I become light in American comics

Chapter 136 The Foodie of the Universe

Poison Ivy is also a top-ranked character in my Gotham fan club.

When Shen You first got to know this character, it was through the old live-action Batman movies of the last century. For a fashionable and young adolescent boy, the only impression he had of this character was one word.


He had no choice but to swear that when he bought the movie DVD, he was chasing Batman, but she was too big. So many years later, the plot of the movie, which was already mediocre in reputation, has been completely forgotten. Only the impression of adolescent enlightenment remains deep-rooted and lingering.

Poison Ivy, whose real name is Pamela Isley. She was originally a shy girl who loved plants. After a classic laboratory accident, she mutated and gained superpowers. She could control plants and brainwash others through kissing to achieve mental control. She turned into an extreme environmentally friendly girl who puts plants first and wants all humans to die.

Not to mention DC, anyway, the supernatural things related to plants in the arcana are probably not good. For example, Green Mons in the first generation, Qijela in Tikkari, Chakira's tree in Dynari, and Kuya Naoki in Telikali.

It seems that Shen Youxunxiang's hat on Harvey's head probably has nothing to do with him becoming a two-faced man. Casting a wide net as Neptune was originally part of Poison Ivy's superpower. Her ability could control hormones to make men obsessed with her.

This ability even gave rise to the ultimate dark history of image collapse in the old Batman movie that was full of flaws. The mentally affected Batman and Robin had a fight over Poison Ivy. The master said I would pay one million for her, and the young master said I would pay three million. The master said where did you get so much money? The young master said I can borrow it from you.

It's not surprising that Harvey, who was once Gotham's Light Knight, would become one of Poison Ivy's prey, just like in the old cartoons.

Poor Harvey was played by poison ivy.

Judging from the last conversation with the detective, Poison Ivy seems to have been eyeing some project of Roxon Company recently. But those are Batman's problems for the time being.

For the time being, Shen You's eyes were focused on the Kryptonian criminals and the Great Purge. He took the old wizard to Lao Bu's battleship and used the mantra spell to interrogate him.

Shen You also quickly learned from their mouths that this outpost on the moon's surface was not an exception.

Norn has dispatched teams to various areas near the earth, and one of them has been stationed on the surface. They are deploying secretly, and each stronghold carries a signal base station in the "Great Purge" system. They are making final adjustments for global coverage of the signal.

"So, your commander, where is the headquarters of Fort Ross?" Shen You asked.

The six-handed programmer on the bridge said: "Who knows. The headquarters is always on the move, and no one knows where it is at the moment."

"Then the other outposts shouldn't have moved, right? You should know where they are?"

"There is a brother of mine in another outpost. Even if you kill me, you won't tell me." The programmer held his head high.

"I won't hurt you if I beat you to death." Shen You shrugged, stepped back and motioned to the old wizard, "Take care of this."

"no problem."

The old wizard stepped forward with a smile, holding a magic circle in his hand and a kind smile on his face.

"Come on, it'll be quick and won't hurt at all."

That smile that seemed to be a little perverted made the programmer tremble all over, and he couldn't help but hold his chest with all six hands.

"Wait a minute!" he yelled hurriedly, "I just suddenly remembered that my brother seems to be adopted, and we are not that close. I recruit, I recruit them all."

So in a short time, another outpost exploded with gorgeous fireworks.

The old wizard was floating far behind, watching Shen You rampage between the gorgeous lasers and the exploding hail of bullets, killing indiscriminately as if he was in a deserted place, and couldn't help stroking his big white beard.

The next generation is to be feared, the next generation is really to be feared.

No matter how much time passes, I still am not used to it. This kid is truly a monster.

He swept all the way into the central control room as usual, and then bumped into a muscular Kryptonian man blocking his way.

Shen You probably discovered it, and it might have been arranged this way intentionally. The criminals in Fort Ross come from different galaxies and different races, but the most powerful and most trusted ones by Norn are definitely Kryptonians. Therefore, it is natural that at least one Kryptonian will be placed in charge of each outpost.

Of course, everyone is equal before Kryptonite Iai. As soon as a pulse of krypton radiation went down to Krypton, the minions fell to their knees on the spot and had no chance to make a move.

But I didn't expect that this time the Kryptonian was not the guardian BOSS. After taking down the commander, Shen You had just landed when an enemy attack alert suddenly flashed on the screen.

Turning his head to look, he saw sharp teeth breaking through the wall, and a bloody mouth came out. The huge dark body was covered with hard scales and shone with a demonic red light. The wide and terrifying mouth was filled with fangs, and the alloy armor of Krypton and the energy barrier in the wall were bitten through.

"Kainsas!" An operator in the control room suddenly changed his color, "Has it reached the point of releasing this?"

The Phantom Zone contains not only criminals, but also some extremely dangerous cosmic creatures captured by the Kryptonians.

The Cainsassus in front of me is one of them. Its teeth can bite open almost anything, and its bloody mouth can swallow everything. Even for prisoners like them in the Phantom Zone, they are quite dangerous space monsters.

What's even more frightening is that it is completely uncontrollable.

This is the monster they bring in as their final trump card. Cainthas is always in a state of extreme hunger. He eats whatever he sees and has no concept of friend or foe.

Therefore, releasing Cainsas is definitely the last option for this base. After it takes care of the intruders, they have to start thinking about how to avoid being eaten by the monsters they released.

However, I don’t know whether it should be considered lucky or unlucky. This time they seemed to have no need to consider this issue.

Shen You dodged the sneak attack from behind by the monster at super high speed, and swayed to the side. At the same time, he quickly scanned and analyzed the opponent's characteristics.

The analysis results were obtained immediately within a blink of an eye.

Is a foodie.

Ultraman has a lot of experience in dealing with foodies. As early as Showa's Bemonstein, then to Heisei Kamui's strong contender for the strongest monster, Ye Fu, and finally there is the new generation's explosion monster Ura.

Anyway, in the Aopeng, as long as the skill points are related to "eating", it is somewhat abnormal.

Obviously, the fierce-looking big guy in front of him was far behind the famous foodies on the Kingdom of Light's wanted list, even the ones at the bottom.

Therefore, regarding this situation, Shen You immediately thought of the simplest and crudest but often most effective tactics that the blue-skinned director of our Science and Technology Bureau had demonstrated by example.

He directly formed a cross with his arms and aimed at the arrogant mouth.

Specium Rays!

Two updates today, one more tomorrow

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