I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 97

The next game is announced after the corpses have been cleaned up. The first wave of Ghis appeared in a war chariot. The leader was wearing an exaggerated ancient Ghis Corps Head ceremonial helmet – a toilet-shaped bronze helmet with colored feathers. His subordinates were shirtless and held black whips over ten meters long.

Missandei said they were the Ghis Corps Head whippers, who ruled the empire's slaves with their long whips.

The next wave of people wore gorgeous smoke-black armor, with a small explanation, Dany guessed that it was just for imitating the Valyria Dragonlords.

The Ghis who entered last had a golden shield in their left hand, a golden dagger in the right, and spiked yellow golden helmet, golden sleeveless leather armor, black leather shorts, and golden boots, looking a bit like the Unsullied, but more refined in attire.

When the golden men came out with the carriage, the audience cheered, and even the Good Masters stood up and bowed.

"They are the golden warriors of the ancient Ghis, the strongest warriors of the Legion, the foundation of the domination of the continent of the Old Empire of Ghis…alas, they are a pale imitation." Jorah waved his hand. "The Sons of the Harpy are immersed in the glory of the old empire, but they forget that the Ghis empire has been gone for 5,000 years."

Dany was excited, and  said: "Did they also have duels?"

"Yes, you see…" Jorah pointed to the center of the arena, three carriages were leaning against each other, and several Ghis Warriors in the carriage were dignifiedly interacting with each other. In hand, a gold lacquered parchment roll.

He said: "The exchange ceremony begins before simulating the Old Empire of Ghis' city-state war, the battles will start later."

"It is very good to watch Ghis people interact with each other. Warriors fighting hold more excitement than slaves fighting." Dany lowered her voice and said with a smile.

It'd be better if all the Ghis died, but it would be even better if the eight Good Masters went off in person!

Jorah sneered, "Her Highness, how can the current slave masters have the courage to participate in gladiatorial fights? Look at it."

In the warm cheers, three "generals" of the Ghis people circled the arena three times, carried in carriages, holding their sheepskin scrolls high, and then they exited the corridor one by one.

On the other side, three cages creaked open at the same time, and three groups of shirtless warriors wearing different colored cloaks came out.

Each team consists of about 50 people. The colored caps represent the long whippers of the Ghis Corps Head Commander, the black caps represent the Valyria Dragonlord, and the yellow caps represent the most valiant golden warriors of the Ghis Legion.

Then 150 people used lances, daggers, Arakhs, and long whips to kill themselves in the narrow arena.

Their bravery is a mess, and it holds no value. It seems that their life and the life of their 'enemies' are not even worth a single coin.

It's crueler than the previous 10 vs 10. The once-dry soil has turned swampy, like a muddy land after the rain.

The "Restricted Level Blockbuster" is performed below, and the Ghis audience above surges with enthusiasm, seemingly entering a frenzy: they are not watching people fight, but travel through 5,000 years to become Members of the ancient Ghis Legion of the Valyria Freehold, crushing Rhoynar Water Wizards, and Andal Knights wail under their weapons.

It's a one-of-a-kind experience. An explosive bloody choir.

Dany's thumping heart calmed down suddenly. Everything around her was so real and unreal. Things were happening in real life, but she entered the perspective of an outsider to it all with the mentality of watching a movie.

"Here holds not but Hell, let's return." Suddenly, she stood up and said to Jorah and the others.

She noticed the expressions of her entourage, only Whitebeard and Jorah were unbearable, Missandei's face was pale, but Belwas and the Dothraki looked with keen interest.

Even Jhiqui and Irri were affected by the atmosphere, shouting with excitement and flushed cheeks.

"It's time to leave, this place shouldn't exist in our world." Whitebeard approves.

The Good Masters couldn't care about Dany's departure, with Kraznys and another Good Masters laughing loudly at her for being weak and cowardly.

The fight in the Colosseum was too bloody, Dany didn't eat the food brought by the slave masters servants at noon, neither did Whitebeard and Jorah, but Belwas, gorged himself, like those Good Masters, the 'play' below seemed to serve as a refreshment to whet their appetites.

When they got back to the boat, it was almost evening. Dany ate fruit and white bread to fill her stomach, bathed, and fed the three dragons their dinner.

It was still dark, but she went back to her room to rest.

Lying in bed, Dany couldn't sleep, the events of the arena during the day came to her mind, and then she thought of the Unsullied, who looked as alive as stone, even the scenes of the Unsullied killing puppies and babies phantomed their way in front of her eyes.

Finally, she thought about what she was going to do tomorrow and the day after…

She kept turning over and making too much movement, she didn't know when she made too much noise and woke Irri up.

Well, the Dothraki maid had watched a big show today. She was satisfied, full of food and drink, and made slight "snoring" sounds as soon as she had laid on the bed.

"Khaleesi, you can't sleep?" she asked.

In the darkness, Dany gave a soft "um".

After a while, the Dothraki maid stretched out her hand and asked, "Do you need my help?"

