I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 121

      Dany nodded at first, then shook her head and said, "I understand a little, but just understanding is useless!"

One can understand Newton's three laws of physics, but can't use them in math equations when watching something!

"You really are an extraordinary talent!" Barriatan praised: "It took Jaime Lannister a year to understand some of it, and it took another four years to reach the start of practicing it. There will be many exercises in the future, and you should learn it soon."

"I didn't expect the Kingslayer to be so good." Dany was surprised.

Barristan bitterly laughed and said: "Your Majesty, you must understand that the Kingsguard was really the highest honor of any Knight back then, and the seven white-robed Knights are definitely the strongest Knights of our time.

Unlike now, monarchs do not look at each other's martial skills and character.

Is that crony King me, or Joffrey?

Is Jorah Mormont not qualified to be Kingsguard, or Hound in your place?

"What skill level does Ser Jorah have?" Dany asked, combing her hair.

"Ser Jorah? Alas, he's even worse than you…" The old man said with a look of disgust, "After dealing with this past Ghis Alliance attack, you should suspend his duties and let him study with me for a few years! As a Knight he is unqualified, at least his martial skill has to pass the test, right?"

Dany was dumbfounded and said incredibly: "How could I be Ser Jorah's opponent? Moreover, I think he is very strong, and many Dothraki are not his opponents."

"Your Majesty, it is only skill, it does not equal strength, whether it be natural strength, speed, the environment at the time, or mentality, these are the key factors that determine victory or defeat of any altercation," Barristan said seriously.

"Like the Sword of the Morning, Ser Dayne had reached an amazing level of skill and technique, but he still died at the hands of Eddard Stark…"

At this, the old man couldn't help but sigh and murmured a little confusedly: "Eddard Stark is not even as good as Ser Jorah.

But how did he overcome that?

It's been 15 years and the battle of the Tower of Joy is still a mystery, but I'm sure Lord Stark must be hiding something."

The Hidden Child of Prophecy, Jon Snow!

The two were talking when an Unsullied soldier trotted down the stairway.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is less than 100 kilometers away from us, and will likely be close to the wheat fields outside your manors tomorrow evening."

Dany walked to the edge of the fence, leaned over, and looked at the militiamen who lined up to train their spears in the Plaza of the People, and said with conviction: "It is finally here. After waiting for them half a month, the work in the farmland is about to be delayed."

After receiving the news that the "anti-Dragonmother" Ghis coalition forces were set off from Yunkai, Dany carried out a "Kingdom wide" general mobilization.

In addition to the Unsullied and the five thousand "Mother of Dragons" guards, every family with a brother, or adult son, whether city or farm peasant, new peasant or Ghis, must send a young man to serve in the military.

There are not many people, excluding those who have already joined the Mother of Dragons guards, a total of 30,000 people have been recruited.

The mobilization efficiency is stronger than that of the Seven Kingdoms Lords, and the negative impact on production is also smaller. Each household has at least one adult man and one adult woman, and each manor is also allocated cattle and plow horses.

The North has a population of more than 500,000 people, yet Robb Stark only recruited 18,000 people, and the entire North agricultural production nearly collapsed. Because the war dragged on for too long, large tracts of wheat rotted in the fields.

On the second day early in the morning, Dany rode her small silver horse, leading 5,000 Unsullied, 500 Dothraki screamers, 4,000 Mother of Dragons guards, and 20,000 new recruits, and set off along the coast to the north.

The 18,000 people Robb took away from the North were all Warriors, and there was no civilian escape to escape the army. Some of the army's needs were provided by the princes along the way, and some of them sent scouts to the countryside to snatch the peasants' rations.

The people of the Riverlands also organized a guerrilla group, the Brotherhood Without Banners, to hunt and kill the Northerners who rob the people of food and strengthen the village women.

As said, as the protagonist in the show, how could Robb do such a crazy thing?

He would starve to death if he didn't do that much.

In fact, as a standard aristocratic disciple, Robb doesn't care about the life and death of commoners at all.

The nobles of Westeros don't care about the life and death of the people. Even in the eyes of Barristan, who pursues the glory of Knighthood, as long as the King's war is just, the people should pay for it.

Lord Tywin is a bit smarter than Robb, he hired a sellsword group from Qohor across the Channel, the Brave Companions.

The Brave Companions, also known as the Bloody Mummers, have a total of more than 500 Bloody Mummers, especially responsible for helping Lord Tywin's army to go to the countryside to collect food.

After only one or two years of war, the once prosperous Riverlands were empty.

The peasants recruited by Dany are mainly responsible for transporting grain, camping, and digging trenches for the army. Only 9,500 professional soldiers are actually engaged in combat.

The wheat on both sides of the road has been grouted, and the stalks are beginning to turn yellow. From time to time on the ridges, you can see farmers in straw hats with sickles in their hands, staring blankly under the white sun. The Queen's army went forward like a long procession.

Perhaps, they are looking for their husbands and brothers in the convoy?

