I Become A God, Exposed By A Reborn

Chapter 179

Chapter 179 It turns out that Mr. Chen just can’t look directly at God!

The golden arrow was originally very small and went unnoticed, but soon the closer it got to Kamigawa Masato, the bigger it rose.

Even if the entire Tokyo was immersed in golden brilliance due to the unsightly opening of its eyes, the golden arrow still quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

The golden arrow is like the center of the universe, and it naturally attracts everyone’s attention.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky.

At this time, Tokyo seems to be holding a huge sacrifice, and Zeus, who is tall with brown rice, is the evil god who is about to be judged.

This scene is too magnificent and grand, making everyone seem to be in an epic myth.

Some people who were full of emotions were shocked by this magnificent scene and had tears in their eyes, as if the purpose of this life was to witness the scene in front of them.

After watching it, even if I die on the spot, I have no regrets.

The eyes of countless people were watching this scene, and when the golden arrow hundreds of meters long shot through the heart of the God King Zeus, everyone held their breath.

Masato Kamikawa was locked in golden chains and couldn’t move at all, but he was still able to look down at his chest.

There, a golden arrow with a length of several hundred meters was inserted, penetrating his body, and the arrow rhythmically penetrated the body.

The next moment, he seemed to feel something, his lips trembled slightly, Kamigawa Masato wanted to speak, but at this moment he couldn’t open his mouth.

In the eyes of everyone, the brown rice-high God King Zeus, 26, took his chest as the center, and cracks appeared one after another.

Like a crack in a rock, it is meandering and folded, and it radiates away in all directions without a regular pattern.

In less than a few seconds, with a bang, the brown rice-high body of the God King Zeus turned into countless pieces like a huge statue. The amazing thing was that there was no blood sputtering hook.

The breeze blew, and before the countless pieces of meat fell on the ground, they completely turned into powder in mid-air and floated in the air.

The breeze blew and disappeared without a trace, as if it had never been caught.

The last glance of Masato Kamigawa’s line of sight was his own awareness of reality. Afterwards, his actual body also turned into powder and disappeared directly into the air.

The researcher next to him looked terrified.

Rough Daida stared blankly at this scene, and in the end said nothing, and the scene fell into a dead silence.

Throughout Tokyo, countless people saw this scene and fell into silence, no one dared to rhyme.

It is hard to imagine that an international metropolis would fall into dead silence and become silent at this moment.

The god-king Zeus, who was unparalleled before, died completely at this moment and disappeared in everyone’s eyes. This was an extremely shocking scene, a scene that shattered their three views.

However, when they spoke, the golden pupil above the sky began to slowly ascend.

That day you saw the golden light above the sky without fear, and it was slowly dissipating. At the same time, the night was like a wronged little daughter-in-law. When the golden brilliance receded, she became a little older.

The golden brilliance that reflects Tokyo is gradually fading, and the night is shrouded in Tokyo again.

When you can’t look directly at God and open your eyes, it is a white painting; when you close your eyes, it is night.

This is a mighty power that belongs to God, and to mankind, it is a miraculous power, a sacred sublime that they dare not imagine.

“Don’t look directly at God!”

Just when Jin Tong was about to close his eyes, someone suddenly shouted, his tone full of fanaticism and devotion.

This sound seems to have triggered a chain reaction.

Countless people couldn’t restrain the turbulent emotions in their hearts, and only shouting, they were able to vent their full emotions.

At this time, instead of calling God’s name directly, it was time to ask.

“Don’t look directly at God! Don’t look directly at God!!

“Don’t look directly at God! Don’t look directly at God!!”

It was originally a small number of people who were shouting, and the voices changed from intermittent to unison. At this moment, it seemed that the lead of gunpowder was ignited, and it exploded throughout Tokyo.

In an instant, countless people raised their heads and looked at the huge golden pupils that gradually closed without their will, and asked, “Don’t look directly at God”, as if the mountains were overwhelming, like a tsunami covering the sky.

The world seems to be shaking, and they are shaking the scene at this moment.

The gathering of countless voices seems to be celebrating the existence of a god who cannot look directly in this world, and rejoicing that there is a great being in this world.

An agency similar to the Investigation Department of the Global State watched this scene through Tetsuya Nohiya’s live broadcast room and fell into an inexplicable shock.

Although the live broadcast could not see all the pictures of Tokyo, but the deafening voice could be heard, and the unanimous voice of more than 10,000 people seemed to turn the world upside down.

The people who were participating in the video conference of the Lianwen Transcendental Security Association were also silent at this time, and no one dared to speak, because everyone’s emotions were in shock at this moment.

No matter how deep the city was, he couldn’t contain his horrified emotions at this time.

Chen Che stood outside the Jiutiao shrine in Jiutiao Mountain. Looking down from the mountainside, with his line of sight, he could see the residents at the foot of Jiutiao Mountain, most of whom were kneeling on the ground.

