I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 105

**Due to a translation error, I have been translating the name for commoners/peasants of the known world as 'Free Folk', that is incorrect, it should actually be 'Smallfolk', or 'Lowborn'. 'Free Folk', or 'Wildlings' is the name given to those who live beyond the Wall to the North, from this chapter on I will be correcting it.


"Within the Pyramids, you were the first to rise up?" Dany asked the 'honest' Cleon.

Cleon took out a scroll of parchment from his waist and said with a smile: "I found this."

"you are literate?"

"I have been a slave since I was but a child, I can't read, but a scholar is literate. With a sword on his neck, he is willing to say and do anything."

Speaking, he turned to the tall and strong group behind him. The slave pointed and said: "Through the window, I saw your army and your Dragon outside the city, so I joined the kitchen slaves to respond to the call of the Mother of Dragons and killed Good Master Grazdan's family with a kitchen knife and Butcher's Blade."

Dany nods and asks: "I will announce that all slaves are free, and I will reward those who hold achievements in the uprising. Since you are the first to ask me for a reward, then as first reward will be given, talk, what do you want? Do not worry, now you are free, you have the freedom to express your wish."

"Is it really possible?" Cleon's face shined, eagerly.

"Of course."

After hesitating for a moment, the butcher said, "Your Majesty will you go north to liberate the cities of Yunkai and Meereen, or do you want to return to Westeros?"

"It's very likely for me to head north."

The portly man said with bright eyes, "I'd like to serve Queen Daenerys, just like a Lord of Westeros of the Seven Kingdoms."

In other words, you desire Astapor?

This requirement seems to be outrageous, but in fact, it is more in line with the "natural conditions", especially in the customs of Westeros.

The Crownlands, directly ruled by House Targaryen, are the smallest of the Seven Kingdoms and are not as rich as the Reach, Riverlands, and Vale of Arryn lands.

The seven Lords, including the Iron Islands Lord Greyjoy, have a high degree of autonomy in their respective territories.

For example, the Lords often lead the Petty Lords in their domain to rebel against the King.

In general, minor Lords and the Lowborn in the territory are much more loyal to their Lord than to the King on the Iron Throne, unless that King sprays DragonFire.

In this Feudal world, if Dany really leaves Astapor and Slaver's Bay, it is all but guaranteed she will leave a Lord or King in these slave city-states.

So, even though Whitebeard and Jorah wore ugly complexions, they didn't speak out against Cleon.

"Cleon, you're very motivated, which is good." Dany encouraged him first, then said, "But you should understand that under a Lord, there are still Knights and Smallfolk."1(T.N)

Pausing, after the butcher digested the hidden meaning of her words, Dany continued with a smile: "If you want to reach the top of the Pyramid, you have to climb its stairs one step at a time.

Of course, you can also go directly to the top garden, for example, I have a Dragon, and riding a Dragon can ignore all obstacles on the ground."

Cleon's face somewhat ugly, he asked stiffly: "I can only be a Knight?"

Whitebeard looked even colder and advised Dany: "A Westeros Knight does not just represent rank and nobility. Her Highness, you have to be careful."

Cleon squinted at the old man from the corner of his eyes, unconsciously showing a trace of murderous intention.

Not to mention the seasoned Whitebeard and Jorah, even the novice Dany noticed it.

This porker is a ruthless character!

"Cleon, don't blame Ser Arstan for being too upright. I can declare that, as a slave of the first uprising in the Pyramid, you have enough morals to be a Knight.

But a Knight also needs a Knights skills, the ability to fight on horseback in iron armor…You have fought within the Great Pyramid, and you have made outstanding achievements. I will give you the status of Ser, which is a Knight's title, are you willing to accept it?"

Cleon's big, stiff face showed a grin, and loudly shouted, "Ser Cleon will."

In a way, Cleon's offer to ask for a knighthood also did Dany a big favor.

