I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 153

~ Chapter 152: The Strength Of Xu Country, The Ideas Of Various Countries


Hearing that the chief designer of the Undersea City is coming and that he intends to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Undersea City with everyone, everyone was immediately refreshed.

In the eyes of ordinary businessmen, this is a good opportunity to make friends with Xu Guo’s high-level officials and understand Xu Guo’s true strength.

For the representatives of various countries and major forces, this is a good opportunity to spy on the real power of Xu Country and find out the cards of Xu Country.

Although the purpose is different, no one is not interested in the arrival of the chief designer of the underwater city.

“It’s fantastic.”

“The chief designer of the underwater city is really exciting.”

“Can we ask how this underwater city was built? How did they ensure the oxygen supply to the underwater city, how do they provide heating services for this amazing city, so that the environment here is always in the right place. And the space here , How is the seawater blocked out of the energy shield. To maintain such an energy shield, the energy required is simply unimaginable, and I am afraid that a nuclear power plant is not enough to use it.”

“Don’t think about it, these key technologies must be kept secret. Besides, even if Xuguo tells us, we may not be able to understand it. The technology mastered by Xuguo is not the same as the technology we research.”

“I don’t agree with this. Maybe Xuguo’s development path is different from ours, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t understand the technology Xuguo has mastered. Maybe we just lack a little idea and materials.”

“I agree with this idea. Hundreds of years ago, the ancients also did not think that humans could fly to the sky, let alone land on the moon. But now, we have already done these things that seemed like miracles to the ancients, and even The reason why we can’t understand Xuguo’s technology now is because we haven’t been exposed to these materials and resources before, and we haven’t tried this type of development.”

“But now that the Sea God Kingdom is open, we have obtained the genes of different creatures from the Sea God Kingdom, as well as various resources from the Sea God Kingdom that are completely different from the earth. We may not be able to develop the magical technology of Xu Country. It just takes a little time, When we find out the doorway, we will definitely be able to reach the level of Xu Country.”

“At that time, mankind will usher in a new era, a super era belonging to mankind. We will soar into gods, the gods in the eyes of the ancients.”

“Hahaha, well said.”

People are discussing, discussing the technology used by Xu Country to build the underwater city, and whether it is possible for human beings to catch up with Xu Country’s technology.

There are also those who are not interested in these questions.

Like Mr. Yule.

“Ma’am, may I ask curiously, what race is the chief designer of this underwater city?”

“I have no particular meaning, just very curious.”

“There is no doubt that this is a great work, very great. To be able to create such a great work must be a great figure in your country.”

Yule asked without hiding his thoughts.

Bei Yao responded with a smile, and did not hide this issue, because there is no need to hide it.

“The chief designer of the Undersea City is a researcher from the Nuwa tribe, a scholar who has won the trust of my king.”

Jiang Fengyao’s plan was approved by Yang Xu, and he will rush to the Underwater City in two days. The main purpose is to get feedback on the function and design of the underwater city through actual living experience.

Whether it is good feedback or bad feedback, it is very important.

This is an important experience Jiang Fengyao has learned from the development of modern science and technology.

Even failure is a very important experience accumulation.

Yule was even more curious when he heard this.

He originally thought that the designer of the Underwater City should be Jiaoren, or the Dragon Clan.

After all, among the races currently appearing in Xu Country, only the Dragon Clan and the Jiaoren are races that live in water. Although the Nuwa tribe has more myths and legends and a higher reputation in the human world, they are a race that lives on land.

A race living on land designed a majestic underwater city.

This ability is not simple.

Yule praised: “We are very much looking forward to meeting with the chief designer in two days.”

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Bei Yao led the crowd to the registration office to check in.

The guests of the special invitation letter were arranged in a small villa on the outer layer of the mountain.

Guests with first-class invitation letters and second-class invitation letters can only stay in ordinary buildings inside the mountain.

There are five layers of areas within each mountain.

The uppermost floor is the living area.

The entire mountain was almost hollowed out, directly supplemented with wood and other materials, and thousands of houses were dug out, which could provide housing for thousands of people.

The living area has six floors, and the smallest room is only twelve square meters, with one bedroom and one bathroom.

The bigger room is one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, about thirty square meters.

