I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 108

     The Plaza of the People and the Freedom Fighters Monument are not simple decorations. The so-called liberation of slaves is not the end of the shackles.

Daenerys in the original story thought that they were the same thing, and she screwed up.

After destroying the old system, a new system must be established to make society operate stably, otherwise, the world without a system will be worse than the old world.

The Plaza and monument are mainly to remind the new commoners: You are the masters of this city, and it is right to build and defend your home.

Well, Dany took down the slave city yesterday and is going to put new "shackles" on the commoners today.

She needs them to work, to serve, to farm.

In the morning, Dany, with the Unsullieds' help, undid all the slave collars.

Beginning in the afternoon, under the scorching sun, the new Smallfolk lined up in a long queue in the red brick square, waiting to register their name, occupation, family status, and expectations for the future at the clerical desk in front of the pyramid.

Yesterday afternoon, after liberating the slave Warriors, Dany's next target for liberation was the slaves who came out of the pyramid.

Physical workers such as cooks, cleaners, textile workers, etc. are all happy and grateful to the Mother of Dragons, but when it is the turn for the scholars, gardeners, doctors, and other high-class workers, they are reluctant to become commoners.

When Dany asked the reason, Ethan the scholar said: "The Good Masters treat me very well. Food, housing, and clothing are all High-Level supplies. The work is considered easy, and two maids are serving me. If I go out to make a living, I may not survive.

If Your Majesty really wants to be nice to us, you might as well sell us to Yunkai, or Meereen, we are very popular and can be sold for a lot of money."

It is not difficult to understand, the Qing Dynasty had a bondservant system, and the coat was actually a slave.

Why are there still many people rushing to be the slaves of the Manchu nobles? Even the heroine Qing Chuanwen, the identity of most "big" heroines is to wrap clothes.

She is a slave, her life and dignity are not her own, and her daughter and wife can have fun with the master as she pleases.

Even modern women in a new society want to go back and be slaves to the Manchus. This is...hell!

The problem is that the Manchu class system is "Imperial Family – nobles – wrapped – Han officials – Han people", if it is the Imperial Family's wrapped slaves, then the status is really no better than ordinary Manchus.

First of all, they don't worry about food and clothing. They have what the emperor has, and most of them have what the emperor doesn't have. Second, rights, as the saying goes, also depend on the owner, the emperor's dog, under normal circumstances. Who would actually attack them?

Finally, the future, being a slave to the emperor would have no future?

How many princes and grandsons are there? Even Emperor Jiaqing's mother is also a slave– this is the core driving force of Qing women.

Scholars like Ethan and the others are similar.

Dany's way of dealing with them is also simple. Since you guys are so cheap, then be a slave to me, just to save me a lot of money!

As of now, dozens of scholars, each with a table and a chair, with a parasol on their heads, are neatly arranged under the Great Pyramid steps.

In the scoring sun, help the commoners to register their identity, issue identity documents, brow beaded with sweat, and gasp for breath.

Dany doesn't have to pay them a penny, as slaves work for their masters without pay.

But instead of hiding in the pyramid to enjoy the coolness, she moved a chair to sit in the middle of the clerical desk and answered questions for the commoners herself.

In this world, and Westeros in particular, Kings hold a duty to regularly meet with complainants.

Those who have grievances, those who encounter difficulties, and those who want to have a heart-to-heart with the King, can line up at the castle at a fixed time and wait for the King's summons.

If the King is lazy, the Hand of the King will handle it for you.

For example, Eddard Stark sat on the Iron Throne to accept the people of the Riverlands complaining about the atrocities of Ser Clegane, which triggered a series of events such as the "Brotherhood Without Banners" and "Lady Stoneheart".

Here, the Hand of the King can represent the King, sitting on the seat of the King, controlling all the military and finances of the country, and having the power to appoint and dismiss officials.

Except for not being able to sleep with the King's wife, they can do everything King can do.

But the Targaryen Dynasty's three-hundred-year foundation, including the subsequent Robert and Lannister Dynasties, did not rebel against a single Hand of the King, all of them were very loyal, and the King wanted to kill, let him kill.

Mainly because, in the country of the Feudal System, the Hand of the King is just the Hand of the King.

They only represent the King and his prestige will be greatly reduced if he leaves the Crownlands, even more, what of the Hand of the King rebelling?

No Hand of the King has ever rebelled, since countless Lords would immediately raise troops to suppress him.

In addition to fulfilling her obligations, Dany also wants to have a deeper understanding of the living conditions and demands of the commoners in the process of meeting the new free people, and then try to select a few skilled workers.

honest and timid people who don't have much skill generally go with the flow, and they do whatever the Mother of Dragons arranges.

The people who really come to Dany are either because they have some "advanced" ideas, or, like Cleon, they are overlooked and have a heart to climb up.

For the latter, Dany will of course be vigilant, but there is no wastage on the chessboard. As a chess player, you must make good use of every piece.

