I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 18: Unsettling encounters into the dungeon

Welze Juble is still thrilled about winning her first battle.
Convinced by her childhood friend Franz Dadref, she has always forfeited tests that would have required her to prove herself in combat.
Yet, she had daydreamed for a long time while reading adventure and action books.
And now, it has finally happened.
She was somewhat bewildered and didn't quite know how to move. If she had been alone, it would have been a problem.
But that Strauss Wagner knows exactly how to move.
He knows precisely what she is capable of and how to maximize her abilities.
From a certain perspective, he's a reassuring presence, and there's something about the man's gaze that troubles her.
She feels like she's getting lost in Wagner's dark eyes.
Franz told her to back off, to stay away from someone like Strauss Wagner.
But although he scares her a bit, in the end, he's not so bad.
He and Sansanti seem to make a well-coordinated team.

Sansanti is particularly impressive.
Welze has often observed Franz's encounters, and despite Franz being one of the best prospects, Sansanti appeared much stronger and more skilled to her.
Of course, they are in a simulated dungeon with weaker monsters compared to the real ones, but her impression isn't deceiving her: Rero Sansanti is on a different level.
It shouldn't be the case according to the RANK.
In the [SCAN EYE] scan, Rero Sansanti doesn't appear different from when she faced Franz.
Rero Sansanti said it's all thanks to Strauss Wagner.
Did she refer to the performance-enhancing potion?
If this is the result of that potion, perhaps she should take it as well.
With renewed power, she could reach the level of the man she loves and be of use to him.
If she were more powerful, she could accompany him in dungeons, assist in battles, and be by his side.
The blue-haired girl blushes at the thought.
Finally, she could confess her feelings to Franz.
This is her dream.
Since they've been at the academy, a wall has grown between them.
The difference in rank has separated them, and Welze Juble has felt increasingly lonely.
She must admit that she was pleased to be invited to form a party by Wagner.
It had been a long time since she had so much fun.
The feeling of being useful and the thrill of venturing into a place rich in mysteries and dangers, as only a dungeon can be.
With books, she could only imagine it. Perhaps she should accept Wagner's help too.
However, her instincts and conscience hold her back.
The man doesn't convince her.
Nevertheless, she's attracted to the fact that he's so mysterious, but above all, skillful for just being a rank F. Strauss Wagner is a living example that contradicts discrimination based on Rank.
In the end, this fact reassures her.

They've progressed through the artificial dungeon without too many problems.
Thanks to Wagner's guidance, they've defeated the various monsters they've encountered along the way, and Wagner has made sure to involve Welze in the battles, having her use her spells.
Juble is starting to get tired, but her satisfaction is inversely proportional to her fatigue. It's as if Wagner has tried in every way to make her use her abilities, and this makes her happy.
In this way, they pass through the first, second levels and are about to finish the third.

"Watch out, Fire Lizard!" Wagner warns, pointing to a massive lizard clinging to the vertical wall.

"I'll take care of it!" Rero exclaims. She wants to launch herself at the monster, but Strauss Wagner stops her.

"No, Juble will take care of this monster. There's only one, and she has the skills to defeat it."

"Ugh... You get to have all the fun, Juble," Rero Sansanti playfully complains.

"I-I... all alone?"

"I'll guide you, don't worry," he reassures her.

The enormous lizard moves quickly on the walls as if it's trying to find the best point to attack.
Its motion is clockwise, with all three positioned in the center of the room, following the lizard's movements.

Then the monster stops and opens its mouth, emitting a roar.

"Juble, cast [HYDRO GLOBE] in front of us!" Strauss Wagner instructs the Wizard.

For a moment, she is surprised that he knows she possesses this ability.
However, her hesitation lasts only a moment.

"Right away!"


It's a spell that creates a water sphere with a diameter of three meters. It remains solid for about twenty seconds, then it spills to the ground when gravity regains control. It has various applications, both offensively and, in this case, defensively.

Anticipating the monster's attack patterns, Wagner predicted it would breathe out a flame jet, which is why it's called a Fire Lizard.
The flame jet impacts the water sphere, and the violent collision vaporizes the water, creating steam that neutralizes the flames.

With the steam obstructing its vision, the lizard moves and changes its position. Having found a new opening, the lizard attempts to breathe out fire again, opening its mouth.

"Now, Juble! Use [ICE KNIFE] in the lizard's mouth!" shouts Strauss.
Accelerated by the effect of [HASTE], the wizard casts the [ICE KNIFE] spell.

A shard of ice is hurled by Welze and, upon entering the lizard's mouth, explodes, freezing the creature's throat.

Welze's MP are nearly depleted, and she begins to feel fatigued.

"Juble, one more effort! The mouth is frozen. Strike inside the mouth with [LIGHTNING BOLT]!"

"I-I have very few MP..." the girl protests.