The largest room is four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, with a usable area of 160 square meters.

There are also entertainment facilities such as cinemas near the residential area.

These devices are all from the human world.

The second floor is a commercial street.

food street.

grocery area.

musical theater.

All kinds of shops can be seen everywhere.

However, only a few stores are currently open, which are self-operated by Xuguo.

Such as Xuguo food, music theater.

In the future, it will be open to humans, and various commodities from the human world will be stationed here.

The third floor is the goods storage area, where goods from the outside world need to be inspected and disinfected before being delivered to designated locations.

Of course, in addition to the goods from the outside world, this is also where Xuguo stores all kinds of daily necessities.

When the dungeon is fully loaded, there are enough living materials for everyone to survive for two years, so as to ensure that there will be no shortage of food in special situations.

The fourth floor is the water purification equipment and the garbage disposal area.

Seawater has extremely high salinity, which is completely different from the drinking water that humans need. It is a delusion to want to mine clean water that humans can drink in the deep sea. The only way is to treat the seawater into fresh water that can be used for drinking. Drinking water for each mountain is treated on this floor and sent to other floors through pipelines.

The fifth floor is the management area.

Only those with permission can enter, and can adjust the floating height of the underwater city and so on.

The underwater city is constructed from six peaks, each of which has complete facilities and can be regarded as an independent individual.

The main peak is where the subjects of the Xu Kingdom live, and the current main residents are the Dragon Clan and the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

The dragon clan is responsible for the vigilance of the 300-mile sea area outside the underwater city, ensuring that the danger that threatens the underwater city is eliminated before it appears, or an early warning is issued to the underwater city.

The Qingqiu Fox Clan is responsible for the security and management of the Undersea City.

On the main peak is stationed a guard army of the undersea city formed by the Qingqiu fox clan, with a total of more than 2,000 people.

The jiaoren don’t like a waterless environment, so their residence is located in a mountain area soaked by seawater. In this deep sea area that ordinary people can’t touch, there are exquisite houses in which tens of thousands of people from the underwater city live.

Of course, although Jiaoren is sensitive to the waterless environment, he will occasionally go to various places in the underwater city to play, rest, watch the excitement, and so on.

At present, Xu Country has only opened two peaks, and the other three peaks, including the main peak, belong to the subjects of Xu Country, and will not be open to the outside world for a long time.

Without special needs, the subjects of Xu Kingdom will not enter the area open to humans.

Bei Yao spent the whole morning introducing the basic structure of the seabed city and the functions of different regional modules.

The feeling of everyone is amazing.

There is shock.

Have doubts.

What is shocking is that the underwater city in Xu country can really provide for human survival, and such an achievement is impossible for any country.

Not to mention the extraordinary technology displayed in many details of the underwater city.

Holographic projection.

climate control.

Sea water purification.

Undersea lighting.

And the most important planting technique!

Most of these functions can be achieved with the power of human science and technology.

The constant temperature control system and seawater purification are not particularly difficult technologies.

As for the technology of growing on the seabed, it’s amazing.

But humans can also grow various crops in outer space. The problem is that the cost of planting is too high, and it is impossible to popularize it.

Xuguo solved these problems and popularized it to civilian use.

This is a point that no country or force can ignore.

The development of science and technology from military use to civilian use is a long and incomparable road.

Cost is always the biggest problem.

After watching Xuguo’s construction and planning of the underwater city, everyone can feel the powerful heritage of Xuguo.

These technologies definitely cannot be developed in a short period of time. Even at the speed of development of modern technology, it may take hundreds or even thousands of years to achieve.

Of course, this is not to say that Xuguo’s technology has surpassed that of human beings for thousands of years.

There are many chances in the development of science and technology.

Just like tens of thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution, human development was minimal.

Since the Industrial Revolution, human beings have created a brilliant modern civilization in just a few hundred years, created countless things that only gods could do in the eyes of the ancients, and ushered in an unprecedented period of rapid development.

Whether there will be another technological revolution in the future, no one can say.

However, Xu Guo’s strength has been recognized and respected by everyone.

At the same time, it also attracted the special attention of many people.

