I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 117

       Over the past year, things have changed for Westeros.

When Dany was a guest in Qarth, the Usurper Robert's good friend, the Lord of Winterfell Eddard Stark, followed in the footsteps of his father and the Brother and was killed by "Mad King II" in the most humiliating way. King Joffrey chopped off his head.

There is no doubt that the North Stark family are the absolute protagonists in "The Game of Thrones", and their tragic experience has always been deeply sympathized by the audience.

But from an objective point of view, it is not too wrong for their family to have this experience.

First, let's talk about Eddard Stark's death.

It's not so much that Lord Eddard died at the hands of Joffrey because of Robert, but rather that his wife and daughter colluded to kill him.

It is said that Eddard Stark has low emotional intelligence and no political savvy. In fact, he is very self-aware and understands that he is not suitable for King's Landing. When Robert personally went to the North to find him for the position as the Hand of The King himself, he planned to refuse.

"Robert is my good buddy. If I reject him, he will be furious and yell at me, but a few days later, we will be reconciled again."

At that time, this is what Eddard said to her after a pleasant handshake with his wife.

Eddard and Robert grew up in the Vale of Arryn together. They are both the adopted sons of Lord Arryn, and they rebelled together. They can be called the best of friends.

Eddard's judgment was not wrong.

But his wife is one of the most orthodox aristocratic women, and her consideration is very realistic.

When she was young, Catelyn Tully could face her childhood sweetheart – Littlefinger's love with the most rational emotion, and now she has become the mother of five children, and she can also handle King Robert's invitation with the most rational attitude.

She urged her husband to agree to the King's appointment for two reasons: first, you were good friends in the past, but now he has become a king and you, a minister.; About marriage, King's Landing is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, a place where the rich and powerful, and has more opportunities than the barren North.

Their eldest son Robb, as the heir, must stay at home when his father is away. Rickon, the third son, is too young, only three years old, to leave his mother – Catelyn himself will not go to King's Landing.

There were three children who planned to go with Eddard to King's Landing at that time, their eldest daughter Sansa, second daughter Arya, and second son Bran.

The two daughters were looking for their in-laws (Catelyn and his wife despise Theon and never thought of letting him marry Sansa), and Bran has no inheritance rights as the second son, and his future is worrying – this is not unfounded, Eddard's younger brother Benjen, because he didn't have the right to inherit, ended up going to the Wall to be a Night's Watch.

If you go to King's Landing, with the blessing of the Hand of The King as father and King as a family friend, Bran can at least become a Knight, with good luck, it isn't impossible to become a Kingsguard.

There is no doubt that Catelyn Tully made the choice of a good wife and mother.

Unfortunately, she is too politically minded to ignore the reality that King's Landing is facing a big storm, and her husband has no ability to avoid the storm at all.

In instigating her husband to go to King's Landing, she was barely able to clean up, but kidnapping Tyrion was too brainless.

Well, there is also the reason that Littlefinger is too smart, he made her feel that "a man who loves me deeply will not hurt me, even if I get married, he will definitely continue to be partial to me" ( ps ) super Mary Sue psychology, he easily fooled Catelyn into believing that Tyrion was the assassin of Bran Stark, her son.

Here she has to sigh with emotion, Littlefinger is really a role model in any lovers world, loving a cheating couple broken and lost…

Let's get down to business, Tyrion since he is a dwarf, is not respected by his father, but he is a Lannister after all. When Catelyn tied him up, she officially declared war on the Lannisters on behalf of "Stark + Tully".

This made Eddard Stark and the Queen's family immediately form an unfavorable situation of life and death. Although his good friend is the King, the Lannisters are too powerful – King Robert borrowed Lord Tywin's 3 million Golden Dragon, The maintenance of the Imperial Court almost depends on Lannisters.

After talking about how his wife cheated on her husband, let's talk about how Sansa Stark betrayed her father…

Eddard found out that the three children of Robert and the Queen were not at all of King's birth, but he didn't tell Robert immediately.

He had a heart of pedantic integrity and worried that Robert would kill Cersei's three children the same way Lord Tywin killed Prince Rhaegar's.

So he found Cersei secretly and told her: I know all the things you did, but I haven't told my poor but cruel good friend yet, I'm giving you three days, bring your child to leave, and then the two of us will fight each other on the battlefield!

Cersei killed Robert ahead of time when she knew he knew.

Because in King's Landing, Lord Eddard's rights all come from the King.

After killing Robert, Cersei should immediately take down the Eddards, or at least keep him under control.

But Cersei doesn't.

"The Game of Thrones" 1st Stage debut of the power struggle drama – "Eddard vs Cersei", the two protagonists are power struggle novices, compared to Tywin, Varys, Littlefinger, Prince Martell, and the Highgarden Old Rose, these two people can be called children squabbling with each other.

Cersei's skills are good but cheap.

Eddard, after all, has experienced the "Battle of Usurper" that overthrew the Targaryen Dynasty and has some knowledge and a certain political sense.

Seeing the tragic death of a good friend on the day after he gave Cersei her last notice, he immediately understood that he killed his friend.

Under grief and regret, he decided to use his life to maintain the "Baratheon Dynasty" of his friend.