"Don't worry; I have potions to restore your mana," reassures the young man.

Welze casts [LIGHTNING BOLT], striking inside the frozen mouth of the monster.
The ice amplifies the electrical damage, causing a powerful explosion that spreads throughout the creature's body.

The Fire Lizard lets out a terrible scream of agony as it is electrocuted and fried from within.
In the end, the monster collapses to the ground, lifeless.

[[ Summoned Fire Lizard Killed: 5 + 1 Exp Earned ]]

Welze falls exhausted to her knees, completely drained. She has practically depleted her MP.
It has been an intense battle.

"Great job!" compliments the man.
"Thank you... but I'm completely out of energy..."
Wagner's praise makes her feel proud of herself, even though she's completely drained.
In that moment, while the group celebrates their victory, Welze Juble realizes how grateful she is to be part of that team of adventurers.
Her first battle alone had been a test, but she had proven herself up to the challenge.
And despite her uncertainties about Strauss Wagner, she has started to see him as something of a mentor and an adventure companion.
Has she made new friends? She smiles at the thought.

"I've got this; I just happen to have a potion in my bag. Where did I put it? Ah, here it is." Strauss takes out a vial containing a blue liquid, typical of mana recovery potions.
"I made it myself; drink it all, down to the last drop," he tells her, handing her the vial.

Welze takes the vial, opens it, and swallows it all as if it were medicine.
"What a strange taste!"
She can feel her energy returning. Her MP is now fully replenished.

"It almost tastes like yogurt...It's good... What's inside... Raspberry, grape?"

"Yes, I added my personal touch. I like making my potions more enjoyable."

Then comes the sudden wave of heat.
Welze starts to sweat.

"Don't worry, it's normal. It'll pass now. You might feel a bit excited, but it's normal."
[[ 3 Exp Earned ]]
[[ 17 Exp Earned ]]"

"So many pop-ups!" Welze exclaims in surprise.

"When someone drinks one of my alchemical potions for the first time, I'm rewarded with exp points. Since we're in a party together, they're divided among us."

"Now I feel better, thanks, Wagner."

WAGNER!" a scream echoes through the chamber where the group is regaining their strength.

From another corridor emerges a blonde woman with an icy glare.
Welze knows of her only by reputation, but she's well aware of who she is.
The woman is Luysia Camclair.

"Luysia Camclair. What brings you here? Are you alone in the dungeon?" Wagner inquires.

Camclair remains silent.
Luysia approaches the group of three adventurers.
The blonde woman gazes intently at Strauss Wagner.
The disdain in her eyes is evident.

"This is terrible..."
The woman's expression changes, resembling that of someone looking at a decaying corpse.
She covers her mouth to hold back vomit.
"The aura has worsened... It's unbearable..."

Wagner is puzzled. "Are you alright, Camclair? You don't seem well."

"The darkness you emit... I cannot let you live!"


Suddenly, the paladin summons her magical weapon and prepares for an attack.
Her target is Strauss Wagner.
Luysia launches her attack with the halberd.

But Rero intervenes, blocking the attack with her sword.


The blonde woman is surprised.

"Not today," Sansanti declares firmly.

"How did you manage to block the blow so easily? Your statistics shouldn't make that possible!" Luysia can't believe her eyes.

"The situation has changed, Luysia. You're no longer on my level," the brunette taunts her.
Welze Juble is in disbelief. Luysia Camclair is one of the highest-ranked individuals in the school.

Luysia pales. "W-what have you done... That dark aura surrounding you... it has become massive..."

The paladin's expression is terrified. "I didn't expect you to succumb to the darkness..."

Luysia trembles.
"The situation is tragic... I have to do something!"

"You're breaking an oath!" Wagner exclaims as he advances.
He signals for Rero to sheath her sword.
"We agreed to a duel! The seven days haven't passed yet! Is this the value of a paladin of the church's word?" Wagner is furious.

The blonde woman is conflicted.
On one hand, she wants to attack and kill Strauss and Rero.
On the other, she's violating her principles.

But evidently, the evil she sees in Strauss is too much, and she decides to attack regardless.
Rero draws her sword again and gets ready to intervene.

"It's not necessary, Rero. This oathbreaker can't harm me," Wagner says confidently.
Rero's expression is perplexed.

Luysia charges with her magical halberd, but the weapon stops just an inch from Strauss's face.
"Why can't I..." She can't bring herself to land the blow.

"You should have waited just two more days. We had a duel scheduled. But instead, you violated the agreement. Thanks," Wagner smiles sinisterly.

"What have you done to me?!" the paladin yells.

"Nothing. You're the one in the wrong. You can strike me in a fair duel, as it should be. You can't attack me outside of the duel."
Welze Juble can't quite grasp the meaning of the words.
"Cursed demon!"

"You've wasted enough of our time, Camclair. Don't make a further fool of yourself," Strauss sneers.

