I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 154

~ I, Yang Xu, The King Of The Gods!


Xu Country, West Sea Outpost, Temporary Palace.

Yang Xu and Tang Yuanqing sat under the corridor next to the study.

He is dressed in a black robe, with sun and moon patterns on the left and right shoulders, and star patterns around the robe, majestic, majestic and sacred.

The clothing style is similar to the royal robes of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Tang Yuanqing’s clothes were simple, and he wore a long robe with ancient books.

It’s not that he wants to wear this suit, but that it’s been almost half a year since he came to Xihai Outpost, and his original clothes are worn out. He didn’t bring a few clothes out, so he could only wear Xu Guo’s special clothes.

The two sat cross-legged, with a square dwarf eucalyptus placed beside them.

Tea, fruits, and snacks are placed on the dwarf eucalyptus.

There is also a bronze hand-held incense burner.

Niao Niao blue smoke rose slowly from the incense burner, turning into a silver dragon hovering around, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Holding a tea bowl, Tang Yuanqing talked slowly: “The emergence of religious belief is not only because of human beings’ awe of the unknown, but also because of human beings’ own spiritual needs.”

“The awe of death, the escape from reality, the longing for the future, the pursuit of all desires such as wealth, power and beauty.”

“It is precisely because of these uncertain factors and the difficulty in satisfying one’s own desires that human beings yearn for a super power that can change reality, be blessed by this super power, and get the help of this super power.”

“So, it is not accurate and irresponsible to think that the believers are deceived. A more accurate statement should be that the believers themselves desire to have a spiritual sustenance. They may know that the gods they believe in do not exist , the things they desire are not satisfied. Maybe they really believe that this kind of sustenance can satisfy their desires in some aspects.”

“But these are actually not important. The important thing is that the believers’ hearts are satisfied and they get another kind of peace.”

“Because there is demand, there is a market.”

Yang Xu picked up the tea, took a sip, and said, “Mr. once said that most of the uprisings in this world stem from the rebel groups’ dissatisfaction with the current social environment and their desire to change the status quo. For example, the Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising in the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms The Yellow Turban Army Uprising during the period, the Great Uprising in the late Sui Dynasty, etc.”

“So any claim that these uprisings were attributed to individual uprising leaders is inaccurate.”

“It was the people who chose the uprising, not the uprising leader who determined the uprising. The uprising leader represented the uprising group, but did not play a decisive role in the cause of the uprising. What really triggered the uprising was the oppression of the uprising by those in power, and The rebels themselves are dissatisfied with reality.”

“Times make heroes, that’s what they are.”

Yang Xu’s voice paused slightly, and continued.

“The emergence of religion is similar. People are eager to obtain some power to change reality and their own situation, but they cannot get such power in the reality they can touch, so there will be countless miracles that have never been shown. The gods who have created countless deceitful people.”

“The reason is that the emergence of religious beliefs only meets people’s needs, so it can be recognized and spread.”

Tang Yuanqing smiled.

“Your Majesty’s understanding is correct.”

“Since ancient times, religion and politics have been like two happy enemies, and they have never shaken off their influence on each other. However, the emergence and spread of religion is precisely because it conforms to public opinion, so it can be widely spread among the people and has a long history.”

“For example, heaven, hell.”

“Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, Eighteen Levels of Hell.”

“Becoming a fairy, falling into reincarnation.”

“Different religions have different sayings, but these sayings have a common core. They provide human beings with a sanctuary to face the unknown. When people fear death, they will tell people that after death, they can find peace, they can get All the good things that could not be enjoyed in life.”

“That’s the positive side of religious belief.”

“Let’s not consider whether heaven and **** are true or not, and whether the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and the eighteen levels of **** exist. The teachings of these religions all highlight the need to attract people to do good and maintain social stability.”

“Perhaps bad things and influences have appeared in the process due to some people’s selfishness, but this does not completely negate the positive significance brought by religious belief.”

“To gather people’s hearts, place hope, and lead people to do good.”

When Tang Yuanqing said this, he paused.