That is to break the existing regime structure of Astapor and establish a new "new Westeros" political structure with Queen Dany as the core.

To put it simply, Cleon unintentionally helped Dany complete a "reform" campaign.

The reason it's the "new" Westeros Feudal System…obviously someone must have mixed it up with too much bootleg from China.

Then Dany takes Cleon to a wooden table in the center of the Plaza of Punishment.

The corpses of the slaves hanging there are still unremoved. Under the bright white sun,  flies and maggots move among the carrion, and the dead still twitch. A rancid stench permeated the air with the smell of death.

Dany endured disgust, tried to make a calm expression, and shouted to the slaves and servants gathered around the wooden platform: "Has everyone seen it? This is what it means to be a slave, your own fate is not in your own hands! Without right to freedom and progress, what we want to end is a system that would allow such actions in this world!

In this uprising, the Butcher Cleon was the first to respond to my call, His heart that still yearns for freedom led him to make the right choice – to help in abolishing slavery.

He has set an example for slaves in this world who are still shackled in mind and body.

He not only liberated himself but also the Great Pyramid, under his leadership, the 2,000 slaves overthrew the rule of the greatest slave master family in all of Astapor.

To this end, when he asked me for knighthood, I said yes.

Now, in front of everyone, Ser Cleon will be the first man to go from slave to Ser in one day."

Dany looked around, the more than 10,000 slaves at the scene were silent, and they all looked toward the butcher who happily waved to the crowd.

"Cleon, do you know of the etiquette for being promoted to a Ser?" she whispered.

"Only a little Your Majesty."

"Hmm…" Dany looked up, and shouted loudly: "Ser Cleon!"

The butcher was stunned into kneeling in front of her with a look of expectation, "I would be honored to be the subject of Queen Daenerys."

"Deng!" Dany took out the sword from her waist, put the tip of the sword on Cleon's shoulder, and asked: "Are you willing to fight for the cause of liberating all slaves for the rest of your life?"

This oath…is something wrong with what that scholar had told him?

Cleon was only stunned for a but a moment, then he felt a tingling pain in his neck and suddenly woke up smartly, and when he saw the impatient look in Queen Daenerys' eyes, he immediately shouted loudly: "I do!"

Dany moved the blade around his neck to the other side, and said with a smile: "Would you be the leading figure of the slave liberation movement?"

"I will!"

Dammit, my neck is bleeding!?

It hurts!

It turns out that when Westeros nobles took an oath, the sword on their shoulders holds such a 'weight'…

"Will you be the representative of the slave rebels?" Dany asked again.

"I will."

"Very well, I understand your determination, Ser." Dany changed the blooded tip of her sword to his shoulder and solemnly announced Said: "I now give you the honorary title of 'Ser Chainbreaker', you may also choose 'Chainbreaker' as your last name.

Use your Butcher's Blade to cut off the slaving shackles under the Harpy's claws, my Ser Chainbreaker Cleon!"

The Ghis are known as the "Sons of the Harpy", and Astapor is marked by the claws of the Harpy with the shackles open.

As for that surname… Cleon's family has been slaves for several generations and has no surname at all. Using a title as a surname was also Dany's plan.

"I, Cleon Chainbreaker, swear on my title of Ser Chainbreaker, that I will protect my oath with my life!" Cleon swore happily to his new bound oath.

To be honest, although he asked Dany for the seat as the Lord of Astapor, he didn't have high expectations deep in his heart.

After all, the one who rules Astapor now is Queen Daenerys who holds the Unsullied, and Dragons, Yunkai, and Meereen are naught to be even a challenge!

What he wants most is to be within the top class. As the only Ser among the slaves, he thinks that his identity at this time is already fit for the right to be over the other slaves.

He is satisfied for the time being with achieving his goal.

"Cheers for Ser Chainbreaker!" Dany took the lead in applauding as she returned her sword to its scabbard.

"Long live Queen Daenerys!"

