I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 4: Rero’s Indecent Incident ❤️

"I didn't know how to contact you, so I thought of coming here directly..." Rero tries to justify herself.

"We're in the same class. We would have met there," I object.

"I-it's not something we can talk about in class, in front of everyone," she seems a bit embarrassed.

"Could it be a confession?" I ask provocatively with fake surprise.

"What?! Confess to someone like you? Don't get ahead of yourself, loser!" she hits the right spot, getting angry.

The 'loser' part sticks because I've never won a combat test. I'm working on it...

"Well, then, go away," I cut her off, pointing at the door.

"N-no, no, wait, I wanted..."


"I mean, the potion is discreet. I-I thought it would be better... Maybe I should try another one to understand its potential!"

"So, you basically want another potion."

"I still need to test the product. It's not clear if the benefits are real or just a placebo."

"If you think the effectiveness is in doubt, then there's no point in continuing to use the product," I cut her off.

"I-I didn't say that..."

"Sansanti, if you want the potion, then you have to pay for it. Only the first one was free."

"I don't want to buy it!"

"Well, then, we have nothing more to talk about."

She huffs in dissatisfaction. She's used to being treated like a tsundere princess.

"Ugh... why don't you understand what I mean..."

"I understand clearly. You want another dose without paying. But the free trial is over."

She's torn. She wants the enhancer, but her pride won't let her admit it.

"Suppose I wanted to buy it, how much would it cost?"

"100 Credits. Every 10 vials, one is complimentary."

"A-hundred credits?!" she exclaims in surprise.

"100 creds flat. It's a more than fair price considering the product's effect," I reaffirm.

"I-it's too much..."

"You should be from a rich family, Sansanti."

"My allowance has been reduced," she mutters in embarrassment.

"I picked the wrong horse... I thought money wouldn't be an issue. What a waste of time..." I think out loud.

"Wagner, did you offer to help me because you thought I was rich?" she asks, disappointed.

"No, absolutely not! I think you have great potential, and my product could have enhanced your abilities." I lie shamelessly.
After these compliments tossed out there, somewhat insincerely, she immediately feels better.

With this silly chick, the right tactic is a more stick and less carrot. It shouldn't be difficult to manipulate her.

She changes her expression and tries the blackmail card. "I wouldn't want to be forced to reveal the existence of this potion..."

"I hope that doesn't happen. I would hate to see your achievements invalidated and you expelled from the Academy. Think about the disgrace for the Sansanti family..." I immediately counter her sterile threat. I strike hard and go all-in, and her expression changes to that of a beaten dog.

"If you want more doses, there are other ways to pay."

She looks shocked. She probably thinks I want her body.

Not yet, Rero. It's too early for that.

"For example, you could do me some favors." A wicked idea begins to take shape in my evil mind.

"What kind of favors?" she seems interested. The idea of not paying in credits lures her. For someone rich, she's acting like a pauper.
I despise paupers. Where's your pride, Rero?

"I need you to make some deliveries for me."

She reflects on it for a moment. On one hand, she doesn't want to pay in credits, but on the other, she finds it humiliating to work for me.

"You'd only have to deliver packages to some guys here at school. You don't need to know the contents of the packages or interact much with the recipients. Each delivery would earn you a vial. Considering each vial is worth 100 Credits, I think it's a very generous offer on my part."

If I create some distance between me and the final consumers of the substances, it's less likely they can trace me. The first step might be to use Sansanti as a drug courier. I need to establish an organization where I can be the hidden leader while someone else takes the blame. I already have the right person in mind for that role, a guy I already have complete control over.

Rero Sansanti is lost in her thoughts. She probably thinks there's something strange going on, but I'm convinced that her greed will eventually prevail, silencing all alarm bells.

"Alright, it's acceptable, but... I'd like a vial in advance," there she goes again, with her greed.

"Alright... you're quite the tough one, Sansanti," I tell her.

She reaches out her hand, ready to take a potion.
I shake my head. I want to try a new type of curse.
I take out a sheet I had prepared earlier and a pen.
I write on the sheet and activate my [CURSE MAKER] ability.

"I want you to sign this contract," I tell her as soon as I finish writing.
I hand her the sheet.
She reads it, looking somewhat surprised.
The contract simply states what we've just agreed on. Finding nothing strange in it and thinking it has no legal value, she signs it, satisfied. She might think it's counterproductive to show this document, as it would be evidence of my illicit activities and would do more harm to me than to her. She doesn't realize that I can use it to blackmail her family, even though that's not the purpose of the contract.

"Happy now?" she looks at me with an arrogant expression.

