I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 113

       "King Robert had to make sure that Prince Viserys and you didn't have any bastard children."

Dany's face was blushing and red, and she was shocked, embarrassed, and puzzled at the same time: how did these two siblings survive?

Thinking like this, she also asked the same question.

"He didn't send anyone to kill us? I remember for more than ten years, in order to avoid assassination, Viserys often pulled me out of bed in the middle of the night, rushed us out of the city overnight, or hid for days in a row in the slum areas sewers…was he just nervous?"

"Ah, I should have seen through Robert's true nature as a fake." The old man sighed in pain and blamed himself: "Until now, I denied any widely circulated news that when Tywin Lannister brought Prince Rhaegar's two children to Robert, he laughed."

Is this old man's brain malfunctioning?

We're discussing assassins, why is that related to Rhaegar's child?

"As an Usurper, what's wrong with him being happy when he sees someone helping get rid of his worries?" Dany said with a frowning face.

"In Westeros, the killing of young children is highly disreputable, and Robert Baratheon had so many followers because of his forthrightness, heroism, fearlessness, pride, and affectionate charisma.

In the War of the Usurper, the captured King's Party Lords were often convinced by his boldness...How should I put it, before being King, Robert had a way that could make people admire him...make them willing to fight for him.

But if it can be proved that he killed two young children, his aura would be broken, and countless people would have cast him aside, leave him, and oppose him.

Tywin Lannister helped him do what he wanted and couldn't, and he got a huge reward – Tywin, who ended up joining Robert's camp, held marriage between the King and his daughter."

With a breath, Barristan continued: "In the beginning, I never figured this out and put all my grievances on Lord Tywin, if…if I saw him laughing at the wreckage of Rhaegar's children, there's nothing in this world that could have stopped me from killing him.

But I was so wounded that no one was in King's Landing for me to know.

I only vaguely heard rumors like that after I pledged my allegiance to him, at first I didn't believe he was that kind of man—Robert might have secretly sighed with relief, but his Knight upbringing would never have made him laugh out loud at the broken corpse of a baby."

"The moment anyone steps on a throne, it's different." Dany indifferently said.

"Some people have gotten better." The old man looked at her with burning eyes.

"Instead of glory, I only see more responsibility, heavy responsibility," she said.

"So, you're a True King, and he's not." The old man smiled, both bitter and reassuring, "Robert preferred to have Jaime wait on his side rather than some stubborn old man.

Perhaps that Usurper would be a little more at ease with a Kingslayer.

But I've had several instances where he secretly ordered Varys to arrange for the assassins to execute you and Prince Viserys.

From then on, I gradually realized that he was far from being as honest as he showed to outsiders, that rumor, I... oh!"

I'm trying to usurp the throne, am I still upright?

Dany doesn't want to complain.

"What do you mean by secretly?"

"The Hand of the King Jon Arryn was an upright man at the time, he didn't agree with the killing of children, and Robert didn't want to oppose him head-on, after all, Lord Arryn was his adoptive father in addition to being the Hand of the King."

In the War of the Usurper that destroyed the Targaryen Dynasty, Jon Arryn was the first to raise the flag of rebellion, but it was not for himself.

Because of Prince Rhaegar's "abduction" of Lyanna, the Mad King Aerys asked Jon Arryn to hand over Eddard and Robert Stark – before that, the Mad King had already burned Lyanna's father and eldest brother to death (how crazy).

Eddard and Robert are both Jon Arryn's adopted sons, because he is of such old age without a biological child, he had been raising those two children as his.

Seeing that the Mad King wanted the lives of his two sons, he immediately became a rebel and can be called the best Father in this world.

"Since Robert did send people to assassinate me and Viserys many times, why did he miss it so many times? Viserys definitely doesn't have that kind of skill."

In fact, after many years of persecution, Viserys, who was a normal boy, was driven crazy.

"Maybe... someone else was protecting you from the shadows," Barristan mused.


"Illyrio? I do not know fully." The old man smiled wryly and shook his head.

Dany expression moved, asking: "You had just said that Varys was the one who reported information to Robert about Viserys and me every time?"

"Varys nicknamed 'The Spider', is He who holds the position of Master of Whisperers in the Small Council. His skill is second to none, and information even on the other side of the Seven Kingdoms and the Narrow Sea cannot escape his ears and eyes, Robert relied heavily on him.

By the way, Lord Varys also served your father for several years.

He was born in Lys, made his fortune in Pentos as an intelligence dealer, and was known by King Aerys for his reputation for intelligence work."

Dany resigned and asked again: "Who among the people around me spy on me?"

Stunned, Barristan said: "...Jorah Mormont, before you married Khal Drogo, Varys looked towards Robert and gave a warning – Prince Viserys will exchange you for 10,000 screamers from the Horselord, or the Horselord will personally help him to restore the Kingdom to Tagaryen Kingship.

