I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 412

### Chapter: 412

The Ten Great Lords.

Sword King, Raia Balheim.

Kraush’s older brother and the vice-family head of the Balheim family.

When he heard the news that Raia had fallen victim to a divine manifestation, Kraush thought it was a lie.

However, upon arriving directly at Balheim…

Kraush took a deep breath at the scene before him.

Balheim was utterly devastated.

Often referred to as the strongest family in the world, along with Starlon, this was Balheim.

Yet, it looked as if it had been wiped from this earth—completely wrecked.

Ruined buildings and massive swords were scattered about.

Even among the knights, some had lost their lives.

‘I thought I’d never see a scene like this again outside of my past life.’

Even Balheim couldn’t have suspected an internal threat, especially not from the vice-family head.

The cold wind swept through the desolate Balheim.

In the distance, injured knights were being treated.

Next to them, a tent caught his eye.

There, a familiar face could be seen.

A woman sitting between Valkyries, unchanging in expression even amidst this turmoil, was Kraush’s mother, Aria Balheim.

Upon locking eyes with Aria, she gave him a gentle smile.

Seeing that, Kraush frowned instead.

His mother wasn’t someone he wanted to be around.

“Kraush, you’ve come.”

Hearing her call, Kraush turned his head.

There stood a woman with dark blue hair wrapped in bandages around her arm.

Lilish Balheim.

Kraush’s older sister.

At that time, the only ones in Balheim were Lilish, a few knights, and elders.

The other knights and the Guardian Sword of Balheim had all gone out to help stop the divine manifestations.

Raia and Lilish were those with skills.

They had remained at the family home just in case, and now they were in this mess.

“Sister, where’s father?”

Kraush had also heard that the Sword King was moving to stop the gods.

As the Heavenly Sword, he couldn’t just sit idle in this situation.


Lilish’s expression turned slightly troubled.

Taking a very short breath, she said to Kraush,

“Kraush, since you’re here, he said he wouldn’t come.”

What does that even mean?

Kraush chuckled dryly.

If anything, that was typical of his father.

‘Has he been keeping an eye on my progress?’

He must have heard that Kraush was starting to regain his strength.

Certainly, if he had heard that news, it would be a waste for both Heavenly Sword brothers to come here.

No need to expend excess power unnecessarily.

“Kraush, even now…”

Lilish spoke with a worried expression.

Then it dawned on her that she didn’t know Kraush had regained his strength.

“It’s fine, sister. While I’m not quite back to my old self, I’ve gotten quite strong.”

Kraush had armed himself with numerous skills from Icarus.

He had melted down all the skills that he found too tricky to use, replacing them with divine powers instead.

Kraush’s overall strength was approaching its former peak faster than expected.

Upon hearing this, Lilish lightly tapped Kraush on the shoulder.

“That might be so, but it’s just as dangerous. Better to have one more person. I don’t want to send you out alone.”

Realizing that Lilish was genuinely worried for him brought a faint smile to Kraush’s face.

He was always grateful to Lilish for reminding him of family bonds.

“Sister, don’t worry.”

Kraush said as he turned his head back.

“From the looks of things, I don’t think I’ll be going alone.”

Just then, as Kraush turned to look, a woman was approaching.

With long, dark blue hair flowing in the wind, she met Kraush’s gaze and smiled her signature smile.

Now a member of the Ten Great Lords,

Mu King, Charlotte Balheim.

She had made her appearance.

“Sister, little brother, long time no see.”

Charlotte walked over majestically, greeting them briefly.


Lilish’s face lit up with joy.

Though she hadn’t grown close to Charlotte like she had with Kraush, she was still family.

Kraush looked at Charlotte with curiosity and asked,

“Sister, they say you’ve found someone to marry, although you always said you’d live with your sword?”

Charlotte, who had claimed she would spend her life with the sword, causing a stir when news of her potential marriage circulated the world.

Everyone was dying to know who the guy that wooed her could possibly be.

“Isn’t it exciting? Our little brother has been interested in me!”

Charlotte chuckled at Kraush’s words.

“I can’t help but hear the rumors floating around.”

There was no way to avoid hearing the chatter.

“Be sure to invite me to the wedding when it happens.”

Charlotte nodded at Lilish’s words.

From her reaction, it appeared she was indeed planning to hold a wedding soon.

‘What a remarkable guy.’

To have charmed Charlotte just like that; it was truly impressive.

“Kraush, Charlotte.”

At that moment, Kraush grimaced at the sound of a voice he knew all too well.

Because, without a doubt, it was his mother, Aria.

But Aria didn’t seem to care at all about Kraush’s sour expression.

“Lilish, could you step aside for a moment?”

She even had the audacity to push Lilish out of the way.

“What are you doing?”

Seeing Aria’s boldness, Kraush’s voice cut through with a sharp tone, but Lilish raised her hand to intervene.

“Feel free to talk. Mother.”

Lilish willingly stepped aside to facilitate their conversation.

Kraush glared at Aria, who returned his gaze with a smug smile.

“My son, that look you have towards your mother is a bit much, don’t you think?”

“Well, it’s a relief you’ve noticed. That look is definitely not directed at you.”

Aria took no offense at his dismissal.

Instead, she carried on speaking as if it were a pleasant chat.

“Raia, that child killed all the elders of Balheim.”

Kraush belatedly scanned the area.

Just as she said, not a single elder was in sight.

“I can’t say that Raia didn’t mean to do this.”

“Are you suggesting my brother intentionally used the manifestation of the gods to kill the elders?”

Aria simply shrugged, presenting her doubts.

“Perhaps the elders thought Raia would become head of the family and didn’t like it. That might be what led to this mess.”

Charlotte and Kraush.

The two younger siblings showed their might, greatly enhancing the Balheim name.

Charlotte was among the Ten Great Lords,

While Kraush had become not just of that caliber, but also the Heavenly Sword and the Hero who protected the world.

In contrast, Raia, still a member of the Ten Great Lords, had gone quietly without leaving any significant achievements behind.

It was only natural for the elders to have mixed opinions when they saw potential in the two young ones.

Especially since many of the elders had already tossed their loyalties to Aria.

She had been trying to butter them up to have either Kraush or Charlotte take over the family head position.

Knowing this well, Kraush found Aria’s words hard to swallow.

“My brother isn’t the type to do something like that.”

“My dear son, you never know. Power and position can have more influence than you might imagine. Especially for those who have sat upon such thrones.”

Aria had once been in such a position herself.

Human beings simply can’t escape power and status.

“Raia, don’t trust him too much. If you reflect on why there are so few brothers left among the previous heads of Balheim, you might find the answer.”

Aria was just here to warn them and began walking back to the Valkyries.

As Kraush watched her retreating figure, Charlotte let out a chuckle.

“Mother sure talks a lot.”

Charlotte didn’t harbor any ill feelings toward Aria like Kraush did.

Yet, she also didn’t feel a deep connection either.

“What will you do, Kraush?”

Charlotte asked, seeking his opinion.

Kraush already had his mind made up.

“What will I do? Same as always.”

Kraush gripped the hilt of his sword, the Heavenly Sword.

“I’m going to take down my brother.”

He had to show just how terrifying a younger brother’s rebellion can be.

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