I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 114

       "Varys promised that as long as the mission was completed, a 'pardon' would be issued by King Robert to exonerate me from the guilt of selling slaves and escaping trial.

On Your Majesty's wedding day to Khal Drogo, Prince Viserys easily accepted the allegiance of an exiled Knight.

Your Majesty, you have to understand, I didn't have loyalty to the Targaryen in my heart at the time.

Not to mention that I was involved in the wars of the Targaryen Dynasty, and as the Lord of Bear Island, my allegiance was to the Lord of Winterfell.

And most Northerners, hate the Targaryen on account of King Aerys' use of such a cruel and insulting way of killing the King in the North and his heir.

Of course, I had no prejudice against you and Prince Viserys, the problem was Prince Viserys was conspiring with Illyrio.

I even had a sense of honor when I got Varys' mission... alas, I don't think any Seven Kingdoms Lord would want to see the Dothraki wreak havoc in Westeros.

Just as I once advised you, under the threat of invaders, the war-torn Lords will put aside their prejudices and unite to deal with them.

"thunk thunk thunk..."

The Top Garden was unusually quiet, with only the sound of Dany's fingers tapping on the book cover could be heard.

She wasn't furious, she just looked serious.

Because he understands Dany's character, Jorah's words are very direct and completely express his state of mind at that time.

If it was the former Daenerys, he would only beg her for forgiveness, but he would never say such straightforward and sincere words.

Saying it will only backfire, making Daenerys, who is sensitive and has a strong recovery obsession, hate him even more.

This Dany is more reasonable and has the "generous" mind of putting herself in the person's point of view to think about the problem. As long as the reason is valid, she can generally accept it.

A long time later, a gust of sea breeze blew from the sea in the north, causing the persimmon branches to crunch and a large golden persimmon fell into the pool.

Dany seems to have awoken from her rumination, looked towards Barristan, and asked: "Ser Barristan, do you think there is anything wrong with Ser Jorah's choices?"

"This... "The old man's face was wrinkled, and his mind was a mess.

——He actually agrees with Jorah's words.

"Ai, I understand." Dany sighed then said, to the worried look on his face. The Undercover Knight said: "It is not a mistake to understand your side.

The question now is whether your oath to me, your oath to be my Queensguard, was part of your undercover work, can I still trust you?"


Dany raised her hand and interrupted him: "Don't force it, follow your soul, no matter what, I will not endanger your life.

Missing your home is human nature, when you leave, I will give you a large sum of money, enough to go back to Westeros to enjoy a lifetime of wealth. Even the Valyrian steel on you can be taken."

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, Westeros doesn't even have a set of Valyrian Dragonlord armor." Barristan stepped forward anxiously, intercepting: "It's enough to give him a little more gold and silver, this armor may bring disaster to him. I can't say that Lord Tywin won't attack him in greed. He lost his land and nobility, can he resist the Lannisters?"

Jorah glared at the old man angrily, turned his head back with red eyes, and loudly said: "Your Majesty, I'm not leaving, my oath to you within the Red Wastes was sincere.

Did you forget?

I had advised you many times to leave Essos and go to the city-state of the Jade Sea to avoid the Usurper's reach because I know how dangerous your situation is."

Did you forget...?

"Leave, who knows if you are telling the truth? The Khaleesi has our protection." Aggo coldly said.

"I am the Queensguard and, like you, the 'blood of my blood' of Her Highness," Jorah argued.

"You are not 'blood of my blood', you are an Andal who despises horsemen, you are afraid that the Khaleesi will sweep the Seven Kingdoms with horsemen and take back the Iron Throne that belongs to her, this is what you yourself said just now," Aggo said sharply.

"I…" Jorah stomped his feet, exclaiming: "Those were my thoughts more than a year ago, and now I don't care about Westeros, if Her Highness is the Khaleesi, then I'm willing to fight for her as a Khalasar warrior."

Jorah's words made Barristan glance to the side, Aggo also stood shocked, speechless.

Pausing, Jorah lost the toughness on his face, looked at Dany slowly and solemnly said, "I am your Queensguard, I only serve the Queen for the rest of my life, and other things are not for my consideration."

Dany looked at him with a very serious expression, and said, "I hope you have remembered what I've said today."

The plot of "The Game of Thrones" affects Dany's forecast. It's not very obvious, but the actual experience is very different from the TV drama, but the characters in "The Game of Thrones" have rarely deviated.

Jorah Mormont was never a spy and was Daenerys' most loyal guard in the original story.

Jorah, ecstatic to hear her accepting him again, fell to his knees and swore: "With the life of my father Jeor Mormont, I, Jorah Mormont, devote all my allegiance to Daenerys, and swear to the death of my duties as Queensguard. ."

Dany felt shocked, the Big Bear's dad 'Old Bear' was afraid that he would have only a few days to live.

"Your Majesty, please accept my allegiance, I would like to be your Queensguard." Barristan glanced at Jorah Mormont and said solemnly kneeled.

"I accept both of your allegiances...After I'm healed, I'll hold a more formal ceremony." Dany nodded and said seriously.

