I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 84

Although the slave dealer didn't understand what Whitebeard said, his tone and demeanor clearly did not benefit his business.

"What is that dirty old man talking about?" Kraznys asked the little translator.

After waiting for the little girl to tell him, the fat slave-master stomped his foot angrily, "This old man is an uncultured swine!"

"Tell that western barbarian, we train the Unsullied for the behavior called 'obedience'. I know the Andals Knights are famous, but even though a Knight is stronger and more skilled than an Unsullied, there is one thing that they are far outstripped by my good slaves, which is absolute obedience, absolute loyalty.

Ask that bitch again, if her father's Knights were all as loyal as my good slaves, would she still be homeless like a dirty stray pup?"

Too end his anger, he poured a glass of ice wine and let out a sigh of relief before adding: "Of course, you should pay attention to your words, don't make my good guests feel unhappy."

The little girl stammered. She translated his words again, and expressed all the meaning without any offense. Dany felt the girls stress when she heard him talking!

Arstan smiled coldly: "If I want to be docile, I might as well sell sheep."

Kraznys smiled with pearly white teeth after hearing the translation: "I may order these 'sheep' to tear his stomach open and let his grotty guts run down the bricked pavement."

Little translation: "Unsullied are not sheep, they have the ferocity and loyalty of hounds."


Dany murmured, slowly walking along the queue of slave soldiers while observing.

The girl with the umbrella behind her followed, keeping her in the shadow, but it reminded her that Unsullied had been standing under the sun's heat for a day and a morning, no shade of an umbrella…

Dany found that more than half of the Unsullied had the brown skin and almond eyes of Dothraki or Lhazareen, apparently the Dothraki Khalasars made an "outstanding" contribution to the slave trade.

The rest are Free Cities whites, Qarth milk men, Summer Isles blacks, and even one or two Jogos Nhais with shallow skin and pointed heads, I don't know who got them from so far away.

In addition to these there were Ghis with amber skin and red and black upright hair also trained as Unsullied.

The Ghis are very cruel to not even let go of ones own people!

These Unsullied all have smooth cheeks and empty eyes.

Their heights are different, and the ages fluctuate between 14 and 20, but it looks like they are all printed out of molds.

They all look different, but their Souls have been forced into the same shape, Dany thought.

"Why are they castrated?" she asked Kraznys through the little slave, "Whole men are stronger than eunuchs, it is known."

"What matters most to a Warrior?" Kraznys asked with a, rare, solemn look, "Strength? Bulls are strong and powerful, yet in the arena they are the ones who die every day.

Why just three days ago, a nine-year-old girl killed a bull in Jothiel's Pit.

We, of the Old Empire of Ghis, use the fact that we dominate the world to tell everyone that discipline is far more important than strength.

Unsullied are the rebirth of the ancient Ghis Legion in step, with absolute obedience, absolute loyalty, and no fear."

It makes sense, and countless examples of earth's modern warfare prove one thing: discipline is the most important thing in military might, Dany thought silently.

"The bravest of people fear death and disability still," Arstan said.

Kraznys hearing this grinned again, "Tell that old savage he smells like piss, and he needs a rotted stick to stand up, he's more disabled than others with disability, it's better for him to jump into the sea and drown, at least It'd be a clean death."

"Really shall this one say that Master?" The little translator was helpless, she didn't know how to spin this kind of swearing!

The slave-master stabbed the little black girl forward with his whip and yelled angrily: "Are you a woman or a ewe, why do you ask such a stupid question!? After scolding a guest, who would do business with me again?"

"Then...master, what should this one say?"

"Tell them that Unsullied are no longer human, death means nothing to the Unsullied, and disability doesn't matter!"

When the little black girl was translating, the slave-master walked to the square by the steps, stood in front of a strong and still Unsullied who looked of Lhazareen descent, raised his silver whip in his hand and fiercely whipped the opponent's bronze cheek, and made a long bloodstain.

The eunuch soldier just blinked, but stood still, letting the blood flow.

"Are you happy? Do you want me to give you another one slave?" Kraznys asked the Unsullied, but he looked towards Dany and the others with a smile.

"As long as the master is happy, please continue." The Unsullied loudly said.

Seeing that the slave-master raised his whip again, Dany hurriedly walked over, held his arm, and said to the little translator: "Please tell Lord Good Master, I have understood their courage to bear pain."

When her words were translated into Valyrian, Kraznys snickered, "Tell this ignorant western whore it's not about courage."

"Good Master said it isn't Courage, Your Majesty."

"Let her open her dim purple eyes and take a good look."

Kraznys stepped to the next slave warrior, a tall youngster with Lys blue eyes and flaxen hair.

