I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 The Ghost Simon Riley


Then the picture in front of him turned red.

Makarov kicked Alan’s chest with a grim look.

Allen’s weakened body slumped and fell heavily to the ground.

A Yin was stunned.

what’s the situation?

His undercover identity exposed!?

How can it be exposed!

Is it because he didn’t shoot at the airport?

Or how did you not find it?

The picture in front of him became more and more blurred, only the inaudible Makarov’s voice was in his ears.

“The Magnesians thought they could plot against us, but when they found the body, the entire Russian state would roar with vengeance.

The truth? That doesn’t matter.

All they need is a pretext to allow the main war faction to go to war.

As long as they can stir up domestic public opinion, that’s enough.

“It’s all over!”

“It’s a plan! 39

In an instant, A Yin understood.

This is a complete conspiracy!

In fact, Makarov already knew the identity of Alan’s undercover agent.

Even this airport attack plan may have been tailor-made for Allen.

In order to be Allen’s identity, to find an excuse for this disaster to start a war!

But no matter what, Makarov’s conspiracy succeeded.

The main war faction’s army has an excuse to attack.

Although Soap and Xiaoqiang took back the attack recognition module before, they had been cracked by the enemy long before that.

The Russian air force directly crossed the magnesium country’s air defense line and went straight to the west coast.

By the time the people of Magnesium saw the fighter plane, it was already too late.

In an instant, the entire Washington was caught in the flames of war, and the Russians, full of anger, hit the White House, the old nest of Magnesium ZF, all the way!

The 141 Special Forces, as well as some Russians who are unwilling to fight, are actively working to resolve this battle.

They all understand that Makarov is the real culprit behind the scenes, but they lack enough evidence to convince the world.

For now, the only way is to find evidence to quell the anger of the Russians, or capture Makarov.

A perfect two-line narrative, in the story of the first chapter before, the role of the Magnesium Marine Corps makes players not feel that there is much role in it.

The second chapter is completely different. Players play the role of tracking the trail of Makarov to Joanéro, while playing the role of the Rangers to defend the last line of defense in Washington.

The incomparably tragic battle is almost filled with life, and the soldiers played by the player will stick to the last line of defense and never retreat.

One second, the comrades beside him were still reminding him to pay attention to concealment, but the next second, a stray bullet pierced his neck.

All you can do is watch him die in front of you.

This impact is far stronger than any movie and TV series.

It was also a scene of war, but after passing through the airport checkpoint where Russian was not allowed before, all players at this moment did not have the excitement of the previous war, and only felt a sense of cruelty.

At the same time, the 141 special team, players also follow Xiaoqiang’s perspective to investigate Makarov’s clues.

However, he never caught the other party’s trace, but the player didn’t get anything.

Because here the player once again has a reliable brother!

Ghost: Simon Riley.

This mysterious guy is taciturn, and the first time we meet him, is when the player plays the role of Soap and Captain Price in Operation Totoaba.

At that time, his sharp marksmanship and swift movements left a deep impression on the players.

Black sunglasses, skull masks, tactical headphones, and handsome guns are almost perfect.

And compared with other team members, he is also a technical talent with hacking skills.

In the slum operation, facing the traps laid by the enemy, Xiaoqiang almost died on the spot several times, and all of them escaped with the help of ghosts.

But teammates are teammates, A Yin has to say that the slum level is the most disgusting level he has ever played.

It even made him think of “Ayrden’s Circle”, a game that can reflect the maliciousness of the old thief.

In the slums are all houses with huge height difference, you never know where the enemy will attack.

If it wasn’t for the difficulty of recruits that saved him, A Yin felt that he might have to fight this level all night.

Fortunately, although the level is tortured, there is still something to gain after finishing it.

The two men and Soap converged and talked with each other, and the clues they obtained, and finally got a key piece of information.

That is, in the Gulag concentration camp, Russia is holding an important prisoner code-named 627.

Makarov tried to kill the prisoner many times, but he was blocked by the Russian high-level officials.

