I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 646

Chapter 640

For old Wilson and Kalyn, this was their most stupefied, excited, and unbelievable day.

The person who had been entrusted by his daughter received a building with an ancient charm, and then a blue door opened.

After stepping through the door of light stiffly, all kinds of strange sights are revealed in front of him, and his daughter is standing in front with tears in his eyes.

Old Wilson and Kaileen, the couple, have been honest people all their lives, spending most of their lives in the suburban streets of Manchester.

Although they lived in developed countries, they never went abroad. The farthest trip was to Scotland to appreciate the scenery of the lower fields.

But after coming back and summing up the expenses, the two swore distressedly that they would never do such extravagant things again.

The view from the park nearby is nice…if you ignore the low-quality refugees, and the crippled addicts.

The two once believed that the biggest and proudest thing they had ever done in their lives was to raise their daughter Chelsea into a brave girl with correct values.

Until the latter went to the third world as a volunteer…

At that time, the couple beat their chests and regretted because they were worried.

The capital with pus from the pores divides people into three, six and nine classes, creates racial barriers and sexism, but in fact, the people at the bottom of the world are the same.

Old Wilson and Kaelin, a pair of very real, little British citizens, have been trapped in their own city and on that street all their lives.

The world seems to be forever changing, and life seems to change with it, but in reality nothing has changed.

After the extraordinary was revealed to the world, the world was turned upside down, and all kinds of departments and individuals that were hidden in the dark in the past came to the surface one after another.

Yanguo has the Investigation Bureau and the “Vulcan”, the United States has the Ninth District and the “High Priest”, and Gaul has the Special Research Department and the “Guardian Sword”

But what does this have to do with old Wilson and the others?

Even if monsters come and the world falls into a cataclysm, human beings live together with cities as the basic unit, and it becomes like a city complex.

But for old Wilson and Kaileen Lai 22, as long as they don’t run around, basic safety is still guaranteed, and life is essentially the same as before:

Work diligently, cook, read the news, discuss the gossip in the surrounding streets with the old neighbors nearby, and then chat about the international situation.

That’s all.

Although the disaster has forced some changes in the West, it is still the old mode of operation, with elitism and cliques still dominant.

No matter how much the world changes, no matter how amazing the extraordinary power, it has nothing to do with ordinary people like Old Wilson.

He and his wife, Kaelin, also thought that the days would continue like this until they both died of old age, or died of a monster attack.

The biggest wish of the two in the second half of their lives is to meet their daughter who is far away in the United States.

Today, this wish has finally come true, but the following events make the old Wilson and his wife fall into a dream:

The daughter is an extraordinary person, and is also a member of the Holy Shield, holding a high position in it.

I picked up the two of them because I was worried about safety, so I wanted to live together.

Kaelin looked around, the kind of strange plants and the same bipedal dragon on the news made her incredulous.


A black giant dragon with a shoulder height of more than ten meters stood behind his daughter, tilting his head to observe curiously.

She knows this guy, and there is relevant content on the news. She is the partner of Beimei’s “Black Dragon Knight” and is very powerful.

This made Kalyn feel even more illusory.

But the gentle wind passing by her ears, as well as those fragrant fragrances, were telling her clearly:

It’s all true!

An ordinary woman like herself has given birth to an extraordinary child.

The family of a small town in Manchester, which should have been insulated from the extraordinary, was actually associated with the legendary Aegis.

Moreover, at this moment, he is in their secret place somewhere.

Old Wilson was the first to come back to his senses, hurriedly suppressed his complicated emotions, and then informed his wife that she should not be too gaffe.

For fear of embarrassing her daughter.

He knew very well that the two of them couldn’t help, and he could only try his best not to hold him back.

Seeing the restraint of his parents, Chelsea quickly comforted: “Don’t worry, the Holy Shield are some very good people.”

Old Wilson forced a smile and asked, “Didn’t you go to volunteer? How could you become a saint…”

He suddenly paused in the middle of speaking, thinking that this might involve confidential information, so he quickly turned back: “My mother and I are like a dream.

Realizing that it was too bad to change the subject, old Wilson changed the subject again: “By the way, why didn’t you just call us directly, but write a letter instead?”5

His dazzling mood was revealed.

