I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 118

     Let's talk about the Lannisters.

The Westerlands + Crownlands (partially), are almost hostile to all six remaining areas.

Even putting aside the ambiguous attitude of the Vale of Arryn, it is still a situation of "Wolf + Fish + Deer + Rose" vs "Lion".

The Dorne also glares at the Lion like a tiger watching its prey.

If one of the Stag's and Robb's thoughts are in line, the Lion is over.

Robb Stark's father and grandfather died consecutively in King's Landing, which gave rise to the idea that "it's not that we of the North are too politically unsavvy, but they are too cruel".

He wants to break the unity of the Seven Kingdoms and declare the independence of the North and the Riverlands. He considers himself the King of the North.

If he is only to declare the North's independence, no one will pay attention to him.

In the bitter cold of the North, on the surface not only does it not contribute at all to Seven Kingdoms, but is a huge burden – with winter coming, the northerners cannot survive and will ask for food.

The key lies in the Riverlands, the vast plains of the Trident basin are the center of Westeros, and the Reach next door is called "Seven Kingdoms Granary". Any King who wins the Iron Throne will not allow the Riverlands to become independent.

The Third Stag Renly is still a bit sensible. Faced with such a request, he just said, "Let's knock down King's Landing first. The bottom line is to allow the North's independence, and the Riverlands issue is postponed."

The Second Stag directly declared Robb a traitor and gave him a "Great Curse".

Even though Robb and Second the Stag had a hole in their brains, and the feud began before the enemy was eliminated, the Lion Family's situation was still not good.

The Second Stag is battle-hardened, and Robb is a natural talent — the author of "Song of Ice and Fire".

Robb was still practicing sword skills with the Master-At-Arms for 13 years before, and he was 14 years old. Even a generation of famous war masters Tywin and a fierce General like Jaime were defeated by his quick-wittedness.

How did Robb cheat?

Because of Tywin's preemptive strike, the first time his son Tyrion was kidnapped by Catelyn, he divided his troops into two groups: one led by Jaime, 12,000 infantry, 3,000 cavalries, soldiers out of Golden Tooth, took River Road, and attacked directly the capital of Riverlands "Riverrun" (Robb's grandfather is Riverrun Lord); all the way, Lord Tywin himself led, about 20,000 people, took Goldroad, borrowed the way of Crownlands, and circled around the Riverlands "back".

In the early stages of the war, the Riverlands were almost crippled due to the front and rear attacks, and the "Fish" was captured by the "Lion". Not only was Riverrun besieged by Jaime, but even Robb's uncle, Edmure, was the only heir to the "Fish" not captured.

The Tywin army ate the Riverlands and completely destroyed the aristocratic rule and industrial and agricultural production of the Riverlands.

——Tywin hired a sellsword group from the Essos continent, the Bloody Mummers, for dirty work.

the Bloody Mummers are a notorious sellsword group in the world of "Song of Ice and Fire", and the Riverlands were almost reduced to purgatory.

Then Robb, who had just entered the battlefield, led 13,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry to the south.

At that time, Tywin was already waiting for it, and the KingsRoad on the east bank was the "only" road going south to King's Landing.

If Robb goes directly south, he will encounter the Tywin army occupying favorable terrain.

And Tywin did prepare a killing move for the Young Wolf: let Tyrion's mountain forces + The Mountain lead the old, weak, and sick on the Green Fork side.

Because The Mountain and Tyrion are leading the team, Robb's side must think they are the main force.

Wait for Robb to put the main force into it, and Tywin's real main force will burst out from the east, driving the team fighting by the river into the river together – including his.

But Robb grew up listening to Lord Tywin's Legendary story, deep in his heart he was actually afraid of fighting him head-on, and Robb's cheating "intuition" also reminded him: this battle is dangerous.

And then he really cheated.

There was also a split, and the most cautious Roose Bolton led 13,000 infantry to confront Lord Tywin, and his Commander with 5,000 cavalry marched westward to help Riverrun.