Rero doesn't know that the contract she just signed is an activation condition for a simple curse that will force her to comply with its terms, meaning obeying my requests for transporting the goods. If she doesn't comply, penalties will be activated.
I've discovered that I can make my curses stronger by creating them in the form of contracts: offering advantages and setting rules allows me to impose heavy penalties if the contract is not followed.

"Very much so. You did well. Now take this vial I promised you," I reply, handing her the vial with the enhancement potion.

The girl almost rips it from my hand and struggles with the desire to drink it all in one go.

She gives in to temptation, opens the vial, and drinks its contents in one gulp.
"Wait!" I try to stop her in vain.
GLU, GLU, GLU... Her lewd sound.
Foolish! The effect of the previous potion hasn't worn off yet.
While the 30% increase in statistics and 30% experience points gain doesn't stack, the aphrodisiac effect does. It's exponential!
Just like the curses I apply...

"I don't have time! I have a morning training class for the warrior class!" she exclaims as she rushes out of my room.

She's really foolish.
This could get me into trouble.


Rero can't figure out how she made it to the classroom. All morning, she has been experiencing hot flashes and tremors. The effect started shortly after she drank the enhancing potion. Her breathing has become increasingly labored. She can't concentrate, and she barely managed to get through the morning training session.

Now the professor is giving a very boring theoretical lecture that she can't even remotely follow in her current state.

Rero feels her cheeks flush as she tries to keep her composure, her heart hammering in her chest. She has no idea what was happening to her, but it is both overwhelming and pleasurable. She feels a strange heat building in her core, an intense feeling that seemed to swell up from her depths. Her skin is on fire and her thoughts are racing, unable to focus on anything else. She want to move but resists, determined to try to act normally in class.

Unable to resist any longer, Rero's hands slips beneath her desk and she starts to massage her inner thighs, her breathing ragged as she tries to keep her moans in check. She moves her hands further along her legs, feeling the warmth radiating from her core. She feels her fingers brush against her most sensitive spot and gasped as sparks of pleasure shot up her spine. She is trembling now, her movements becoming more frantic and desperate as she tries to chase the elusive high.

The scent of her arousal fills the air around her, a musky aroma that is both bizarre and exciting.

Rero can smell the musky scent of her own arousal, hot and pungent, a cloud of desire rising up around her. The musky tang of her own sex is making her head spin as she breathed it in.

The sweat on her skin, the taste of salty tears.

Unable to resist her temptation, Rero pushes a single finger between the lips of her pussy. Her eyes closed in ecstasy as the taste shot through her mouth and down her throat

Her own voice calling out and moaning, her own breathy gasps, the sound of her clothes rubbing against her skin, her own heartbeat in her ears.

Her breath is ragged, interrupted by soft moans as she touches herself. Her thighs slide against each other, the movement causing more friction to her clit.

Her skin is on fire, her body aches to be touched in a way it had never ached before.

Her fingers brush against her mound, the heat radiating from them as if she were touching a coal stove. She whimpers as the heat spread inexorably through her body.

Rero gasps as her fingertips slipped along her slit, tracing along her lips, so slick with wetness she could barely feel her own skin. Her whole body is trembling now, the pleasure growing as her fingertips dance along her wetness. Her legs tremble as they try to hold her up, her panties soaked in her juices.

"Are you okay, Sansanti? You look distressed," asks a classmate who is relatively close.

Rero tries to hide her agitation with a forced smile. "Y-yes... ah... I-I think I have a bit of a fever... ❤️"

Her classmate notices her flushed complexion and becomes concerned. "You're all red! Maybe you should go to the infirmary. It might be better."

Rero considers the idea of going to the infirmary, but the thought of having to explain her current situation to the Academy's medical staff sends shivers down her spine.

Rero's hips jerk suddenly and she trembles, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. She barely holds back a scream, her voice muffled by her arm as she presses her face against the desk, her body shaking as she rides wave after wave of pleasure. As the intensity begins to subside, Rero finally allows herself to catch her breath, feeling a deep contentment spread through her body.

Rero has never felt anything like this before. 

She slowly emerges from her trance-like state, feeling a little embarrassed about what just happened. She looks around the classroom, relieved to find that no one noticed her little episode. She slides her hands under the desk again, her cheeks flushed at the thought of what she had just done. She can't believe it, she actually just masturbated in class.

Her whole body trembled with pleasure with each spasm of orgasm, but despite everything, she still feels empty inside. No matter how hard she tries, the fire inside her can't be extinguished with just her fingers and she knows she needs something else.


My insidious curse renders her completely powerless: she could only experience pleasure with me. Though masturbation allows her some temporary reprieve, it is never enough.

Our gazes meet, and Rero and I lock eyes for a moment.