So far, Xuguo has shown technologies related to people’s livelihood, but has not revealed a word about defense systems and weapon systems. They didn’t believe that such a majestic underwater city would not have any protection system.

After all, Seagod’s Kingdom is not a peaceful place, even in the underwater world thousands of meters away, there may be countless dangers.

On the way back, people talked a lot.

Yang Hua was amazed again and again: “It’s too powerful. It is absolutely impossible to directly cut and transform hills into floating islands with the current technology of human beings.”

“Has the real person noticed the various vegetation planted on the surface of the mountain?”

“I found a lot of familiar plants inside, all fruit trees that are very common outside.”

“There are apple trees, peaches, cherries, pears, etc. It’s amazing how Xuguo grows these crops in the deep sea.”

“I don’t know if it’s an illusion. I always feel that those plants are different from what I see outside. It can’t be that Xuguo has genetically modified these plants.”

“Hey, if Xu Country really genetically modified these plants, their genetic modification technology is simply unimaginable.”

Along the way, Yang Hua kept talking and eloquent.

Lei Ming didn’t say anything, just watched silently.

Everything around is magical.


But that’s all.

Lei Ming had a premonition that these things were just decorations on the countertop. Xu Guo’s real purpose, the real big move, has not yet begun.

It’s just that Lei Ming is not sure what Xu Guo wants to do.

There is just a feeling.

Under the calm, there are turbulent waves.

Carey, the representative of the United States, saw everything in his eyes and discussed everything he saw with his companions.

“Xu Country’s strength is very strong. The Underwater City is undoubtedly an unprecedented feat. It shows a lot of things that we have not been able to do so far. But what Xu Country has shown is only part of it. Behind the things we have seen, There are many, many secrets hidden.”

“Yes, it’s hard for me to imagine what method Xuguo used to make six such peaks float in the sea, and what method was used to open up such a huge space on the seabed.”

“Based on the technology our country possesses, it is almost impossible to build such an underwater city.”

“No, I think the construction is just a trivial problem. The most important thing is the energy needed to maintain this underwater city, which is really unimaginable!”

“It’s incredible to maintain such a huge energy shield at a depth of several thousand meters. If our country can master such a technology, it will surely usher in unprecedented development.”

The two looked complicated.

Although what they see so far is only the tip of the iceberg of Xu Country, they have already felt the powerful technology and strength of Xu Country. Based on what they have seen so far, they can almost conclude that Asahi will be the biggest threat to the future of the United States Federation.

none of them!

But this worry, they did not say it.

After all, this is still Xu Country’s territory.

The two just recorded everything they saw and some of their current thoughts in the manuscript.

After returning, these things need to be reported to the United States.

At the same time, they also need to assess the strength and threat level of Xu Country.

It is not only the representatives of the United States who have such thoughts, but also representatives of other countries.

However, it is different from the representatives of these countries.

Some ordinary family forces, as well as capital forces, see not threats, but opportunities.

Unprecedented opportunity.

The Yan family of Changsheng Company was also discussing the situation in the seabed city.

“It’s amazing. It’s worthy of the legendary kingdom of God. These technologies are god-like technologies even in modern times.”

“If our Changsheng company can get some technology back, we will definitely make a lot of money.”

Yan Yunwu was dazzled, his face was full of shrewdness of a businessman.

“Let’s talk about this seabed planting technology. If we can get some food crops that can be planted in the sea, we will make a lot of money.”

“And this protective cover, the holographic projection, is simply amazing.”

“It’s clearly a deep sea, but look around us, where we can feel the atmosphere of the deep sea, it’s almost the same as the land. I watched it for a long time, and I wondered if we didn’t go to the deep sea at all.”

Yan Juxu agrees very much.

The many technologies and products displayed in the seabed city have extremely high commercial value.

The key is that this thing cannot be done with the current human technology.

Even if it can be done, it cannot be widely used.

It is difficult to generate commercial value for things that cannot be popularized.

The Yan family is a landlord and plutocrat, and it is not their turn to worry about national security and human safety.

All they need to consider is to find business opportunities and earn more small money.

Of course, it would be best if we could get Xuguo’s technology.

But Yan Juxu never thought about this question.

He just thinks with his toes, and understands that Xuguo will definitely not reveal his core technology easily, and being able to sell related products is very impressive.