"Give me your dagger."

The Lys boy kneeled, pulled out the dagger from his belt, and handed it to the slave-master with the hilt forward respectfully.

"Get up." Kraznys commanded.

Unsullied got up immediately.

The slave-master smiled and looked at Dany, and with an attitude of indifference, he slowly slashed the sword through the Lys boys sturdy torso from bottom to top, leaving a slender red line from his ribs to his abdomen.

Looking like it wasn't enough, he poked the tip of the dagger under the boys nipple again, and started cutting back and forth, blood flowing down the slave's chest like a stream.

"Ah, Seven Hells, what are you doing!?" Dany exclaimed.

"Tell the whore, don't make a fuss about nothing." Kraznys listened to the translation and said impatiently: "Men don't need nipples, and eunuchs certainly don't."

There was only a thin layer of skin left between the nipple and the breast before he slashed it so hard that it flopped onto the brick floor.

A red circle appeared on the Unsullied's chest, and blood was gushing, but he didn't move until Kraznys handed the dagger back with the hilt forward.

"Take it."

"The slave is happy to serve, Master." The slave warrior took the dagger and said respectfully.

Kraznys turned to Dany, "See? They don't feel pain. We have a Magic drink called 'Wine of Courage', made of nightshade, bloodfly larvae, black lotus root and other secret things.

It is prepared from the day they were cut, they had to drink it with every meal, day after day, year after year, until the feeling of pain becomes numb, until in battle they became fearless, until they are not afraid of any torture.

Tell the savage that any secrets can be safely handed over to the Unsullied for safekeeping, and can also be arranged to guard the conference hall and even the bedroom without any fear of being spied upon.

In Yunkai and Meereen, the way to make an eunuch is to remove the testicles, but leave the penis. Such a person is sterile, but can still become erect, that will only cause trouble.

We get rid of the penis too, not leaving anything, the Unsullied are the purest animals in the whole world, the bitch Queen can use them with confidence.

Oh, no, maybe she wants their penis!

But I'm not worried, Astapor is not as good as Yunkai, but there are tall and mighty skilled bed slaves who can satisfy her, hahaha…"

Is this disgusting man going to be fed to Big Black? What about Little Green, or Little White?

Dany was lost in thought.

The little translator sweated and translated his words with difficulty.

"Beast!" Whitebeard scolded with a livid face, stamping on his cane.

"The old man scolded you, master." The little slave girl trembled.

"Hahaha!" The slave-master laughed exaggeratedly at Whitebeard, jeering: "I hear that in those savage Sunset lands, some swore to remain chaste, to be sterile, and to live only for duty, is that so?"

"Yes," the old man nodded said after the question was conveyed by a small translator, "there are many such organizations: Maesters of the Citadel, the Septon and Septa of The Seven, The Silent Sisters of Death's Handmaidens, the Kingsguard, and Night's Watch…"

The slavers voice was low. "People shouldn't and can't live like this, so every day they will be tortured by temptation, vows are useless, in the end most people will succumb to their most base desires.

The Unsullied are different. The way they are is impossible to mention as equals, even when others make thousands of oaths. Women or men, You can never tempt them."

"hmph, don't you know that there are countless ways in the world to tempt people besides the instinctive desire of the body?"

"Yes, there are countless ways to seduce people, but Unsullied are different. They have nothing but weapons, not even a name for themselves, money, women, power, food, etc., all mean nothing to them."

"No names? So what do I call them?" Dany moved and frowned.

"Your Majesty, they don't have a fixed name."

Kraznys stopped in front of a Ghis man with the same amber skin, the same black-red upright hair, even the hairstyle is the same, if you don't look closely, the face is also similar.

Dany even thought viciously, did this cruel slave-master train his son to be an Unsullied in order to make money?

I saw Kraznys waving his whip at a small bronze plaque on the sword beside his 'Son', "Look, if you want to know his name, look at this plaque. Whoops, ask this Westeros bitch if she recognizes Ghiscari hieroglyphs."

"I don't," Dany said sullenly.

After the slave merchant got the answer from the little translator he frowned, and turned to the Unsullied, and asked: "What's your name?"

"The slave is called Red Flea, Master."

"What was yesterday's name?"

"Black mouse, master."

"What about the day before yesterday?"

"Brown flea, master."

"The day before?"

"The slave can't remember, master. Maybe blue toad, maybe blue insect?"

"Tell her that their names are usually, insect, rat, toad, or earthworm... This will keep reminding the slaves that they are just lowly insects.

Every evening, all the plaques are thrown into an empty wooden bucket and picked up randomly at dawn on the second day.

Hmph, they're worse than lowly bugs!"

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