I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 115

        At the turn of a page, half a year had passed. According to Westeros dates, the Long Summer has just ended, and the Seven Kingdoms have started to enter autumn... Oh, it should be the 'autumn year', and next year will officially enter the 'cold season' of winter'. However, Slaver's Bay has a tropical oceanic climate, and there are no significant seasonal changes.

Although Dany has been in this world for more than a year, she has been circling in the warm and tropical regions and has no intuitive feeling about the cold winter and the changing seasons of this world.

Many times, when she took the Queensguards to tour the fields of the manors, she would joke with the two Westeros men: Do you think Slaver's Bay is the legendary "Long Summer"?

In line with the idea of ​​anticipating the enemy and being lenient, during these relatively peaceful days, Dany worked at full speed to carry out large-scale production. In half a year, two cycles of wheat were harvested, and potatoes and turnips were harvested once. The second harvest time is not far away.

In addition to slave trade, the Ghis opened two trades: burning bricks and smelting bronze.

Dany found from her memory that the Free Cities mainly were stone houses, and asked Jorah and Barristan, they also said that in Westeros, nobles lived in stone castles and commoners lived in wooden houses.

How good are the Ghis's brick-burning skills?

The three cities of Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen, including the Pyramids, streets, squares, civilian residences, and city walls in the city, are all made of bricks.

It must be stated that the main building material of the Pyramids is still cut boulder.

Here is the brilliant point of Ghis Architectural Mastery. They have taken into account weathering. If the rock is exposed outside, the pyramid will "rapidly" weather and collapse, so the exterior of the stone pyramid is paved with a layer of red brick.

The Ghis architect's concept of time is different from that of modern people. They really want to build "the foundation of all ages".

The Great Pyramid named "Palace of the Morning Sun" where Dany lived has a history of more than 5,000 years.

At that time, the Ghis Empire was destroyed at the hands of Valyria, and the Ghis left the burned and salted Old Ghis (the capital of the Ghis Empire, located across the strait of 'New Ghis') into Slaver's Bay to build Three cities: Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen.

Are there any buildings over 3,000 years old on Earth?

Dany doesn't know.

But this fantasy world is 3,000 or 5,000 years old. Many buildings in Westeros have a history of 8,000 years, such as the 19 Night's Watch fortresses under the North Wall, Winterfell, Casterly Rock, and Storm City.

Well, she digressed.

The Ghis people are very skilled at burning bricks and smelting bronze. There are continuous brick burners and metallurgical factories in the south of Astapor near the mountain range, but Dany did not start producing red bricks.

After she liberated all the burner slaves, she made them sign labor contracts to re-employ them, but the place where they resumed employment was not a brick and tile factory, but a metallurgical factory, full of farm tools and swords.

Astapor's iron ore content is relatively scarce, more than 90% of which are copper mines, and precious steel is used to make farm tools, hoes, sickles, shovels…

In order to improve the farmers' efficiency of farming, Dany also orally invented three kinds of coulters(1), "small" coulters for mules, medium coulters for bison, and giant coulters for elephants.

(T.N.:Coulter: A vertical cutting blade fixed in front of a plowshare.)

The so-called "oral inventions"…she only said their uses and a large group of smiths and scholars thought long and hard to make them into reality.

Bronze weapons are certainly not suitable for this world that has entered the Iron Age for thousands of years, but bronze lances are more threatening than wooden sticks.

Not to mention the Mother of Dragons guards under her, even the middle-aged peasants who are part-time militiamen in the countryside have a bronze lance and sword.

Dany's idea of ​​ruling Astapor can be divided into two steps. First, establish a legal code to stabilize the people and standardize the system; second, develop agriculture and military, that is, to fill the stomach and strengthen her military power.

The Long Night is coming, she has no time to make a "five-year plan", only a "half-year plan".

The goal of the first half-year plan under Dany's rule is to restore agricultural production, stabilize urban prices, and ensure that every household has surplus grain.

Three days after the "Daenerys' Legal Code" was promulgated, 40% of the manor slave masters outside the city opened their doors and surrendered.

Later, under the leadership of Dany, the Unsullied + Dothraki mounted a shooting + militia cargo team + Black Dragon reconnaissance + White Dragon Green Dragon flamethrower, almost using running speed to smash the stubborn resistance of all remaining slave masters.

Dany roughly calculated that she had obtained a total of 4 million acres of cultivated land and the same amount of semi-cultivated land. In order to maintain the soil strength, the Ghis people rotated the land.

Don't doubt how 200,000 people cultivate 4 million acres of land, they are not as intensive as the farmers of China, and some of the acres are still planted with grass for grazing.

Half of the remaining fields are planted with olives and grapes.

For a slave master who surrenders to her, Dany will confiscate land based on the slave population in their estate.

A slave equals 10 acres of land, and the rest of the land Dany will "Claim for the Kingdom"… Well, Queen Dany is the Kingdom.

However, she also kept her promise and gave monetary compensation for purchase at the original price.

At the same time, the manor owner can also take away property other than grain and livestock, which is a large sum of money.

Don't look at the fact that they lost more than half of their land and a lot of food. Compared with those manor owners who didn't surrender, they were lucky.