Yan Yunwu sighed with emotion, and whispered in Yan Juxu’s ear, solemnly said: “Our company should increase cooperation with Xuguo to obtain more product agency rights. Only by grasping the opportunity can we open up various markets and gain more benefits .”

Yan Juxu did not respond.

Doing business is not wishful thinking.

If the Yan family wants to cooperate with Xu Guo, it depends on whether Xu Guo agrees or not.

Bringing these technologies back to the human world can cause revolutionary changes, as long as anyone with a little knowledge can see it.

But the question is, is Xuguo really willing to sell?

Even if Xuguo is willing to sell, what is the price?

If it cannot be popularized, it is still meaningless.

And even if Xu Country’s selling price is not high, there are representatives of a hundred factions here.

Nobody is a fool.

As long as Xu Guo let out the news, I’m afraid that even the United States Federation will not be able to sit still.

The Yan family is not weak, but looking at the world is really nothing.

Yan Juxu frowned slightly, thinking about how to increase the bargaining chip of the Yan family and obtain more resources in future transactions with Xuguo.

In addition to forces like the United States Federation and the Yan family, there are also some more special forces.

They are worried about Xu Country’s strength, but they also desire Xu Country’s strength. Worried that Xuguo will threaten the status of human beings, and hope that Xuguo can challenge the status of the United States Federation.

For example, the sun never sets, Japan and other forces.

Mrs. Qiong’s eyes were full, and she saw all the wonders of the underwater city, and wrote them down in her notebook.

Beside her is Major Pound, a representative of the military on which the sun never sets.

It has a different purpose from Mrs. Joan.

The main purpose of Major Pound’s visit to the Undersea City is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Xu Country’s urban construction, population resources, weapons and equipment, military strength, and so on.

To determine the threat level of Xu country.

And judge whether Xu Country can break the dominance of the US Federation in the South Pacific and become an important ally that the sun never sets.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

The U.S. Federation is getting stronger and stronger, making the sun never set next to the U.S. Federation is like wearing a sling around the neck, making it difficult to breathe.

If you don’t pay attention, you are more likely to become the dead soul of the United States Federation.

This is not the result they want.

They knew very well that if Xuguo wanted to get out of the Sea God’s Kingdom, the United States Federation would be the first to disagree.

Because the South Pacific is the sphere of influence of the United States Federation, they will never agree to a powerful force that can challenge themselves in this area.

Therefore, after discussion, the high-level leaders of the Sun Never Sets almost concluded that there will inevitably be conflicts between Xu Country and the United States Federation in the future.

Unless Xu Country has no plans to leave Sea God’s Kingdom.

And once there is a conflict between the two countries, it will be a great thing for the sun to never set.

The rope tied around their necks would thus loosen.

Before that, they need to evaluate the comprehensive strength of Xu Country to determine whether Xu Country has the strength to compete with the United States Federation. Or whether Xu Country’s strength will be too strong, directly threatening the safety of all human beings.

Different evaluations will affect their future choices and attitudes towards Xu Country.

The thought of the representative of Dongying is almost the same as that of the sun never sets.

The current Japan sounds like an independent country, but in fact it is just a colony of the United States.

Many forces in Japan can’t wait to break the shackles of the US Federation, UU Reading www.uukanshu. It’s just that they didn’t have this opportunity before, nor did they have this strength. The emergence of the Sea God Kingdom, the ancient myths and legends, and the mysterious Xu Kingdom gave hope to many forces in the East who were eager to get rid of the American Federation.

A hundred forces have different goals.

Ideas vary.

The only thing they have in common is their recognition of Xuguo’s strength and their desire to cooperate with Xuguo.

Bei Yao said softly, “Everyone, this is the two areas we are about to open and the basic situation of the two areas. Afterwards, we will arrange personnel to lead you to visit in detail to understand the basic situation of the different areas.”

“Now, please follow me to the restaurant and enjoy the delicacies of our Xu country.”

“Tomorrow, we’ll be showing more, to be sold, goods fit for human use.”

When people hear about food, people just show curiosity and expectation, but when they hear that more products will be displayed tomorrow, almost no one can sit still.

More merchandise, what that means!


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