I Become A God, Exposed By A Reborn

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Tokyo day and night are reversed, just a great existence opened his eyes

Chen Che really didn’t want to kill Kamigawa Masato, so he continued to talk a little more.

And as he said, Blue Star can’t believe in God now.

Believing in God requires a huge power of belief, and those who absorb belief must be real living beings.

The few major religions in modern times, although they have huge power of belief, all believe in non-existent gods, and it is basically impossible to create belief in gods.

Although Masato Kamikawa controls a fictional mythological character.

But all of this was created by the original gift with unimaginable rules. Although he did not understand the rules of this original gift, it must be difficult to create a second god of faith in this way.

And to tell the truth, the god king Zeus in front of him, called the god of faith, is still high.

Just a special product.

Originally, he also planned to use the power that cannot be directly looked at to make the other party a true god of faith.


Thinking, Chen Che stood motionless, and the huge thunderbolt exploded less than a meter in front of him, turning the dense woods on both sides into scorched earth in an instant.

The Jiutiao Mai behind him sighed in relief, but felt her whole body go weak. If she hadn’t been holding the two younger sisters, she would definitely have fallen to the ground and been paralyzed.

The thunderbolt just now was like a titan python, meandering and mellow. It looked very small from a distance, but the distance was close, and the violent thunder and lightning power contained in “Seven Six Zero” was shocking.

Of course, the reason why Kujo Mai is so nervous is because Masato Kamigawa said just now that God’s power is weak, not as good as him at all.


Although you can’t look directly at God and also gave reasons to suppress the evil god, isn’t this exposing its shortcomings?

Now it seems that even if it is not the arrival of the main body, it should not be underestimated to look directly at God.

“Speak out loud!

When Masato Kamikawa saw that the power of thunder and lightning could not hurt the opponent, and he didn’t even know what kind of means the opponent used, he couldn’t help but feel nervous.

But in front of the people in Tokyo, he naturally couldn’t lose face.

Seeing this, Chen Che couldn’t help shaking his head.

“Give you a chance, but you gave up because of your spiritual expansion.

“It seems that I was wrong. You have already lost your normal mind and lost in the power because you have mastered the powerful power. 93

“The mind is not strong enough, no matter how strong the power is, it still does not belong to you. At this moment, you have become the slave of power.”

“This world does not need another evil god. 9

After Chen Che finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Masato Kamikawa.

His beautiful pink eyes, like cherry blossoms, gradually faded, and a touch of lacquer-like gold emerged from the depths of his eyes.

Soon, the golden color slowly expanded, as if it fell into the water and caused a halo, and gradually the golden color covered all the pink.

The golden eyes appeared, making Chen Che exude a sacred and sublime aura.

Although standing close, whether it is the people on the scene or the audience watching the live broadcast, there is a wonderful feeling.

The person in front of him can’t look directly at God, and what he shows is a naturally aloof posture, as if sitting high on a cloud, looking down at all beings in the world calmly and peacefully.

For some reason, at this moment, everyone held their breath.

As if this is the tranquility before the storm, the moment before the hurricane condenses. That kind of powerful and incomprehensible might, with a sense of spiritual oppression.

This sense of oppression made the people watching this scene gradually gasp loudly, as if the only way to get rid of the fear and fear deep in their hearts was by exhaling.

next moment one by one

It’s dawn in Tokyo.

Originally it was pitch black, and the live broadcast room of Yingyingchaochuo could only be seen vaguely, and suddenly the light was shining brightly.

This brilliance and rhythm come with a brilliant golden color. This golden light illuminates the world, making people feel a kind of gorgeous and noble.

It is bright and dazzling, bright and warm, bright and brilliant, but not dazzling.


A trembling cry suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, and this sound, Ah, with the ups and downs of syllables, showed an extremely shocked emotion from the hook.

The next moment, the live broadcast room suddenly trembled.

It was Tetsuya Nobi’s hand shaking, he picked up the phone tremblingly, and pointed the camera towards the sky.

At this moment, countless people couldn’t control their emotions, and they all let out a horrified cry.

Some believers in the gods even prayed devoutly, but their eyes did not close, but watched the miraculous scene in the live broadcast room without blinking.

Above the sky above Tokyo, small golden rays of light suddenly appeared.

After that, the light became more and more intense, and the thick cloud layer could not resist the golden light at all, and it was pierced in the blink of an eye, making the dark night glow with a golden light.

The sky was torn apart by a hole. Compared with the vast and boundless sky, the hole was not big, it could only be regarded as a long and narrow hole.

But the golden light seemed to be infinite. From the long and narrow opening, the rush to sprint, became more and more prosperous, and soon the narrow and long opening became wider and wider.

Until this hole filled the entire sky of Tokyo, the darkness of the night was directly dispelled, and the splendid golden light illuminated this international metropolis with brilliance and splendor.

At this moment, they seem to have come to the land of God, which is ecstatic, like a dream.

At this moment, countless people raised their necks high, their expressions sluggish.

“Eyes! It’s eyes!!”

I don’t know who shouted, and the next moment, the people around Ji Ji suddenly woke up. They looked carefully and found that above the boundless sky, it was a huge golden pupil.

