I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Sheffield Must Die!

Playing until now, A Yin can be considered to understand the rhythm of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”.

Attack, defend, and finally retreat.

It’s just like in “Elden’s Circle” in which he was killed for the first time, numb from being killed, and then familiarized himself with the BOSS and defeated him.

“But Makarov, what kind of broken computer are you using? You haven’t saved the data for a long time, how much content do you have!

Seeing the progress bar slowly crawling forward like a tortoise, A Yin was so impatient.

Because enemy reinforcements have arrived.

If it wasn’t for the power of the ghost brother around him, the door of the safe house might have been breached by the enemy now.

Moreover, the broad sword placed in advance has also been triggered and detonated by the enemy.

This means their last fortifications are gone.

“Isn’t it okay?” A Yin shouted.

He can’t stand it anymore!

Even if Xiaoqiang and Ghost are skilled in cooperation, they can’t hold back so many enemies!

Relying on the terrain advantage of the safe house, A Yin guarded the position of the main gate, while the ghost was located at the back, watching the progress of the transmission, and guarding the enemies on both sides of the windows.

The bullets were ejected in the small safe house, and A Yin, who was guarding the door, was completely immersed in the world of the game. He was even afraid that a stray bullet would hit the computer that was transmitting data, and their actions this time would fall short.

“Xiaoqiang, the transmission has been completed!”

“I’ll block the front door! We’re going to retreat, hurry up!

At last this time the ghost shouted loudly.

And what made A Yin cry with joy was that General Sheffield’s support communication came in almost at the same time.

“I’ll arrive at the retreat immediately, how are you, Ghost and Xiaoqiang?”

Lao Xie’s somewhat low voice was like the sound of nature in Ah Yin’er at this moment, as if a thirsty traveler saw an oasis in the desert.

“We are preparing to evacuate and prepare to respond!” The ghost replied immediately, and followed Xiaoqiang beside him to fight out of the safe house.

“Quick, quick! Xiaoqiang speed up!” The ghost walked behind Xiaoqiang, killing the chasing enemies one by one with the assault rifle in his hand.

“No problem, Big Brother Ghost!” A Yin also shouted excitedly.

This is the teammates in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, always so trustworthy.

You can give your back to the ghost without reservation, and he will not let you down.

“Good brother, after this battle, please go have a beer!” A Yin shouted with a sense of substitution.

In the safe house operation just now, Zero and the Scarecrow were killed.

But fortunately, Toad and Marksman, who are snipers, are still taking cover at a high point.

Under the cover of sniper firepower, the two brothers, Xiaoqiang and Ghost, were covering each other while fighting and retreating.

On the way, teammates of Task Force 141 were killed one after another, but neither A Yin nor the ghost could take care of these comrades who passed through life and death together.

Because the number of enemies is really too many, all over the mountains and plains, all of them.

Going through the jungle to a clearing, as long as they get through here, they will be able to come to the place in the car agreed with General Sheffield.

But here, the biggest threat is coming.

That is the mortar fire of the enemy.

The shells fell like raindrops.

“Xiaoqiang! Quick! Leave the shelling area!

“Follow Xiaoqiang! 9

The two ran for their lives, and the ghost roared loudly in the cannon fire.

But at this moment, a shell accurately landed near Xiaoqiang and exploded.


With a loud noise, A Yin’s picture suddenly trembled, and his whole body was lifted several meters away by the air wave.

The screen turned blood red, and the surroundings became blurred.

There were only explosions and Xiaoqiang’s breathing in his ears.

At this moment, a pair of hands wearing tactical gloves grabbed him.

In the blurred vision, a face with headphones and a skull mask appeared in front of A Yin.

In the noisy humming sound, the roar of the ghost was vaguely heard.

“Xiaoqiang! Hold on! I will cover you! Hold on! 35

Yes, ghosts!

Even in such an environment, Ghost still did not abandon Xiaoqiang.

Just like Griggs who was holding soap on the bridge.

While dragging Xiaoqiang, the ghost shoots and yells for help through the tactical headset.

‘T21! I threw a red smoke bomb into the woods! That’s the target, ready to attack!

‘T21! Start attacking!’

‘Xiaoqiang hold on! It’s going to be safe soon!’

The line of sight became a little clearer. At this time, A Yin saw the enemies in the mountains and plains in a trance, and at the same time, some enemies appeared behind the ghost.

Grabbing the gun in his hand, A Yin also took aim immediately and started shooting.

But here is obviously the setting of the game, A Yin who is seriously injured can’t aim accurately at all.

Countless bullets swept past them like shooting stars, landing on the soil and splashing the soil.

