I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 346

Chapter 343 Celebration banquet

The Jade Dragon Banner is a sky-blue brocade flag with golden tassels hanging around it. In the middle is a white-scaled golden-clawed giant dragon. The two characters “Yusheng” are embroidered with gold threads on the left and right, and “Jade Dragon Banner Kendo University Conference” is written on the top. The name of the organizer “Kyushu Shimbun” is written below.

The flagpole is vermilion red, and it is equipped with a shiny silver three-sided spear head. It looks very bluffing, but in reality it is hollow, just an ornament, and it stabbed an undead person.

The Yulongqi men’s and women’s teams each have one side and each is equipped with a championship trophy. In addition, each team member also received a gold medal and a certificate-Kirisu Kazuto and Xuena each have a dare to fight. It’s big, like a scroll, with the “Buwu Seal” on it. I heard that this seal is an antique.

The audience stood up and cheered, and the shouts became one piece. The big screen of the venue gave them a close-up close-up of their faces. This moment will be permanently recorded in history, and all the people present are witnesses of this moment.

After the award ceremony, the torrent of reporters could not be stopped. Kirito and Kazuto wanted to take Xuena to run, but the three on the inside and the outside were stopped, and this group of people was not interested in the other people who received the award together. , Just surrounded him and Xue Nai, and the rest were squeezed away.

There is no way. You can’t be dissatisfied with the reporter group. Otherwise, the news on the next day will become “The winner of the Jade Dragon Flag Conference 45 Dare to Fight and choke reporters in public. Is this arrogance or arrogance?”

It’s not impossible. Kirsu and Kazuto don’t want to be like this, so they can only greet each other with a smile, asking and answering the strange questions asked by reporters.

As for Xuena…

He smiled cheerfully without saying a word. He didn’t care about some sensitive questions, but Xuena couldn’t answer them, such as the question that a female reporter in professional attire just cared about, “Excuse me, Xiuzhiyuan is a noble school for the elite. What are the family backgrounds of Tongxu Sang and Kitahara Sang.”

The reporters only asked what they were concerned about and that they were topical that would attract the attention of the masses, but Kazuto Kirito would not be offended by the female reporters who asked too bluntly.

He simply answered his family background, that is, the ordinary family has nothing to say. There are not only the eldest lady and the young master of the wealthy family in the Xiuzhiyuan Academy, but there are also students from ordinary families like him. As the daughter of the Kitahara Consortium was not well exposed, Kirisu and others had to help cover it.


At the celebration banquet, Jiangchuan Juzhi toasted to everyone. The men and women 45 dared to fight for the grand slam victory. They Xiuzhiyuan did the legend. She was in a good mood, “Celebrate our victory in the men’s and women’s division of the Yulong Banner Conference. Congratulations to Xuena and Kirsu’s younger brothers for the 45th daring fight reward, cheers!!!”

He was really thirsty when he used fruit juice instead of wine to drink with someone. Who would have thought that the reporters would have been around for two hours, wave after wave of masters, if it wasn’t for the last Jiang Chuan-senpai to bring someone back to him He Xuena was rescued, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t see them today.

The reporter was so terrible. He played for two days and felt that the two hours were not tiring. Moreover, some reporters did not follow the routine to ask questions, even the question of “how old are you to pee your pants”.

Will he speak?

The answer is no. This kind of personal question will only be answered unless his brain is flooded. Is it possible to give him a “life growth report”?

Everyone was happy, and Shimada Ikuo even put the joy on his face, and he felt that he could also urge him to give him the award for the boys’ team.

After thinking for a while, he put down the cup and looked at Kikue Egawa, and asked casually, “Kikue, it’s rare for Kirie to win the game, when will we go to your private beach?”

“I will go to Fukuoka City for two days.” The boys won the boys’ group of the Yulong Banner Tournament with the help of Tongsu’s younger brother, so what she promised before counts. After looking around, Kikue Egawa asked. “The people in the Kendo Club have no problems, right?

Kirito and Kazuto glanced at his best friend. He and Bai Yin Yuxing still have a part-time job. He and Natori-senpai had asked for a hypothesis that he would go back after the Yulongqi Conference. If the pigeon went to play, he would not feel very good.

and also……

There are even more places where Baiyin Yuhang works part-time, and if it takes a few more days, Kirito and Kazuto are afraid that his best friends will be anxious.

And thinking about it this way, when Jiangchuan-senpai asked them if they had any questions, Kirisu and Ren felt that they might be distracting everyone. He and Shirogin Miyuki would spend at most one day in Fukuoka City. It is estimated that they will need to go back to Tokyo in advance tomorrow. .

“It’s nothing bad, right.” Shirogin Miyuki and his friend looked at each other and understood Kirsu Kazuto’s thoughts, so he spoke first, “Then we will disturb Egawa-senpai.”


Tirisu Kazuto looked at his close friend in a slightly unbelievable way, hesitated for a moment, and then he followed Jiang Chuan-senpai nodded and answered that there was no question.

The student union and Kirisu Kazuto made it clear that there was no problem, Egawa Kikue looked at the girl’s side and asked, “Shijo-san and Rina Shijo will come, too.”

There is nothing to do even if she goes home, and then the eldest mother is still taking care of her studies, how can she miss the “play” that can be said to be fair, she hopes to play longer.

Without thinking, Xue Nai took her sister and replied, “I have no problem with Rina.”

Shijo true concubine also She goes wherever Rensang is. Rina’s aunt Kagura Yoko taught her, “Opportunities never fall from the sky.”

The celebration party continued. Everyone was very happy to eat and drink. No one refused to go to the private beach of Jiangchuan Senpai’s house. Kirisu and Kazuto also thought about it for a moment. The reason why his best friend agreed was mainly because of Shinomiya Teru. Night?


I saw the swimsuit that I was looking forward to when I was traveling in the student union. What was the specific idea of ​​Shirogin Mitsuyuki’s plan, and Kirsu Kazuto couldn’t guess, but he knew that the private beach was also a romantic place, which was good for him. The relationship development between his best friend and Shigiya Kaguya.

By the way…

As for his own, he couldn’t find the right opportunity to reply to Fujiwara Chika’s mind. Kirisu Kazuto couldn’t help but glance at the idiot who was talking and laughing while having a meal with Rina. Maybe he could take this opportunity to say it. not always.

I can only say sorry to the true concubine Shijo again. Kirsu and others can’t do it half-heartedly. He is not a person whose brain is controlled by the body. It is really meaningless to waste time on him. Japanese law cannot support her. Marry two wives.

This feeling for him was wrong from the beginning, Kirsu Kazuto couldn’t reply, and Shijo true concubine couldn’t wait for him.


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