Chelsea didn’t say a word, just cuddled with his parents, resting his head on their shoulders as he did when he was a child.

“Because I’m afraid I can’t control my emotions,” she said lowly.

Old Wilson and Kaelin were stunned for a moment, their faces softened a little, and all their chaotic thoughts flew away, leaving only love and pity.

Kaelin kept Chelsea’s back and patted gently: “My child, you must be working very hard these times.”

The three were immersed in silent warmth.

After a long while, Chelsea straightened up, smiled, and took off the windbreaker covering her figure: “Dad, Mom, I’m pregnant. 99

Seeing its slightly bulging belly, Old Wilson blinked his eyes blankly, and then burst into anger: “What bastard did this!

Kevin had originally picked the time, observed the form secretly, and was ready to step out of the gate to meet his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

But when he heard these words, his left foot, which had already stepped out, was hesitantly and tremblingly retracted.

But Chelsea’s eyes have been cast.

No way, Kevin could only hold back his beating heart, gritted his teeth and walked, every step was like stepping on a knife, which was extremely difficult.

Kaelin pinched her husband secretly.

It was only then that Old Wilson realized that he had said something wrong. He just suddenly found out that his little padded jacket had been robbed, and it was a subconscious reaction.

After all, frightening a son-in-law with a gun is an old Saxon tradition.

Chelsea took Kevin’s hand and introduced to his parents: “His name is Kevin, and he is the husband of my life.

The latter hurriedly shouted: “Dad, Mom. 55

Many people are influenced by film and television dramas and think that Westerners, regardless of relatives, friends, teachers and students, will call them by their first names.

But in fact, it’s not.

For example, if a student dares to call the teacher’s name, then you will be remembered.

And most families in Beimei will call their spouse’s parents their parents.

The daughter is pregnant, and said these words, old Wilson and Kaileen looked at each other and nodded: “Hello, Kevin.”

None of us are hypocritical people, so the strangeness and tension that the parents-in-law brought to both parties when they first met their son-in-law quickly passed.

Tang You’s clone is fishing in a small lake.

Olya was right next to him, narrowly observing Uncle Kevin’s embarrassed expression, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, the little white-haired guy thought of something, turned his head to look at Tang You, and sighed unconsciously like a little adult.

It’s a pity that I can’t see the president’s brother doing the same.

The next second, Olya’s head was hit hard, she cried out in pain, holding her head with tears in her eyes.

“You are young, what are you thinking about?” Tang You pulled up a simple fishing rod made of bamboo, and saw a silver scale hanging on the end.

“Did the dragons often plague these fish, causing them to become alert and take so long to bite.

Tang You took the fish and put it in a small cage woven by Olia, saying:

“I’ll ask your sister Tong Wei to cook delicious fish for Kevin and Chelsea’s family later.

Seeing him leave directly, the little swan with a puffy face had to lift the small cage and followed behind in anger.

Knocked on her head and had to grind her sister Tongwei herself, she decided that she would not be able to talk to her elder brother for two days.

emm…Olia bit her finger, suddenly a little tangled.

Otherwise, let’s change it to a day.

Old Wilson seemed to have a feeling, looking towards this side, only to see two gradually fading backs.

Compared with the joy of the Holy Shield, the mood of the order was very poor.

The human side won the battle of Iron Stone Fort, which was originally a great thing, but if it was because the secret cult would turn the tide, it would be a little subtle.

Especially in the context of the Pope’s first move, but failed to thwart the enemy.

Moreover, the number of defenders was large, and the words the enemy said at that time, and the white lightning that appeared at the end, could not be blocked at all.

The human heart is sometimes strong and sometimes fragile, especially in times of crisis, this contradictory characteristic will be more prominent.

Rumors spread among the people.

Some clergy have heard bad words.

As the bishops from all over the world took measures and responded vigorously, this dark tide gradually subsided.

But everyone knows that the seeds have been buried in the soil, and even if they do not germinate, the roots will continue to grow.

The sect needs stronger strength and more real divine gifts to shatter these hidden doubts.

But at this important moment, the Pope couldn’t get in touch.

This made the senior leaders of the sect very worried, thinking that he was fundamentally injured in the battle of Iron Stone Fort, and the situation was very bad.

In fact, the Pope’s situation is really bad, but not the same as everyone else thinks.

