I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 109

       On the third day after breaking the city gate, all the Pyramids fell into Dany's hands for a total of 18.

The tallest one belongs to the slave master Grazdan, 100 meters, and the shortest is less than 50 meters.

Eight of them were completely killed, the other four had only a few young children under the age of five, three more had all adults dead, and only minors under the age of 14 survived. Dany didn't execute anyone because of Green Grace.

It took another week for the entire city to be cleaned up by the Unsullied, whether it was the new commoners or the original Ghis civilians, it led to a total of more than 123,000 people.

The 18 Pyramids and the attached Colosseum contributed tens of thousands of slaves.

With a ratio of slave-turned-commoners to Ghis civilians approaching 20:1, Astapor is completely in Dany's grasp.

When the clerk registered the new commoners, they were divided into five classes "soldiers, scholars, farmers, workers, and merchants".

In simple terms, a skilled craftsman is a worker, and he can choose to start his own business and become a small businessman like Lysa, the textile worker.

For honest people who are unskilled and illiterate or people with family bonds, Dany will allocate dozens of acres of fertile land for them to go to by Worm River plain outside the city as farmers.

Unskilled but dishonest commoners, for example, the original slave soldiers or Pit Fighters were incorporated into the militia by Dany, and Ser Jorah was responsible for training them into a regular army.

This will also be a process of elimination. Elite militiamen will be recruited and incorporated into a separate team, and those who are unqualified will become local guards like the police.

The Unsullied are still used as police officers to maintain order in the city, but their best use is in Legion wars in the wild, it would be too wasteful for them to be guards for the city.

A person who is literate is counted as a "scholar", but Dany's scholar-officials are completely different.

The real power lies in the hands of the Lords who hold the handle of the sword and can kill. In this world, scholar-officials appear impossible.

But there is no doubt that scholar-officials are helpful in maintaining the rule of a Kingship.

If you want to centralize power and become a legendary Ruler a scholar-official is a good way.

But in the same way, no matter which kingdom, when the scholar-officials took power, the kingdom's strength would inevitably decline.

In a relatively closed environment like China, the unification of a Dynasty will be stronger than the nearby Mongolians even if it declines.

But, since this world is open, if your military is weak, you won't last long.

The Westeros Citadel has been around for thousands of years, and almost every noble family has a Maester tutor. A Maester holds knowledge and insight with an accumulation of thousands of years, but the Maesters still failed to become a strong class of Scholar-officials.

The Maesters in "A Song of Ice and Fire" hold knowledge about, art, literature, arithmetic, and agriculture and these are just basic skills, they also know a lot about, philosophy, archeology, astrology, medicine, anatomy, Magic, mysticism, and more.

And Maesters are not dead readers at all. Every Maester is born with extreme strictness, and their force is extremely strong.

They can be used as doctors, teachers, as staff members, secretaries, stewards of a Lord, and military advisors in case of war, as long as you can think of any occupation, they are almost always capable of filling a role.

Maesters are not afraid of death and often go around the world to explore new knowledge, such as Mirri Maegi's teacher – ArchMaester Marwyn.

A Westeros man went to the Shadow Lands tens of thousands of miles away to "study abroad".

Anyone who can read and count is classified by Dany as a "scholar".

A Maesters "scholar," dedicated to serving other people.

She herself established a staff of 200 people, all of whom were slave scholars who did not want to become free people.

Dany didn't treat them too badly, and still let them live in the Great Pyramid, with two maids serving them, and their three meals a day were only slightly less than Dany's.

Well, the maids are no longer slaves. They sign labor contracts and have wages, pensions, and medical insurance—the kind of real medical insurance that is completely exempt.

Even so, it's cheaper than hiring academics as clerks.

If those scholars get rid of their slave status and sign labor contracts with Dany again, the salary they get is far higher than what Dany pays to support them.

"I don't know what they think," Dany complained to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard told her that this is normal. In Westeros, Maesters are almost the same as these scholars. They do not get paid and serve their Lord for free for a lifetime, and the Lord is responsible for supporting them for a lifetime...well, Maesters live a decent life as well.

If the Lord dares to insult, abuse, oppress, or dismiss their Maesters for no reason, the Citadel will also take care of those Maesters, in addition to threatening to no longer provide Maesters to that Lord's families, but also through the Grand Maester of King's Landing talk to the King to punish him.

Without the Maesters, no one manages the Ravens, and the Lords cannot even communicate with the outside world.

And the Grand Maester, as one of the Chancellors, is eligible to participate in the Small Council.

Dany has five classes, but these new social classes are very uneven.

In the service industry, workers account for more than half of them, with more than 50,000 people, mostly women; there are 30,000 soldiers, the oldest are fifty-sixty years old, and the youngest is only eight or nine years old; only a few thousand Ghis left who all choose 'merchant', although they have few businesses and stores.

There are too few people who choose to farm, almost all of them are "cowardly" farming people such as the Lhazar and Naathi.

