I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 647

Chapter 641 All Things Grow

After all, Enoch failed to recognize what the last word was called.

Although there are people in the shop, the decoration style of this place is very different, the windows are bright and clean, and there is an atmosphere in the simplicity, which makes him not dare to ask.

Enoch is a little inferior, or in other words, the concept of class still occupies a dominant position in his mind.

Although he has a decent job and is freed from the lowest levels of filth and hunger, he is still a commoner after all.

When his father was still alive, he often told him not to overstep, which could reduce many disasters.

Enoch felt that such a high-end venue must be specially provided to those wealthy businessmen and aristocrats.

If you step into it, you will probably be beaten and thrown on the street.

For a poor man like him, it was nothing to be beaten down, and he was afraid that the only decent clothes would be damaged.

So, Enoch just glanced at it secretly, then buried his head and hurriedly left.

Until the next day, he saw those four familiar words again on the front page of the Kingdom Morning News.

By convention, the clerk of the newspaper office should explain the contents of the newspaper to all the employees who sell and deliver the newspaper, and compile it into a smooth language.

Only then did Enoch know that the store was called “Kingdom Bank”, but it did not sell any goods, but sold financial services to everyone.

Although he didn’t understand what “finance” was, he still understood the matter of saving and withdrawing money.

The currency of this world is still in the metal stage, and there are only two legal currencies: silver coins and copper coins, and the exchange rate is one to thirty.

Because of this, Enoch knew the word “silver”.

Although gold is not legal tender, it is more valuable and maintains an exchange rate of one to sixty with silver all year round.

This kind of thing obviously has nothing to do with the common people, only the dignitaries will use it for jewelry and large transactions.

After all, if copper coins are used, they are often pulled back by several carts. Just running the currency requires a lot of transportation capacity.

These are costs.

And now even gold doesn’t need to be converted, just store the coins in the bank, and then hold the credentials, you can directly withdraw them thousands of miles away.

The Royal Bank’s powerful force ensures that it is very difficult for anyone in the world to steal from it.

Even if you really run into a shameless powerhouse and do something to those small households, the bank will have sufficient funds to compensate customers.

And how to catch the strong thief and make them pay the price is also the matter of Kingdom Bank, and there is no need for customers to worry about it.

That also means safety!

Moreover, it is even more incredible that the bank provides such a valuable service without charging any savings fees.

Even give you money!

As long as you deposit a certain amount of money and agree to withdraw it after half a year or a year, the bank will provide 3% interest.

That is to say, if you save 100 copper coins, you can withdraw 103 copper coins after one year.

When Enoch first heard this, he thought there was something wrong with his ears. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

Could it be that the rich man came to give charity to the poor?

He was moved.

During the initial period of Bi, Enoch made a small profit by driving the wave of rush to buy newspapers by the rich people.

And renting a house is a long-term expenditure, so it has not been spent, and two or three hundred are hidden under the bed.

He has always been worried about this.

After all, the cities in this world are mixed, and the word security is not good at all, and after a large number of refugees came, it has become even worse.

In case the savings were stolen, Enoch estimated that he and his wife would have to cry to death.

Now that the bank turned out, there is no doubt that the money has a more reliable place to go.

Even the editor-in-chief encouraged everyone to deposit it in the bank if they were afraid of being stolen.

Enoch is very clear in his heart that the editor-in-chief, as the leader of the actual operation of the Kingdom News, is a powerful upper-level figure.

But he had no pretensions, and made himself a good commoner. He even helped himself at the beginning and gave him a well-paid job.

So Enoch trusted the editor-in-chief with all his heart, and decided to deposit the family’s money in the bank after leaving work today.

And he is just a microcosm of many civilians.

The group of experts sent by the Five Kingdoms to another world chose to launch the banking system at this time, which was actually very particular.

First, because of the needs of the war, a large number of people have entered factories and learned operational skills to become workers.

This means that they have a certain amount of savings, but because of factors such as living environment and social status, they lack a safe custody place.

Second, the real upper-level groups of nobles, extraordinary people, and priests have almost reached the top of the promotion of factory laying.

This is the limit of their power.

Therefore, as the secret leader, the Holy Shield, the Secret Order, and the experts from the five kingdoms must add new flames to it.

First, the bank absorbs funds as a guarantee, and develops bills to achieve a disguised increase in circulating currency.

As an angel investor, helping all kinds of middle-level and civilians with social benefit ideas can expand the people involved in industrialization.

This will greatly enhance social productivity.

Thirdly, after the battle of Tieshi Fort, the external signboard of the Heavenly Eyes Secret Retreat had a different weight in the eyes of the local upper echelons.

Although the bank looks novel, it is not too obscure in nature. There must be smart people who can see that it has a great relationship.

If you don’t have enough strength, but want to guide this matter, it’s tantamount to a fool’s dream.

Now that the Burning Sky Giant has made a great name and saved many lives, it is a good time to take advantage of the momentum to launch the bank.

It has to be said that capital, once it is allowed to overflow, will become a beast that eats people and does not spit out bones.

But if it can be powerfully controlled, exert its advantages, and hold down its bad water, it can play an amazing role.

Through the scheduling and distribution tool of the bank, the industrialization of the other world will once again usher in a powerful medicine.

This time, the public will be greatly involved.

While the upper class is eating meat, the commoners can also drink the soup, and everyone will benefit from it, so there will be no big resistance.

It is worth mentioning that in the past, all Blue Star countries were in the midst of inflation, and the deposit interest rate did not run up to the inflation level, so saving money equaled a loss.

The manifestation is a decline in purchasing power. The same bowl of flour used to cost only five yuan, but now it costs ten yuan.

But the otherworld is in the midst of vigorous industrialization, and the social productivity is growing unprecedentedly, and the situation is completely different.

The same money can buy a lot of items that can only be thought of before, so the purchasing power will only rise and not fall.

The main editor (Wang Zhao’s) asked Enoch and others to deposit money, not to harm them.

In the afternoon, the latter suppressed the inferiority complex in his heart, stepped into the bank tremblingly, and then made a deposit with the help of the guide.

After getting the passbook and password, Enoch, who was sweating profusely, walked out of the bank, and when the cool wind blew, he remembered that he had not been despised.

The staff smiled and guided patiently throughout the whole process, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Enoch swore that he had never been treated so well in his life.


The crisp sound of the bell came, and a man came riding a strange two-wheeled vehicle, and Enoch quickly stepped aside.

Watching him leave, he suddenly remembered that he had seen a black-and-white photo in the Kingdom Morning Post, which was the car.

It seems to be called… a bicycle?

Yes, that’s the name, Enoch is sure.

The power of industry and finance, under the control of the Holy Shield, is like the spring breeze of recovery, nourishing the growth of all things in the other world.

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