In addition to taking the KingsRoad, the only way to cross the Green Fork is The Twins.

——Lord Frey, with only 600 years of "shallow" family heritage, built a bridge over Green Fork.

In order to cross the river, Robb signed a sacred contract with Walder Frey: Frey was made vassal to the King in the North, this not only allowed Robb's army to cross the river, but House Frey also sent thousands of soldiers to join Robb's team.

In return, 1. Robb will marry a House Frey woman; 2. "Arya" Arya will marry into House Frey; 3. Catelyn will adopt two of House Frey's direct sons as adopted sons.

To be honest, Marquess Frey wasn't profiting from somebody's misfortune, and the pay and the return were almost equal.

After all, Robb is in rebellion, allowing the crossing of the river is the second thing, and Frey also provided a lot of troops and materials-in Robb's bannermen, in addition to his uncle, House Frey belongs to the group of people who contributed the most, about four or five thousand soldiers.

Robb himself held 5,000 cavalry plus Lord Frey's thousands, led by a local lord "Blackfish", sneak attacked at Whispering Wood and captured Jaime Lannister.

Blackfish, Brynden Tully, Robb's second grandfather, became famous in the War of the Ninepenny Kings and participated in the "Battle of Usurper" that overthrew the Targaryen Dynasty.

Robb's talent + Blackfish's experience=fight every battle without defeat

After taking Jaime and sweeping the 15,000 "Lion Family Army" besieging Riverrun, the situation in the Riverlands was immediately reversed.

Tywin's frontal battle is pinned down by Roose Bolton's North infantry, and on the flanks, Robb integrates the Riverlands vassal army, creating an army of armies.

In the rear, King's Landing was not only unable to provide support but also faced the army siege of the "Deer" family.

It can be said that at that time Lannister's survival was between Robb's single thought – as long as Robb is not so smart and desperate, even if Tywin can escape, he can only escape into King's Landing alone.

Unfortunately, Robb is too smart.

It's not a pejorative meaning, he has already taken into account the post-war situation: the Second Stag does not allow him to be independent, and he is also an enemy. If the "Wolf" and "Lion" are violently anal, even If he can win, he will kill him, and finally let the Second Stag clean up the mess.

Of course, the Lannisters are not the same as the Second Stag after all, the Second Stag only opposes the North's independence, but the Lannisters cut off his father's head.

So, Robb won't let Lord Tywin go.

Since you are such a tough nut, then just outsmart it.

——I was born a man of war anyway!

So, instead of encircling Tywin eastward, Robb turned westward and led the war into Lannister's territory.

He made a different-world version of the "drag knife". If Tywin followed suit, then he would find a favorable location to ambush him – Blackfish and Robb even found the ambush location.

If Tywin doesn't chase, the Westerlands will be ravaged by the Wolf Family – House Lannister has a lot of gold and silver mines, if Robb were to grab a lot of money, and when they hit Casterly Rock, House Lannister will be finished.

One has to say that Robb's plan was very detailed. In order not to reveal his own strategy, even his uncle Edmure and Roose Bolton of the Commander North infantry did not know his "drag knife" plan.

In order to be more real, Robb deliberately left Edmure in Riverrun to "resist" Tywin eastward.

——Robb knows that his uncle's war skills are trending, and he must not be able to stop Tywin's trip to the West. If the bait of Edmure is defeated, Tywin will not suspect that it is a conspiracy.

Throughout the whole process, Robb can be said to be amazing, and his tactical skills are used to the extreme.

According to his assumption, even if the Second Stag can easily takes down King's Landing – King's Landing has only 3,000 miscellaneous soldiers, and the "Wolf" family lost a lot in the battle with the "Lion" family, he can also get the Westerlands. Benefit – Jaime has been captured by him, and then take Lord Tywin, Casterly Rock will probably surrender.

It can be said that Robb has done what he can do on the battlefield.