These days, except for the Ghis people who have a family and business, the new Smallfolk in the city rely on Dany to support them. Although there are plenty of materials in the Pyramid, this kind of expenditure can't last long.

So, she must restore normal city order as soon as possible.

In the new society under the new system, the first priority is to clarify the laws and regulations.

On the tenth day after Astapor's change.

The mist in the morning dissipated like a phantom, the bright red sun burned in the sky, and before it reached the spire of the Great Pyramid, the red masonry square had begun to heat up slightly.


A long, low horn sounded from the top of the Great Pyramid, and the whole city awoke quickly under a strange force, In the ten days that the Mother of Dragons ruled Astapor, There have been a few times like this, and the townspeople know she's calling city dwellers to the Plaza of the People to assemble.

"I heard that this is the voice of a Dragon Horn. It's said that the Dragon Horn can control Dragona." A new commoner whispered to his companions as he walked.

He is a thin middle-aged black man from the Summer Isles. He is less than 1.5 meters tall, with thin flexible hands and feet.

"Maybe." His companion was a freed scholar, a white man in his forties, of medium build, not well-educated, and a poor man in reading and writing. He was not the kind of high-level slave with a good life.

However, he was always more knowledgeable than his companion, and said worriedly: "I hope it wasn't Yunkai's slave master who called."

"What are you afraid of, the newly formed 30,000 guards No, the Queen still has more than 10,000 Unsullied! I would like to join the Queen's Guard so that I have a chance to take revenge on the slave dealers! Even become the Queen's horn hand." the thin black man said.

"You don't understand, the Yunkai slave masters don't need to defeat the Unsullied. If they burn down the manors outside the city first, the livelihood of more than 100,000 people in the city may become a big problem," said the free scholar.

Any city cannot be completely self-sufficient. It must have agricultural and animal husbandry in the suburbs to maintain its daily needs. Astapor is no exception. There are densely packed slave master estates with at least 200,000 people.

Among the more than 200,000 people, there are about 30,000 Ghis people. Before freeing up her hands to clean up those manor owners, Dany also sent Dothraki cavalry to them to post "Four Great Prohibitions". Notice: Do not kill your slaves on a large scale; Do not burn grain depots, wheat fields, and olive trees, or kill cattle and sheep on a large scale, to let them rot; Do not directly block water wells, or even destroy water canals and farmland infrastructure; Do not connect with each other, gather together to form an army to kill the Dothraki cavalry patrolling the villages and towns, in doing any of these your family will be killed.

Of course, Dany is not blindly tyrannical. Behind the four prohibitions is the "Declaration to the People of Ghis" to appease the people: Queen Daenerys solemnly promises that all the estate owners who do not violate the above four prohibitions will have their families and children be kept safe, with the limited assurance that their property will not be harmed, including fields and warehouses.

Neither the freelance scholar nor the thin black man knows this, let alone that more than 20 manor slave masters have been killed in the past ten days.

If these slave masters can be frightened by a few signs, they can't be considered evil slave masters.

Some shrewd men set fire to their granaries and olive trees on purpose, hoping to attract the Dothraki patrols, and then they would just sit back and catch them all.

Unfortunately, the plan is idealistic, but reality is cruel.

The job of applying for identification for the new commoners is indeed complicated, so the clerical team is busy, but Dany herself is quite leisurely, practicing swordsmanship with Whitebeard while receiving several citizen visitors.

So, she has time to work as a scout for the Dothraki cavalry.

Before each action, Big Black would fly over the troubled manor, and the Ghis people could see the situation clearly. The Black Dragon would even land on the ground and draw the defense map of the manor with his claws.

The next thing is simple, a thousand Unsullied rushed up, and the two hundred Dothraki cavalry shot outside, and almost all the rebellious manors waved their flag.

Then the whole family of slave masters who were making trouble were pushed onto the weapons of the Dothraki and ran around the village, and with that, the rest of the town was silent.

Well, Dany's so-called killing of the families is not the whole family neat and tidy, it still is the rule of only killing adults, children under the age of 14 are temporarily locked up, and they will be dealt with when she is done with this.

There are two reasons for not directly sending the Unsullied to level the manors: First, they are afraid that the owner of the manor will jump over the wall and frantically destroy food and production materials;

With the help of Big Black, the turmoil in the more than 20 manors was quelled, but 18 Unsullied and 22 Dothraki Warriors were also killed, while the other party only paid more than 1,000 Ghis peasant casualties.

The idea is not '1,000 Unsullied+ 200 Dothraki' vs 'more than a thousand Ghis people', only half of the more than 1,700 Ghis people are men, and they are distributed in more than 20 manors.

There are less than a hundred Ghis and three-four hundred wobbly slave peasants fighting a thousand Unsullied at a time.

The main reason for the deaths is that the complex environment of the manor is not suitable for tough battles. Each manor is almost a small castle, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

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