Who… Who is that guy? Tell me who he is.]

‘What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?’

[I need you to lend me your body right now! Right now! I have to find out who that guy is.]

‘Hey, calm down! What’s gotten into you?’

[He looks so much like him… So much…]


[Argon… The one who betrayed me… The one who I thought as a brother… ]


Only then did Otto understand Kairos’ words and nodded.

‘I understand what you mean. He does look like him, doesn’t he? It’s possible.’


‘He’s the descendant of Argon, the Great Emperor.’

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