Eddard was mortal by then, but he didn't want his two daughters to die with him.

So he couldn't bear it and planned to steal his two daughters to the fast ship that had been prepared for a long time. When they left King's Landing, he would fight with the Lannisters alone, either the fish dies or the net split.

Not to mention, in the Early-Stage when the King was killed, Eddard really had the capital to work hard.

Because Renly, Varys, and the others were planning to support him, even Littlefinger, who had secretly stabbed him with blood, didn't want him to fall right away.

Those people do not support Eddard's justice but wished him to live for political balance. Once Eddard falls, the next Hand of the King will be full of military, financial, political power, and other means. Lord Tywin.

It's a pity that Eddard just rejected the advice of all those who rely on themselves, the King's third brother Lord Renly had to run away, Varys never dared to see him again, and Littlefinger simply took refuge with Cersei.

At this time, Eddard is going for a sure-fire ending, but he has already come to his senses: all my friends are dead, am I still afraid of death?

It has to be said that Eddard's ability to hide secrets is still very strong if he wants to.

Just as he hid Jon Snow's background from everyone, including the wily old foxes Varys and Littlefinger, he also hid almost from everyone in King's Landing about his plans to sneak his two daughters away.

Then his oldest daughter Sansa came out, and the night before she left, she secretly ran to see Cersei and told her all about her leaving – Sansa of the Early-Stage is typical of The aristocratic nympho Maiden, she loves the handsome young man, and Joffrey is very handsome, she is reluctant to leave…

Cersei woke up suddenly, took Eddard on the second day, and put him in the dungeon.

Eddard's men were all killed, the Tower of the Hand was blood-bathed, only Sansa and her maid Jeyne survived, and Arya was kicked to the streets.

Eddard is already dead and is not afraid of being thrown into a dungeon, but with two daughters in the hands of Cersei, he has to give up his honor for the second time in his life.

For the sake of his daughters, he confessed to the people of King's Landing at the Great Sept of Baelor: he committed treason and Joffrey is a legitimate King.

——According to the agreement with Cersei, when he surrenders and admits defeat, Joffrey will let him put on a black robe and go to the Wall to be Night's Watch, but Joffrey is too crazy, temporarily regrets it, and in front of Sansa cuts off her father's head.

Sansa not only pitted her father, but she also had to bear a large part of the responsibility for a series of tragedies within the Wolf Family.

How many stupid things did Catelyn do to save her?

Okay, after Eddard's death, let's talk about other significant events.

After Eddard was imprisoned, the four Kings rose up at once:

The King in the North Robb, who wanted to avenge his father, owned the North and the Riverlands, Wolves, and Trouts;

Joffrey, King Robert's son, Crownlands and Westerlands, Lion;

Robert's Second Brother, Lord of Dragonstone Stannis, Dragonstone and nearby islands, Lord of Light's red heart + Stag;

Robert's Third Brother Renly, Storm's End Lord, Stormland and Reach, Golden Rose, and Crowned Stag;

In the Seven Kingdoms, only Dorneland and Vale of Arryn are not involved, But the Dorne House Martell and the Lannisters have a blood feud, Rhaegar's wife Elia is Princess Dorne, she and her two children died tragically at the hands of Lord Tywin.

Although the Vale of Arryn is controlled by Catelyn's biological younger sister Lysa and theoretically belongs to Robb's side, Lysa only listens to Littlefinger's words.

Among the four forces, Robb's force was the strongest, and the huge network of "'Wolf + Fish + Eagle (Vale)' + Deer" established during the battle of the Usurper was not completely broken – in the naive Robb and Catelyn seem so.

But the turmoil itself was caused by Lysa's madness – Lysa killed her husband, but told her elder sister that the Lannisters killed him – the "Eagle" has already left the alliance.

Mentioning Lysa, one has to complain, Eddard Stark's marriage is like this: I married my sister-in-law, my Adoptive Father married my sister-in-law, and I became the brother-in-law with my most respected Adoptive Father, I am very happy to kiss, but my sister-in-law is my wife's lover.

The "Third Stag" Renly would be happy to continue with the previous league, but the "Second Stag" Stannis is a loner and can't guess what's on his mind.

The Second Stag said "I don't want to be king, I don't want to be the Child of Prophecy, why are you forcing me" while angry at his younger brother.

Well, as said before, the Lord of Light R'hllor is one with two sides, both the Fire God and the devil who controls the shadows. His Priests have Blood Sorcery that controls the shadows to kill.

The Red Woman's shadow devil seems to be more perverted than the Shikamarus shadow magic — when the shadow cuts Renly's throat, he is equipped with a full set of throat armor, that can't be cut by a sword, and the shadow tears through the thick plate, like slitting thin paper.

Third Stag finished his apprenticeship

The "Crowded Stag +Golden Rose" alliance under his command was disbanded, the "Bucks" returned to the Second Stag, and the Golden Rose became a wild area.

The Second Stag, after becoming the "Bucks" leader, not only rejected Robb's major league, but also ordered the Red Woman to curse Robb with Blood Sorcery – It is unknown if Robb's death had anything to do with it, but cursed by the Red Woman Joffrey, Robb, Balon all had violent deaths.

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