“However, if you want to truly understand the development of religion, you need to analyze it from different eras, different perspectives, and different cultural heritages.”

“In certain periods of history, some people used the name of gods to oppress the common people, persecuted others in the name of faith, and waged wars. Different religions played different roles and assumed different historical missions in different periods.”

“For example, in modern society, some religions have lost their cloak of power and weapons to oppress the people, and their roles have undergone tremendous changes.”

“In today’s human world, in most circumstances, people choose their own beliefs, rather than beliefs forcing people to believe.”

Yang Xu responded with a smile, expounding his views.

This is not the first time the two have discussed the issue of religious politics.

Time passed, and at noon, Tang Yuanqing bid farewell and left.

It wasn’t until Tang Yuanqing left that Qingqiu Ziyue poked her head at the door, spying on the situation in the study.

The long fox ears are slightly swaying, which is quite interesting.


After confirming that Yang Xu was the only one in the room, Qingqiu Ziyue elongated her voice and made a coquettish sound.

She gets a headache every time she sees Tang Yuanqing.

Those theories, history, and religions made her head explode.

Every time she was forced to attend a class, Qingqiu Ziyue had the urge to cut off her own head.

It’s too uncomfortable.

It is more uncomfortable than Monkey King hearing the curse.

Yang Xu followed the prestige and said helplessly, “You, when will you be able to study hard?”

“Hee hee, I think so too, but the sounds of those things make the fox’s head explode.”

Qingqiu Ziyue bounced into the study like a child.

Of course, just looking at the figure, definitely does not have the feeling of a child.

The mountains trembled and rippled.

Xiaoman squeezed her waist tightly.

The black tights are completely close to the body, and have almost no other function except to outline the perfect curve. She was covered with a purple dress with high slits, but Qingqiu Ziyue didn’t show her due nobility and dignity, but she was even more enchanting and sexy.

Qingqiu Ziyue had a hippie smile on her face, she didn’t take it seriously at all.

She doesn’t want to study.

It’s too uncomfortable.

Coming to Yang Xu’s side, Qingqiu Ziyue sat carelessly on Yang Xu’s legs. The plump rear lights showed amazing elasticity, challenging the ugliness of human nature.

However, Qingqiu Ziyue didn’t seem to know it, or did it on purpose.

She was grinning, twisting her small waist, and wrapping her arms around Yang Xu’s neck like jade arms, she said coquettishly, “My lord, I want to go to the underwater city too. When will I take you to the underwater city?”

Not long after the construction of the underwater city was completed, Yang Xu once took Qingqiu Ziyue to the underwater city.

Stayed for a week.

Visited the layout and construction of the submarine city.

Since then, Qingqiu Ziyue has been fascinated by the special construction method of the underwater city, and often asks Yang Xu to take her to play in the underwater city.

As for going there alone, it is naturally impossible.

How boring to be alone.

Yang Xu stroked Qingqiu Ziyue’s black silk with one hand, and pinched her Xiuting’s bridge of nose with the other, deliberately said with a straight face: “I know how to play every day, have you done what I asked you to do?”

“Hmph, of course it’s done.”

“The king doesn’t even look at who he is.”

“He is the super powerful Ziyue.”

Qingqiu Ziyue held her head up triumphantly, she just missed writing on her pretty face that she was super powerful.

“Good job.”

Yang Xu smiled in satisfaction, and gave Qingqiu Ziyue a passionate kiss as a reward.

During this period of time, Xu Country developed extremely fast.

Half a year ago, Xu Country only had a population of 10,000.

And now, Xu country has a population of close to 100,000!

The speed of this development is incredible.

Of course, the main reason is that human beings are too powerful!

They may not be able to fight against the savage overlords, top beasts such as sea giants. But under the overwhelming artillery fire of human beings, ordinary ferocious beasts are simply delicious dishes.

The overwhelming rain of bullets poured down, perfectly interpreting the concept of death storm.

In addition to population growth, the biggest change is the life of ordinary people in Xu Country.

