I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1121 The Ancient Capital Part 4

The number of beasts continues to increase, but the odd thing is that none of them are fighting. From the little I know, different types of demonic beasts don't get along at all. They should be fighting each other, unless someone is making them get along.

That should mean demons are involved, but I haven't seen any demons yet. However, it is probably just a matter of time until I start seeing them. After all, I doubt that their ability to control the beasts has a very large range.

Soon I start to see groups of beasts moving around together and they seem to have a purpose. As I see more groups, I start to notice patterns to their movement. The groups are moving in ways that would make it almost impossible to cross the area without running into a group.

It would be hard to tell from ground level, but from up here it is easy to spot. What's more, from the footprints I can tell that the beasts are following their own footprints. That means that they aren't wandering, they are following a set path.

The demons must have ordered the beasts to patrol the area after the adventurers came close. This makes me even more convinced that the demons are trying to hide something. As I am watching the beasts on the ground, a group of flying beasts heads our way.

However, before I can even turn my attention to them, Lin has already wiped them out. One fireball from her kills the entire group, but the explosion is really loud. All the groups of beasts on the ground stop and look up when they hear it.

"Well, I guess sneaking in is out."

Lin says "Sorry. I didn't think about that."

"Haha! I was just teasing you! Do you really think I would actually try to sneak in? Besides, the beasts had already spotted us."

Lin says "You!"


As I am laughing at her, another group of flying beasts heads our way. She asks if I want to deal with it, but I tell her to go ahead and get some exp for herself. With a grin, Lin starts throwing out fireballs, not only targeting the beasts in the air, but those on the ground too.

I continue flying, as explosions and the screams of beasts sound all around. Lin is obviously having fun, it has been a while since she got to cut loose. Since they are demonic beasts, there is no guilt involved in slaughtering them.

All the noise draws in more groups of beasts, but that just means Lin can keep slaughtering. At least until she runs out of mana, which isn't going to happen anytime soon. As I keep flying forward, the groups of beasts just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, the groups are so big that Lin can't wipe them out with just a single spell. Or at least, not with a single fireball, so she starts using bigger spells against them. At this point, I should probably start helping, but I decide to wait until she asks for help.

Mainly because I don't want to get in trouble for stealing any of her fun. Besides, I highly doubt that we are going to run out of demonic beasts to kill. In fact, soon the new groups that we are seeing have members numbering in the hundreds.

Lin says "Alright, you can start helping."

As soon as Lin gives me permission, I start raining spells down on the groups of beasts. Between the two of us, we are back to wiping out entire groups with a couple of spells. Despite that, none of the beasts run and more keep appearing nonstop.

The land based beasts that have ranged attacks keep trying to hit us, but I am flying too high. The only ones who can threaten us are the flying beasts, but we target them as soon as they are in range. We don't allow a single flying beast to get close enough to launch an attack on us.

It is a one sided massacre, yet the beasts keep increasing in numbers, almost as if they have unlimited numbers. Me casting spells has slowed down my flight speed, but we are still making progress. However, the more we advance towards the ruins, the greater the number of beasts.

Soon there are too many beasts for us to count and we are just throwing spells into the horde. There is no more wiping them out, each spell we throw just clears a small area. These cleared spots are almost instantly filled back up by the beasts.

Soon, the entire ground in front of us is covered by beasts, like a black carpet. At this point, we don't even need to aim, we can just throw spells and they will hit something. Now that I have seen this, it is no wonder that the adventurers weren't able to get close.

It also makes me wonder where they all came from, if the demons had this many beasts, why didn't they attack. Just the beasts I can see right now would be more than enough to overrun the peninsula. The humans wouldn't even be able to put up much of a fight against them.

Even if they were able to defeat the beasts, they would be extremely weakened. At that point, the demons could finish off what was left without any trouble at all. The demons should know that, so why haven't they attacked already?

If they are not using the advantage they already have, then they must be planning for a bigger one. They are using the beasts to keep everyone away from the ruins to keep it secret. That makes me even more determined to get to the ruins and find out what it is.

Luckily, while the land beasts seem to have unlimited numbers, the flying beasts are very limited. As things stand, all we really have to worry about is running out of mana. Even then, I could just fly down and strafe the beasts using my breath weapon.

Lin says "This is getting ridiculous! Isn't it about time we do something more effective?"

"What did you have in mind?"

Lin says "How about the spell we used on the pirates? It should clear most of these beasts."

"That could work. But it could also get the wrong kind of attention. Last time, the gods noticed and our cloaks won't stop them from spotting us if they look at the area."

Lin says "I don't think we can deal with all of them without doing something flashy."

"We could just leave them and fly over. I am only worried about what is going on in the ruins."

Lin says "Wouldn't it be better to deal with them while they are all grouped up? If they spread out or even move to another area, they would be much harder to deal with."

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