It's a pity that Tywin was not led by the nose.

From the very beginning, not only did Robb want to defeat Tywin "without loss", but Tywin also wanted to send that bastard to meet his dead father with the lowest loss.

When he found out that Robb was not the rookie he thought before, Tywin completely gave up his plan to win the battlefield – Lannister has many enemies, and he has no energy to waste on the "hard-headed, square-headed" northerners.

War is also just for politics, Tywin not only can fight, but he is also proficient in "Game of Thrones".

While Robb was still on the map, thinking long and hard, Tywin had already started writing letters.

Tywin's classic quote: Some victories are won by sword and spear, and some victories are won by pen, paper, and crow.

He sends and receives more than 100 Ravens every day. Robb's battlefields are in the Riverlands and Westerlands, and his battlefields are all over Westeros.

Did Frey and Bolton, who betrayed Robb in the future, receive his Raven?

They must have received it.

Roose Bolton, known to the North as "cautious and mature", did a big "stupid thing" while stationed at Harrenhal, and the already tight infantry split up again.

The original 13,000 infantry were wiped out by Tywin at Green Fork, with only 4,000 or 5,000 left, only about 8,000 left, and then Roose Bolton divided half of them south to King's Landing…

Robb was at Crag at the time, and about one-third of the North's infantry was attacking Duskendale.

Crag is more than 2,000 kilometers from Duskendale…

Even Roose Bolton's home, Harrenhal, is more than 600 kilometers from Duskendale.

It's all dirt roads, in medieval times.

There is no doubt that the army that attacked Duskendale was wiped out.

Well, it must be stated here that Robb's army consists of many bannermen, and Roose Bolton also brought a group of soldiers from his territory.

And the ones he sent to Duskendale to die, all belonged to House Stark's irons, and his own people have been staying in Harrenhal well.

After two battles at Green Fork and Duskendale, only one-third of the Northerners' infantry, or House Bolton's men, remained.

This is one of Tywin's methods.

In addition to dismantling the enemy from within, Tywin is secretly developing new allies – the "Golden Rose" who turned into the wild due to the death of the Third Stag.

—Tywin facilitates Joffrey's marriage to Little Rose Margaery... lion as King, rose as Queen.

On the strength of a Kingdom, Highgarden "Rose" is the strongest existence in the Seven Kingdoms, not only does she own one-third of Westeros's fleets, but also has the largest number of cavalry.

For example, the King in the North Robb has only 5,000 cavalry, and the Westerlands has a little more. The total number of cavalry under Tywin and Jaime is estimated to be 7,000.

But Reach had more than 20,000 cavalry for the Third Stag, and more than 50,000 infantry...even if Khal Drogo didn't die, his Khalasar was no match for the Highgarden family.

As long as the Seven Kingdoms are united, no one can conquer Westeros with martial power unless the Valyria Empire is reborn – even Dany with three dragons, and ten thousand Unsullied can only make a wave, and not necessarily overturn the boat.

Let's get down to business.

The old Lion, who secretly allied with Rose, didn't reveal this trump card. He deliberately followed Robb's will and "hurried roar" to the west, but deliberately was not Edmure's opponent. The "Rose" joined forces and went straight to King's Landing.

Well, he ignored Robb.

Because Robb was already dead at this point, it was no longer a threat.

Remember the first-generation divorced man "Prince of Dragonflies"?

Because of Jenny of Oldstones, he broke his sacred engagement with Princess Baratheon; because of Jenny of Crag, Robb broke his vow to House Frey.

Well, history repeats itself in this brief moment, another gentle and beautiful Jenny, and another handsome teenager King.

Robb was wounded by a stray arrow while attacking Crag, and then he was cared for by Jeyne Westerling, daughter of Crag Earl Gawen Westerling – why did the Earl's oldest daughter take care of him herself?

What about servants and maids?

