I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 411

### Chapter: 411

Skill Thief.

Kraush found himself in a situation where he had to literally steal skills, and where was the first place he chose to go?

Of course, it was Icarus.

Icarus was where countless talented individuals gathered from all over the world.

Naturally, it was also a place with a high proportion of those with skills.

To prevent the damage caused by divine manifestations, removing the source was the best approach.

Hence, Kraush prioritized visiting Icarus.

‘If this is selfishness, then so be it.’

Kraush wanted to avoid any of his close friends facing divine manifestations as much as possible.

Icarus was home to those precious individuals he cared about.

They were also the reason he needed to protect the world.

[I’ve already informed the Third Princess in various locations.]

Kraush nodded upon hearing the information relayed through Crimson Garden.
He had sent word for those with skills to gather at Icarus first.

With divine manifestations causing chaos all over the world, it was undoubtedly frustrating for those who had been locked away just for having skills.

‘While skill-based strength undoubtedly holds significant weight…’

The true strong ones possess their unique strength beyond skills.
Kraush was well aware of this, having witnessed it firsthand.

Even without those skills, they could shine brightly.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen so many familiar faces.”

Saying this, Kraush pushed open the doors of Icarus.

Immediately, he was met with a hall filled with people.

“Welcome back.”

The first to greet him was none other than Lakradiyon.

She had wanted to become Kraush’s knight ever since the events in the Magic Temple, and she was still actively participating in Icarus after joining during the Gifted Era.

Having served as Kraush’s secretary during her time in Icarus, Kraush scanned the surroundings lightly.

Everyone was familiar.
While new faces were consistently joining, Kraush also kept his list updated.

With that in mind, a smile crept onto Kraush’s face.

“Isn’t it nice to finally get a break after all your hard work?”

These were the people who normally poured their efforts into the Age of Great Exploration in Icarus.
The fact that they were all gathered together like this was likely the first time since the Gifted Era.

He could see everyone chuckling awkwardly.
All those with skills had left their weapons behind.
They were aware that they too could be targeted by gods.

“Everyone, given the urgency, I’ll keep this brief.”

Kraush stood at the center of the group and continued,
“To stop the gods’ manifestation, can you lend me your skills?”

According to Blavi, the gods are planning to allow world erosion to reign once again in this world.
Kraush was determined to prevent it at all costs.

Thus, these skills were a crucial part of their lives.
When Kraush bowed his head to request them, someone stepped forward.


Kraush turned at the call of his name.
There, he spotted a familiar face—
Haring Lagrain.

His wife, she had the skill Invisible.
As she reached out her hand to Kraush, complete trust shone in her eyes.

“Take my skill.”

Kraush called her name, grateful, and clasped her hand tightly.

“You might never use your skill again.”
“It’s fine. I’ve never lived a life relying solely on my skills.”

Haring’s words brought a soft smile to Kraush’s face.
Kraush activated his Black Hood.
The Black Hood spread from his hand and stole Haring’s skill.

Haring opened and closed her hand with a slightly relieved expression.
Then, she turned to Kraush, smiling faintly.
“Make good use of it.”
“Of course.”

Haring had some inkling of what was to come.
Kraush was about to head into another grueling battle.

“Here I am worrying already. What’s with this happy chatter?”

At that moment, another figure appeared next to Haring.
Astria Stigma Freeman.

As the former saintess, she took a breath while looking at Kraush.

“To be honest, I’d rather not pass my skills to you.”

Astria possessed three skills, all of which were related to healing.
Kraush understood well why Astria showed such a displeased reaction.

“If I’m not around, who’s going to heal you?”

Most of Astria’s healing abilities were skill-dependent.
So naturally, she was quite concerned about Kraush possibly getting into trouble again.

“Astria, your healing is not entirely reliant on skills.”

But Astria wasn’t called a saintess for nothing.
Even without skills, she possessed recovery capabilities that far exceeded ordinary healers.

Though she might not be able to cure Kraush instantly as before,
just the fact that she was there meant Kraush wouldn’t have to worry much about injuries on the battlefield.

Though Astria still harbored concerns, she raised her hand.
Kraush took her hand firmly.

