I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 17: Dungeon and Frogs

I can't help but be amazed by the colossal undertaking represented by the construction of this underground labyrinth.
The economic power of Extrella and the guilds that funded the construction of the artificial dungeon is impressive.
What an incredible creature human is. There's no goal it can't achieve.

The artificial dungeon of the Extrella Academy of Ventures is a monumental structure made of reinforced concrete, technology, and magic, winding underground for hundreds of meters. It's a labyrinth ready to challenge aspiring Ventures with ever-changing traps and hazards.

All of this highlights the financial aspect associated with dungeons and Ventures.
Dungeons aren't just natural disasters; they are also potential sources of unimaginable opportunities and wealth. In them, you can find rare or unique materials and ancient knowledge.

When you think about it, Ventures are, quite literally, weapons, and nations base their political and military power on the quantity and potential of these superhumans. The highest ranks can easily shift the balance of power.

This academy is here to prepare us for what we'll face in our future. Few nations and schools can boast a similar structure.
We're fortunate.

"Welcome, Ventures," Professor Sfanzeen announces, our teacher, as we gather at the entrance of the artificial dungeon.
"Today, you will begin your first real test inside the artificial dungeon."

His eyes scrutinize each of us, examining the enthusiasm and tension painted on the faces of his students. "You must descend to the third level and retrieve the emblem in the final room. Your time will be timed, and it will influence your score, but it won't be the only factor determining it."

"At any time, you can withdraw. The staff will come to pick you up," the professor assures us, even though it would lead to an insufficient grade.

In turn, and a few minutes apart, the various groups enter the dungeon. The structure continually changes, making the path always different.

Rero is excited about the idea of going inside. After all, the Sansanti family is renowned adventurers.
Welze Juble is nervous at the idea, lacking confidence in herself. She mutters to herself, trying to gather courage.


"It's our turn!" Rero exclaims, ready to venture inside.
"Um..." Welze Juble hesitates.
"Don't worry, Juble. Everything will be fine. Sansanti is a Rank C, and I'm a Healer. I'm well-equipped with potions and remedies." "Alright..."

We enter the dungeon.
The smell of dampness and confinement assaults our nostrils.
The place is dimly lit.
Probably, this is also part of the test.

"Juble, I assume you have the [LIGHT] skill," I ask, although I already know because I scanned her earlier.

"Yes..." the girl confirms.
"Could you cast it on your staff?" I suggest.
"That's a good idea, and it's hard to progress in this darkness," Rero comments.
"I can do that!" she agrees, happy to be of use.


Thanks to her sorcery, the staff she's holding transforms into a magical torch, illuminating the path.
"Great job," I commend her.
Welze smiles innocently.
"If you weren't here, it would have been quite challenging to move around in here," Rero acknowledges.
"Thank you... I don't often get to feel useful."

As we continue down the corridor, I try to deepen my knowledge with the bookworm.

"Not being very skilled in combat, I prefer to study theory," She explaines.
"You also enjoy getting lost in reading, don't you?"
"Yes, I love reading. But despite that, I wish I could be more of a support, but my abilities aren't great."
"Don't let yourself be blocked by ranks and numbers. In reality, there are ways to bypass these limitations."
"Really? How?" she asks curiously.
"I'm also a scholar, specialized in alchemy. It's my main talent."
"I've read books on the subject, but I can't claim to be an expert, quite the opposite."
"I see. I'm too curious about magic, but unfortunately, I have no talent for it,"I chuckle.
"But getting back to what I wanted to say, I managed to create an incredible potion."
"What do you mean by an incredible potion?"

"Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it. It's a somewhat delicate topic," I retreat, trying to pique her curiosity.
"Wagner, you can't do that! Don't throw a stone and then hide the gem! Now I'm curious," Welze says, revealing a curious side I wouldn't have expected.
Shyness becomes a memory when the knowledge enthusiast enters the scene.
"Can you keep a secret?" I tease her.
"Of course!"

I extend my hand to her.
"Do you swear on what's most precious to you?" I ask.
"I swear," she responds without hesitation, shaking my hand.

[[Curse Successfully Implanted: 75 + 23 Exp Earned]]

Now I can add her to the party.
"How careless! We were about to enter the dungeon without being in the same party," I pretend to be embarrassed.

"Ahaha!" Rero laughs.

