I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 5: Bullies and Books

After taking Rero to the infirmary and leaving her in a bed to rest, I return to the classroom.

I arrive with a noticeable delay, and it's clear that Professor Sfanzreen is not pleased.
I'm met with a stern reception from the professor.

"Finally, Wagner. What happened?" the professor asks, visibly irritated by my tardiness.

"I apologize, professor," I respond humbly.

But my misadventure doesn't end there. Reis Vonner, the class bully, decides to target my lateness to further humiliate me.

"Did you have an anal birth, Wagner? Hahaha. Or did you fall in the toilet?" Vonner jeers, his sarcasm filling the room.

The entire class bursts into laughter. The humiliation is getting to me, and their laughter makes me sweat with shame.
Curse Rero for putting me in this situation that I would have preferred to avoid.

In my previous life, I would have just stayed silent. But I can't help but respond.

"And you should have smelled the stench, but maybe you're used to it, Vonner," I retort.

"WOAH!" I can sense the shock in the class.

What am I doing? This wasn't in the plan. I should keep a low profile and not draw any attention. I'm acting impulsively, but I can't stand things I've experienced in the past.

Moreover, ignoring insults is not an effective strategy against bullies. Confronting the situation head-on, if you have the strength, is the only way. I may not have physical strength, but I have my special abilities.

"What the hell did you say, F-Boy?" Vonner asks me menacingly to repeat what I said.

"That's enough, Vonner! Wagner, return to your seat," Professor Sfanzreen intervenes with authority. "And know that you won't be leaving when I'm teaching."

"Alright, professor," I respond, accepting his authority and sitting back down.

Vonner gives me a threatening look.

"It's not over," I can lip-read Vonner saying.
I gesture towards the challenge board.

We're the next ones to face off, and Vonner knows it. He laughs and nods, accepting the implicit challenge.

I've certainly added some spice to the challenge. Can I beat him? I don't think so. But now I'm determined to find a way to do it. Perhaps, in doing so, I'll also discover how to fully utilize my special abilities in battle. At least, that's what I hope.

During the lesson, my phone starts vibrating. I receive a new message, and the name on the screen is Professor Merfal.
The message reads:
<Hello Wagner, I found that book you asked for. If you'd like, I'm available at 2:00 PM. You can find me in Room 34 of the staff dormitory at the academy.>

The coincidence is remarkable. It's exactly what I needed. I immediately reply with a message of thanks:
<Thank you, Prof! See you at 2:00 PM.>

I receive another message from her, a small thumbs-up emoji, which I interpret as a confirmation.

Everything seems to be falling into place at the right time.

At the end of the lesson, as I try to leave the classroom, Vonner assaults me with a violent kick to my back that sends me falling to the ground. Then, without any mercy, he kicks me in the stomach, trying to harm me.

"This is just a taste, Wagner," Vonner threatens with a malicious grin. "I'll finish you off in the challenge. I can't wait. Hahaha."

Vonner is bigger and stronger. Both physically and in terms of statistics, I can't compete in combat.

[[ADDED CONDITION TO THE CURSE: Completion Level 7%]]
It's bad; I was hoping for at least 10%. I wanted to test how much the curse I have in mind can be completed by being attacked.

The bullies walk away, laughing among themselves. I'll likely be harassed further, but it was inevitable that I would have to face this situation sooner or later.

However, I receive unexpected help. A hand reaches out to me, helping me up from the floor. It's Franz Dadref, the academy heartthrob.

"Why did you provoke him? You're weak, Wagner. Now he'll haunt you," he reproaches me as if he cares.

"He would have done it anyway, sooner or later," I reply, trying to maintain some dignity.

"Don't expect help from anyone else or from the instructors," he warns, looking at me challengingly.

"It's not a problem," I retort with determination.

"Are you sure? Maybe, besides being weak, you're also an idiot. I'm curious to see how he'll reduce you in the challenge," he says before walking away without further words.

I'm standing in front of Professor Merfal's door. I ring the doorbell, feeling excitement and anxiety building within me.
She opens the door, welcoming me with a warm smile, and gestures for me to enter her apartment.

The apartment is small but cozy, with a bookshelf occupying much of the room. I can see she's a cultured person, surrounded by a vast collection of books.

"Thank you, Professor, for inviting me," I say with gratitude.

"You're welcome! Can I offer you some hot green tea?" she asks kindly.

"I would love that," I reply with a smile.

I take a seat in one of the two armchairs surrounding a glass table, observing the environment around me.

"Have you already settled into the academy?" I ask her as I watch her prepare the beverage.
"A bit, although I haven't really gotten to know anyone yet, except for a few colleagues, on a superficial level," she confesses.
"That's strange, you are nice and kind," I compliment her.
"In reality, I'm shyer than I appear. You're the person I've talked to the most since I've been here."
"I'm glad to do it, as talking to you is always enlightening, Professor."
"Thank you."

Professor Merfal returns with a cup of steaming tea. As I savor its inviting aroma, my eyes fall on the bookshelf, reflecting on the depth of her knowledge.

"This variety of tea has an exceptional aroma," I comment, pleasantly surprised by her choice.

"It's my favorite. I find it both relaxing and invigorating at the same time. It pairs well with reading. Speaking of which, here's the book," she says, handing me an ancient-looking book.

With bright eyes, I open the book and start flipping through the pages with growing interest.
It's clear that this book contains extraordinary knowledge.
This book is fantastic.

I pause on a particular page. On the page, it's written:

'Demonic Contract: Master - Servant
The contract is a curse that spiritually binds the servant to their master.
Contractors can know each other's whereabouts at any time.
The servant cannot rebel against the master, under penalty of activating a curse based on the type of demonic magic used.
Both the master and the servant gain a boost in their statistics.
Experience gained is evenly shared between the master and servant.
Contractors can share energy and life points if they are close.
The master can access the servant's powers, albeit less potent than the original.'

"I see something has caught your attention," she observes with a pleased smile.
"Professor, what can you tell me about the Master-Servant Contract?" I ask her, pointing to the page I've read.

Professor Merfal chuckles slightly. "You've chosen one of the most complex topics, Strauss. In simple terms, the 'contract' is the source of power for high-level Demons. The master creates a symbiotic, parasitic bond with the servant and draws power from it."

This is intriguing. Her explanation is fascinating, and I feel like I'm beginning to uncover new opportunities and possibilities.
If I could create this type of contract, I could instantly increase my power and gain greater control over my servants.
It might also be the key to solving the problem posed by Rero Sansanti.

Unfortunately, I'm not a demon, and I'm not sure if I'm capable of performing this curse. However, my secret class seems to draw from demonic magic.

"It's rare to see such interest in these topics," she remarks, pleased to have someone to discuss them with.

"Why is that?" I inquire.

"My field of specialization is often seen as pseudo-science or, at worst, superstition," she confesses with bitterness.

"As much as I can, I'll help spread this knowledge," I lie to her shamelessly.
It must remain a niche that no one else should know about.
I need to find a way to keep her quiet.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that heartens me," she tells me sincerely. "I'll look for more books on the subject to share with you."

"Thank you, Professor," I smile appreciatively.

Our conversation continues, with Professor Kanna Merfal answering my questions and providing further details and information about the world of curses.

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