I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 120

   "Klang Klang…"

In the top garden of the Great Pyramid named the Palace of the Morning Sun, two swords collided quickly in mid-air.

The bright silver armor weighing 65 pounds did not affect Barristan's agile steps at all. His center of gravity remained unchanged, and his body slid back and forth...

Dany wears brown-boiled leather armor and holds a sword in both hands, moving forward, backward, and dodging left and right almost exactly like Barristan.

But unlike Barristan's leisurely walks and poses, her brow beaded with sweat, and her two-handed greatsword stabs with almost all of her strength with each stab.

The old Commander only blocked and didn't attack her, but Dany tried her best to slash at the opponent's key points.

On the first day of officially learning swordsmanship, the Legendary Knight solemnly warned her: "As a Warrior, especially a female Warrior, the first rule that needs to be understood is that you must be very ruthless when you use your sword. When facing the enemy, directly attack their key points.

Because on the real battlefield, an instant is often equal to a lifetime.

I have seen too many young and promising Knights, be applauded on the Tourney ground, only to die on the battlefield at the hands of an enemy whose strength, speed, courage, skill, and armor were inferior, all because he had a momentary flinch when he was supposed to kill."

"It's one thing to train with a blunt sword in the yard, but it's another to put a four-foot-long sword into someone else's belly and watch the light fade away in the other's eyes.

Before you become a veteran of the battlefield like me, it is best to develop a physical memory that will kill when you see the enemy. The fear in your heart will only motivate you to act according to your physical instinct... This is very cruel to the enemy, but it's better than being killed by death." He taught her solemnly.

Barristan sees the glory of a Knight as his life, but he is not pedantic at all, since pedantic people will not live to his age.

After completing the sword-swinging training, it is two people's sparing practice, there is no martial arts routine like in a wuxia novel.

In the words of the old Knight: You only need to use the movements you are most familiar with and most comfortable with to put the sword edge into the opponent's key points, no elegant poses.

Then the old man drew a diagram of the human body structure and taught her where are the key points, where to attack that will kill with one strike, and where will the enemy lose strength but not die…

Even in this medieval-like era, the anatomy of the human body diagram has no mistakes.

The old man said: Maesters have been experimenting with corpses for thousands of years, and he did not invent this set of 'vital attack charts'. The Targaryens have collected many research reports of fallen scholars. After watching the Kingsguards of all dynasties, they summed up a set of the most efficient killing skills.

Well, the fallen scholars are Maesters who secretly experimented with living people.

If this behavior is discovered, the Citadel will strip them of their Maester status.

Dany is a surgeon, she learned very fast, and she can often draw inferences from other facts, so shocked the old Knight!

I have to say that the identity of the Last Princess is still very useful. If she transmigrates into an ordinary person, it is felt that she will never be exposed to the most orthodox Knight training in her life.

Compared with Barristan, even Jorah Mormont has become a wild knight from the Kingdom.

"White Cloak" skills are divided into two. After Dany quickly masters the key attack points, the old man begins to teach her to attack the weak points of armor.

Slightly different from the technique Mormont learned from Bear Island, Mormont used his knowledge of the armor to look for gaps that could be pierced by the sword edge.

In front of Mormont, the old man seemed to be teaching Dany, and he seemed to be teaching the techniques of the White Cloak, saying: "It's not that iron armor can't be pierced. Last time, 9-Year-old Daenys also used the power of a huge bear to pierce its fur.

And every Kingsguard is the best contemporary Knight, if there is no outstanding talent, how can they be called 'the best'?

In the eyes of the White Cloak at the peak of strength, speed, and skill, the perfect armor for the ordinary man or woman is likely to have weak spots everywhere.

Well, even some people who are not talented can also become superhuman with equipment.

So, for us, the skills of finding weak points are different from others.

We will combine each other's armor thickness, key attack map, the strength of the Knight himself, the environment at that time, etc., and can determine the real weak spot in a very short time."

The White Cloak's method of finding the enemy's weak spot is exceptionally complicated, and there is no way to describe it in words. Dany can only slowly gain experiance under the leadership of Barristan, a great expert.


Once again, Dany's sword was knocked flying, and she waved to the old Knight, indicating that it was ending here today, her face was flushed with heat, and she held her hands up. she was gasping for breath on her knees.

Barristan bent down to pick up Dany's sword, put the two training blunt swords back in the weapon rack, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, your martial skill is really progressing rapidly. At first, you couldn't even swing a sword, and now it's approaching an experienced hands level, maybe it won't take two years before you can become a qualified Knight."