The ghost beside him grabbed Xiaoqiang tightly and opened fire as he walked.

‘Xiaoqiang, hold on!

We’re almost there!’

‘Hold on!

At this time, Xiaoqiang did not speak, but just grabbed the weapon in his hand and kept shooting at the enemy behind him.

The sound of breathing became heavier.

Finally, the two armed helicopters arrived and began to shoot frantically at the enemy behind.

Sheffield fire support arrived.

“It’s safe!”

Looking at the Golden Eagle fighter in front of him, A Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the news of Sheffield’s Golden Eagle Force came from the radio headset.

“The thermal imaging has determined the sniper’s location, done!”

The hatch of the gunship opened, and Sheffield, who was sitting inside, came out of the cabin.

Looking at the two people with injuries, Sheffield stepped forward to help Xiaoqiang: “Have you got the information?”

Without thinking much, the ghost next to him handed over the hard drive and nodded in response: “Yes, sir! 35

“Very good! It’s over.

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, Sheffield patted Xiaoqiang lightly on the shoulder.

The moment the voice fell, the other hand pulled out the revolver around his waist and pressed it against Xiaoqiang’s chest, which was a shot.


Instantly, there is absolutely no time for any reaction.

In other words, no matter Xiaoqiang and Ghost, they didn’t expect such a situation at all, it was too fast.

All voices disappeared at this moment.

The picture changed from blood red to gray in an instant.

Xiaoqiang looked at Sheffield in front of him with an unbelievable face, and his body fell uncontrollably.


The ghost next to him was also stunned by this sudden change, and subconsciously the ghost raised the gun in his hand.

But Sheffield, who was already prepared, didn’t even look at the ghost, and the revolver in his hand quickly turned the gun.


The bullet passed through the ghost’s heart, bringing out a smear of blood.

Xiaoqiang and the ghost, who were still alive, had gurgling bubbles in their mouths, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

‘The snipers have been cleared.

Inside the radio headset, the voice of the report came again.

And at this moment, Xiaoqiang finally realized that the so-called clearing snipers does not refer to the enemy, but the toad and the sharpshooter!

Then Sheffield’s two men threw Xiaoqiang and the ghost into a dirt pit.

With gasoline pouring on the two of them, Price’s voice finally came from the tactical headset, which was a belated warning.

‘Ghost! Xiaoqiang! Answer me!

‘We are being attacked by Sheffield’s men, this is a trap! Don’t trust Sheffield! Soap down!

‘Ghost! Xiaoqiang! I repeat, don’t trust Sheffield!

Captain Price’s voice gradually faded.

The picture in front of Xiaoqiang’s eyes gradually blurred.

Looking at the two people drenched in gasoline on the ground, Sheffield took a deep breath of the cigar, and the thick smoke drifted into the air.

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was still breathing, struggled with the last strength of his body, raised his hand and tried to grab Sheffield’s trouser legs.

He wanted to ask: why!

Once through slums, through Gulag camps, captured EMP missiles, and fought side by side in safe houses.

Along the way they are brothers who can give their lives to each other.

No matter how great the difficulties and dangers, they all overcame.

There seems to be nothing they can’t do.

Just like Price said.

Nothing can stop the 141 Special Forces.

They are the most elite soldiers in the world, but they did not die on the battlefield, but at the hands of General Sheffield, who he has always trusted.

However, he didn’t get the answer he wanted.

Sheffield, who was standing there, just glanced at Xiaoqiang indifferently, and then flicked his fingers.

Just as Price was popping a cigar on a helicopter before the freighter’s action.

But this cigar fell on Ghost and Xiaoqiang.

The raging flames wrapped the two of them.

Ghost: Simon Riley.

Xiaoqiang: Gary Sanderson.

take a bow.

Outside the game, A Yin finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

“I’ll take care of your uncle’s Sheffield!”

There are countless players as angry as A Yin.

‘Hastily! Show me this scene in the middle of the night!?

‘Sheffield must die!

‘What am I! What am I! Old thief, I’m a jerk! How can you bear it? Ghost Xiaoqiang! Baby!

‘This dazzling knife, I can’t do it!’

‘Stop talking, tears!’

‘Farewell, Simon Riley, Gary Sanderson. ’

‘How good it would have been if Price’s intelligence had been a few minutes earlier!

This is not the first sacrifice of the protagonist and his teammates.

Brother Gates, Griggs, Paul Jackson, Allen…

Along the way, there are many comrades-in-arms sacrifices that the players will remember deeply.

But none of these sacrifices made them angry with Ghost and Xiaoqiang.