The manor slave masters that gathered troops to rebel, except for the dead, Dany won't kill again if she captures the manor, she will only make the adult men and women of that family serve corvée service. According to the tenacity of resistance, 3 years-10 years…The Long Night is coming, and 90% of those who chanted "Queen's mercy" lasted less than 10 years.

If the slave master not only resists the soldiers but also razing everything before capture, then he will be beheaded.

In the above two cases, no matter which kind, all the property will be confiscated.

After the land survey was completed, all the farmland was redistributed by Dany, all the people in the city, the Ghis people, the new commoners, the city people, the slave farm workers outside the city, Dothraki, Unsullied, everyone got 15 acres of land.

Well, only the farmland is allocated, and the pastures, orchards, and olive forests are still in Dany's hands for the time being.

It seems insufficient right?

Many people do not need land, such as those skilled workers, city traders, ordinary people of Ghis descent, etc. Dany just uses the method of distributing land to make a completely fair redistribution of concentrated wealth.

People who don't need land can go to the Palace of the Morning Sun with the residence booklet, find the Queen's paperwork, and exchange the land for gold and silver.

No price cut, same market price as before Dany broke through Astapor City.

Dany's Great Pyramid was renamed "Palace of the Morning Sun", and a plaque in Valyria was hung at the entrance of the first layer.

The first layer and second layers of the Pyramid have been redecorated by Dany. The first layer is where Dany receives visitors and judges major crimes. Citizens can freely enter and leave to watch, which is equivalent to an ancient government office.

Very spacious, the size of a football field.

The second layer is where "government" officials work, such as handling household registration, signing contracts for the common people, buying and selling real estate and fields…

The houses that originally belonged to the Ghis people all belonged to Dany or were purchased at the original price, confiscated due to crime, or the head of the household returned to the public.

Except for herself, there is no ordinary person in all the Pyramids in the city.

Except for the smaller Pyramids where the bones of the ancestors of the Ghis were buried, the rest of the pyramids were used by Dany as granaries and material storage warehouses.

City people can buy brick houses from Dany that originally belonged to the Ghis people, or they can buy land and build it with their money – most of them are relatives of slave masters. Dany first confiscated all their family properties and then subsidized them with "Alimony" from 10,000 Golden Dragon to 100,000 Golden Dragon nominally belonging to infants and young children.

Dany is not like a modern black-hearted real estate business owner. Whether it be a ready-made house or a piece of land where a house can be built, it is very cheap.

One acre of land can be exchanged for a house of 100 square meters. Do you think it cheap enough?

Astapor has more than 300,000 people, each of whom is allocated 15 acres of land, and theoretically, they can change 15 houses in the city.

Of course, in the process of liberating the slaves, although a lot of people died in the city, they still couldn't give each of more than 300,000 people a house, and it was even more impossible for them to exchange for it.

Only people with urban household registration can exchange for houses in the city, while farmers with rural household registration can only exchange for the large manors that originally belonged to the slave masters.

Whether urbanites or peasants, each household can only exchange one house, and the rest of the land...The peasants' land cannot be bought and sold, while the urbanites can exchange for gold and silver, as start-up capital.


It's tough to say who wins and who loses.

Although the location of the city is good, except for the Pyramids in Astapor, the ordinary lanes are all kinds of dirty, messy, old, and broken. Even going out, you must wear a veil to avoid a red brick sanding brought by the sea breeze.

The manor of the slave masters are all luxurious and unusual, with brick castles, gardens, clean and clear water wells, swimming pools, fruit trees with abundant fruits, spacious courtyards, and horse farms, all with gorgeous halls…

Except it's a bit far from the great Queen, it's hardly perfect.

The city is kept in order by the Unsullied, and village leaders are in charge of the countryside.

Dany arranges a village leader for each manor. Depending on the size of the manor, a village leader manages 10 to 50 households. They live together in the red brick castle regardless of color or ethnicity.

Then, ten village leaders form a village committee responsible for taxation and organizing the corvée.

The 800 horse people cavalry of Dany's Khalasar still serve as village patrols. They patrol only on the Great Way and can get close to the village entrance and end. However, without the permission of the village leader, they are not allowed to enter the interior of the manors.

The Dothraki cavalry have two main residencies. First, they act as couriers and postmen, or help Dany deliver messages to the villagers, and escort the village leader into the city; Second, they assist the Militia in the villages to catch criminals.

The women and old men in the Khalasar take over all the pastures they get from the manor, and it is their job to help the Queen.

It can be said that the "little" city of Astapor is completely under Dany's control.

From downtown to fringe villages, Dany rules like The Spider, networking more than 300,000 people.

She herself doesn't think there's anything at worst, Jorah, Barristan, and even the Green Grace, were shocked by such an orderly way of governing the Kingdom.

They called her "Queen" and they always thought of Astapor as a Kindom, but to Dany, Astapor was not even a county town.

The County Magistrate in ancient China was called the "Bailihou", and the County Magistrates in many wealthy counties ruled over millions of people.

Dany is at most a County Magistrate in a medium-sized county, not even the prefect.

In modern society, a large community in a first-tier city has more than 300,000 people, and Dany, the Queen, is immediately downgraded to "neighborhood committee worker".

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