A year ago, the people of Xu Country were still working hard for three meals a day.

Being able to eat meat and drink hot soup is already the greatest enjoyment.

But now, Xu Country has inexhaustible food, meat, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

The food and clothing problem has been completely solved.

American federal psychologist Maslow once proposed a theory that divides needs into five categories: physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem needs, and self-actualization, which are arranged from lower levels to higher levels.

The first level of physiological needs.

Including: breathing, water, food, sleep, physiological balance, secretion, sex.

If most items of these needs are not met, the physiology of the individual human being cannot function normally.

In other words, human life will be threatened.

That is an existential threat.

In this sense, physiological needs are the most important driving force for people to act.

Maslow believes that only when these most basic needs are met to the extent necessary for survival, can other needs become new motivating factors, and by this time, these relatively satisfied needs will no longer be motivating factors .

Therefore, a second level of security needs arises.

These include: personal safety, health protection, resource ownership, property ownership, moral protection, job security, and family safety.

Maslow believes that the whole organism is a mechanism for pursuing security, and human receptors, effector organs, intelligence and other energies are mainly tools for seeking security, and even science and outlook on life can be regarded as part of satisfying security needs.

This is the stage Xu Guo is in now.

Xu country is different from any country in the human world.

The subjects of Xu Kingdom were created by Yang Xu through ancient bronze books.

Here, all wealth goes to the king.

The state is responsible for everyone’s food, clothing, housing and transportation from birth to death.

After birth, the Asahi Congress will allocate houses and jobs.

When a newborn is born, all expenses during the growth process are also borne by the state. Education, food, clothes, even toys, etc. do not require any price. Even the elderly who have lost the ability to move, as well as the disabled due to various reasons, will be cared for by the state.

Basic necessities of life can be guaranteed.

And as the country’s resources change, change.

When the resources of Xu country are extremely rich, the quality of life of the people has been greatly improved.

After coming into contact with human beings, the people of Xu Country have felt the progress of Xu Country in all aspects, such as clothing, architecture, food, education and so on.

And as Xuguo traded with humans, the people of Xuguo tasted different delicious foods from all over the world, and enjoyed music, art, movies, etc. from the human world.

Basic necessities of life, even spiritual enjoyment, have been greatly satisfied.

The sudden satisfaction made the subjects of Xu Kingdom very happy.

But in addition to being happy, there is also confusion.

All success comes too suddenly, and all happiness comes too easily. Many people feel confused as to where they should go.

It was precisely after Yang Xu discovered this change in the subjects of Xu Kingdom that he had new ideas and goals.

Now Xu Country has basically met the needs of survival, although there are still certain threats to the living environment. But as long as you don’t intentionally kill yourself, Xu Country’s territory is still very safe.

At this time, as the king of Xu Kingdom, he must set a new goal for his subjects.

one direction.


Or thought!

In Maslow’s theory, the third level is the need for emotion and belonging.

Friendship, love, sexual intimacy, and more.

Everyone wants to be cared for and looked after by each other.

Emotional needs are more detailed than physical needs. It is related to a person’s physical characteristics, experience, education, and religious beliefs.

The fourth level is the need for esteem.

Self-respect, confidence, achievement, respect for others, respect by others.

Everyone wants to have a stable social status, and requires personal ability and achievements to be recognized by society.

The need for respect can be divided into internal respect and external respect.

Internal respect refers to a person’s desire to be competent, competent, confident, and independent in various situations.

In short, internal respect is a person’s self-esteem.

External respect means that a person wants to have status, prestige, and be respected, trusted, and highly appraised by others.

Maslow believes that the satisfaction of the need for respect can make people full of confidence in themselves, full of enthusiasm for society, and experience the usefulness and value of their own lives.

The fifth level of self-realization needs are morality, creativity, self-awareness, problem-solving ability, fairness, and ability to accept reality

etc. direction.

