I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 345

Chapter 342 Uncrowned King II

Just like at the end of the girls’ game, they ran away after the knockout match of the boys’ group on the first day, hiding from reporters who were enthusiastic about interviews, and when they returned to the hotel, it was a good time for Jiangchuan-senpai’s cold and warm greetings. People fully enjoy the treatment of Xue Nai.

“Thank you, Kirisuke.” Ikuo Shimada walked to Kazuto’s side and patted his shoulder to express his kindness. Not only was he able to go to the private beach of Egawa Kikueda’s house with Shimizu, but also white. Picking up a winning champion, he smiled, “I have called the hotel to help us prepare food, and we will celebrate for you in a while.”

Forget about celebrating or something, there is still one day of finals, not to be proud!

But even though he thought so, Kirisu and Kazuto nodded. The atmosphere was already here, and he would not be the saboteur.

On the day of the men’s finals, Kirsu and Kazuto recovered all their strength after a rest. They had breakfast and drove to the Civic Gymnasium. After preparing for a while, the decisive lap of the game officially started, 16 in 8, 8 in and 4 in. There is no difficulty in Kirito Kazuto’s full firepower, but the opponent in the semi-finals is a little bit difficult, but he still beats them all by himself.

After taking a sip of water, Kirisu Kazuto listened to Jiang Chuan-senpai telling him about the other side of the arena where he was playing. Next he was most likely to meet the information of the final team—a team from Kyoto, all third graders, for After winning the championship, facts have proved that they do have the strength to win. The ability to reach the semi-finals is the best explanation, and it is also one of the seeded teams that people look forward to before the game.

Egawa Kikue talked a lot, and about one more point, she reminded, “School Kirsu, be careful of the backbone of the Kyoto team, that person got a five-person daring reward after you.”

The striker and the second forward lost, and then the backbone went on the backhand and took the opposite one by five? Kirisu Kazuto remembered it in his heart. If he encounters it after a while, he needs to be particularly vigilant, and be careful not to overturn the ship in the gutter at the last moment.

He nodded, and Kirisu responded, “Thank you Jiangchuan-senpai, I see.”

With the end of the match between the Kyoto team and the Kanagawa team on the other side of the field, it is not surprising that the Kyoto team won the finals, which is the team that Kirito and Kazuto will play against.

And he also got up from the seating area and walked towards the direction of the arena. In the last battle, Kirito and Ren let out a deep sigh, saying that it is deceptive not to be nervous, but he is not afraid, after all, there are so many in front of him. He hit everyone, leaving the last five, whether it is a mob or a boss, he can’t stop his footsteps.

Although the Kyoto team is a strong seeded team, the striker is not that powerful, but I probably know that I can’t win him alone, so the referee ordered the start of the game without waiting for the opposing vanguard to retreat. One step, full of vigilance.

Have these people started playing routines? Knowing that he is physically exhausted, they want to kill him through protracted battles.

I want to understand that Kirito Kazuto can’t help but laugh in his heart. The routine is dirty but effective, but he can’t just run away, otherwise the referee may handle it as a negative match.


The other side made it clear that he would not fight with him. He wanted to catch up and retreat. After several cycles, he finally had to fight him in close combat. At that time, Kirito and Ren’s physical strength almost lost three or four times. Divide it.

thinking about…

Of course he won’t let the opposing wishful thinking start. Kazuto Kirito slammed into the forward of the Kyoto team, and opened the “Phantom Sword of Heart” as soon as he approached. If he wanted to fight, he would not fight. There is no such thing in the world. More satisfying things.

Kyoki Kitagawa is the forward of the Kyoto team. Last night, the general called them to study the way to win the championship, the method of the “invincible” forward of the Xiujiin team, and the final conclusion of various thoughts—he and Ji The fronts consume the physical strength of the opposing team together and beheaded by the backbone of one of the trump cards of their team.


He showed weakness at the beginning of the game, and the opponent may have seen his thoughts, and without hesitation, he rushed forward and wanted to change from procrastination to a quick decision, and he wanted to avoid the blow, but it really was. Is there anything human can do? In the blink of an eye, Beichuan Xingshu seemed to see countless bamboo swords piercing him.

He only had one sword, and he didn’t have time to think about it. Kitagawa Kyoshu swung his sword to block the attack that pierced his visor, but suddenly there was a pain in his wrist. When he recovered, the striker of Xiujiin was already angry. After this, I kept my heart broken and retreated.

He was a little dazed. He wanted to delay the time but lost a copy in a daze. The situation is not optimistic.

The two returned to the starting line, and Beichuan Xingshu subconsciously glanced at their rest area, and saw that the captain frowned slightly dissatisfied, as if it was dark, why he didn’t follow the plan and lost too quickly. .

The magic sword of the heart plus the power bonus of the soft hand is really too easy to use. The effect of a simple skill combination is greater than 1+1. Kirito Kazuto took the sword and re-arranged a mid-section, as the referee announced again At first, he stepped out violently and stabbed in the same way as the previous attack-still wanting to run? Asked whether the sword in his hand agreed.

This time, the opponent learned well, and did not subconsciously release the sword in a panic. Instead, he stepped back and made a sweeping sweep when he activated the phantom sword of the heart. Sideways avoiding the blow, the backhand opened the soft hand and hit the Kyoto team forward’s wrist. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Kitagawa Kyoshu came off the game a little bit unwillingly. The tactics they prepared didn’t work out, and didn’t consume much of the opponent’s physical strength at all. He was ashamed of everyone.

The striker went down and came up, but the main purpose of consumption still failed. Kirisu and Rensan were sent away again in two rounds.

The backbone of the Kyoto team, Kikue Egawa specially reminded him of his existence. After he played on the field, Kirito took a look at him. The appearance did not seem to be worthy of attention.

But he still knows that people can’t look like they are, and he is wary of this person, Kiryu, and responds 100% attentively.

At the referee’s order, Tongsu and Ren suddenly violently launched an offensive. There is a Chinese saying that the mule is pulled out for a walk. After the fight, he can clearly feel the strength of the opponent.


was stronger than the striker and the second forward for a while, but he was still cut under the sword in the end, dragging the bamboo sword and dropping his head down to make a substitution.

The lieutenant and general of the Kyoto team played one after another. After losing the two consecutively again, Kirisu and Kazuto finished the two days of exhaustion.

45 consecutive victories, one person defeated nine teams to win the championship, after Xuenai, another legend representing the Jade Dragon Flag Conference was born, and the undeserved king was born.

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