I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 86

"Master, do you want to translate what you said before?" the little black girl hesitantly said.


"That the Unsullied is very loyal, and Golden Company is untrustworthy."

He slapped her head and said angrily: "Of course you need to translate this kind of business-friendly words, you stupid sheep, you even ask of this?"

The young translator took a hard blow and said: But you later said that the Golden Company  has never broke a contract, and now that it has signed a contract with the city-state of Myr, the Queen of Westeros can no longer hire the Golden Company."

"This…" After a moment of hesitation, The fat slave-master irritably tugged at his sweaty cloth robe and said, "Ask her how to hire the Golden Company first."

Dany glanced at Kraznys' quivering form, thinking how big, one is too be to wear a Tokar robe of such size.

All the things that shouldn't be exposed are exposed.

Wait for the young translator to ask again, she said: "House Targaryen and the Golden Company have a blood oath, they will help me recover my kingdom.

After all, the founder of the Golden Company is a House Targaryen's bastard child, and its backbone members are mostly descendants of Westeros exiled nobles.

Since they can go home to become nobles, they will naturally not be willing to stay in a foreign land as precarious sellswords."

Whitebeard and Jorah were both shocked and looked towards Dany, they didn't expect her to hide such a thing.

"It seems to make sense…" Kraznys touched his black and red beard that was like needles on his chin, and sighed: "Tell her, they can go back and discuss, I will wait for them temporarily with this batch of Unsullied."

This stingy guy, it's noon, but he didn't even serve lunch, she stood in the square all morning, she didn't even drink a glass of water, the dead fat pig was on ice while eating wine and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Dany said her goodbyes politely, cursing the slave-master in her heart.

Crossing the Plaza of Pride, taking back the horses and oxen in the bullpen at the street intersection, when the Dothraki yoke the bullock cart, Jorah whispered: "Her Highness, are you really sure you have a secret engagement with the Golden Company? "

"I lied," Dany first climbed onto the ox cart and waved Whitebeard to come in, "Viserys once took me to visit Captain-General Myles Toyne, and Viserys used to sell from the Queen's crown. He feasted with the commanders of the Golden Company and above, hoping that they would be willing to assist him in regaining the throne.

ha, those guys yelled after Viserys when they finished their laughing at him."

"Myles Toyne?" Whitebeard pondered for a moment, then sighed, "Myles 'Blackheart' Toyne died three years ago, House Toyne is dead, and now the Captain-General of the Golden Company is known as Homeless Harry Strickland."

Listening to the unease in his tone, Dany said curiously: "Is House Toyne famous?"

"Almost all of the backbone of the Golden Company are Seven Kingdoms noble descendants.

The first Blackfyre rebellion failed a hundred years ago, the nobles who supported Daemon Blackfyre partially survived, and some supported Daemon's sons in exile under the leadership of Aegor Rivers, and the fugitive's Fiefdom and title were stripped of them by their families.

Aegor saw that many exiled Knights and Lords were forced to make a living by signing up to join other sellsword groups, lest the families supporting Blackfyre would decrease, so he decided to establish his sellsword group, the Golden Company."

speaking of which "Blackfyre Rebellion" is still the result of Saint Baelor the Blessed.

Remember the 'Maidenvault' that Saint Baelor built?

Because of "believing in heaven and destroying human desires", he not only broke off his engagement with Princess Daena, but also imprisoned her and his two other younger sisters within the Maidenvault.

But as the saying goes: The father hates to marry off his daughter and wants too keep them.

Daena sneaked down the tower and went hold a dalliance with a man.

The adulterer is none other than her own family, Princess Daena and Saint Baelor's cousin.

Princess Daena's was soon pregnant and could no longer hide it.

How did Saint Baelor handle this?

He went to the Sept on a hunger strike to pray, and after more than 40 days of intermittent fasting, he starved to death.

Saint Baelor was a virgin all his life, and naturally he had no son to inherit the throne. The cousin, Aegon IV, who stole his sister, took advantage and became King.

Even though both parents are Targaryen, they were not married, thus he was still a bastard child, Daemon Waters.

Well, the Crownlands is close to the sea, so the Crownlands illegitimate surname is Waters.

Later Aegon IV gave the Targaryen ancestral sword "Blackfyre" to that bastard child in public, and recognized them as his son, so Daemon changed his surname to Blackfyre.

"House Toyne was one of the noble families in the fifth Blackfyre Rebellion forty years ago, the War of the Ninepenny Kings, I… oh, I heard Ser Barristan killed Ser Myles' father, Ser Simon Toyne."

Whitebeard clenched his cane in annoyance, nearly almost slipping his tongue.

Dany glanced at him and said, "You know a small thing like Ser Barristan killing Ser Simon."

"It's not a small thing." Whitebeard thought hard about House Toyne, and after a while, he hesitated and said: "House Toyne had a strong martial style. There were a many powerful Knights in each generation, and a Kingsguard was born once! "

"hmph!" Jorah coldly snorted by the ox cart and said meaningfully: "Why don't you tell Her Highness what that House Toyne's Kingsguard did?"

