I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 348

Chapter 345 Kazuto Kirsu becomes a love master

Shimada Ikuo cried, and Kirisu and others said the last thing he couldn’t say. Now his whole heart is shaking. Why do you want to force him to accept reality? ! !

Kazto Kirisu realized Shimada Ikuo’s expression instantly, and he was taken aback, he asked, “Hasn’t Shimada-senpai thought about this kind of thing?”

Let him have a thousand words to cover up, but when he was about to say it, he couldn’t explain it. He couldn’t deceive his own heart. Ikuo Shimada lowered his head and could only tell the truth, confessing, “No.”

Kirito Kazuto admires him a little bit as Senior Shimada. Before assessing that Shimiya Kaguya is at risk of being robbed, Shirogane Yuxing will choose to confess first. I haven’t considered this, so I have been in such a crush. .

Fortunately, Shimizu-senpai doesn’t seem to have a boyfriend yet. Otherwise, I’m afraid that I don’t have to buy swimming trunks today, and there is another person in the world who sings the “single love song” alone.

In the last life, when Kirito and Kirito were living on the continent opposite the ocean, a very passionate song that I heard deeply inside my heart. Think about how to sing those few lyrics?

“I can’t catch love, I always watch it slip away.”

awful! ! !

If you don’t want to be like this, it’s impossible to just hide your likes in your heart, otherwise you can only become, “There are people who are lost in love everywhere, and I’m just one of them.”

and so……

You must learn to change, even if you don’t confess, you can’t just sit still, otherwise love will really slip away during the silent liking.

Thinking about it, Kirisu and Kazuto think that even if it’s kind, he needs to remind him, “Senior Shimada, it’s not too late to confess now. If you really like it, you can’t wait without doing anything like this.”

A word hit the heart, Shimada Ikuo buried his head deeper. He wanted to refute, but he said with a lack of confidence, “I…I am not doing nothing.”

I bought the swim trunks and dressed it up and showed it to Shimizu, but is it useful? If you don’t explain what you want, how can the other party understand it? Just like the first time you see a mule and think it’s a donkey, you have to say it to others. I know.

Kirsu and Kazuto hesitated. In fact, he could stop here. After all, the relationship between Shimada-senpai and Shimizu-senpai has nothing to do with him, and it may be annoying to talk too much.


Shimada Ikuo lowered his head and almost wrote “helpless” on his face. As a man who is an uncle for two years of age, he can’t let it go.

With a light sigh, Kirisu Kazuto reminded once again, “Going to the private beach of Egawa-senpai’s house is not an opportunity. Senior Shimada might as well consider it.”

He has said everything that needs to be said, leaving Shimada Ikuo alone to think about the rest, and Kirito Kazuto turned around and prepared to leave. He saw that his best friend was also worried in front of the swim trunks shelf farther away, and he planned to go. Help.


Before he left, Kirsu and Ren felt that their shoulders were being put on their shoulders. It was Shimada-senpai, and then he heard, “Wait, I can’t do anything by myself. Please help me. Please help me. .”

It was also because he was in a hurry to go to the doctor, and in a panic, he caught a glimmer of hope. If he wanted to confess to Shimizu Masa alone, Ikuo Shimada knew that he would never be able to do it. If he could easily say this Mind, then he won’t have a secret crush for three years! ! !


Kirisu Kazuto was surprised by Shimada-senpai’s directness. It would be hard to tell anyone by himself. It was him in the next year, he was taken aback and reacted immediately.

How can this help him? He doesn’t know much about both of them. Senior Shimada’s words are okay. The few days he has been in contact have probably made him a little bit aware, and the number of times he talks with Shimizu-senpai will need to be a little bit better. There are a lot less, those that are completely on the surface.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, winning in every battle, Kirito and others can’t guarantee anything in this unprepared battle.


Kazuto Kirsu turned his head and saw Shimada Ikuo’s “sincere” and hopeful eyes. He couldn’t refuse again. After a moment of silence, he replied, “How can Shimada-senpai want me to help?”

Knowing that he could no longer escape, Shimada Ikuo sighed softly, “I want to ask the younger brother Kirisu to help me find a way to confess. You are right. I can’t wait without doing anything like this anymore, otherwise. Shimizu is likely to be taken first by others.”

Hearing Shimada Ikuo’s determination, Kirito Kazuto couldn’t help but look straight at the person in front of him again. Ruzi is teachable, and it’s not a sinew. It seems that the liking for Shimizu-senpai is really from the heart. , Is not a false product.

“Senior Shimada, it’s hard to think of a way to do this for a while.” Kirsu and Kazuto looked around and frowned, and said, “I think it needs to be considered for a long time, and it’s not a place to talk about it now. It’s better to wait. Shall we discuss it after we go back?”

Shimada was stunned for a moment. He was impatient. He followed and looked around. The men’s swimwear store in the mall is indeed not a place to talk about these words. Although there are no people around him and Kirisu Kazuto for the time being, just in case. When someone of their own listened to these words, he could only bury his face in the crevices of the mall in shame. If it was passed to Shimizuya’s ears, the love would end before it even started. I want to die.

Shimada Ikuo nodded. Even though the things he didn’t want to face before he had spoken, he became anxious now, but even if he was anxious, it would take a long time to wait.


“Shimizu? What’s wrong with you A group of girls are buying swimsuits. Kikue Jiang saw her friend staring in front of the closet, and couldn’t help but worry, “Is it because the ankle hurts again.” ”

“No.” After regaining her senses, Shimizu Ya smiled slightly, and she replied, “I’m just thinking about which swimsuit is better.”

She personally doesn’t like swimsuits that show too much space, so Shimizu Ya prefers dresses, and most of what she sees is also like this.

It’s not that her friend’s foot injury recurred and let Jiangchuan Kikue breathe a sigh of relief, but she was too worried, and when she was relieved, her attention was focused on Shimizuya’s troubles. She thought about it and asked, “Shimizu needs help. .”

Shimizuya was silent for a moment. She accepted the friend’s kindness and pointed to the two swimsuits with a smile, “I like both blue and purple swimsuits. Kikue thinks which one I wear is better.”

Jiangchuan Kikue wanted to say that since I like it all, it’s better to buy it all, but it’s still worrying. She thought for a while, “Is it appropriate to wear it on my body? Is Shimizu going to the fitting room to try it out? .”

Shimizu Masah nodded, and that’s the only way she can do it. The ending is that she has to try it before she knows. She obviously thinks that she can decide things without trouble. She is still too indecisive. That’s why she has been unable to make a decision. Say what you want.


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