I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 356

Chapter 353 seaside

The boy took the parasol to the beach. After finishing everything, the kendo club, except for Shimada Ikuo’s remaining three boys, collectively asked Egawa-senpai for leave, and organized a group to explore the small hills on the island.

Tirisu and others cheered for Shimada-senpai with their eyes. He watched Shimada Ikuo continue to surround Shimizu-senpai and show his hospitality, licking the dog vividly.

As for him, he was asked by Fujiwara Chikaichi at the entrance of the bathroom in the morning. Kirisu and Kazuto thought he knew something, which caused his blood to accelerate instantly. The brain’s limit operation came up with a perfunctory plan, but in the end, he Under temptation, I realized that it was a false alarm.

Now that the umbrellas have been set up, the girls have applied sunscreen to each other, swimsuits and so on. Kirisu and the others have turned their heads slightly. It can only be said that each has its own spring and autumn, and when he was in the creek near the mountain hotel, he didn’t. I think there is something, but now he can no longer look directly at Fujiwara Chika.

This is probably a change of mentality. For example, the black swimsuit of the real concubine Shitiao is also the same. Although it may be to show their own advantages, the two people who are flowing with the blood of the Shigong family may be genetically related. It is really not worth seeing, but This does not prevent Kirito and others from daring to look directly.

Both girls expressed their hearts to him. In the past, he was probably pure appreciation. Now, there are some other impurities in it, which is beyond the control of a boy.

“Kazuto-kun, do you want to apply sunscreen?” Fujiwara Chika wanted to ask Kirito Kazuto to apply it, but she was really embarrassed to say so, so she asked Rina to finish the application, and he walked over and asked immediately. , “If you don’t apply it, you may get sunburned.”

“Yes.” With the help of her aunt and grandmother, Maki Shijo applied sunscreen and rushed behind Chika Fujiwara to take the words, “If you get a sunburn, it won’t be very good. I’ll help Kirsu-san apply it.”

“No need.” Kirsu and Toto felt inexplicably that the two men were coming. He glanced at the silver imperial road on one side, “I can’t paint the back, so I can do it by myself.”

Fujiwara Qianhua was angry, and if it weren’t for Shijo true concubine, Herenjun wouldn’t refuse her, this scumbag is really indispensable everywhere.

Princess Shijo has a pretty non-existent chest. Although she loses at a certain point, she will not show weakness at all. She stared at her with Fujiwara Chika and stared back at her. Don’t think that if Kirisan likes her, she will give up. .

Sigiya Huiye suddenly became unhappy when she saw the sunscreen in her hand. She wanted to apply it to the chairman. After a long time of psychological preparation, she just made up her mind, but she was cut off by her husband.

You don’t need to think about it. After the chairman has finished applying sunscreen to Tongsu-san, he will definitely switch to the other. The chairman of the Tongsu-san gang will also apply it. The idea in her mind has not been implemented before it has been implemented.


She didn’t have the mind to complain about anyone, because she was too late to make up her mind. If she muster up the courage in the morning, how could there be so many things.

The sea water in the shallows was not very cold after the sun had been shining for half a morning. In addition, there was no unexpectedly sunny temperature today. After applying sunscreen, Kirisu and the person went into the sea to swim.

Floating on the sea, his swimming skills experience increased rapidly, and in a short while, he reached the near point of lv10 from the original lv8 and then made a breakthrough in one fell swoop, adding some charm attribute points and physique, and then Kirito and Ren checked it and got a new one. Extended skills.

The blessing of the sea-the generated bubbles can move under the sea without being attacked by marine animals, and the sight is unhindered.

After checking Kirito and Ren, he couldn’t help but stunned. This skill is comparable to the meditation warfare that the system rewards him when Kendo lv10. It is the kind of extended skill that belongs to the legendary level if it is divided into levels.

Regarding the freshness of the new skill, he happened to swim in the sea again, and after swimming a little farther, Kirito and others observed him again and no one noticed him. He activated the “Benefit of the Sea” skill and plunged straight into it. Into the sea.

Eh? Where is He Renjun?

Chika Fujiwara played with Yukina playing in the sand castle. She just noticed that Kirito Kazuto who was swimming was missing. Then she glanced around again and found that Shijo Makoto was standing on the waves of the sea before she was loose. With a sigh of relief, fortunately, the cat who stole the fishy during her distraction abducted Herenjun.

The azure water reflects the unique colors under the sunlight. This is the ultimate view that can only be seen under the sea. There are groups or lone marine fishes, and the corals on the seabed reefs are dotted with this. Not weaker than the mysterious sea of ​​the vast starry sky, Kiryu and people are in love.


Although the scenery is good, he can only stay in the bubbles generated by “The Sea Is Favoring” for about ten minutes. It is not that the bubbles will burst, but the oxygen in the bubbles will be used up, and Kirito and people have to be forced. The surface came up out of the sea.

It can be regarded as a limitation given by “the blessing of the sea”. If the time that can be in the bubble is unlimited, then the responsibility of mankind to explore the sea will probably fall on him. He will not have to do other things in the future. He will become the sea full-time. Workers have declassified the ocean for mankind.

After trying a new extended skill, Kirito Kazuto has lost his freshness, and he can’t play in the sea for too long, otherwise the people on the shore may be worried if he disappears, so he made a little judgment. Went back.

Princess Shijo was relieved when she saw Kirsu-san’s head appearing. She had been paying attention just now, how could she suddenly not be able to find it? If she doesn’t show up a while later, she will call someone to find her.

After returning to the coast, Shijo Maki and Fujiwara Chika greeted him. What he was worried about still happened. When they came up, they asked him where he was just now. Kirisu and Ren casually made up a perfunctory reason for traveling a little further. In the past, it was worthwhile to dispel the doubts of the two of them and his best friend also came over and heard his explanation and reminded him to swim safely.

Kazuki Kirisu also knew that Shirogane Miyuki, Shijo Maki, and Fujiwara Chika were for his sake, and said “Sorry” to the people, which made him worry, and they walked back under the umbrella to enjoy the shade, which was considered a rest.

And when Kirito and Ren came back, he didn’t know if they interrupted the two who were chatting, he saw Shimizu-senpai stopped talking and looked at him, then smiled and looked away.

Kirisu and people are unknown, but he looked at Ikuo Shimada. It seemed that he got along well with Shimizu-senpai. From the smile on his face, he could tell that it was going well and there was nothing to worry about.

Egawa-senpai, Hatta Yoshiko, and two other girls from the Kendo Club were playing beach volleyball. Ishigami didn’t know when they were caught as a referee.

Girls bouncing with the ball make people blood boil. Ishigami is so lucky to be able to appreciate it up close, even if Kirisu and Kazuto can’t help but look hard to look away, no boy would not like this kind of girl’s sport.


With strong perseverance, Kirito Kazuto moved his eyes away, and he saw the “material” Xuena, who had just completed the sand sculpture castle complex with the assistance of Rina. After noticing the line of sight he was looking at, Kitahara Kitahara He waved his hand and proudly showed his hard work for a long time.


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