100 Dothraki cavalry were scattered 5 kilometers ahead, exploring the way for the large force

Dany took the lead and moved to the front of the team. Today, she was wearing inconspicuous gray and black iron armor, helmet, face armor, throat armor, plate armor, arm armor, leggings, iron boots, everything, and there is no weak spot on the whole body.

The little silver horse under the jumpsuit also wore silver chainmail on its head and abdomen.

On the left and right sides are Strong Belwas and Lord Commander of the White Cloaks Barristan, the fat eunuch is also riding today, mounted infantry.

Jorah is in charge of defending the city, and Cleon the Butcher also has a mission, but he didn't come with her this time.

Dany is behind 5,000 Unsullied led by Gray Worm, behind the Unsullied are the 4,000 Mother of Dragons Guards, and after that are 20,000 people who are pushing carts and pulling ox carts.

The team stretches for four or five kilometers, with the remaining 400 Dothraki interspersed back and forth, responsible for passing information and counting how many are left behind.

Dany doesn't understand the principle that the troops and horses go first without food and grass. The key is that they are on the defensive side. Isn't letting the people go first to deliver food to the enemy?

"bang bang bang…" Under the scorching sun, the manor of wheat seedlings and fruit forests in front was twisted in the steam from the red clay road, but Dany could still tell that on the road a Dothraki came over to report.


After a while, a Dothraki dressed "weirdly" came to the little silver horse.

Well, the Dothraki now doesn't have their iconic Dothraki vests, and Dany forced them to replace them with the same lightning rod helmets same as the Unsullied, and light chain mail, with one on each saddle on the left and right, and a hand crossbow.

Compared to normal Dothraki, they are really a little weird.

"Khaleesi, the enemy was spotted five kilometers ahead, and Aggo Kou shot two of them with a bow and arrow."

"How far is it from our scheduled battlefield?" The words came out from behind the face armor, her tone a little distorted.

"There are still 8 kilometers."

"This…" Dany turned and asked the commander-in-chief, "We judged wrong? How did they run like this? Come on, it was 100 kilometers away from Astapor yesterday, and today we are going to White Poplar Slope, 20 kilometers outside the city, at noon?"

As early as five months ago, when the anti-Dragonmother coalition was still brewing, Barristan considered the situation today, he spent half a month checking the terrain within 50 kilometers outside the city.

The experienced veteran suggested Dany give up the idea of ​​defending the city for three reasons: 1. The manors outside the city would be destroyed, the enemy would come from afar, and it would be difficult to transport food.

Of course, Dany could have a hard time, but that would be too expensive.

Second, if you lose your initiative, the opponent will travel a long distance across five-six hundred kilometers, and you will be exhausted. An active attack is the best choice.

Thirdly, Dany's Unsullied and Dothraki units are suitable for field battles, and open areas in the field are more beneficial to her.

Then, he set his sights on a low hill 20 kilometers outside the city called "White Poplar Slope".

White Poplar Slope is 100 meters above sea level. The slope is low and gentle, which is favorable for impacting downwards. The left side is close to the sea, and the right side is to the coast. The enemy cannot avoid it.

There is a large poplar forest at the back, which is convenient for logging and camping.

According to the previous marching speed of the Ghis people of more than 20 kilometers per day, today they should not suddenly cross the distance of 70 kilometers, and they should come to the White Poplar Slope first.

Barristan didn't panic at all when he heard Dany's questioning, his voice gave a quiet feeling.

He said: "Don't worry, it should be just the vanguard, the number will not be too many, let all our cavalry be dispatched to clear the scout within 5 kilometers of the White Poplar Slope."

"All? Didn't you say there were not many?" Dany was surprised.

Barristan smiled slightly and said, "The other party must be sellswords, give them a chance to surrender first, for those sellsword groups one can't say they will have other ideas."

"Surrender to me? They must have signed a deal with the Ghis." Dany shook his head.

"Except for the Golden Company, all sellsword groups have broken their promises many times." The old man said with a good hearty laugh.

"Very well."

The order was passed quickly, the Dothraki shouted loudly, and the blue-and-white-winged flag of the Mother of Dragons guards kept waving, and after a while, two thousand five hundred riders galloped forward quickly along the road that the infantry gave way.

"Long live the Mother of Dragons, long live Queen Daenerys, long live the Wings of Freedom!" every cavalry trooper who ran past Dany shouted a slogan.

Four thousand 'Mother of Dragons Guards', 2,000 light cavalry, and 2,000 longbowmen, who followed Dany's expedition, trained for half a year.

Obviously, with super infantry like the Unsullied already, Dany wouldn't be training infantry anyway.

In the beginning, she also wanted to directly create heavy cavalry like the Westeros Knights. Astapor not only lacked good horses and iron but also had few qualified Smiths.

Ordinary horses cannot carry armored cavalry, and a regular heavy cavalry requires three good horses in addition to a Knight squire with horses, otherwise, it will not be able to fight for a long time.

Well, if a horse sprints at a high intensity all afternoon, it will have to rest for a month, otherwise, it will be in danger of being scrapped. If a battle lasts for a long time, Knights will change horses in the middle, and the horses will rest.

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