Because this is betrayal!

No one thought that Sheffield would betray Task Force 141.

You must know that on the battlefield, Sheffield’s performance has always made players extremely confident.

He was very resolute and even saved Allen’s life. He was a very reliable officer.

Even after rescuing Price, the two had some differences of opinion, but it was not a problem in the eyes of the players.

No one doubted Sheffield.

Until the revolver fired two shots at Xiaoqiang and Ghost’s chest.

Unwillingness, anger, despair… All kinds of emotions filled the hearts of every player.

Especially before this, how deep the player’s feelings for Ghost and Xiaoqiang are, how painful and angry they are now.

Especially the scene where Xiaoqiang stretched out his hand to capture Sheffield at the end made countless players heartbroken.


To the death, I am afraid that Xiaoqiang and the ghost are thinking, why Sheffield will kill them.

On the other hand, Price, who escaped from the Afhan dump, gave answers to all players.

It turned out that Sheffield had already colluded with Makarov.

Alan, the 141 agent who didn’t understand his undercover identity until his death was exposed.

He was betrayed by Sheffield.

This is a deal with Makarov.

Allen is his victim, and the ghost and Xiaoqiang are also his victims.

Even Makarov is his tool to accomplish his goals.

This time, it was a plan of no future troubles to destroy the 141 Special Forces who had lost their use value and were not under their control, and also killed Makarov who had colluded with him.

As for what he is for.

From when he teamed up with Makarov to involve civilians in the war; from when he decided to eradicate 141, which he and Price created, and killed his subordinates, Allen and Ghost.

It doesn’t matter what he is for.

Especially when you think about what Sheffield had said before the mission, it is full of irony.

We won’t attack civilians?

But your hands are already stained with the blood of innocents at Zakayev Airport.

Looking at the dense barrage in the live broadcast room, A Yin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Revenge! This is the one thing he most wants to do now.

It is also one of the things that Soap and Price want to do most in the game.

The entire 141 Special Task Force is now dead in name only.

Teammates died at the hands of Sheffield’s troops.

At this time, Price made a crazy decision to assassinate Sheffield.

Although they don’t know how to turn the situation around, they are even more unsure if they can survive.

Not just for themselves, but also to avenge their dead comrades.

They have no way out, as Sheffield once said.

History is written by the victorious living, and the killed will leave nothing.

But with their own strength, there is no way to deal with Sheffield.

So Price found someone no one had ever thought of – Makarov.

He wanted to know Sheffield’s whereabouts, and Price believed the other party would tell him.

Because at this moment, Makarov’s end is not easy.

‘Makarov, I know you can hear me, tell me where Sheffield is, and we’ll fix this mess or you won’t last a week. Dream

Makarov: ‘You will die earlier than me.

Price: ‘Have you heard that old saying? The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Makarov: ‘Price, there are two sides to this sentence, Sheffield (Noqian’s) is at the H-B base, you should know where, see you in hell.

Price: ‘I’m looking forward to it, and you can go ahead and say hello to Zakayev. ’

Both Makarov and Price understand that the so-called cooperation is only effective at this time.

Just get what you need.

And now, knowing where Sheffield is, they’re going to fix it all!

There is simply another person willing to help them.

Nikolai, who was in charge of logistics in the 141st special team, was a Russian, but he was able to help Soap and Price by sending them to their destination with a helicopter.

‘We only have one UMP45, but they have thousands of troops, and we don’t even know whether Makarov’s intelligence is accurate.

Soap looked at Price and said, even though Soap is now a battle-hardened soldier, he is obviously not confident about whether he can assassinate Sheffield.

‘Normal people don’t know how many days they have when they wake up.

‘Besides, if I can know, I think it’s not a curse but a luxury, because knowing that my time is short is also a relief.

‘Without firepower, understaffed, and with nothing to do, it looks like we’re just going to die with him.

‘But the war-torn land will remember us because of this war, because even if we know that there is no escape, we are still firmly on this road of no return. ’

‘We’re like a bullet that’s been fired, going forward.

‘We are filled with righteous indignation, there is only one purpose… Definitely, kill him!’ Price said with a blank face, the scene of Xiaoqiang and the ghost in the past appeared in the memory, Sheffield must die!

‘When the time comes, I will be at the evacuation point to receive you from leaving. ‘ Take Price and Soap to their destination, Nicolai said.

But it was rejected cleanly by Price.

‘No need! This trip has no return!’

When they made the decision to assassinate, they didn’t even think about evacuation.

Either they died or Sheffield died!

‘Then I can only wish you luck, brother. ’

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