"Gudonggudong…. .." Taking the porcelain bottle handed by the maid Doreah, Dany almost drank a liter of pure milk with a little fishy smell in one breath.

Hiccupping comfortably, Dany felt herself come to life again. After six months of high-intensity training and high-energy supplements, she jumped up again, and she was almost 1.7 meters tall. Her weight had also increased by 15 pounds.

When she was in Qarth, 15-year-old Dany was 1.65 in height and weighed only 75 pounds, which was a little light. Now it is normal.

Now Dany is tall, slender, and well-proportioned, with strong arms, a stable bottom, light steps, and four slightly raised square muscles in her lower abdomen. She is a beautiful girl full of vitality.

Dany put down the vase and said curiously: "An experienced hand? Sword level? Why didn't I hear Ser Jorah say it."

Barristan had his big sword re-fastened to the buckle around his waist, and he said: "Those northerners don't pay attention to the theory of sword skill at all, they are satisfied if they can go on the battlefield and kill the enemy.

Word of mouth In the White Cloak, the sword skill is roughly divided into levels, such as an experienced hand.

"What's the point?" Dany became interested.

"Like an experienced hand, the sword in the hand becomes a part of the arm. Every movement of the sword is extremely precise."

Dany endorsed his statement.

She's a little more interested now, it's a wonderful feeling: I can hit exactly where I see.

It's like... playing basketball in college, sometimes when the basketball is shot, there is a feeling that it will definitely go in, and then the basketball really hollows into the net.

However, such a feeling is rare and rarely occurs. Unlike now, she almost always has confidence in "what her heart thinks, what her sword can reach".

"I do have the feeling you said, are there a lot of people like that?" Dany asked.

"Not many, it is difficult for one of 10 regular Knights to achieve it." the old man sighed then said, with a complicated tone, "Anyone who can raise a sword can swing a sword and slash, but personal talent and hard work limit most people to go further."

Dany was a little cooing, but also a little shocked: "An experienced hand is already very rare, how can the next few levels be so powerful?"

"Your bastard sword weighs 13 pounds, and my two-handed greatsword weighs 20 pounds. In a short period of time, you may become an experienced hand, but over time… ."

Barristan raised his chin to Dany, motioning her to see how she was sweating and weak.

"Isn't the feeling of swinging a 13-pound sword 200 times different from swinging a wooden stick 200 times? But in my hand, the wooden stick and the long sword have the same feeling…that is lifting the heavy as if it were light."

The old man pushed aside the fine gray hair hanging down from his forehead and said: "In simple terms, when you wave a long sword as easily as swinging a wooden stick, then you will know."

"How can a long sword be as light as a wooden stick? it doesn't makes sense." Dany shook her head.

Barristan hearing this revealed reminiscence and sighed: "This question was also asked back then."

"By who?"

"Jaime Lannister," Jaime became a Kingsguard at the age of 16. He had a good aptitude, but his sword skills were not the best. At that time, the strongest Swordsman, Ser Arthur Dayne, was in charge of teaching him."

"The Sword of the Morning?" Dany asked enthusiastically: "How did he answer?"

"He said, for lifting the heavy as if it were light, the key point is to grasp the center of the objects gravity, not the center of gravity of the sword, nor the center of gravity of the person, but the center of gravity of the person's body, armor, arms, and sword after they are combined.

During the battle, the sword's edge changes constantly. The direction of the sword tip is also changing, but the overall center of gravity is almost maintained at one point.

The center of gravity does not change, just like standing still, with almost no force, people naturally relax.

It's the opposite when it's light and heavy. By adjusting the overall center of gravity, it seems that...gravity translates into speed?

Oops, can't remember.

Anyway, Adjusting the center of gravity can increase the strength of the sword edge, obviously a thin assassin sword can also achieve the effect of slamming a heavy sword with both hands."

Speaking of this, the old man frowned and looked a little dazed. I don't know what to say next.

Because he doesn't understand, although he has reached this point, the old Knight succeeded completely by instinct.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I don't understand Ser Dayne's words... alas, he isn't here.

Because of Jaime's question, Ser Dayne thinks it should be written down and leave it to future generations to observe the same.


Super awesome!

Dany is satisfied, the Knight civilization of Westeros has not transitioned from the Iron Age to the Steam Age in 6,000 years, but the sword skills they have trained for thousands of years have reached a peak of the Cold Weapon Age.

Although Barristan was stumbling, he didn't know what he said, but Dany figured out what the Sword of the Morning wanted to say.

There are two key points: center of gravity and leverage!

"As expected of the Sword of the Morning!" she sighed.

"Uh, do you understand?" the old man said strangely.

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