She still remembers Zhea's 'legend'!

She is obviously the first heroine of the Jogos Nhai, but she only leaves a series of awful names such as Zorseface, the Barren, and the Cruel, to be remembered by.

For evil tales about her, she can't intervene, but she can't help but do it, so Cleon and the others have a role to play.

So when the Green Grace came over in a sedan chair, she saw Dany writing and drawing on a sheepskin scroll under a parasol and talking to a person of the Summer Isles.

"…you can do it with confidence, I will loan you a sum of money without interest and return it within 10 years. If the goods cannot be sold, every quarter… Well, once every three months, I'll buy the entire stock at market value."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The young black girl wiped her tears and kept bowing until she noticed the silhouette of the Green Grace, hurriedly bowing and saying her goodbyes, she left.

The people in line at the back also took a few steps back to make room for Dany and Green Grace to talk.

"What is she going to do?" Green Graces asked curiously.

"Her name is Lysa, a female textile worker. Her embroidery skills are as good as a Yi Ti's court weavers." Dany handed over a handkerchief embroidered with delicate flower patterns and smiled, "She wants to open a clothing store, but she had no capital and was worried that no one would buy the goods in her store, so I provided a 10-year interest-free loan to help her open the store. If the goods cannot be sold, I will buy them all."

"This …" The wisdom of the Green Grace told her that Dany's move was meaningful, but the shallowness of experience and knowledge prevented her from further peeking into the truth.

"What are you here for?" Dany asks as Jhiqui pours the Grace a cool, sweet lemon water from the pitcher.

Dany did not imitate other Kings and Queens, she was on the throne, and the person who met stood below to show majesty.

——In that case, how can I hear the truth?

Her wooden chair is from the Good Masters, and although it is large and gorgeous, the opposite-facing Priestess also has a chair, with it you can talk face-to-face with Queen Daenerys.

Green Grace sat down and looked at the dazzling sunlight around, like sitting in a burning pit, wiping her forehead and sighing: "Your Majesty, you should meet your visitors within the Pyramid."

"The Pyramid is too high for an ordinary commoner to reach or see," Dany said with a smile.

The bottom of the Pyramid is very low, but it is mostly prisoners, warehouses, and servants' residences. If you want to receive visitors, it will also be on the top floor. It is 100 meters high….if she were herself, she would hesitate to see such a Queen.

Green Grace said boldly: "But it is too much for a Queen to meet her guests in the square…"

"I will remodel a spacious room at the bottom of the pyramid in a few days. The hall will be dedicated to the general public," Dany said.

"This…" Green Grace's complexion changed behind the green silk, "Your Majesty, Ghis nobles used to mummify the corpses of their ancestors and put them at the bottom of the Pyramid…."

"Don't worry, High Priestess," Dany waved her hand, picked up a porcelain bowl on the table, drank half a bowl of lemon water, and breathed comfortably, "Even if they were once sinful slave masters, they are dead, I will not move their remains. Aren't the bodies of the Ghis who died in the battle a few days ago in the Plaza of Pride, waiting for their families to claim them?"

Galazza's cheeks paled at the thought of the rancid plaza.

With how many dead, who will claim their bodies?

It's been a hot summer day.

"Your Majesty, please burn the rest to avoid the plague," she advised.

"It'll burn tonight," Dany replied.

She'd also burn them without being reminded by the Green Grace.

She had made it clear before that they only had three days to claim their family's bodies, and after three days the rest would be burned immediately.

The Plaza of Pride is still posting a notice!

"I will move the coffins in the Pyramid to another Pyramid so that it will not go against the tradition of the Ghis nobles, but also set aside Plenty of space for other uses."

"Your Majesty is wise!" Green Graces was very pleased with Dany's intentions, and said, "I came to Your Majesty for two things, first, still today. There are three pyramids occupied by nobles, if they are willing to surrender, what will you do with them?

The second thing is Ser Chainbreaker's style…

In process of recovering the 15 Pyramids, 12 of the families were killed, men, women, and children, and only a few families left children under the age of 5. The nobles in the other 3 Pyramids surrendered, but they were still killed by Ser Chainbreaker who killed any over 14 years old."

Seeing Dany's serious face, Green Graces advised, "If you're only going to rule Astapor, that's fine, but you have big ambitions to change the whole of Slaver's Bay…Astapor is only a part of all of Slaver's Bay, Yunkai and Meereen have much more and much larger Pyramids, and with it a solid city wall outside each Pyramid."

"I have Strictly ordered, only the most vicious slave masters will be killed, and their children will never be harmed. The flyers scattered on the pyramids and the notices posted on the streets and alleys are all clear.

The uprising Freedom Fighters killed 2,000 people, almost half of them died at the hands of the Unsullied because they violated my bottom line." Dany slowly said.

"But the Great Pyramid behind you was slaughtered, but no murderer came out to take responsibility, Ser Chainbreaker had no scruples, and it seemed that he had found an example in other Pyramids."

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