I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 98

In the early morning of the second day, Dany practiced 300 standard swings and slashes with Whitebeard as routine.

The older man told her that although her movements were barely standard, she had not yet formed a physical muscle memory. As long as she still thought that she was a warrior, she would have to train for the days to come.

After washing up and having a hearty breakfast, Dany took off her loose training suit and put on a painted leather vest, silk shorts, horsehair leggings, and leather riding sandals.

A bronze medallion belt was attached to her slender waist, and the maids knit a braid for her and hung two small silver bells at the end, one for her triumph at the House of the Undying Ones and the other contributed by besting Euron Greyjoy.

The battle against Euron with his pirates and the magic horn was far more dangerous and tragic than the House of the Undying, as for adding a bell to herself for it, Dany felt it was appropriate.

Today she'll be riding her little silver horse to the Plaza of Punishment, the morning's deal is complete, and perhaps she'll be leaving Astapor by noon.

Two Bloodriders, Aggo, and Rakharo were in front, each holding large flags in hand, a Black Dragon flag on a green background fluttered in the wind.

Dany did not use her House's Three-Headed Dragon heraldry. At this time, the Black Dragon belongs to her title, and the green background symbolizes the endless Great Grass Sea.

As she rode her small silver horse forward, Strong Belwas still chose to walk, trotting to the left of Dany, Missandei also rode a small mare to the right of Dany, and Whitebeard rode a tall Dragon Horse to the right of Missandei, Jorah Mormont was behind.

There were more than 20 riding screamers around them, with arakhs belted to their waists, long bows hanging on the horse saddles, and a uniform moon door hairstyle(Manchu Hairstyle) that led to pedestrians walking on the street gawking at them.

Behind the screamers was a long row of carriages, in addition to gold and silver jewelry and coin, there was emerald jade stone, about six bundles of tiger skins, 300 pieces of Yi Ti silk, thousands of tins of saffron, myrrh, pepper, curry and cardamom, eighty barrels of fine red, back and green ink, a barrel of worm-filled olives, twelve barrels of salted cavefish, a collection of fine bronzes, seventeen ivory gems, and books from the Jade Sea kingdoms.

In addition to the above-mentioned precious exotic items, there are also dozens of carts of black rice and wine, which are mainly used for warehouses.

A Grandiose fleet spread a mile away in the sea and caused quite the stir in the red-bricked market. Dany did not send someone to the fleet. They have been counted in the docks, and the ownership belongs to the Good Masters. Astapor is completely safe.

Eight Good Masters and their children and wives, in Tokar robes, stood at the last steps of the trapezoidal pyramid, looking down at Dany, who came on horseback from the other end of the square.

The Plaza of Punishment is full of an Unsullied army, row after row, motionless, like boards inserted neatly in the ground.

A total of 8,600 fully trained Unsullied wearing lightning rod helms. The other 5,000 were bareheaded, armed only with lances and daggers, not fully trained, and without helmets.

The youngest of these was just a child, five or six years old, with a baby face.

Even if they hadn't finished training, they stood up straight, looked forward steadily, and were completely motionless, just like fully trained Unsullied.

Dany took the lead by walking through the Unsullied queue, coming to the front of the pyramid, turning over, and dismounting, before taking out two boxes from her saddle and placing one beside the other just below the stairs where the Good Masters were.

Then Euron also got off his horse and opened the two boxes. The first box contained a volume of blueprints, which were the charts drawn by Euron himself.

The second was covered with a thick Myr blanket with a rusted bronze dragon egg on it.

Euron looked around while holding the dragon egg, and found that the weight and texture were entirely correct, so he put down the dragon egg, stood up and nodded to the Good Masters, and claimed, "It was taken from me. a Dragons egg."

"It's my claim!" Dany corrects him.

"A Dragons egg from a Valyria Dragonlord now belongs to Astapor!" Grazdan laughed.

"The deal must be completed first," Dany said calmly.

At this time, there are already people trotting up the stairs and handing over a list of goods to the Good Masters.

Seeing the list of goods, Grazdan said solemnly: "Before we continue this deal, you must say an oath."

"What?" Calm and steady she asked.

"You must swear this bronze dragon egg is truly alive and can hatch dragons." The slave master said loudly with a stern face.

Dany's heart relaxed, said aloud: "In honor of the descendants of Valyria and House Targaryen, and as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, I swear that the bronze dragon egg I have claimed from Euron is alive. With it, a Dragon could be hatched."

Then, she raised her eyebrows and warned the slave master: "I am the Mother of Dragons, and I hold the Old Valyria bloodline, yet I paid my price dearly.

There is a very high chance of hatching a Bronze Dragon, but if you desire a Dragon hatching, not only should you find a Shadow Priest, it is better to hatch the Dragon from Valyria's noble blood."

"We also hold Valyria's blood," Kraznys whispered.

This is also true, from Qarth to Slaver's Bay, to Volantis, to all Free Cities except Braavos, many nobles all have Valyria blood because the people who ruled these Free Cities once upon a time were pure-blooded Valyria lords.

