I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1120 The Ancient Capital Part 3

Lin says "Does someone need to be in charge? Can't you all get along?"

Mulan says "Most of the time yes, but if things get hectic we will need a leader to take charge."

"So, who do you suggest?"

Mulan says "Either me or Albion. So far the two of us are the best at keeping calm."

Albion says "I don't want to be in charge, you do it."

"All right, if things get hectic, Mulan is in charge. The rest of the time, you should all agree on what to do. Oh, if at any point Chloell says something, you better listen and if she says leave, you leave."

Mulan says "I understand. Don't worry, I know better than to argue with my healer."

"Alright. Just so you know, this is your last chance. If you mess up there won't be another chance."

Mulan says "I understand, dad. I won't let you down again."

"Good. I'm glad you understand."

After the kids settle down, they go back to watching cartoons while Lin and I cuddle. We have dinner and then after eating I spend some time reading manga. Lin spends some time in the library and then finds me when she is ready for bed.

In the morning, after breakfast, the kids and Chloell head into the shadow realm. They are planning on being gone for a while, meaning Lin and I have an entire day or so to ourselves. While we do have some fun, we spend most of our time curled up together reading.

All in all, it is a nice, quiet, and relaxing day and we both enjoy it immensely. The kids and Chloell return just in time to join us for dinner and they are quite excited. As we are eating they take turns telling us all about their adventure in the shadow plane.

Between the trip to the shadow plane and a full stomach, it isn't long after dinner that the kids fall asleep. Once they do, I go and take a nice long lava bath while reading my manga. After my bath, I go to bed with Lin, but after our fun I don't go to sleep right away.

Instead, I enter into meditation and then I spend the next couple of hours working on my core. It has been a while since I last worked on it, I got discouraged when I hit rank eleven without anything happening. I was all worked up, expecting that I would hit the next grade, but that didn't happen.

However, since I have run out of things that I need to do, I am going to work on it again. Progress is slow at first, but after I get back into the swing of things it goes better. It hasn't been that long, but my use of two techniques at once is already rusty.

The two I was using before have already started losing their effectiveness. Now that I know that they work best when the techniques are opposed, I have more options. Before, I was trying to find those that were similar and would work well together.

Once I choose a new set, I can actually make some decent progress on my core. I still have no idea when I will hit the next grade, but I won't find out by doing nothing. Besides, each rank may only bring small benefits, but they definitely add up.

After figuring out which two techniques to use, I only work on my core for a bit longer. I don't plan to work on it the entire time that Lin is asleep, I am not in a rush. A couple of hours is enough for now, so I exit my meditation and go to sleep.

Core Upgrade Progress: 27%

Since I stayed up later than her, Lin is the first one to wake up for a change. Because of how she wakes me up, by the time we head downstairs the kids are finishing breakfast. They are eating quickly, because they are anxious and excited to head back into the shadow plane.

However, even though they finish eating quickly, they still have to wait for Chloell to arrive. Lin and I decide to wait to have breakfast until after the kids leave. That way we can eat in peace, without the kids bouncing around making noise.

Chloell arrives a few minutes later and the kids immediately surround her. She doesn't tease them and she immediately takes them to the gate to go to the shadow plane. Once they are gone, Lin and I have a quiet breakfast and then spend the rest of the day reading.

It is almost dinner time and we are expecting the kids back soon, but it isn't her that arrives. It is Athena who shows up and is escorted in by Jarvis to where we are reading.

Athena says "Master, we have arrived at the location you designated. What do you want me to do now?"

Lin says "What? Have we reached the peninsula already?"

"No, we are still in demon territory. Athena, drop anchor. The elves can go ashore, but they should do so in large groups. The area should be infested with demonic beasts."

Athena says "Alright."

Lin says "What are we doing here?"

"There is something that I need to investigate."

Lin says "Another adventure?"

"No, this is serious. When we were in demon hunter city the adventurers discovered the ruins of a city. When they tried to get close they were attacked by hordes of demonic beasts and there were a lot of different types of beasts."

Lin says "Sounds interesting, is that why you want to take a look?"

"No, I am worried about what the demons might be up to. This is more scouting than anything. If the ruins are being guarded, that means they are probably trying to hide something. I want to see what that is."

Lin says "Are you sure it isn't just because you are bored?"

"Yes, I am sure. Besides, who said I was bored? I haven't felt bored at all."

Lin says "Alright, then I am going with you."

"That was already the plan."

Lin says "Good. So, when are we leaving?"

"We will leave once the kids are back. I don't want to disappear without telling them."

Lin says "Sounds good."

We wait until the kids get back, have dinner with them, and then tell them the plan. They don't seem worried and they don't complain about not being able to go with us. It looks like being able to go into the shadow plane is helping to keep them entertained.

After dinner the kids settle down to watch cartoons, so Lin and I leave. Chloell easily agreed to stay in the castle and help Jarvis keep an eye on the kids. So we don't really need to worry about them getting into trouble while we are gone.

Once we are in the air, I fly inland towards where I was told the ruins should be. On the way I spot a few beasts scattered around, but not too many. The further inland I fly, the more beasts I start seeing, which should mean I am headed the right way.

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