Pushing the power of the past to the extreme, and overloading it for a long time, did make him seriously injured, but it was not enough to lose his life.

At most a year and a half.

But at the moment, the Pope would rather be seriously injured and die than face such a bad situation.

At the center of the City of Listening, His Highness, the sacred mountain space where the stone slabs and the bones of the Popes of all dynasties are stored has now been reduced to ruins.

The majestic mountain collapsed, the holy phantom disappeared, the palace was split in two, and the stone slabs placed in it were also full of cracks.


The Pope fell to his knees, showing a rare look of bewilderment.

In the past, the Holy Mountain space was mobilized to defend against the enemy, causing it to be damaged. As long as the slate is not damaged, it can be slowly restored.

But now…

In the fight with the Chain Giant, although he resisted several times, it did not cause such a big damage to the Holy Mountain space.

The rest of the answer is obvious…

God is angry!

The almighty God of Order is very dissatisfied with the sect’s move to build a “pseudo-god kingdom”.

The Pope clenched his fist tightly, and then let it go weakly again, returning to his face without sorrow and joy, and the blurred light spot reappeared.

As long as it can quell the wrath of the gods, or destroy it, since it has been connected to the god of order, in fact, it is no longer necessary.

Believe in God wholeheartedly, as long as He is willing to shed light, no matter whether it is evil or esoteric order, there is nothing to worry about.

The Pope returned to his hall and summoned the chaste servants.

The tall and slender woman wearing a revealing cloth dress with her long legs almost bare came up and bowed humbly.

“There are some useless things in the mountainside, you send someone to clean them up and bury them outside the city along with the filth.

The Pope said calmly.

Is there space in the mountain? Although shocked, the tall slender woman nodded immediately and replied, “Yes.”

the other side.

Enoch also knew about Ironstone Castle.

After a period of training, he has become a newspaper salesman, and he has won a more decent job——

Go to the rich area every morning and deliver newspapers to those who book.

To be honest, the salary of this job is not high, and if the street newspaper clerks work hard, they can get higher income.

But Enoch decided to take the job anyway.

Because it wins in stability, it is equivalent to becoming a regular employee of the newspaper, and can get the same amount of money every month.

I won’t get sick one day, my state is not good, and I can’t sell too many newspapers, which will lead to a sharp drop in income.

Relying on this income proof, Enoch and his wife rented a two-bedroom apartment, which is completely out of the slum.

Where they can have a small kitchen, a small bathroom, it’s not big, but it’s a bright start.

On the first day of moving to the new home, the two took a hot bath. For the first time, Enoch discovered that his wife was so beautiful.

Before it was changed, as a fisherman full of stench, it was impossible for him to marry such a girl.

Enoch gradually felt that life is not all bad, and secretly made up his mind that he must take his wife to live a good life.

At that time, when you have a pair of children, buy a bigger house with your savings, and raise them up, your life seems to be complete.

But this undoubtedly requires a lot of money.

Therefore, Enoch decided to be a newspaper delivery man.

Since his work is more leisurely, he has more time to study writing with the literacy class in the newspaper office, which leads to a higher-paying position.

Walking on the way to deliver the newspaper, looking at the big headline on the front page, Enoch was very happy and smiled with his teeth that were not neat.

He doesn’t care about any sect, what kind of Tianyan Club, he only cares about whether he can win or not, and whether his life can continue.

That’s about the future of him and his wife.

Now he has won an unprecedented victory, which shows that life will not end here, and he can also change his life through hard work.

that’s enough.

Moreover, Enoch discovered that the dozens or hundreds of words he had learned before had actually helped him recognize one of the words.

The real progress made him even more excited and full of energy.

Remember, Enoch maintained a respectful and courteous manner, delivering newspapers to every orderer.

In addition, according to the clerk’s instructions, he recommended the rich to buy newspaper boxes.

Nowadays, due to the increase of manpower, the newspaper has changed the original weekly newspaper to the Kingdom Morning News.

A newspaper delivery man like him only needs to work in the early morning every day, but because he has to deliver it early, he is very busy after starting work.

After sweating profusely at the end of today’s work, Enoch hurried back, hoping to learn a few more words.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a new store, which was different from all other places.

He looked up at the sign:

“Kingdom…silver…what happened in the end?”

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