Dragonlords with dragons lived in the capital of Valyria, and the branches of the lower or great nobles without dragons were divided into various places.

After the cataclysm, the minor nobles and their descendants survived.

Among them, the once ruler of Volantis was the purest, even more so than House Targaryen.

Because House Targaryen held many marriages with other families in the following 400 years, Volantis nobles are relatively many, and the population is large, which can form a closed and conservative genetic system.

"I swore and said what should be warned, can the deal be done now?" Dany asked.

"Will Ser Euron be free after the deal is done?" Grazdan seemed to ask a question very unrelated to the current topic.

Dany understood that Dragon eggs are very precious, but it was the chart that held the most value, many times more valuable than any Dragon's egg.

Valyria ruled the world for 5,000 years, how much wealth and treasure could be looted?

An unbelievable amount.

Some people speculate that there is more gold and silver there than all the world's wealth combined today.

Valyria ruled the world for 5,000 years, what did it rely on?

Dragons and Magic.

In the 400 years after the Cataclysm, how many explorers have tried to cross the Smoking Sea, hoping to find treasure and magic in the city-state of Valyria?

No amount of counting could be enough.

The One Piece started the great era of great pirates because of Gol D. Roger's words "Do you want my treasure?"

It was a similar concept, except instead of one pirate's treasure, it was the liquidity of a 5,000-year-long magical freehold spanning most of a continent

Unfortunately, only one person has emerged from the ruins of Valyria over the years, Euron Greyjoy.

Although the treasures he brought back were a bit weak, he didn't come back empty-handed after all… The key is that the Silence is a long narrow ship, not a cargo ship or a sea ship, with its space for cargo being relatively small, Euron was full of rewards.

If Capitan Groleo's 'Saduleon' can safely return from the ruins of Valyria, the treasures he may bring back could buy the entirety of Astapor, and even Slaver's Bay.

Although the charts are invalid for their ships, the Good Masters expect the 'old ship hand' Euron to help lead the way…To be honest, if Euron was more honest and could be even a little bit loyal to Dany, she would want to keep him too.

But he is dishonest and an avid betrayer that will take you into death happily, his lethality is greater than any poison.

In Dany's heart, Euron is not trustworthy at all, so unfortunately, she can only give up the thought of ​​letting Euron lead way.

"I promised to release Euron and his crew immediately after returning to land," Dany nodded, looking at the Crow's smiling eye, "When we leave Astapor city, you can go wherever you want, but I still recommend you go with me.

This is Slaver's Bay, and you have dozens of city-states' arrest warrants on your back, so don't get caught and become a slave."

"I know, but I want true freedom more," Euron said simply.

"That's up to you."

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Grazdan smiled with satisfaction, and at his gesture, her "old friend" Kraznys walked down the stairs quickly, came to Dany's side, and held up a whip, before roaring loudly: "The Good Masters say...Deal! "

"Deal!" Grazdan, the pearl-fringed one on the high stair, echoed loudly.




Eight Good Masters, eight intones of "Deal" was heard by all the Unsullied and the Ghis who were nearby.

"Deal!" Dany nodded and waved her hand behind her back, and the Dothraki who were standing behind the treasures and marine cargo boxes retreated in turn.

She then took the whip called "Harpy's Finger" from Kraznys.

Made from black dragon bone, it was a finely crafted 30cm long whip handle, inlaid with gold at both ends, a woman's head in the shape of a golden ball at one end, with sharp teeth made of ivory in its mouth; at the end of the leather straps.

It's a little heavy to the touch, but it's a heavier symbol-the control of 13,600 Unsullied.

As Kraznys eagerly flipped through the charts, Dany climbed onto her silver horse and stood on the stirrups, "Harpy's Finger" raised above her head, and circled the square silently.

Finally, she deliberately shouted in a jerky tone, as if she had just learned Valyria: "You belong to me now, as people of the Mother of Dragons, all of you, five in a row, follow me, to a new world, a new future."

Dany took the lead, followed by the Unsullied who were neatly arranged, five to a row, and the long army queue spread for three or four kilometers.

After checking the chart, Kraznys jeered at Euron beside him: "That bitch must have practiced a few words all night, it's not bad, the eunuchs can understand it."

Euron wanted to say 'that 'orthodox' Valyria descendant has lived in the western Free Cities for more than ten years, how do you think she can't speak Valyria?', but not far away, Whitebeard was carrying a big box, watching and looking at him, so the Crow's Eye cupped his cheek, and whispered: "Are you interested in working together?"

"That's what we want!" A smile came to Kraznys' eyes.

"Then...let's see how this goes." The Crow's blue right eye held a kind and gentle touch, which is so very convincing.

"Euron, your crew is waiting outside the city gate, hurry up." The older man coldly told.

Euron nodded got on his horse and galloped away.

Whitebeard turned his head and said to the slave merchant, "Queen Daenerys asked me to bring a present to Lord Good Masters."

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