"Uh... " Welze doesn't know how to react.

"Good thing I noticed before we ventured inside. It wouldn't have made much difference, but you would have missed out on some experience," I explain.


I use the ability on Welze Juble, and she finally joins the party with Rero Sansanti and me.
From now on, the experience gained will be evenly divided among the three of us.

"Now you should reveal the secret to me," the curious girl continues.

"I've discovered the formula for a fortifying potion," I whisper in her ear.

"A fortifying potion?!" she exclaims in amazement.

"Shhh! I wouldn't want anyone to overhear us in here," I continue to speak in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean by a fortifying potion?" she asks, trying to contain her excitement and speak quietly.

"If I told you that this potion can increase your statistics, what would you think?" I ask.

"How much would it increase them?" 

"Thirty percent," Rero, who is quite experienced in this matter, replies.

I can see the look of amazement in her eyes; she would like to shout in surprise, but I cover her mouth.

"This is madness; you're pulling my leg..." she says after regaining her composure.

"Absolutely not. I drink it every day now. I can't do without it," Rero shamelessly confirms.

"B-but that would be doping..." Welze tries to argue.

"Yeah, in this highly competitive academy, we don't have any other choice to pursue our dreams," I appeal emotionally.
"I don't know, it doesn't seem right to me..."
"I believe the real injustice is that someone is born superior to another, forcing us to give up on our aspirations."

Welze Juble reflects on what I've told her.
"Don't you want to prove to Dadref that you're not dead weight?" Rero hits the weak spot with her words.
She doesn't respond, but I can imagine the gears turning in her head, contemplating the potential.

"I'll pass, thanks," she finally declares.
For now.
Soon, you'll want my potion.
"I was skeptical at first too, but since I tried it, I can't do without it," Rero states.
She could be a great televangelist, I think with amusement.


As we enter a large room at the end of the corridor, we are interrupted by menacing croaking.
Three humanoid figures block our path.
They are approximately 130 cm tall and from a distance, they might appear to be children.
However, as we get closer, it becomes evident that they have monstrous frog-like heads.
These are Frogbolds, vile and slimy creatures that inhabit low-level dungeons.

"Disgusting!" Welze exclaims, as if she has just seen a cockroach.

"On guard!" I shout, reminding the group to be cautious.

The frogs are armed with rudimentary spears and menacingly point them towards us.

I keep my shield ready and grip my mace.

"Rero, take the front! Juble, stay back and prepare to cast your spells," I command.

Rero smiles and confidently draws her sword. "Roger!"
"Y-yes..." the hesitant blue-haired girl responds.

One of the Frogbolds makes a leap of several meters, reaching close proximity to Rero.
It then hurls its spear toward her with force.

With relative ease, Rero deflects the spear with her sword.


The Frogbold croaks, and I see it preparing to use an ability.

"Rero, step back!" I warn.

The Frogbold spits out a stream of acid.
Anticipating the attack, the brunette avoids the harmful spray and goes on the offensive.
She reaches the creature and swiftly beheads it.

The frog's head rolls on the ground, and its large eyes move as if it hadn't realized what just happened.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

"Wow!" Welze exclaims in amazement.

"Come on, lovely little frogs!" Rero Sansanti taunts the remaining two.

But it's not just two, actually, we are surrounded.
Slowly, more croaking figures emerge from the shadows.
As foolish as they are, they have a certain instinct that drives them to implement flanking strategies.
If we were in a real dungeon, this could mean our death.

I quickly cast [BLESSED ARMOR] on the entire group and then [BLESSED WEAPON] on Rero.
I follow it up with [HASTE] on Welze Juble.
As the protective blessings and enhanced weapon effect take hold, we are better prepared to face the encroaching Frogbolds.

"Juble, cast [CREATE WATER] on that group of Frogbold to your left. Rero, take care of the ones on your right."
"H-how did you know I have [CREATE WATER]?"
"With the scan, of course. Now do as I say," I reply in a tone that doesn't allow for objections.

Boosted by [HASTE], the blue-haired girl swiftly casts [CREATE WATER].
The group of four Frogbold gets drenched by a puddle of water.

"Frogbold have a weakness to electricity. Now that they're wet, cast [LIGHTNING BOLT]," I instruct her.
The water they're soaked in amplifies the electrical damage.
This is basic combo knowledge for a Wizard like Juble.
She's surprised that I know all these things about her, but she doesn't hesitate and casts the spell.

