I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 355

Chapter 352 In a while

Shimada Ikuo and Shimizuya returned from the ballroom dance by the bonfire. The soft touch in their hands is unforgettable, and the faint fragrance of the girl’s body remains. He may not want to wash his hands in his life.


jumped for an hour, the burning wood ran out, and the bonfire party was over.


Everyone dealt with the embers of the bonfire to prevent a dark fire, and then went back to the villa. Today is considered to have passed. The weather forecast indicated that it was a sunny day, which is very suitable for them to play on the beach.

Xuenai was depressed and was pulled back to the room by Rina. Before leaving, she gave He Rensang a sad look, but in the end she didn’t keep her. The eldest mother was right. Men are all virtues, and new love has forgotten the old love. The big pig’s trotters have forgotten their original ramen appointment.

After the chairman and Kaguya-san and Shishang went back to the room, Fujiwara Chika saw that Rina Yukuna had also returned to the room. After taking back her gaze, she looked at Kirito Kazuto and said, “If you are not willing, I will catch up with Hito-kun. It’s too late.”

Is the skill that girls can teach themselves without a teacher? Although the misunderstanding was resolved with Rina’s help, Fujiwara Chika is still dubious, so much so that he is now teasing him.

“Go back to the room and sleep, Chika.” Kazuto Kirito knocked on Fujiwara Chika’s head again, only to feel the soft touch of the hair he changed to stroking, hesitating and sighed, “Don’t think about it. .”

“Know…Know, got it.” Chika Fujiwara’s heart banged, and something in her chest that only she could hear burst open, and she felt the temperature of Kirito and the palm of her hand, and her cheeks suddenly rose hot. With the enthusiasm, the chaotic brain can no longer care about what it is thinking, and can only mechanically nod and stumble, “Late…night, good night, and Renjun.”

Looking at Fujiwara Chika away, Kirisu and Kazuto breathed a sigh of relief. At last he was able to be quiet. He was going to go back to the room to rest before facing the Shijo Maji who was still in the living room of the villa and said, “Shijo-san, too.”

There were two people left, and the true concubine Shijo became a little bolder. The treatment Fujiwara Chika received made her envious. She chuckled and took a step forward and put it next to Kirito Kazuto, “Kirisu-san, I Touch your head too.”

Touch the wool! !

Kirisu Kazuto is not prepared to care about this person. He can do a little intimate action with Fujiwara Chika, but Shijo true concubine can’t, otherwise it will only be unable to let go of his feelings for him, and finally develop in a strange direction.

It seems that he needs to find a time to have a good talk with this person. Don’t hang himself on his tree, he really can’t respond to Shijo true concubine’s expectation.

With an idea in his mind, Kirito Kazuto plans to leave Shijo true concubine alone in the living room and go back to the room by himself, but the other party discovered his intention and used his body to block his way first. He was stunned, Shijo The gaze revealed in Sang’s eyes seemed to swear he would never give up again, and would not let him go back easily until his goal was achieved.

The true concubine Shijo knew that Kirisu-san would leave her, so she had been prepared long ago. After blocking the way for Kirito and Ren to return to the room, she did not give up and said, “Kirishu-san can’t do anything to me. Be gentle, you obviously did that to Fujiwara Santo.”

This is different. Okay, when Kirito and Ren heard Shijo’s question, he couldn’t help frowning and said, “Shijo-san, if I do what you said, I will only harm you and will only make you fall deeper and deeper. , This is irresponsible behavior.”

“It’s okay, I don’t care.” Pressing the throbbing on her chest, Shijo true concubine stepped forward and said, “It will be fine if Kirisu-san will be responsible for me in the future.”

Feeling the body temperature of Shijo Makoto leaning over, Kirisu Kazuto was forced to take a step back. He has only seen this kind of plot in comics and novels. To be honest, he doesn’t know how to deal with it anymore.

The experience of handling various things in two lifetimes is not useful at all, and for this kind of thing in comics and novels-most of the male protagonists are at a loss, a small part of them is a scum and step into the rhythm of amorousness, that is, Say, there is no way to deal with it! !

As a last resort, seeing that Shijo true concubine still has the idea of ​​pressing forward, Kirisu and Ren stopped and said, “Shijo-san, you calm down first, it doesn’t make any sense to do so.”

Is there any point? She knew in her heart that Shijo true concubine had endured a bit of forbearance, and finally couldn’t help the feeling she had been controlling. She took another step and leaned on Kirisu Kazuto’s body, wrapped her arms around Kirisu-san in front of her. The body that was about to flee, his face pressed against his chest exuding warmth, “It’s fine for a while, Kirisu-san don’t move, it won’t be good if it quarrels other people.”

The invisible threat is the most deadly. If he dared to move the real concubine Shijo and didn’t mind making a noise to shout out the students in the student union who had just returned to the room, Kirito Kazuto was autistic, why the girl’s skills are congenitally full and unpredictable. do?

With a light sigh, Shijo true concubine said that it was only a while, this is not enough to lie to him, Kirsu and Toto gave up struggling, if he had known that it would develop into this way, it would be better to follow this guy’s wishes and touch his head. Up?


He still has to say what should be said, Kirsu and Kazuto reminded, “Shijo-san, I told you, I have decided to respond to Fujiwara’s feelings, and it will not be good for us to continue.”

“But I also said that even if Kirisan falls in love or gets married, it will not hinder my determination to like you.”

Shijo true concubine felt the warmth of the chest of the person she liked, rubbed it lightly, she said indifferently, at this time it doesn’t matter anymore, doesn’t it?


Shijo true concubine did not want her favorite person to be embarrassed After enjoying the nostalgic chest for a moment, she raised her head and let go of her hands holding Kirisu-san, and then raised her toes and back her hands. After taking a step back, she put a smile on her face and said, “Well, I have to go back to my room to rest. See you tomorrow, good night, Kirisang.”


Kiryu and Renyu choked, Shijo true concubine didn’t give him a feeling of aftermath until he disappeared from sight. A girl’s initiative is often not easy to cope with, and a misstep will become an eternal hate. This is not a fun thing. .


He didn’t sleep in the middle of the night. In addition to changing the place and being uncomfortable with the new bed, he had been thinking about Shijo true concubine. It’s not a way to go on like this. It’s better to cut the mess with a sharp knife. And people know that it can’t be delayed any longer.

In the morning, when he was preparing to wash, Kirito Kazuto met Fujiwara Chika in front of the bathroom. He subconsciously felt guilty, and then laughed at himself. The fool did not notice what happened to her in the living room after she returned to the room last night. , He smiled perfunctorily and said, “Good morning.”

Fujiwara Chika was stunned for a moment. The person she liked saw her dodging her eyes. She just thought for a moment and then thought about the campfire party last night. She couldn’t help asking, “Kazurensang, what did you do to sorry me? Is something wrong?”


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