I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 85

"Seven Hells!" Whitebeard groaned after hearing this, groaning, "That's mad, how can everyone remember a new name everyday all?"

"Ha! The world lacks many things, but there is no shortage of idiots." After listening to the little translator, Kraznys agreed, and then casually said: "So, we have to choose smart, strong, and obedient slaves.

If you can't remember your new name, death!

If you can't run with a full load all day, death!

If you can't climb a cliff, death!

If you can't walk barefoot through a field of burning coal, death!

If you can't kill a baby, death!

If you can't kill dog, death!"

This time not to mention Arstan, even Jorah's face was twisted, and his right hand holding the hilt of his sword creaked.

Dany fully believes that with her order, he'd rush over regardless and split the smug slave-master into two pieces at the fastest speed.

Well, Dany herself also has a pretty pale and distorted face .

Her expression could not be concealed. The slave-master saw it all, but he was not ashamed. Instead, he was complacent, smiling, and looked towards her with a look of contempt.

"Kill babies? Whose babies are the Unsullied killing? Do they not need to train their siege skills?" Dany asked with her eyes down.

Kraznys joked: "Before earning their spiked cap and becoming officially Unsullied, I'll give each slave a Silver Stag to go to the slave market, find a crying newborn, and kill the child in the face of the mother.

hehehe, so we can be sure that there is no weakness left in his heart."

Dany seemed to hear the sound of teeth clenching, is it Jorah, or is it Arstan?

When she was about to speak, she found that she was also clenching her teeth, and her mouth was full of a bitter taste.

It turned out to be her…

"They snatched the baby from the mother's arms, killed it while she watched, and paid a Silver Stag To compensate for her pain, even to train Unsullied, is it not too cruel?" She swallowed the blood in her mouth and gritted her teeth.

"Hahahaha!" Kraznys laughed long after the translation was over, "This nagging bitch is such a soft-hearted idiot.

Tell her, the master owns the child, not it's mother, the slave's everything belongs to the master, even her child!"

The slander suffered by an individual is nothing compared to the lives and dignity of thousands of people?

Dany once thought that Daenerys in the plot was very unwise, for the "petty profit" of thousands of Unsullied, she completely gave up the credit of House Targaryen.

Now Dany understands her a little bit, or rather, she understands carrying the infamy of the populace and benefiting the world.

Anyway, Dany's heart made a decision amid Kraznys' smug laughter.

Seeing Dany's sudden sweet and meaningful smile at him, Kraznys slowly stopped laughing, looked at her oddly for a while, and when she was still smiling at him, he flexed his shoulders uneasily.

But immediately a strong sense of shame arises, and the slave-master angrily slaps hims legs with a whip and yells at the poor little translator: "Tell that Westeros bitch, that most kill the babies, more slaves fail the dog test.

Tell her that on the day every boy is castrated, they will be given a puppy that he has to keep until the end of the first year, and then strangle it to death with his own hands…

hehe, the boys who can't do it will be executed immediately, and his meat will be cut off and fed to the dog he is not willing to kill.

Dogs don't have those problems, they eat so heartily!

hehehe, for those children, killing dogs is much more difficult than killing babies... Would it be surprising to ask them?

Because the Unsullied have no affection for babies, but those puppies were their only companion, their only spiritual support, hahahaha…"

Whitebeard looked away, Kraznys made him unable to bear it, he had never wanted to leave a city, a bay so badly... it was too awful for a decent man to bear.

"Her Highness, I suggest to you with the most sincere heart, leave here immediately, the pure you should not suffer such torture," he said.

"The slave-master should be in seven hells, but what does this have to do with the Unsullied?" Jorah retorted: "It's better to serve the Queen than be tortured here."

"Buying Unsullied is like helping the slave-master, who will buy more young slaves with the Gold Dragons we pay, kill more babies and...their dogs." Whitebeard gritted his teeth.

"Even if we don't buy them, will the Unsullied stop being made? Are we the only buyers in the world?" Jorah rebutted.

"Hey, you Westeros pigs, what are you whispering about?" shouted Kraznys, smacking his whip, "buy quickly, or leave if you don't, I'm busy...wait a minute. There is also that Corsair King who came to see the slaves, and he said that he would buy a thousand troops."

"Master, that Corsair King came three days ago, and this is the guest you reserved today. Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, her Majesty." The little translator reminded.