A lightning bolt strikes the group of Frogbold.
Thanks to the water, the electricity spreads to all four of them, frying them.


The monsters writhe in agony and then fall to the ground, smoking.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]
[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]
[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]
[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

Welze Juble celebrates as if she has accomplished something extraordinary.
In fact, it's no small feat to dispatch four monsters at once.
The Wizard class at high levels and high ranks is the closest thing to a deity, which is why nations and guilds are constantly vying for the services of these Ventures.
Unfortunately, Juble's rank limits her considerably, making her less attractive to these factions.

"Now I feel envious, I need to step up too," Rero says, launching herself at the group of Frogbold on the right.
I don't even need to boost her with [HASTE]; her speed is already incredible.
With a graceful dance, she avoids the clumsy attacks of the monsters, lethally wounding them with her devastating counterattacks.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

"One down!" Rero smiles, having eliminated a monster.

Suddenly, one of the Frogbold leaps from behind. With a backward somersault, the warrior avoids the spear and impales the monster in the heart.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

If they weren't just summoned puppets, the remaining ones would probably feel fear by now.
However, they are only replicas of the originals and attack blindly, as if they were video game mobs.
Rero takes advantage of this blind assault to catch them off guard with her dodges.


When the frog realizes that the woman is behind it, it's already dead.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

The last one left tries in vain to take advantage of his comrade's death and surprise Rero.

However, Sansanti doesn't get caught off guard.
She avoids the pathetic attack and cleanly cuts the frog in half.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

"Good Game!" she smiles, raising her hand and making a victory sign.

"Wow, Sansanti, impressive!" the wizard compliments her.

"It's not over yet!" I remind them, pointing to the two remaining Frogbold charging toward me.

The spear of one of these hits my shield, and the impact pushes me back a few meters.


I cast the spell on the other frog, halving its speed.
Now it moves in slow motion.


I easily avoid its attack and strike its weapon arm with my mace.
I don't do much damage, but I disarm it.

The other frog, which had struck my shield, tries to press me.
But in the blink of an eye, I see a sword skewer its head like a kebab.
Rero hurled it with her immense strength and impaled it completely.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

Now that fool is disarmed...
Fortunately, we're not in a situation where we're outnumbered, but she should be more cautious on the battlefield.

Now I can focus on the last one, which is still recovering from the blow.
It's an excellent opportunity to test my latest experiment.

I draw my dagger.


I swing the blade and wound it, causing cuts.

*Croak!, croak?, croak...*

[[  4 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

The blade is coated with a paralyzing substance that I developed with my alchemical skill.
The Frogbold tries to move, but within a few seconds, it's immobilized.
Only its huge eyes can move.

The paralyzing agent works perfectly.
Considering that Frogbolds don't have much resistance, it's not a 100% reliable test, but it gives me an indication.
The girls watch curiously and approach.

I signal to them not to interfere.
I still have one more thing to test.

I take a needle and dip it into a vial containing another substance.
I approach the Frogbold.
The monster can't move.
It can't do anything. Can it feel fear?
I don't think so.
Better for it.

I search and find a vein on its arm.
I puncture the vein with the substance-dipped needle.

[[  4 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

The poison is now in its bloodstream.

With the scan, I can see its HP steadily decreasing.

120, 100, 90...

I calculate the time and duration.


The monster suffers horribly as its color changes from green to a corpse-like gray, and its veins turn black.

30, 20, 10

*Cro.. Croakkk!*

0 HP.

[[ Summoned Frogbold Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

"This seems cruel, Wagner," comments Welze Juble, who has joined me in the meantime.
"Inside the dungeon, you have to be ready to use any means to survive," I explain to her.
"It looked like it was suffering..."
"It's a summoned monster. It's as if we were in a simulation. If we don't test our abilities in a controlled environment, when should we test them?"
"Y-you're right," she says with little conviction.

"GREAT JOB, TEAM!" exclaims Rero with her infectious enthusiasm.
"Throwing your sword was stupid," I admonish her.
Rero huffs.
"But we all did very well. Especially you, Juble."
"T-thank you, it was exciting. But I'm impressed by Sansanti..."
"It's all thanks to Strauss!" she tells her, hugging my arm.


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