Then, the Black Hood activated.
The three healing skills Astria possessed began to flow into Kraush.

Perhaps because Astria had used them for a while,
the skills felt incredibly warm upon entering him.

“Good job.”

Bianca, watching from a distance, nodded at Astria.

“Phew, I don’t know if this was really the right thing to do.”

Astria, still worried about Kraush’s future, pulled out a letter.
“This is how you can utilize the skills I had. If you can use them, go ahead.”

Did she prepare something like this too?
“Thank you.”
Kraush accepted the letter gratefully.

Thus, with his two wives leading the charge, those with skills began stepping forward one by one to Kraush.

“Please take care of this, Captain.”
“Ha ha, who would have thought I’d be giving away skills someday.”
“Use it wisely. I’ve grown attached to it.”
“I’m always grateful.”

The phrases of the Icarus members passed by Kraush’s ears.
For them, skills were a part of their lives.
And they were willingly passing those parts on to Kraush.

Kraush felt truly thankful as he expressed his gratitude in turn.
Did his past self ever think that he would come to receive skills willingly rather than by forcibly stealing them?

“Captain, some among the members experienced divine manifestations.”

One member bowed while handing over their skill to Kraush.
These members of Icarus had been sent across the world for the sake of the Age of Great Exploration.
Among them, there were those who had indeed fallen prey to divine manifestations.

“I hope you can save them.”
“Anyone who is a teammate is also my comrade.”

These were people within Icarus.
Kraush felt it was only natural to take responsibility.

“I’ll definitely save them all.”

Upon hearing Kraush’s affirmation, relief washed over the member’s face.

Kraush, the captain of Icarus and the Heavenly Sword’s Dragon Lord.
His assurance carried significant weight.

Before long, the line began to dwindle.
During the process, Kraush came face to face with another familiar face.

The bowman, Aniks Graiza.
He was someone with a complicated past but now a classmate from Rahern Academy.
Alongside him were Balak and Elfin, known as the Three Stars of Starlon.

It seemed they had arrived after hearing about Kraush.
Icarus was relatively close to Starlon’s domain, after all.

“What a troublesome fate.”
“Troublesome? Quite the stretch there.”

Aniks brushed his brown hair back, smiling briefly.
His nonchalant demeanor seemed unchanged.

“You’re still alive despite confessing to the elder sister and getting dumped, huh?”

Once, Aniks had harbored feelings for Charlotte.
Before his reincarnation, he eventually fell apart due to it.
However, now he appeared free of jealousy or regrets.

“Got dumped hard. Just like Charlotte.”
“Those who dare try are said to be beautiful. Guess you don’t fit that bill.”
“That’s only how it looks to you, Kraush.”

Kraush and Aniks had built a better rapport over time.
As time passed, memories from before his reincarnation began to fade.

Perhaps someday, those memories of reincarnation would be completely forgotten.
A world where he could reminisce about it without a care—
This was the world Kraush wished for.

“This skill is important and has been passed down through our family.”

Aniks extended his hand.
Kraush took his hand firmly.

“Good, I’ll make great use of it.”
“Trust that I’ll make better use of it than you expect.”
“Now that’s genuinely something to look forward to.”

Seeing Aniks chuckle made Kraush take in the skill.
Next, Elfin passed her skill to Kraush as well.

With that, he had collected all the skills from the people gathered in Icarus.
Considering those who would come to Icarus in the future, there would undoubtedly be many skills left to acquire.

However, Kraush could already feel the divine energy surging within him.
After burning all the skills deemed hard to apply, they had transformed completely into divine power.


Kraush clenched his fists, recalling his encounter with Abella.
Perhaps he could ascend to an even higher level than before.
And this would certainly become the best means to confront the gods.

[Kraush, something has happened.]

At that moment, a voice from Crimson Garden echoed in Kraush’s ears.
[The Sword King.]

Kraush widened his eyes, realizing who Crimson Garden had mentioned.
[He has experienced a divine manifestation.]

The Ten Great Lords, Sword King Raia Balheim.
One of the Ten Great Lords had also fallen victim to a divine manifestation.

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