The woman almost growls like an animal.
"Wagner, who are you really? What have you done to Sansanti? What have you done to this girl?"

"Many questions. Too many to answer. Why should I respond to someone attacking me without giving me a chance to defend myself?"

"You're evil!"

"And how do you deduce that? Have I committed a crime? Have I mistreated anyone? It's me who has been assaulted and falsely accused, without a shred of evidence."

"The aura you emit is disgusting... and evil."

"So now we base our judgments, or rather discriminations, on feelings and impressions? You're the ignoble one here, Camclair!"

Welze Juble can't help but agree with Wagner.
Luysia Camclair has acted irrationally, attacking the defenseless Wagner without a valid reason.

"W-Wagner, you should report her to the professors... They'll have to take disciplinary action if she's tormenting you," Welze suggests.

"Don't let yourself be corrupted by this demon servant!" the blonde shouts back.

Juble raises an eyebrow as if she's observing a raging lunatic.

"Thank you, Juble. I wouldn't want to go that far. I'd like to spend my days at the Academy in peace... Perhaps reluctantly, I'll have to do as you suggest," he says, looking at her with a pained expression.

"THIS IS MADNESS! He's the evil one!" Luysia screams.

Rero chuckles at the poor image the paladin is portraying.
"I used to envy you not long ago. Now, you just make me feel sorry for you," Rero says with a serious expression.

"Let's go, Rero, Juble. It's impossible to reason with this woman," Wagner invites them to continue.

Luysia Camclair would like to retort, but it's as if the words won't come out of her mouth.
She has probably realized she's in the wrong in this situation.


The dark and eerie dungeon seems to cradle the echoes of the moments just passed as the group of adventurers look around in silence. Strauss Wagner, Rero Sansanti, and Welze Juble find themselves in a deserted corridor, far from the clash with Luysia Camclair.
The tension that had permeated the air during the confrontation continues to linger but now gradually starts to fade.

After sending messages with his smartphone, Wagner raises a tired gaze as the deep shadows of the dungeon frame his face.
It's clear that the unexpected encounter with the paladin has shaken him, but his expression remains impassive.
Rero, always playful and ready to display her combative spirit, seems to be reflecting on the situation with a certain seriousness.
Welze, the blue-haired mage, is still confused by what she has just experienced.
She can't come to terms with how a planned duel turned into such a chaotic encounter.

As the group moves away from the scene of the confrontation, Wagner turns to Welze and tries to explain what happened.
"Juble, I'm sorry you had to witness all of this. Camclair made a mistake. Believe me, I have nothing to be ashamed of in this situation."

Welze is still confused and attempts to better understand the situation. "Wagner, who is Luysia Camclair? And why did she react so aggressively toward you? I've always heard of her as one of the most respected paladins at the school."

Strauss nods, attempting to explain the complex situation to Welze.
"Luysia Camclair is indeed a high-ranking paladin in the church. She is considered an exemplar of virtue and justice at the Academy. However, it seems she has developed a strong bias against me due to what she calls the 'dark aura' I emit."

Rero interjects with a mocking smile. "It's nothing more than unfounded prejudice. Wagner has been a victim of her obsessions and fears. We can't allow her hysteria to involve us."

Welze tries to better understand the situation. "What do you mean by 'dark aura'? I don't understand."

Wagner sighs, attempting to explain. "According to what Camclair says, I emit a dark aura that she interprets as a manifestation of evil. But, in reality, it's a misperception."

Rero nods in agreement with Wagner. "It's all a matter of ignorance and prejudice. Strauss is an atypical Ventures with unique abilities, but he's not evil. Camclair has misunderstood Strauss."

The mage contemplates her companions' words and tries to grasp the situation.
"But what can we do now? Camclair seemed really determined to harm you, Wagner."

The boy, now less impassive, gives Welze a serious look. "We will start by informing the Academy's instructors about what happened. If Camclair has violated the rules, she will have to face the consequences. But, Juble, I'd like you not to worry about this matter. I will take responsibility for my actions, and so will Camclair."

Welze lets out a deep sigh and mentally prepares herself to say something she's been thinking.
"It embarrasses me to say it out loud, but it's been nice getting to know you better and participating in this test together... Maybe it's just me, but I consider you friends. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you."

Rero and Strauss smile. "The feeling is mutual, Juble," Wagner confirms.

"Call me Welze..."

"All right, Welze. Then call me Strauss."

"Strauss..." the girl smiles bashfully.

"Welze, I'm Rero!"

"Rero, got it!" Welze  is happy and smiles.

"Finally, we can be more informal," the brunette smiles.

"Let's go, the emblem is in the next room." Strauss urges them to continue.

They reach the final room and collect the emblem.
Unfortunately, their encounter with Luysia has cost them time, and Dadref's group has beaten them to it.

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