On your wedding day, Jorah Mormont, who accepted the King's Landing mission, took the initiative to get close to Prince Viserys, and Swore allegiance to him – He is but a shameless spy without honor, selling slaves, swearing loyalty casually, he is untrustworthy!"

"Khaleesi, let me kill him!" Aggo beside him yelled angrily.

Dany sighed then said, and said to the Bloodridder: "Aggo, you…let Gray Worm call Ser Jorah, some things are better explained in person."

The Bloodrider and Queensguard belong to her confident arm, three Bloodriders take turns to guard, and the other two are helping her train the Screamers.

After Astapor was laid, almost all Dothraki slaves were absorbed into Dany's Khalasar excluding the Unsullied.

She had studied in the Red Wastes before, and came up with a different Eight Banners system – not necessarily the same as the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty, because Dany did not understand the military system of the Qing Dynasty.

After establishing a relatively complete Sergeant Head system, the newly added Dothraki only need to fill in.

For the original slaves, their arrogance is all but gone, so they are easy to initiate into the system.

Her little Khalasar now has more than 1,500 people, excluding the older men, almost 800 adult men – a few hundred more were added by the uprising slaves.

The Bloodriders demarcated a grassland outside the city and built tents. In addition to daily training, they also went to patrol the gate of the slave masters' manors.

As for Jorah Mormont, he's helping Dany train the militia.

Theoretically, Jorah Mormont served as Dany's "Great Marshal" position, and the Unsullied Commander Gray Worm was also his subordinate.

Whitebeard persuaded: "Your Majesty, it is better to let the Unsullied tie him up, take off his armor, and then bring him to meet you."

"No, if he wanted to kill me, how many times have I had no chance in the past?" Dany waved her hand.

Of course, a superior should be suspicious of everyone, but as a human, if you don't even give trust, would you not eventually go crazy?

About 40 minutes later, the uniformed Jorah, led by Gray Worm, came to the top floor of the Great Pyramid.

As soon as he walked out of the staircase, the Knight realized that something was a bit wrong. Today's atmosphere is completely different, and now the eyes on him….something is not right.

Jorah had already discovered Whitebeard's true identity, but he dared not reveal it to Dany because he knew that the other party must know his identity, his identity of being an undercover agent.

"Ser Jorah, this is Ser Barristan Selmy, Barristan the Bold, do you know of him?" Dany said directly.

Jorah's heart skipped a beat, and inwardly shouted expletives

Seeming to see through his mind, Barristan coldly said: "I will not allow anyone to threaten the safety of the Queen in secret."

"I…" The Knight, once like a strong bear, seemed to collapse suddenly in body and soul, looked at Dany sadly, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I had always wanted to confess to you."

"It's such a time, and you're still apologizing!?" Barristan said in anger.

"You traitor, what qualifications do you have to call me that!?" Jorah glared at Barristan and persuaded Dany: "Your Majesty, you cannot trust this man, he betrayed the King and the Prince, and joined the Usurper!

King Aerys had Seven Kingsguards, in addition to him and Jaime Lannister, the White Bull, the Sword of the Morning, and Prince Martell. all died in Robert's Rebellion. Obviously, Barristan and Jaime turned coat!"

It's an insult to say that, Jaime Lannister is pretty much the "most depraved" and most uninspired Knight in the Seven Kingdoms.

Barristan, on the other hand, values ​​honor most, especially as a Kingsguard.

"You bloody traitor! In the battle of the Trident, I was with Prince Martell and Ser Darry on Prince Rhaegar's side. Those three died heroically, and I was also severely injured, barely able to hold a sword again.

How about you?

You were on the rebels' side when I bleed for Prince Rhaegar!" Barristan blushed red and snarled loudly at Jorah.

"Your Majesty, Jorah Mormont's been betraying your secrets, you're returning to Vaes Dothrak with Drogo, you're pregnancy, and what you've done and said has been betrayed by this shameless spy to The Spider.

Every message has been exchanged for many a Golden Dragon, and when you and your brother die, Robert would have washed away all crimes on him and have him return to the Seven Kingdoms 'gloriously'."

Dany thought for a while, then slowly said: "Ser Jorah, you joined Eddard Stark to overthrow the Targaryen Dynasty, and you joined Robert after the war with Barristan, each of which has for its own reasons, which I can understand and will not pursue. We will only talk about now."

Barristan glanced at Jorah, who had a sad face, and said with emotion: "Your Majesty, you are broad-minded, and hold kindness in your heart, but it's a pity that some people are not qualified to receive it."

Jorah also knew that, as the Capitan of the Kingsguard, all the information he handed over to King's Landing was clear to Barristan.

No, let's be lenient!

"Yes, I served King's Landing. The year before last, when I was a sellsword in Myr, the little bird of Varys found me…"

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