I become light in American comics

Chapter 137 It would be nice if it could be refreshed

Cainsas was very excited at this time.

It was stuffed into the Phantom Zone by the Kryptonians a long time ago, and it was not until many years after the destruction of Krypton that it was able to see the light of day again with Fort Roz. But even so, even the criminals in Fort Ross thought it was too dangerous. So this miserable monster has never seen the sun until today.

And now, it is finally free!

It has almost forgotten this sweet taste, it is unrestrained, and most importantly, it can eat whatever it wants!

It has been hungry for too long, and it can't wait to fill its bottomless belly with fresh flesh and blood. This time, no matter what happens, it will never go back to that cage!

Following Cainthas, I saw the strange creature wearing strange armor at a glance. Even the thick iron shell couldn't stop the hot and glorious aura flowing out of his body.

Instinct tells it that this person will definitely be full after eating it, and the taste is definitely five-star level!

So it didn't even think about it, and opened its mouth without any reservation, as if it was going to swallow up the world!


Then it was shot.

At first, when the blue light poured into its mouth, it still felt funny in its heart.

Hey, what is this thing? Toothpick?

It wasn't until the energy output couldn't stop, and the ultra-high temperature made its mouth hot and unbearable, that Cainthas began to realize something was wrong.

How can this amount be so much?

And this is a bit too violent! ?

The giant beast began to twitch all over, struggling fiercely, and mumbled indistinctly from its throat.

But it's too late.

The frightening bright light has penetrated into its body from its mouth. The hot light surged violently and spread rapidly inside the giant beast. Before the explosive body exploded, the giant beast almost shed tears of regret.

If it had known that there was such a pervert outside, it would not have wanted any freedom.

Mom, I want to go back to the Phantom Zone.


Specium's energy spread, and Kaindos exploded to death. His death was extremely miserable.

The bird in the shed next door who was also strangled to death by a scientist in a similar posture sent a congratulatory message from the underworld.

All the aliens in the control room had already fast forwarded to thinking about what to do with this devouring beast after the invaders died. They never expected that this guy would give up within two seconds of being up, and die at the speed of light, leaving everyone in the room stunned.

What about swallowing everything you promised? What about extreme danger?

Is this gone?

Shen You lowered his arms, and the back of his hands was still radiating filamentous electric light. As he slowly approached, all the aliens around him lowered their heads involuntarily.

It felt like I wished I could be invisible and avoid his sight.

"You always surprise people."

The old wizard touched his beard and floated to his side.

This was not the first time he had met Specium, but he would still criticize him several times after meeting him. He felt that this kid was simply unscientific and unmagical.

The two walked up to the Kryptonian who had been blasted to death by the Kryptonite pulse.

The man's face turned green, but he still panted and glared at them.

"Use your most vicious methods, but a glorious Kryptonian warrior will never"

"Bala, bala, bala, I've heard all this." Shen You gestured, "Leave it to you."

As soon as the mantra was poured down, the Kryptonian's expression suddenly seemed as if he had drunk fake wine, and his body twitched, as if there was a battle between heaven and man in his mind.

"That's right, surrender to the power of the mantra." The old wizard continued to cast spells, "You are hiding something. Tell your secrets and follow the urge to talk in your heart. Don't resist, don't resist."

After murmuring for a long time, the man's body trembled violently, and he finally held his head and couldn't help but cry out "Ahhhhhhhh".

"I, I, I, actually, I should not be qualified to join the mobile formation if I failed the assessment. It was all the backdoor opened by my father."

Everyone: "."

Kryptonians also use backdoors, right?

"Any more?"

"Also. Actually, the reason why I work so hard is because I want to join General Astra's staff. Because I fell hopelessly in love with her at the first sight. Her beauty, her His handsomeness and heroic appearance in battle.”

"Wow." The alien operator next to him looked like he had eaten something. "Commander Norn will definitely strangle you to death if he finds out."

"Very good, it looks like it was successful."

The old wizard stepped aside and motioned to Shen You.

"You can ask what you want to ask."

The solar system, elsewhere, the moving stronghold of Fort Roz.

Noen put his hands behind his back and stood by the window of the control tower, looking out the window at the endless black universe and the stars.

"I heard that your right-hand man went to that place called Earth and was never heard from again?"

The voice came from behind him. A man was in the cabin behind him, his voice was cold and strong.

Noen snorted dullly: "I have many talents under my command, and there is no shortage of one like this."

"Then I heard that your wife also went to Earth and has not returned yet. Do you not lack such a wife?"

Noen's face suddenly darkened.

He turned around and glared coldly at the person who made the noise.

"What do you want to express?"

"Nothing, just stating the facts." The man said calmly.

Noen clenched his fists briefly, and a red light flashed in his eyes. But the change was fleeting, and he soon regained his composure.

"If you are questioning my deployment, you don't have to." Norn said lightly, "I have conducted enough research on human physiological mechanisms, and the system has been finally debugged for their species.

My people have now been sent out for deployment. They are led by glorious and powerful Kryptonian warriors, possessing godlike power under the light of the yellow sun.

There are also elite warriors under his command, coming from different races in Fort Ross, and all of them possess unique skills. Not to mention we also have the dangerous beasts imprisoned in Fort Roz.

When the time comes, I just need to activate the signal and raise my arms. At that time, the great cleansing system will be activated, and each base will launch raids from all over. It is expected that it will only take one hour to completely occupy the earth, and also occupy human civilization! "

"I hope so." The man behind said calmly, "But if your method doesn't work in the end, you still have to do it my way."

"That's natural. But your worries are unnecessary, I assure you."

Noen said and paused.

".General Zod."

However, these two remaining generals of Krypton did not know this at this time.

Just as they are making plans together here and looking forward to the grand blueprint.

A handsome Ultra boy who had just finished harvesting was contentedly setting off again and continuing to fly to the next base.

There is even a faint hope in my heart. It would be better if the monsters in this base would be automatically refreshed after being cleared.

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