I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 122

          Although the White Poplar Slope can't be a "dangerous battleground for soldiers", it is the best place to deploy troops within 30 kilometers.

The sun had just fallen below the land and Dany was standing on the hillside, her left hand was holding a horse statue made of sharpened poplar trunks, and her right hand was shading her looking into the distance with one-way glasses.

In the twilight, on the fields a kilometer away, smoke pillars densely covered with forests rose.

They came from hundreds of campfires, and the crimson flames swaying in the night wind gave the impression that a starry curtain had fallen from the sky and covered the plains.

The tents of the slaves and the mercenaries were like gray, yellow, brown, and red mushrooms, suddenly burrowing out of the fiery field.

By the light of the bonfires, Dany saw the makeshift towers in front of the opponent's camp and the archers on them. In the camp, she also saw the slave soldiers holding their spears in hand and dragging chains on their feet. Ghis soldiers were in quality cloaks, and the sellswords were wearing different styles of armor, leather armor.

There are also camp prostitutes with thin clothes, carrying jugs, teasing the sellswords wiping themselves with water and oil, and street vendors pushing carts and shouting loudly, providing sellswords and Ghis with various services.

A squat shepherd drove a group of big fat pigs through the bonfire. Every now and then, a sellsword would throw a lightly shining silver Honor, and then a fat pig oinked and was laughed at by several people. The sellsword took a side, the blade slashed, and the dying pig made a final squeal.

The messenger who transmits messages, the slave who sharpens his sword on the whetstone, the knight who unloads the saddle from the warhorse, the groomer who scolds the poor horse in the stable…

A variety of scenes are clearly printed into Dany's eyes, all kinds of human voices, livestock neighing, the sound of clinking metal, plus the smokey smell of campfire food, cooking stew and horse dung, sweat, and urine mixed together, over the camp fence, over fields and hillsides, like a tidal wave to Dany.

It was hazy, it almost made her think it was the sound of waves coming from the farther sea.

Compared to the opposite side, the camp behind Dany is as dark as a ghost, as quiet as a midnight movie theater when "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" was released. Except for her, there was no audience.….

Ser Barristan is not so strict, Dany is that strict with her soldiers.

Barristan's previous guess was correct. A group of sellsword cavalry left the main force 30 kilometers away and were ordered to come to an Astapor village to collect food one step ahead.

The Alliance Against the Dragonmother army totally didn't expect Dany to have the guts to come out of the city to fight.

The results were tragic. Less than 200 cavalrymen were besieged by 2,500 cavalry on Dany's side. Except for the dozen or so cavalry that fled, the remaining half died and half saw that the situation was far from good.

Well, the Dothraki ride on Dragon Horses, full of stamina and fast.

It took another whole day and night before the other lagging procession came slowly. When she came down to the White Poplar Slope this afternoon, Dany was shocked, the grandiose, boundless, watching. How does it look like hundreds of thousands of armies?

Is the information wrong? Or, joined a group of people halfway from the sea?

Then Barristan taught her on the spot how to quickly estimate the enemy's numbers, and estimated that the opponent was over 70,000, maybe more.

In addition to 30,000 slave soldiers, 3,000 yellow silk cloaks, and 5,000 sellswords, the rest are all merchants and merchants' slaves.

Just like Dany had to arrange for the civilians to transport food, the other party's 38,000 soldiers walked for more than 20 days, and the daily consumption of supplies was a huge number.

Barristan was not surprised, telling Dany: "In the battle between the Essos Free Cities, the merchants followed the fighting armies like flies chasing shit.

They provided the soldiers with food, drink, medicine, prostitutes, and weapons, and they also bought broken weapons and armor from the victorious army, a surplus of army horses, and even bought the defeated soldiers as slaves."

Then Dany asks if in Westeros this will also be the case.

Barristan weirdly nodded and shook his head again: "The Free Cities place more emphasis on credit, in Westeros…merchants also chase the armies, but the merchants generally belong to the lords of the army.

For example, in Lord Tywin's army, most of the merchants come from Casterly Rock or the territories related to Casterly Rock.

If the merchants of the hostile forces go there, they will be 'devoured' and wiped, not to mention making money, even their life may not be saved."

Seeing the wooden door of the opposite camp open, a group of riders with torches rushed towards the White Poplar Slope, Dany put down the telescope, turned back to Gray Worm behind her, and said, "Light the torches and guide the way for the guests."

"The guests arrive, light the torches!" Gray Worm shouted in harmony.

After repeating several times, starting from the middle of the hillside, the two rows of torches spread uphill in turn until they enter the camp gate.

On the spacious open space 20 meters behind the camp gate, a wooden building was built, with wooden stakes as walls and a thick canvas ceiling, with an interior of 100 square meters.

When Dany walked past, the wooden building was already ablaze with lights.

Irri and Jhiqui were waiting by the door, and when they saw Dany, they immediately opened the leather curtain and said, "Khaleesi, do you need to prepare food and drinks?"

Dany thought for a while and said: "Bring some wine and kumiss, that food is fine."


The maids can ride horses and are more comfortable with military life, but Doreah can't. She was left in Astapor.

About ten minutes later, Belwas, still in studded dark horse armor, led three guests in polished helmets with black feathers.