"Help with what?" Dany wondered.

"I learned tricks from handmaiden Doreah to please you," she said, slipping her called hands into Dany's bed.

Being stunned for a while, Dany reacted, blushing and dodging sideways, and said, "That's not needed, I'm thinking about what happened in the Colosseum."

Khal Drogo had died, but the other Dothraki had not touched Dany's maids, but the three women got used to it after a time, and sometimes Dany saw Doreah and them…

"Oh, what's wrong with the Colosseum?" Irri's voice was flat, without the embarrassment and shyness of being rejected, as if she had just proposed a simple matter.

Dany quietly complained about the Dothraki in her heart and said: "People should have a bottom line, yearning for good things is the characteristic that distinguishes human beings from wild beasts, kindness and compassion are the best qualities of humans. But I find from today that too many people are not the humans I would hope they would be."

Pausing, Irri said softly: "I never knew who my father was, but I once had a mother and brother before they died under a screamers arakh from Khal Drogo, but after having become your maid, I treat myself as yours.

In my mind, this is the law of how the world works, and we all come to it this way, I don't know how to be better."

Irri, Jhiqui, Quaro, and Rakharo are four people who are not from Drogo's Khalasar. After their Khalasar was destroyed by Drogo, they became Khal Drogo's half-slaves – higher than the slaves, vassals, below the Khalasar.

Later Daenerys married Khal Drogo and the four joined her young Kas.

"I know that kind of world is better, and I plan to change our world towards it," Dany said.

"I believe in you, Khaleesi, you are the Mother of Dragons, The Unburnt, the Wonder blessed by the Horse God," Irri said, taking her hand.

After that, the two stopped talking, and less than 3 minutes passed, before the Dothraki maid's breath became steady again.

Dany stared at the pitch-black ceiling, hearing the faint creaking of the wooden hull, the sound of waves hitting the side of the ship, the sound of footsteps on the deck above…

Dany stared at the pitch-black ceiling.

In the silence, she suddenly heard the sound of a third person breathing, her heart startled, she half sat up, looked at the dark place, and whispered: "Doreah? Jhiqui?"

"They're asleep," a woman said, "all of them are asleep."

The voice was so close to the bed that she almost seemed to be standing by the bed and looking down at Dany.

"Quaithe?" Dany heard the identity of the owner of the voice and said in horror: "Why did you come to Astapor? Where are my guards, they didn't stop you?"

"Yes, it's me." Quaithe seemed to take a few more steps, and Dany could vaguely see a very faint shadow in the darkness.

"This afternoon, during my meditation, I again foresee a major event that will change the world. I see your silhouette standing in the blood and fire, and a sea of ​​corpses and blood beneath your feet." Quaithe indifferently said.

Dany face changed, and asked in a trembling voice: "What do you know?"

This world's prophetic powers are so invasive and vile, the old lady still has only a single thought in her heart, are you touched?

"I don't know anything and I'm confused, so...can you tell me?"

Quaithe's words made her sigh in relief.

"I do not even hold the most basic method of magic, how can I know my prophecy?" she said.

Dany felt Quaithe looking at her in the dark, and when she was about to ask again, Quaithe spoke.

"Daenerys, you must remember: To go north, you must journey south, to reach the west you must go east. To go forward you must go back and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow."

The voice got weaker as she spoke, and the last sentence was almost inaudible.

Dany's heart moved, calling: "Big Black, turn on the lights."

There was a sound of chains dragging from the corner, and Black Dragon slowly woke up from a deep sleep, and dark red eyes were like two shining stars in the darkness, "hiss—"

Big Black mouth opened slightly, spewing out a thin flame, the darkness in the room was immediately dispelled by the firelight, Dany looked around and shuddered: the door was closed and the bolt was firmly fastened, but there was no trace of the woman with the red lacquer mask in the room.

A murder in secret?

Oh, no secret murder, secret room break-in?

How did Quaithe get in? How did she leave?

"oh my god!" Dany suddenly slapped her forehead and whispered: "Damn, it's probably a glass candle!"

The only way to explain her method is Magic, glass candles have the effect of communication and projection.

Similar sorcery if not a glass candle.

In order to test the hypothesis, Dany took off her blanket, put on some clothes, opened the door, and went out to have a look, Doreah and Jhiqui slept on a low couch in the outer room, and there were four or five horses in the corridor, and on the top deck, the men were making the rounds.

Dany also saw Whitebeard put a sleeping bag at the entrance of the cabin, and the old man woke up immediately when he heard footsteps.

"Her Highness?" Whitebeard asked, sitting up.

"It's me, did you see Quaithe?" Dany asked.

"None came in, I can now a stranger's identity from their footsteps." The old man claimed.

Dany's bedroom was originally Groleo's captain's cabin, located in the innermost part of the third layer cabin, with only one way in and out, and Whitebeard slept through that way.

"Ai, Quaithe came to me." Dany sighed.

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