Just now, in that miraculous scene, it was just a divine and sublime great existence opening its eyes.

This thought emerged from the bottom of my heart, and countless people’s hearts were impacted, and they were not afraid of the huge golden pupil above the sky, which made their thinking freeze.

Countless people fell to the ground and were completely shattered by this shocking scene.

Some theists, believers who firmly believe that God exists, instantly betrayed the God they believed in, and directly surrendered to this huge golden pupil.

They were muttering words, apparently praying, and showing their faith.

At this moment, Masato Kamigawa was completely stunned. Even if he was tall, he would still raise his head and look at the huge golden pupil above the sky without fear.

Under this huge golden pupil, even if he is tall and brown, he looks too petite.

He looked at humans as if he were looking at ants. This is like a magnificent and huge golden pupil. When looking at him, is it not looking at a ray of ants?

For some reason, just looking at Jin Tong, he seemed to be standing in the cosmos starry sky.

A small feeling poured out from the bottom of his heart, making his heart feel empty, and this feeling of contempt and lowliness made him want to roar and vent his inquiries.

Kamigawa Masato was afraid, he was afraid, the fear in his heart was like a flood pouring, and he couldn’t control it at all.

This fear emerges all the time, making his body tremble unconsciously.

“Don’t look directly at God, I am willing to surrender, I just ask you to spare my life!

Masato Kamikawa’s voice resounded through Tokyo, but at this moment no one paid attention to him, no one looked at him.

Countless people looked at the golden pupils in the sky, all bathed in golden brilliance, all of them bowed their heads and prayed in the humblest attitude they thought.

The huge golden pupil, turned to dry, looked at Kamikawa Masato…

There was no indifference or pity in those eyes, it was as if a high-altitude god casually glanced into the distance, and the brown rice-high Masato Kamikawa was just a view from the corner of his eye.

This expression without the slightest emotion in his eyes made Masato Kamikawa completely lose his mind.

“The great cannot look directly at God, I am willing to surrender! I am willing to surrender! I am willing to surrender…”

Kamigawa Yaren’s body softened, he knelt down directly, he lowered his head, completely lost the arrogant attitude he had just now, and became extremely humble.

The words of willingness to surrender have been repeated in the mouth, obviously fear to the extreme.

At the moment when this huge golden pupil appeared, Kamigawa Masato knew that he couldn’t resist and couldn’t look directly at God.

This mighty power is followed by the true power of God.

And the power he masters is too humble for Yuan Xiao to not look directly at God.

It’s ridiculous that he was so arrogant just now, like a frog at the bottom of a well.

He clearly couldn’t look directly at God, gave himself a chance, and said that he would help him become a god of faith, but everything was ruined because he was lost by power and lost his mind.

Right now, he just wants to survive.

There is only one life, as long as you survive, you have all chances. Perhaps, one day he can also become such a great being that cannot look directly at God.

Just opening your eyes will cover the sky of Tokyo.

He even imagined whether God could not look directly had a huge body, and whether He was standing in the universe, standing beside the blue star, looking down at the human beings on the blue star.

As soon as this thought came out, the fear in his heart grew stronger, his head lowered lower, and he directly touched the ground, in a shape of five bodies.

Chen Che did not respond to Masato Kamikawa.

Given a chance, since the other party can’t grasp it, it means that the two have no fate.

He turned around, looked at Kujo Mai, came to the other side, looked at the girl who was slumped on the ground, he smiled slightly.


Jiutou Mai looked at him without looking directly at God, and looked at himself with the face of his mother, and there seemed to be a touch of tenderness in that smile.

She shouted subconsciously, then reacted, and lowered her head in shame.

Chen Che didn’t care, he took the nearly two-meter Hebow from Kujo Mai’s hand.

This was the first time he had killed a god of faith, so he naturally had a sense of ritual 5.9. Although Masato Kamigawa’s posture was very disadvantageous, it was not considered a true god of faith.

But he didn’t care.

Taking the bow, Chen Che had no arrows in his hands.

However, when he slowly pulled the bowstring, a golden streamer descended from the sky, appeared in his hand, and turned into a golden arrow.

At this moment, the god-king Zeus, who was tall and brown, had already stood up.

Masato Kamikawa didn’t want to stand up, he just wanted to kneel down to express his surrender to God who couldn’t look directly.

But one after another golden streamer descended, turned into several chains, pierced through his body, made him unconscious, and pulled him up.

He could only helplessly watch the God of Invisibility on Jiutiao Mountain, pulling the bowstring.

Although the arrow was only about one meter, it was too small for him.

But Masato Kamikawa shouted in horror, “No! No one—”

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the hand of God who couldn’t look directly loosened, and the golden arrow was like a shooting star, galloping towards him.

The arrow, which was originally only about one meter long, grew bigger every minute and every second when it was shot in the direction of Masato Kamikawa.

In the end, when it arrived in front of Kamigawa Masato, the golden arrow was already hundreds of meters long.

When the golden arrow penetrated the heart of the god king Zeus, everyone’s eyes were frozen,

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