Whitebeard blurted out: "How do you know what happened a hundred years ago?"

"HA! There was only one Kingsguard who dared to cuckold the King!" Jorah said with a laugh.

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his hands together with a "bang", "Hey this is wrong, now there's another Jaime Lannister, that guy really… put it on for him. The White Bull in the white robe must have stomped his feet With regret in the afterlife, Ser Jaime broke all the taboos of the Kingsguard."

Whitebeard's face was scrunched, his lips pursed, and he said nothing.

This cannot be refused.

Jaime Lannister entered the Kingsguard through the most orthodox ceremony, more "genuine" than Robert and Joffrey's Kingsguard, and what he did…

Incest, sleeping with the King's wife...

"Ser, you're a Kingsguard now too." Dany broke the awkward ice.

"This man has no referrer, no Lord Commander of the Kingsguard approval, nor his name on the book of the "White Cloak", he cannot be considered an orthodox Kingsguard." The older man advised Dany: "Her Highness, I think you should consider carefully, even if Ser Jorah has power, you can reward him in other ways.

Todays Kingsguard has lost its reputation and can no longer tolerate the ruining of others!"

 "bang!" Jorah angrily smashed against the small window of the ox cart and shouted: "Old Rat, come out, I want duel you, for life or death!"

"Change your armor and this old man will only use one hand!" Whitebeard replied.

"cough cough, have you both forgotten our current situation?" Dany reminded them and changed the subject: "Tell me about the Unsullied, one by one, Ser Arstan, you will talk first."

"I advise Your Highness not to buy them, the nobles and people of the Seven Kingdoms hate the slave system. Regardless of the teachings of the Old Gods, slavery is a very evil thing.

If you bring a group of slave enters Westeros and you intend to use the slaves to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, then the nobles of the entire continent will oppose you." Whitebeard said seriously.

"Ser Arstan, do you truly trust Illyrio?" Dany asked, looking into his blue eyes.


Seeing the man's face with a look of hesitation, Jorah jeered: "A wise man will not trust that fat spice merchant. Never entrust your life to merchants, it's more practical to hire the Unsullied.

Slaver's Bay's slave-master and slave system are evil, I agree, but the Unsullied are useful, they won't burn, kill, and loot after winning battles, and can't rape women.

The Westerlands army of Tywin Lannister sacked the entire King's Landing and raped countless women!"

"This is what I think Ser Jorah, you are not qualified to be a Kingsguard," Whitebeard said angrily to Dany, "he was once a slave dealer himself, think about what he did on Bear Island, you won't wonder why he encouraged you to come to Slaver's Bay to buy slaves! Ha! You're a connoisseur!"

".....I've really put up with you for to long." Jorah said angrily to Dany: "Your Highness, I suggest you chase him and that fat eunuch away immediately.

Maybe Illyrio wants your dragons like Xaro in Qarth, and he sent them just to leave you alone in Pentos.

We've reached Slaver's Bay anyway, we don't need a great ship anymore, let them all go back to Pentos."

"You speak drivel! How could I possibly help the Pentos Merchant deceive Her Highness!" Whitebeard blushed, furious, as if greatly insulted.

"Her Highness, you are right to be concerned about Illyrio, businessman are untrustworthy. But you must understand that in order to gain the loyal support of the Seven Kingdoms, you can only rely on the Seven Kingdoms.

Why don't we go back to Pentos first, I have a way to help you contact a group of loyal nobles, and then choose a group of Knights to be your squires?"

Dany opened her mouth and was just about to speak, before suddenly the ox cart slammed, and then they heard Jhogo loudly shout in front: "Make way for the Mother of Dragons, you slaves, hurry up, don't block the way of the Mother of Dragons."

Dany opened the curtains, stuck her head out and saw that at the crossroads ahead, a long line of slaves dragged their heavy anklets and walked silently and brusquely.

Are they regular slaves, light brown skin, dark hair, almond eyes, Dothraki? Lamb men?

Usually, Dothraki can be distinguished from Lamb men at a glance.

In addition to the braids and costumes, the 'aura' of the two ethnic groups are completely different, and the Dothraki are more rebellious.

But at this time, their faces were all numb, their eyes were dim, and their temperament was submissive.

Everyone is naked, including women, but there are no children among these people, and all male children are sent to participate in the Unsullied training.

A Slave team was accompanied by an overseer, followed by two Astapors, a man and a woman, riding white donkeys. Combing ivory, veiled faces, and wearing azure blue linen clothes decorated with small pieces of azure rock, with an exotic atmosphere belonging to the Ghis people.

They were laughing and playing together, but when they heard Jhogo shout, the man glanced sideways at Dany's team, only made a sign to the supervisor to speed up, and continued to flirt with the woman next to him.

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