It is very likely that Jenny's mother Sybell arranged it delicately. At that time, her situation was very bad, her husband was captured by Robb, and her city was also occupied by northern people.

Not sure how much Lord Tywin played a role in it, but it didn't take long before Robb and Jenny had sex.

Robb wanted to protect Jenny's honor, and because he was a beginner, he was more impulsive, so he didn't take Jenny as his lover, but instead announced his marriage in public on the second day.

And Jenny's mother Sybell had been in contact with Tywin, and secretly fed her daughter Moon Tea – the Ice and Fire World's birth control.

After Robb's death in the Red Wedding, Sybell got a lot of benefits from Lannister: her big brother was promoted to Lord Castamere (a rich estate with gold mines, "Rain of Castamere"), and her son married a Lannister, two daughters also have arranged marriages – including Robb's wife Jenny.

The unfathomable mystery of Robb went from the Game of Thrones big player to outcast, followed by the Second Stag Lannister.

the Second Stag dispatched the Red Woman to kill the Third Stag with Blood Magic, and used similar means to capture his younger brother's Storm's End, and went by sea to take King's Landing in one fell swoop.

King's Landing had only 6,000 Gold Cloaks at the time, of which 4,000 were newly recruited street hooligans who were not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

Sea power is also far from being a match for the Dragonstone navy, with sea control firmly in the hands of the Second Stag.

If nothing else, the Second Stag can easily take down King's Landing.

But the Imp Tyrion exploded. As one of the protagonists, he is also a hang-up.

To be honest, the experience of Daenerys's Dragon Hatching and conquering the Unsullied can be considered a cheat, but it is still a lot worse than Tyrion.

Facing the Second Stag with absolute military superiority, Tyrion suddenly made the Second Stag...

That battle was like this…

King's Landing was located on the north shore of Blackwater Rush, to the east of King's Landing was Blackwater Bay, and the Second Stag's army from the south Come to the Storm Territory.

Tyrion pre-fired any structures that would facilitate landings, such as docks, harbors, etc. along the Blackwater Rush, and the walls of King's Landing were completely emptied.

To attack King's Landing, the Second Stag must build a pontoon bridge over Blackwater Rush.

Therefore, the Second Stag's fleet must enter the river from the sea, enter the Blackwater Rush, transport troops by ship, or connect the ship to the land, and then take the springboard and assemble into a crude "wooden bridge".

Tyrion built two winch towers at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, with an iron chain attached between the stone towers. When the Second Stag's fleet entered the river, the iron chain sank to the bottom of the river, waiting for most of the enemy fleet. Entering Blackwater Rush, twist the lock plate to straighten the chain so that the river is blocked by a chain.

This book is nothing, if in the ancient sea battles on Earth, even if the back road is blocked, but my troops are strong, there is no need to retreat.

And my boat is not locked together, you set the boat on fire from upstream and I can hide or push the fire boat away with a pole.

The problem is that this is a fantastic and different world, Maesters have been developing for thousands of years and have not been able to make something called "science", but a Pyromancer has been able to produce strange Wildfire on the assembly line long ago.

Tyrion set off the boat from upstream, but the cabin was not filled with kerosene but with Wildfire.

Wildfire = (Incendiary + Amaterasu) 2

Green flames burned the lower half of the Blackwater Rush into Purgatory.

After the battleship was set on fire. With a dwarf figure of over one meter, he literally killed a crowd of tall and powerful enemies.

If it wasn't for Cersei (?) sending someone to 'shoot' him, the Imp would have passed the Hell difficulty level of the "Second Stag King's Landing" almost unscathed.

Well, Lord Tywin is also ruthless, he has been hiding on the side and only waits for the Second Stag's army to completely dispel the imposing manner under King's Landing, and then he comes out and picks the fruit of his son's victory.

In this way, in the battle of the four kings, the Third Stag, Second Stag, and Robb exited in turn, and Joffrey had the last laugh…well, at least he wasn't dead yet.

Westeros' first wave of Kings is over.

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