The slave-master held his whip handle and poked the little girl on the back of the head a few times, "He had been here three days ago and can't come back today? The deal didn't work out last time!"

little girl rolled her neck and squinted her eyes and took the few beatings, "Master, you are right. But that Corsair King only wanted to buy 100 Unsullied, and he was very tough to cut down to half the price, you said he leave.….whoops!"

But it was the slave-master who hit her head again and said angrily: "Whatever I say, you translate it, it's the wisdom of business, you lowly slave do you understand!? If I don't irritate her like this, will that silver-haired bitch Queen pay a lot of money to buy my slaves?"

"Ooh…" The little translator agreed, say what he meant.

Dany looked worried, "Lord Good Master, you can't do this, I still need these Unsullied to return to the kingdoms!"

"Then hurry up and buy!" Hearing what the translator said, the slave-master smiled proudly, "Ah, those two ruined city-states of Myr and Tyrosh in Essos are at verge of war recently, it's too peaceful, the Unsullied can't sell!

Otherwise why do I get a pirate that haggles with me?

I heard that Westeros has been chaotic lately, wait for this bitch Queen to bring my good slaves to open up the situation...HAHAHA! best to have the Unsullied defend King's Landing, and let those barbarians freak out.

I heard they have seven Kings now, and the rich Lannisters have enough gold to fill any castles coffers?

Hehehe, when they come over, our Good Masters in Astapor will be able to raise the prices!"

Seeing the young translator standing there dumbfoundedly looking at him, the Good Master whipped her shoulder and said angrily: "Quick, tell those savages, let them buy those creatures as soon as possible!

Oh curses, they are already mature Unsullied!

The best business is of course too sell them on the day they are successfully trained.

Alas, it is a pity that Unsullied are not cattle...

Maintaining their daily food is a lot of money, and can't save it. When they are hungry and thin, no one buys them."

"But, Master, you have said so much, how should this one translate!" The young translator has been trying to maintain a serious face, but at this moment, her face is scrunched and she is about to cry.

"You're a stupid Naathi sheep!" The slave-master slammed the young translator on the forehead, shoulder, and back of her neck, cursing loudly: "Some things can be said, some can't. Can't you judge by yourself?"

The young translator didn't dare to hide, so she stood upright and let him hit, and when he stopped gasping for breath, she said, "Master, there is only one thing this one can say— —'Please hurry up and place an order', but you said many things, and they can understand that you said more than one sentence!"

"Ah, that seems to be so!" The Good Master tilted his head and thought for a while, and another whip hit her head with a harsh sound, "Why didn't you remind me earlier? You little bitch, you don't even blink at all, could it be that your father gave birth to a sheep on Naath? HUH!?"

"this one's sorry, master," the little translator said with a gritted face, "please speak no more, the guests are all looking at you!"

"pa!" Again with his whip, the Lord Good Master stretched over and said angrily: "You lowly slave worse than a wild dog, how dare you point at the great Lord Good Masters?!"

"Master, this one's sorry." The little translator endured the pain and tried to keep her appearance unchanged, saying: "You asked me to remind you just now…"

The whip held by the Good Master froze in the air, for a long while, before hitting her for the last time on the head again, gasping for breath, and hummed softly before replying: "Brag about the popularity of the Unsullied in the current slave market, and tell them that if you don't hurry up to buy these creatures, you won't be able too."

Then the young translator had a serious face and started to embellish.

Speaking almost as much as the slave-master said before, so difficult for her!

Dany restrained her thoughts and listened to her words before nervously saying: "Really? You also saw that my two escorts have held a disagreement, and I plan to go back for a meeting to discuss upon it, but in this case I can only give up the plan to buy the Unsullied.

To be quite honest, I think the Unsullied that can be used for a lifetime is far more reliable than the Golden Company sellswords..."

After listening to what the young translator said, the slave-master narrowed his eyes and shouted: "That bitch is right, Unsullied can be used for a lifetime, and the Golden Company can't hold its words, and yet the price is still so high. What's more is that the contract has to be signed every few years. Damn, its Legion, Myr at this time…"

Here, Kraznys suddenly looked suspiciously at Dany and said, "The Golden Company just signed a contract with Myr, and those guys' motto is 'word as good as gold', and they've never broken a contract since the beginning.

How about this Westeros bitch? Hire the Golden Company? Does she want to take this opportunity to bargain? Ask her."

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