I get up and ask the professor, "Professor, may I go to the bathroom?" 

He looks at me annoyedly but replies gruffly, "Go, Wagner."
Immediately after Rero Sansanti also speaks up, "Professor, I don't feel well. Can I please go to the infirmary?"
The professor raises an eyebrow and inquires, "What is wrong?" 

“I think I have a fever," she says softly. 

Her request is granted with a simple word: "Go."

"If we're done with the interruptions, I'd like to continue," I hear the professor behind me irritated.
I leave the classroom silently, aware that Rero trailes me.

She follows me into the men bathroom, even though he's a girl. 

“What the hell did you do to me?” she asks. 

"Me? Nothing," I lie "Do you realize you're in the men's bathroom?" 

"I-I can't stop masturbating, help me." 

"What did you say?" I'm being ignorant. 

“I don't know what's going on!” 

I put a hand on her shoulder. With just my contact she has an orgasm.
"Ah~ Ahahh~ ❤️ H-how is it possible?❤️" she exclaims with pleasure.
Even if I want to have sex, I want her to want it.
I want Rero to beg to do it with me.
I like seeing her suffer.

Unfortunately she has overdosed on an aphrodisiac having abused my potions. Furthermore, the curses prevent her from truly cumming except with me. I have to let her vent her sexual arousal otherwise she might die or worse, get me in trouble.
I take her hand and drag her into one of the toilets. I close the door. Just by touching her hand she cums.
“Nyan~ ❤️” her mind is starting to melt.

I make her sit on the toilet. Her legs and skirt are a mess, with love juices leaking out of her pussy watering her stockings, the seat and the floor.

This scene and her lost, lascivious look make me want to transform her into my personal toilet.
It's too early. I must first destroy her mind slowly and rebuild it according to my taste.

"W-what do you want to do? I'll scream if you don't stop!" she asks scared, having regained some lucidity.

"Nothing, you're the one who's in heat and followed me into the bathroom. Do you want me to help you?"

"C-can you?"

"I can try, but I have to touch your breasts." I could actually release the curse right away if I wanted to, but why stop me from having some fun?

"Breasts? Why?" she asks scared.

"Because it is the least invasive erogenous zone where I could put my hand and it seems that the sexual energy is blocked in your breasts. I have to massage them to unblock and free you from this frenzy." I reply with an invented lie. I simply want to feel her tits.

"No! You can't touch me!"

"Okay, no problem. I'll go back to class." I reply, turning to leave.

But I immediately feel stopped by Rero who grabs me by the jacket.

“You can really cure me like that?”


"O-ok... but be gentle."

I don't have to be told twice. Like an octopus I grab her two tits enclosed by the shirt, one in each hand, and begin to massage vigorously.
Wow, she's not wearing a bra! What are you doing Rero? Hehe!

"Ah~ ❤️ Ah~ ❤️ I-I'm cumming~ ❤️"

Her pussy is gushing with juices and the expression on her face is obscene.

I feel the nipples hardened like stones and I skillfully play with them with my fingers, making her cum further.

“Nyan~ ❤️ Ah… H-how is this possible… just touching my nipples?~ ❤️”

"Is there anyone?" Suddenly the voice of a student entering the bathroom.

I cover her mouth with one hand and keep squeezing her tits with the other. Rero would like to hate me but she enjoys it like he's never enjoyed anything before.
Rero is embarrassed by the situation and this turns her on even more.

The guy, after having finished doing his things and having received no response, leaves and Rero can finally let go of her panting.

"Almost there, hold on, Rero."

"Y-yes... Ah~ ❤️"

I bite the left nipple that protrudes protected by the white shirt.

Rero screams in pleasure and almost faints.

At that moment, I release my curse that prevents her from truly cumming and in this way with the climax she can finally dissipate the arousement.

"C-cumming!!!~ ❤️"

All the pleasure she hadn't felt before overwhelms her and that's when her mind goes blank.
She loses consciousness.
If I didn't hold her, she would probably fall to the floor.

[[ ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: "Make a woman have an orgasm by massaging her tits" You earned 300 EXP ]]

This is new to me. Do I have any achievements to unlock? Like a video game? Even the experience points obtained are not bad.
If I had known earlier, I would have tried to unlock as many as possible... But I don't have time for that now.
I have been out of class for too long.

I clean her legs with toilet paper. Then I carefully clean between her thighs.

I open the door and see that no one is there.
I put her on my shoulders and take her to the infirmary, taking care not to be seen.

If she had died, it would have been a serious problem.
I acted like an idiot, choosing someone as foolish as Rero.
Now my entire plan could fail if I can't keep her under control.


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