I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 349

Chapter 346 Nothing can’t be done by licking a dog

After buying the swimsuits and swimming trunks that I needed, the boys and girls reunited, and they went to a shopping mall in Fukuoka City together.

As the center of the sixth largest city in Japan, the shopping malls here are no less prosperous than Tokyo, and all the necessary goods are available. So girls have become shopping enthusiasts, and boys have become emotional bag machines. Everyone shared some things that girls couldn’t buy.

of course……

This is not random distribution. Kirisu Kazuto is responsible for carrying the things bought by Fujiwara Chika and Shijo Makoto. His best friend is holding Kaguya Shinomiya’s. Rina Yukina’s bag is handed over to Yu Ishigami. Tian Yufu began to feel a little nervous, he gave a light push behind him, just watch the best performance opportunities, and took the initiative to get closer to liking girls.

The group set off in the morning. When they came back from the mall, it was already evening. They asked the hotel to prepare food for them. After dinner, Kirito and others felt helpless and wanted to laugh. Shimada Ikuo kept staring at him during the meal. I’m afraid he has forgotten the “business” of coming back.

Unexpectedly, Shimada-senpai still has such a cute side, but he didn’t plan to dove anymore. On the way back to the room, Kirisu Kazuto told Shirogin Miyuki and Ishigami Yu that he had something to do, and he came alone. The door of Senior Shimada’s room.

of course……

The reason why he came here directly was that Kirisu and Ren saw Shimada-senpai’s roommate leaving the hotel together. It seemed that they couldn’t come back for a while, and there was no one to bother them here, and it became a suitable place to talk. .

Shimada Ikuo gave Kirisu Kazuto a look before returning to the room, and the other party also nodded vaguely to indicate that he had received it, and the roommate who lived in the same room was also paid by him with two coupons that men knew the restaurant. I’m gone, now I’m sending his junior over here.


Hearing the knock on the door, Shimada Ikuo immediately opened the door, and saw that it was Kazuto Kirisu that was right. He invited in and closed the door of the room before he was slightly relieved.


He could feel his heartbeat, and the sound of “banging” sounded like a sound in his ears. It was true that the next thing was too significant for him. It was big enough to change his life. Shimada Ikuo couldn’t calm down. response.


Before we started, there was still something to do. Ikuo Shimada used the kettle in the room to make tea, and after I asked Kirito and Kazuto to sit down, he brought it up.

The basic hospitality etiquette is that he asks for others, and his posture is lowered. At this time, there is no need to keep the senior’s face or something. That will only make him and the Tongsu younger brother. Create a diaphragm.

Shimada-senpai has done all these things Kirito and people see in their eyes. They can only say that “love” will really change a person. In order to be able to put down the face of boys in order to fall in love, what is this not really like?

Shimada Ikuo did all the work before the conversation, and he sat down in front of the indoor table in the hotel room with a nervous mood. Regarding the follow-up of the previous conversation between him and Kirisu and others in the mall, he once again solemnly Please say, “Kirishu, I like Shimizu, confession, confession, and please help me.”

Kirisu nodded with others. He came here for this. Shimada Ikuo wanted to confess to Shimizu Masa’s discussion issues. He hesitated and went directly to the topic and asked, “Senior Shimada, do you think Shimizu-senpai? What is your impression or feeling of you.”

“Impressions and feelings?” He didn’t understand the meaning of Kirito Kazuto’s words, Ikuo Shimada couldn’t help but repeat.

Ah, this…

Kiroshi and Kirito thought about it for a while, and replaced it with an easy-to-understand statement, “That is, if Shimada-senpai confessed now, Shimizu-senpai will directly refuse or consider it or agree.”

“I will refuse.” Shimada Ikuo had the answer in his heart without even thinking about it. He was a little lost in his heart and he couldn’t help but lower his head and replied, “After all, our relationship in school is only a familiar one. Friends of the club.”

This is difficult. Kirito frowned. For example, a man and a woman are ordinary friends, but one day a boy suddenly confessed to a girl. At this time, the girl will be “happy” or “at a loss.” ?

It goes without saying, I didn’t feel that the other party was interested in me before, and suddenly confessing would only make the girls feel overwhelmed.

If they like each other, it’s okay for girls to have a good impression of boys before, but the probability is too low. Normally, most girls will tactfully refuse, and a few will consider it. Tanuma Tsubasa and Kashiwagi Nagisa That is a special case and cannot be referred to.


It is not impossible to remedy it. Kirsu and people were asked to help, and the methods were all thought of. In response to the situation of Shimada Ikuo, he thought for a while and said, “Senior Shimada, there are difficulties in love affairs. It’s normal. We have overcome this to get the love we want, and your current situation is not impossible to make up for.”

“Is there a way?” Shimada Ikuo looked up at Kirito Kazuto, with a little hope, “What should I do?”

Originally, he was already a little frustrated. His words from the younger Kirisu student were like a drunk and a kendo attack that awoke him directly Shimada Ikuo knows, if so He chose to confess like this, I am afraid that Shimizu Ya will be very troubled.

Tirisu and Toto chuckled lightly. He had already thought of one when he was thinking about it, and he didn’t sell it. He simply said, “Hospitable.”

Ikuo Shimada seemed to understand but he didn’t understand. He didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence, but he didn’t know what to do. After thinking about it for a while, he felt his brain messed up, and he couldn’t help but ask, “That …School Kirsu, what should I do specifically.”

One of the people who are in love is a fan of the authorities, and I can’t blame Shimada Ikuo’s poor understanding. Now it’s time for Kazuto Kirito to become a love counselor. He thought about specific things again and said, “Surrounding Shimizu. Sister-in-law transfers, and if you need help, immediately step forward. No matter what Shimizu-senpai’s needs are, Senior Shimada will be satisfied, plus some compliments from time to time.”

Shimada Ikuo was stunned, so that he understood everything, but he didn’t believe in Kirisu Kazuto, he just asked a little worried, “This…this, is this all right, Kirsu’s younger brother.”

Just lick it. There’s nothing licking a dog can’t do. It’s just a small problem to pull in a relationship. Kirito patted his chest and promised, “Don’t worry, Shimada-senpai, you can get better with Shimizu-senpai quickly. There is only this way.”


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