When Soap and Xiaoqiang heard it, they were instantly shocked.

There is still such a bullshit existence?

Obviously a prisoner, but protected by Russia, and Makarov was prevented from trying to kill him?

Immediately, the three of them planned to go to the Gulag Prison to probe the bottom of the 627 prisoner to see if they could get information about Makarov.

After all, the enemy of the enemy is a companion. Since this person is so arrogant, maybe he can be a big help for them.

And what did A Yinze think of at this time!

Let Russia seize and imprison the person who Makarov hates to the core, but who cannot be directly killed.

It’s clear this is definitely not a scumbag, and so far there’s an old friend missing.

Will it be him?

Captain Price!

With excitement, anticipation and apprehension, Ah Yin followed Soap and the others to Gugla.

With helicopter gunship support provided by Sheffield.

Xiaoqiang, Soap, Ghost and fellow 141 Special Forces team members raided the prison directly.

Fierce battles unfolded inside Gugla.

Finally, after fighting all the way, they came to the bottom of the prison.

The detonator was attached to the wall, and Xiaoqiang and Soap waited beside him.


The wall was blasted with a huge gap, and the dust and smoke splashed from the masonry.

A vigorous figure appeared, although his hands were locked by chains, his movements were quite fast.

He neatly dealt with a guard in front of him, and then kicked Xiao Qiang, who was controlled by A Yin, in the stomach, and instantly snatched the shotgun in his hand, aiming to shoot at his head.

But the next moment, the other party suddenly put away the gun.


A familiar voice appeared in A Yin’s ear.

“Sure enough! Sure enough, it’s Captain Price!”

A Yin clenched his fist excitedly, even though he had already guessed in his heart, when he really saw Captain Price appearing, he couldn’t hide his excitement.

Looking at Captain Price, who looked a little haggard in a prison uniform with a logo beard in front of him, Ah Yin was very excited.

The same is true for the soap in the game, but as a soldier, he did not lose his temper, just picked up the M1911 pistol that once represented their life and death friendship.

“Captain Price, welcome back!””

There are not too many words, just one sentence, it has already expressed Soap’s inner excitement.

So far, the souls of the 141 Special Forces and the protagonists who have been manipulated by the players have gathered together.

‘Money Team: Price!’ ‘Soap: McTavish!’ ‘Ghost: Simon Riley!’ ‘Little Strong: Gary Sanderson!’

The only thing that makes A Yin feel pitiful is that Arun, who was an undercover agent, didn’t even know his existence until the death of the other 141 members.

Everyone is ready, now the 141st Special Forces will do their duty – to quell the war!

Faced with General Sheffield’s plan to capture Makarov to end the war, Price decisively refused.

“The best way to deal with a flame is to make another big explosion next to this flame.

“As soon as the oxygen in the air is exhausted, the flame goes out naturally.”

After learning about the current international situation from Soap, Price rejected Sheffield’s proposal and made a bold decision.

That is a missile with an EMP warhead fired at Washington DC.

As long as it detonated in the air, the resulting electromagnetic storm would instantly disable all electronic equipment on the entire east coast.

As we all know, in the modern battlefield, electronic information equipment is the main weapon of war.

Guided missiles as large as firepower coverage and electronic sights as small as soldiers’ firearms are all affected by EMP.

So in the level called ‘Second Sun’, players saw the appearance of ‘sun’ again.

Only this time it exploded in the upper atmosphere on the East Coast.

This crazy move, regardless of friend or foe, really brought a turning point in the battle.

The Russian soldiers who lost electronic equipment lost their advantage, and gunships and fighter jets crashed one after another and lost air superiority.

The Rangers, operating in the dark, launched a counterattack against the Russian army.

Here, A Yin also lamented the details of Nebula’s game.

Because here, he found that the holographic sight’s quasi-signal did not light up, apparently due to the influence of the previous EMP bomb.