"Long live the Mother of Dragons!"

"Ser Chainbreaker, Ser Chainbreaker!"

. . . .

There are chaotic shouts, claps, stomps, and the crunching of chains colliding below.

After a while, Dany pressed her hands down, pointed at the crucified corpse, and said to Cleon, "Ser Chainbreaker, cut their chains for me."

"As you bid!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Ser Cleon, who was surging with vigor, pulled out the Butcher's Blade around his waist and cut off the hemp ropes tied to the slave's wrist, ankle, and neck.

Dany one-knee kneels, personally undoing the collar on the dead slave's neck, each time she unfastens the collar, she lifts it over the top of her head so that all the slaves in the audience can see, and then throws it to the ground, making a loud noise: "I declare that you are free and are returned your identity as Commoners within the land of God."

A dozen corpses in a row, her white hands were stained with blood, minced meat, and a few maggots.

"Mother of Dragons, Mother of Dragons…"

"Mhysa, Mhysa, Mhysa!"

The slaves below cried her name, and gradually, the Mother of Dragons becomes "Mhysa".

Mhysa means "Mother" in the Ghiscari language of the Old Empire of Ghis.

The warm atmosphere at the scene also moved Dany, who originally only did it for show and ceremony.

Alas, one can't just think about ruling the world and building a kingdom, one should bring something better to this world.

Abolishing the slave system is one of those goals!

At this moment, Dany's mind fell into a firm belief.

She patted the newly promoted Ser on the shoulder and ordered: "Ser Cleon, now I give you an honorable mission to lead your original slaves to various Pyramids to recruit survivors and betrayers, you don't have to go into battle in person. Sers can recruit guards."

Glancing sideways at the bloodied dirt on his shoulders, Cleon kneeled: "As you bid!"

"Ser, you have to understand that your title was promoted due to merit," Dany said meaningfully.

The implied meaning in those words was too obvious, Ser Celon's eyes lit up, and he excitedly said: "I shall complete this honorable mission in your name Your Majesty!"

After the dirty work was handed over to the Ser Chainbreaker of wild ambition, Dany continues the ceremony.

She first gave a sincere speech, mainly expressing her deep hatred for the slave system and her deep sympathy for the slaves.

Then it's the same as the Dothraki slaves and the Unsullied: if you wish to attain freedom, you must fight for yourself.

Well, the slaves who participated in the riot were separated from the rest of the Astapor by the Unsullied guards.

The slaves of the battlefield uprising have paid their price in blood, Dany walks past them one by one, as the Unsullied unlocks the chains and collars for them, and she loudly declares: "You have won your freedom with your hands and courage."

Except for the 2,000 slaves who died in battle, there are more than 5,000 slaves who rioted and survived, and they were all brought over by the Unsullied.

And after the Unsullied announced Dany's policy on the block, the Plaza of Pride also watched the ten thousand slaves who were watching – their masters dared not detain them any longer.

For their inactions, Dany didn't shame them, she just asked them to shout "I want freedom" like yesterday's Unsullied.

Almost everyone shouted.

Well, "almost" means there are still people who don't want to be free.


(T.N.:Unfortunatly while the Author of this work has done a very extensive amount of research to create this novel, especially as they are natively Chinese and have to read through their own translation, they wrote it under the thought that in either 'The Song of Ice and Fire', or 'The Game of Thrones' there is a standard European style Nobility System(Earls, Barons, Marquises, Dukes, etc.) It is not the case for the original story, as such I have to do more editing and translation work to keep it more consistent with its source material, so I apologize in advance if it feels slightly off.

The actual nobility ranking within 'The Game of Thrones' is both relatively simple yet still surprisingly complex, as it goes, Smallfolk(commoners), Sers(Knights), Landed Knights(Only slightly above Sers, they are knights given a keep and granted land to administer), Petty Lords(Still within the rank of Lord, but given its own distinction), Lords, and the King.)

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