"My Queen, what about me?"

The tall eunuch Belwas, who watched the entire show, dropped the food in his hand and wiped his greasy hands on his silk pants. After a few moments, he smiled and leaned over, and said, "My Squire has become a Queensguard, my status cannot be lower than his."

Dany's eyebrow raised, so said with a smile: "Do you know what the Queensguard represents? Except for having the title of the strongest Knights, as long as you take an oath, you have to serve me for the rest of your life, you won't go back to Pentos?"

"Strongest Knight?" The fat eunuch looked at Jorah and shook his head before saying: "He's definitely not as strong as me. As for Pentos…I'm not under that fat spice merchant at all.

Let's put it this way, I was originally a Pit Fighter from Meereen, a slave, I become your bodyguard after changing hands a few times, and am also your slave. If you can support me for the rest of my life, without worrying about food or drink, that would be great."

It turns out that you want to be here with me to eat and drink for a lifetime, then... can I let you go now?

"You count as a reservist Queensguard." Dany pinched her nose and took him in.

Dany doesn't know what his martial power is, but she likes the fat eunuch's personality.

As for whether he was a spy for Illyrio?

That probability is not big, because the fat eunuch was still a Pit Fighter in Meereen a year ago. There's no reason for a slave to betray "Mhysa" for the slave master, and Illyrio's wealth really isn't comparable to Dany's at this time.

Future, wealth, belief, ideology, no matter what, follow Dany to get more.

"Khaleesi, then I…want to be your Queensguard?" Aggo hesitated.

"Why do you think that way?" Dany said curiously.

There is no doubt that the 'blood of my blood' is much closer to the Khaleesi than the Queensguard is to the Queen.

A Kingsguard is a subordinate, but the blood of my blood is a brother.

Since the emergence of the Dothraki people, there has never been a single instance of a Bloodridder betraying the Khal.

Dany has always been very good to her Bloodriders, not to mention the treatment. They can have everything she has. Every time they talk about a major event, they must get involved.

She even thought about marrying her maids to the three Bloodriders.

The reason why they were not allowed to get married immediately was also because the atmosphere of the Khalasar had not been completely changed, and the marriage system had just begun to be implemented.

If the six of them were habitually messing around, then…

Aggo said seriously: "If I become a Queensguard, maybe the Andals won't be against you anymore."

"No, you are a Bloodrider, I don't care what the Westeros people think." Dany shifted.

She never imagined that the horsemen with such cruelty could still be so emotional.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Jorah and Barristan and said seriously: "Just like I won't put the Unsullied in the game of competing for the Iron Throne, the Dothraki are my people, and they deserve to live freely on the Essos continent, and should not be hated and die in a foreign land."

"Your Majesty…" The two Westeros men looked at Dany with complicated expressions, hesitated to speak, and finally filled with emotion. sighed and no longer persuaded.

—though ashamed to admit it, they did sigh in relief.

Well, it's a little early to breathe.

Wait a few years, the second Long Night in history will come, in Westeros the Whitewalkers will be rampant, and the proud Seven Kingdoms Lords might even kneel and cry: "Queen Daenerys, Unsullied mother, horse lord, come and help!"

Thinking of the Long Night, when the whole world will be shrouded in cold winter, Dany can't help but feel a sense of urgency, She doesn't know if the Whitewalkers will appear on the continent of Essos, but all crops under the ice and snow will definitely stop production.

The cold winter will last at least five years, so she has to prepare food rations for the people more than five years in advance.

Also considering the Dothraki Sea horsemen, who have never been in the habit of stockpiling food, may not be better off than the Westeros.

Production must be resumed as soon as possible.

The "Infernal Affairs" incident must be resolved as soon as possible so that her subordinates can unite as one and start mass production together.

Thinking of this, Dany looked towards Jorah and said, "Ser, since those words have been said, come and tell me how to get in touch with King's Landing, and how you were involved in those things."

Jorah avoided her gaze and said awkwardly, "The people I've contacted are all Varys' men, I don't know who they are, but they all know me.

In general, if they need information about you, or come to convey instructions from King's Landing, they will send me a contact code when I am alone."

Luckily she was smart enough to withhold certain key pieces of information from them.

Even about the House of the Undying, Valyria, and the Gods, she didn't tell them the full truth.

"When and where did you encounter The Spider's code? What message did it convey to King's Landing?" Dany asked again.

"Almost all city-states have people from The Spider, Pentos, Qohor, Vaes Dothrak, Lhazar people's town, Qarth…"

Seeing Dany's face getting darker, Aggo began to grip the handle of the Arakh again, and Jorah hurriedly said, "When it came to Qarth, I hesitated, and then—"

"Seven Hells!" Dany thumped "Pēng pēng pēng" Smashed the fur cushion in anger and said: "What's wrong with you? In Vaes Dothrak, in the Red Waste, how many times have you saved my life? While saving me, while holding allegiance to me, while betraying me! Are you not tired of holding allegiance to King's Landing?!"

"Tired, too tired!" Jorah had the urge to weep bitter tears when he was finally understood.

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