But also because of this missile attack on Washington’s high altitude, the Magnesium Army Command thought that Washington had fallen and was ready to launch an air strike on Washington.

When the Rangers heard the news, they immediately wanted to retake the White House, and sent a signal to let the Magnesium Army terminate this air raid.

Under the sacrifice of countless comrades, a group of people finally successfully reached the ruined white house, waving green flares.

With green flares lit in the dilapidated ruins of the White House, it was announced that Washington had not fallen, and the Air Force immediately ended the bombing program.

The magnesium army, which has regained its armed forces, and the Russian state that needs to be rehabilitated, the war is not over yet.

But at least, the war on the front line can’t be fought at this stage.

After all, in modern warfare, the basis of real warfare is that you feel that you can easily rub the opposite side, but when you find that the opposite side can bite you so hard that you will lose both, you will enter a state of confrontation.

But if you want to completely end all this, you can only arrest the culprit Makarov.

At this time General Sheffield got a key tip.

‘I have the highest command authority, and now I order you to pursue Makarov by all means.

We are not savages, we will not kill civilians indiscriminately, we will kill with one blow. ’

‘The enemy hidden in the dark, we must do our best to find him and punish him. ’

Now as long as his true face is exposed, history will be rewritten. ”

‘I have received a tip that these two places may be Makarov’s last hideout.

Price: ‘That means we’re going to be splitting up and attacking two places at the same time?’”

Sheffield: ‘Can’t it be done?’

Price: ‘There’s nothing the 141 can’t do!’

Ghost: ‘Two places have equal chances of killing Makarov, right? Captain Price, please let me and Xiaoqiang raid the safehouse!

Price: ‘Yes, I’ll go to the Af Khan dump with Soap.

The final battle plan has been drawn up.

The 141 core team was divided into two groups and launched the pursuit of Makarov at the same time.

General Sheffield, on the other hand, was in charge of logistics and cutting off all possible paths for Makarov’s retreat.

This war should come to an end.

Taking a helicopter gunship, Ghost and Xiaoqiang and a group of people codenamed ‘Scarecrow’, ‘Zero Point’, ‘Marksman’ and ‘Toad’ went to a safe house in the mountains of Georgia.

Xiaoqiang and the ghost in the jungle are ready.

News that snipers are also in place.

The ghost, who was the vice-captain, gave an order to assault.

“Assault team is ready to advance, see Makarov and fire immediately!

In the dense forest, Ghost and Xiaoqiang and other members of the assault team hid themselves through the dense grass and slowly approached the safe house.

But just as they were about to reach the safe house, they heard a sound coming from their feet.

The ghost immediately shouted: “Get down!”

However, it was still a step too late.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions sounded, and the enemy had already set up an ambush nearby.

“Fuck! They still have thunder!

Quickly lying on the ground, A Yin in the game was full of tension.

The atmosphere is really in place, especially when a mine exploded directly next to him.

If it is real, then the others are definitely gone.

But fortunately, this is a game, so his screen just entered a dark interface, and after a few breaths, he is a hero again.

However, the rest of the teammates in the game were not so lucky, and two teammates died on the spot.

And with the explosion of the mines, the enemy stationed here was also alerted.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a while.

“Quick, quick! Move, quick! Xiaoqiang!”

The ghost took the lead, the assault rifle in his hand killed the enemy in front of him, and then the two rushed towards the safe house under the cover of the sniper.

With some fighting, the enemies in the safe house were wiped out, but they were still empty.

Makarov is not here.

But not nothing, here they found a computer that stored evidence of Makarov’s crimes.

After the investigation, the ghost talks to Sheffield.

“Very good ghost, collect all the information, don’t let any clues go, I’m here with the evacuation troops, expected to arrive in five minutes, hold on.

After finishing speaking, Sheffield hung up Liannuo.

The next thing Xiaoqiang and the ghost have to do is to guard the safe house.

Because Makarov will never let them take these evidences easily.

And what they have to do is to resist the enemy’s attack and wait for Sheffield’s support.

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