"Your Majesty, these are the three heads of Stormcrows, who claimed to have the exact same honor and power, and came together."

The three heads are of different ethnicities, a stout, broad-faced Ghis man, in his late fifties, with black-red upright hair and a lot of gray-white hair.

A Qartheen man with milky white skin, a large hairless head, and a curved scar on his face.

The last one is the gorgeously dressed Tyroshi.

According to pre-known intelligence, the Ghis, whose name is Prendahl Na Jisen, repeatedly made unfavorable remarks against Dany in the Yunkai market, and called on all the great Sons of the Harpy to join the "anti-Dragon Mother army".

The Qartheen is called Sallor.

Dany's focus is on Tyroshi, Daario Naharis, who was originally Daenerys' favorite lover.

Uh, the original Daenerys is one with a very strong desire, for both men and women and held several lovers…

After careful observation, Dany only felt that the original owner had heavy tastes.

Daario's beard on the upper lip is divided into three branches, dyed blue, the eyes and hair are also blue, the mustache on the chin is painted golden, and the fingernails have also done in blue manicure.

He is also in his early thirties, twice the age as Daenerys.

How did this guy attract the original Daenerys?

Dany's complexion changed behind the face armor, and no one else noticed. Only Daario showed obvious disappointment when he saw Dany in gray-black full-body armor.

Well, it is rumored that Mother of Dragons is a peerless beauty with a unique personality!

Dany is not shy and afraid of being seen, it is mainly because she is afraid of death!

In case there is a violent attack, and suddenly she is shot at, wouldn't it be too late to regret?

Although this armor is rather ugly—she did it on purpose to make it less conscious—but it is really strong, Dany tried it herself, and shot arrows with iron tips within two meters, and the weaker throat armor was only dented, not penetrated.

She decided that in the process of marching and fighting, in addition to eating, she would also wear the armor while sleeping.

Take a shower?

Sorry, the next few days she wasn't going to take a shower.

Strong Belwas first introduced the name and position of the sellswords to Dany, then pointed to the armored Queen sitting on a wooden chair, and said to the three mercenaries in a very proud tone: "See? for Astapor's Queen, the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys! If I were to say, you can surrender immediately.

"Haha, I only see a poor bitch huddled in iron armor at night. "Dany was lamenting Daario's weird makeup when the loud laughter of Prendahl the Ghis came from the other side.

"Head Prendahl, I'm a weak woman, and being cautious is a good habit. Dany chuckled softly, her voice was clear, with a Maiden's unique voice, but the tone in her words was cold and biting: "But the problem is, you are a seasoned old sellsword, so being open-mouthed, how can you live? To such an old age?"

"What did you say?" The wide face of the Ghis man was full of anger.

"I said, now that I'm strong and you're weak, and I'm not happy, you may not live long." Danny said evenly.

"Just by your mobs? Or, like the capture of Astapor, break the oath made before the negotiation and kill me here?" Prendahl scoffed loudly.

"Irri, Jhiqui, pour alcohol for the guest." Dany said to the maid beckoning with a hand, before looking towards the head of the Ghis people: "I didn't break my oath in the past, and I won't break my oath now."

Prendahl was rude and didn't worry about Dany's poisoning, so he picked up the bowl and drank it.

"hmph, Astapor's Good Masters treat you with sincerity, but you won't. How can it not be a violation of oath to go to their city?"

"I ask you, can I buy the Unsullied on credit?"

Before he could answer, Dany asked, "Am I free to move around after the deal is done?"

"Then we are free to attack you and kill you in the end." Prendahl coldly said.

"You are not my opponents. This time I asked you to negotiate, not only to respect traditional etiquette but also to persuade some undeserving people to escape a trip to death." Dany indifferently said.

"Woman, your threat is like the croak of a donkey!"

"A woman's words may not be a threat, but I'm not only a woman, but also a descendant of Valyria, Targaryen of Stormborn, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea...if that's not enough to make you feel threatened, then I am still the Queen of 10,000 Unsullied, I have 30,000 Freedom guards under my command, and there are three dragons circling this sky." Dany lightly said with a smile.

"Bah! "Prendahl spit out a mouthful of phlegm in the direction of Dany, and taunted said with a smile: "I only see a Horselord bitch, after we win, I will take turns riding you with my mount, hahaha… ."

Strong Belwas pulled out the Arakh, looked left and right, and asked, "Isn't it time for Kingsguard to do his duty, Barristan? Let Strong Belwas cut off his ugly head!"

Barristan glanced at Prendahl like a sword and said indifferently: "No, Belwas, the Queen has guaranteed the safety of these people." Tomorrow I will fulfill the responsibility, I have firmly remembered what this square-headed Ghis looks like. "

"Ai, it seems we can't talk anymore. Head of Prendahl." Dany took the broad-edged sword across her lap and put it on the back of the chair before standing up and making a gesture of seeing off. "Or, There is a difference between Captain Sallor and Captain Daario's ideas?" she asked at the last moment.

"Don't stir up trouble, our answer is the same," the Stormcrows leaders stood up from their chairs at the same time, and Prendahl stared at Dany with deadly eyes. "That is, no!"

After saying that, he got up and left with his companions.

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