The need for self-actualization is the highest-level need, which refers to the realization of personal ideals and ambitions, the use of personal abilities to the greatest extent, and the people who have reached the realm of self-realization, accepting themselves and others, enhancing problem-solving ability, improving self-consciousness, and being good at independence To do things, to be alone without interruption, to complete everything commensurate with one’s ability.

That is to say, people must do their jobs in order to be happiest.

Maslow proposed that the path taken to meet the needs of self-actualization varies from person to person. The need for self-actualization is to strive to realize your potential and make yourself more and more what you expect.

The five levels of requirements are not independent, nor are they in a pure pyramid form, but overlap.

When one need is largely satisfied, new needs arise, but that does not mean that other needs are not needed.

Although Xu Kingdom’s subjects are not human beings, they are no different from human beings except for the difference in form.

So based on Maslow’s theory and Xuguo’s actual situation, Yang Xu has a new plan for Xuguo’s future.

Build a temple!

Unity of thought!

Compile the classics!

Educate the people!

Set up a new goal and a new pursuit for the people of Xu Country, which is far beyond the pursuit of survival needs, so as to solve the confusion of the people of Xu Country.

Of course, in addition to the above considerations.

During this period of time, learning history other than ancient and modern with Tang Yuanqing also made Yang Xu gradually understand the development path of Xu Country.

Now that the defense system of the Sea God Kingdom is about to collapse, the day when the Earth and the Sea God Kingdom completely merge is imminent.

There is no doubt about Xu Country’s contacts with countries around the world, and even with the people of the world.

Going to develop outside the Sea God Country is a problem Xu Country must face.

But if we compare the current earth to a cake, the cake has already been divided up.

No matter which piece Xu Guo wants, it will inevitably be resisted by various forces.

In such an environment, a purely military invasion would be foolish.

And religion is different.

The intrusion of ideas and culture moistens things silently, and the influence and effect it can bring far exceed military oppression.

This is Yang Xu’s next plan.



In the eyes of most ordinary people, Xu Country is the legendary kingdom of ancient gods, a kingdom ruled by gods.

Yang Xu wanted to borrow this kind of thinking from them to spread his will.

But before proceeding with this plan, he needs to solve the billions of small problems.

And this is one of Qingqiu Ziyue’s jobs.

Build a temple!

No way, who made her the number one strongman in Xu country.

In a few months, Qingqiu Ziyue’s fusion with the elves has reached a new height, with a fusion rate of more than 40%.

Under the condition of urging the elves to explode with all their strength, Qingqiu Ziyue’s power can reach thousands of tons!

What a concept.

Ordinary family cars are about 1.5 tons, mini cars are about 0.9 tons, suvs and mpvs are a bit heavier, but only about 1.8 tons.

The common train skins generally have a load of 60-65 tons per carriage.

Qingqiu Ziyue’s current strength is said to be overwhelming, although it is an exaggeration, but it has already surpassed many large-scale construction machinery!

In addition to building temples.

Yang Xu also arranged for manpower to compile classics, study the thoughts of major religions, combine the situation of Xu country, and the history of different races, and stitch them into his own things!

This is not cheating.

Because the Nuwa clan, the dragon clan, the Qingqiu fox clan, etc. do have a long history that is beyond calculation.

And a glorious past!

Although it has only a little relationship with the Qingqiu Fox Clan, Nuwa Clan, etc. in Xu Country.

But it’s also about connection.

Blood inheritance.

cultural heritage.

How can it be considered a connection~www.mtlnovel.com~ In this way, the history of Xu Kingdom will be traced back to the long past, the ancient barbaric era.

And he, Yang Xu, the lord of Xu Country, will also get a brand new name in these classics.

The king of the deep sea city.

Guardian of the sky city.

The Lord of Thunder, the king who rules the sky, the continent, and the deep sea.

A master with the power of creation and the power of destruction.

Master of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, Nuwa Protoss Clan, Dragon Clan and many other races!

King of the gods!

Titles like that.

Thinking of the future plans, Yang Xu raised the corners of his lips slightly, his eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and saw the underwater city.

He whispered: “Bei Yao should have already started.”


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