Even if the golden pupil above the boundless sky had already closed, the golden brilliance of the entire Tokyo had already been received, and no one stood up.

All of them looked up at the sky, calling out the name of God fervently, with a pious face, hoping that God’s eyes would come again.

In the depths of that overwhelming voice, it was a kind of blind worship.

Chen Che knew that as long as he lay in front of the world again, he could instantly establish a religion that belonged to him, and this religion would instantly sweep the world.

However, he glanced over the whole of Tokyo, and he couldn’t even stir up a wave in his heart, because religion and belief were of no use to him.

Chen Che’s eyes were fixed on the Tokyo Academy of Sciences, where there was something he wanted, and the next moment he disappeared in front of Kujo Mai and others.

Don’t look directly at the disappearance of God, which makes the people present a little flustered.

Mai, Ayano, and Reiko subconsciously called out their mother.

Nobichi also gritted his teeth and directly shut down the live broadcast, which caused some people watching the live broadcast to yell.

After closing the live broadcast room, he couldn’t help it any longer. He sat on the ground, sweat soaked his whole body. He touched the cold sweat on his forehead, “This… this is really a big mess.”

As a reporter, he can already foresee that tomorrow will definitely be overwhelming news, and the city of Tokyo may attract the attention of countries around the world.

The message about not looking directly at God has either become a taboo or a global message.

But judging from the frenzy of thousands of people in Tokyo, can countries around the world really suppress it?

Moreover, they had to consider a question, if they concealed the news, would they make God unhappy.

Judging from the scene just after, the horror of not being able to look directly at God is self-evident.

Masato Kamikawa is right in saying that the next era is the era of gods.

But it is not the era of the other party, but the era of not looking directly at God. And if there are other gods, the whole world is even more chaotic.

With the great power that God just showed, the little Blue Star couldn’t stand God’s torment.

Nobichi also had a very confused head. He didn’t know why the whole world was different overnight. This was too abrupt. Humans were not psychologically prepared, and they were directly dragged into the age of gods.

But now he didn’t want to think about anything, he lay directly on the ground, just wanted to lie down like this, not wanting to move at all.

Contact the Transcendent Security Conference, the video conference is still going on at the moment, and the beautiful person in charge Rodel is holding the conference this time.

Rodell was almost sixty years old this year. He was white, blond and blue-eyed. From his face, he was sure to be a handsome boy when he was young.

After the live broadcast room was closed, Rodell rubbed his eyebrows with his hands, looking like he had a headache.

He glanced at it and found that there were still many people who had not reacted to the shocking scene in Tokyo just now.

This made him a little proud in his heart, which meant that he was still very calm.

After entertaining himself for a while, Rodel finally said, “Everyone…”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that because of the scene in Tokyo just now, he was aroused by emotions, which caused his throat to get stuck and his voice to be distorted.

He cleared his throat and relieved his embarrassment. Seeing that no one was looking at him strangely, he said again, “Everyone, I think we should think about how to deal with the Tokyo incident. 11

As soon as Rodel opened his mouth, everyone present reacted 760 times. Everyone quickly put away the emotions in their eyes and became calm.

They are all world-class elites. Even if they are still shocked and confused at this time, their emotions converge very quickly.

After Rodel opened his mouth, someone shook his head, “I think we should think about not looking directly at God before dealing with the events in Tokyo.”

“Let’s consider how to deal with the events in Tokyo. Don’t look directly at God. I suggest that we discuss it later.” Someone said calmly, “Don’t look directly at God, the first time Yun is now in our field of vision, we didn’t know it before. In the absence of information, no matter how much we discuss, it is of no use.”

“How can the Tokyo issue be resolved? Thousands of people have witnessed the coming of God with their own eyes, and through various information channels, the news has probably already covered the whole world. How could it be blocked?”

“Everyone, I think you’re overcomplicating things. In the end, it’s just what happened in Tokyo, and people in other countries just learned about it from pictures, videos, and live broadcasts.”

“As we all know, pictures, videos and live broadcasts can be faked. Therefore, our main purpose is to convince the people of Tokyo that the situation just now is fake and unrealistic. 11

“As for media coverage, I think this is even simpler. The media from all over the world have been bribed by us to ask the Transcendent Security Council to come to the door, just to prevent the situation from happening one day.

“This time is the time to test the country’s credibility.”

A group of people brainstormed and quickly came up with a solution, but Rodel looked at the representative of the Kyushu Kingdom, and he said softly, “Scare the representative, do you have any opinions?”

When everyone heard it, they all looked at the money without saying a word.

However, he found that the representative of the Kyushu Kingdom, who appeared to be nearly thirty years old, seemed to be still immersed in the shock just now.

Until Rodell reminded her, she turned around and saw that everyone was looking at her, she shook her head lightly, and said nothing.

However, the shock in her heart has not subsided.

“It turns out that Mr. Chen just can’t look directly at God.”

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