I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1129 Returning Home Part 4

"That is good to hear. Do you have any advice for what kind of training would help them?"

Chloell says "About the only thing I can think of would be a constantly changing situation. That would force them to improve their ability to adapt quickly to new situations. Other than that, all they really need is to continue gaining combat experience."

"Alright, I will work with them tonight. Thank you."

Chloell says "It's my pleasure. Is there anything else you need?"

"No, that's all."

Chloell leaves and we continue with dinner, but the kids are a bit distracted. As soon as everyone is done eating, I have Jarvis disable the time dilation. Once it is off, I create a soulscape, invite the kids, and begin their training.

As Chloell requested, I keep changing the scenario and enemies they are facing. I also make the enemies keep changing tactics to keep the kids on their toes. At first, every time something changes, the kids have serious problems adapting.

However, the more I change things up on them, the better they get at reacting. Of course, it's not like they are going to make huge improvements in a single session. On the other hand, any improvements will increase their chances of not getting hurt in the shadow plane.

For now, I am keeping the changes pretty obvious to make it easy for the kids to notice. As they improve, I will start making the changes harder to spot, but that can wait. For now, I am just going to focus on helping them improve their adaptability.

I have them keep at it until they get too tired and start making simple mistakes. Then I end the soulscape and send the kids to bed, they go without arguing. They fall asleep almost as soon as they lay down, but that isn't too surprising.

They are pretty exhausted, but they are kids and they will fully recover after a night's sleep. They should be perfectly fine by the time they are planning to return to the shadow plane. Of course, I will keep an eye on them in the morning just to make sure.

I make sure that the kids are comfortable and fully asleep, then I open another soulscape. This time the only one I invite is Myria, who shows up after a few minutes.

Myria says "What, just us? Quickly explain before I get my hopes up!"

"Hello, Myria. Don't get your hopes up, this is business. I want to talk about how things are going and some plans I have."

Myria says "Oh. Figures. Alright, what do you want to know?"

"First, how is the construction of the city and road network going?"

Myria says "The city should be about half done at this point. The road network is about two-thirds done the last I heard. We have even connected it to those clans that haven't joined us yet."

"That's great! Much better than I was expecting. You have been doing a good job."

Myria says "Thanks. You can reward me when you get back."

"Sure. That should be in about a week or so. We are on the last leg of our journey already."

Myria says "Really? Is this real or will there be more delays?"

"No, this is real. Hopefully, there won't be any delays, but I can't guarantee that. I am going to try my best to avoid any distractions."

Myria says "I will believe it when I see it. If you are that close, shouldn't you be able to gate back?"

"I probably could, but I won't. I'll be honest, I am not looking forward to everything that I need to deal with when I get back. I really don't want to be a ruler."

Myria says "I know that and to be honest, you will never make a good ruler. However, there is no one else that can do it. Your best bet is to collect people to rule for you and then just be a figurehead."

"That was basically the plan from the beginning. I just didn't expect to end up halfway around the world and be gone for so long. From what you have told me, you and the others have done a great job holding things together."

Myria says "It certainly hasn't been easy."

"I bet. I owe you a lot and I will do my best to make up for everything. However, just so you know, that isn't why I agreed to give you a chance."

Myria says "I don't care why, as long as you are honest about giving me a chance. That's all I want."

"I know. But keep in mind, if we are together then you are going to be one of the ones dealing with all the crap I am no good at. Lin already knows and has agreed."

Myria says "I am aware. Lin and I have already talked about it quite a bit. I will do whatever it takes, I love you! But don't worry, I know you don't know how you feel yet. I am prepared to wait. Once you get back, we will take it slow and see how it goes."

"Thank you. I know I have put you through a lot. In fact, you would be well within your rights to hate me for how I treated you before."

Myria says "I could never hate you! You saved me and gave me the chance to become something more than I was. Although, you sure have managed to piss me off more than a few times!"

"Fair enough."

Myria says "Anyway, what else did you want to know?"

"Actually, before that, I want you to order the badgers to add a new road. Sorry, I can't remember the clan leader's name, but tell him to build a road to the coast by the island."

As I am talking, I create a map so that I can show her exactly what I am talking about. It is a large island slightly to the east of the peninsula, but it is very close to the coast.

Myria says "His name is Grud and I am sure he would be upset if he knew you didn't remember him. Why do you want a road to there? If it isn't a good reason, I am not doing it!"

"Huh? Why not?"

Myria says "Because that is the fox clan's territory, meaning I would have to deal with Muyaun and I don't want to. So, unless you have a good reason, you can wait and deal with her yourself."

"I found out that the demons have been corrupting human trade groups and I think they have been sending ships over to the peninsula. In fact, I have a suspicion that this is how they infiltrated the empire. If I am right, then they have most likely been using this island as a base."

Myria says "So just destroy it! Why do we need a road to it?"

"Because I plan to use it. If I am right, then there is a port already built on the island and now that I have a ship, it needs a home base. Besides, there is a chance we can open a normal trade route to Demon Hunter City, for which we would need a port."

Myria sighs and says "Alright, fine. I will talk to Muyaun and Grud."

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