I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1130 Chatting with Myria Part 1

"Thank you. Other than that, how is the fight with the empire going?"

Myria says "Well, there is good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Just for a change of pace, why don't you give me the good news first."

Myria says "The empire has stopped attacking after we destroyed one of their armies."

"That's great! So, what's the bad news?"

Myria says "According to the rat clan's spies, the empire is close to declaring all out war against us."

"Crap. That figures. If they do, tell Leonarr to fight defensively for the time being. As soon as I get back I have a plan that will turn the empire on its head, if it works."

Myria says "I will tell him. What is this plan? It isn't anything like your other plans, is it?"

"With Lin's help, I have developed a spell that can reveal demons over a wide area. With Yui's permission, I will use the tower to cast the spell over the entire peninsula. All the demons hiding in the empire will be revealed."

Myria says "Yeah, that will definitely cause some chaos. If it actually works that is."

"Don't worry, I have an alternate plan just in case Yui tells me no."

Myria says "Why would she do that?!"

"Because, no matter how much she might like me, she still has rules that she has to follow. This is the kind of thing that might not be allowed since I am not the owner of the tower."

Myria says "Oh, that makes sense. That could be a problem. Do you have any plans for that?"

"Actually, I plan to let Lin go through the trials and become the owner of the tower. However, that will probably take some time."

Myria says "That's a good plan. Are you sure she can do it?"

"Yes, I am sure. Unlike me, Lin is a real mage and she has tons of magical knowledge. At this point, she might be the most knowledgeable mage in this world. She can probably become the archmage now, but I plan to give her some time in the tower's library first."

Myria says "That's good, if you tried to send her into the trials before the wedding, she might kill you. So far, the plan is to have the wedding about a week after you return. This is mainly so that there is enough time for the guests to arrive."

"Guests? Shouldn't everyone already be in the tower?"

Myria says "Are you forgetting those in the kingdom and Illium? Besides, we aren't holding the wedding in the tower. You forget, your wedding is an important event."

"I was actually thinking that it would be held in the new city."

Myria says "Nope. It isn't complete enough for that. We will be having the wedding in Illium. Then we will hold a separate coronation ceremony in the elven city to crown Lin as your queen."

"Um, well alright. Does Lin already know about this?"

Myria says "Of course! We planned it out together!"

"As long as she is happy with it, then I don't really care."

Myria says "We kind of figured that would be your response. That's why we haven't bothered to talk with you about it until now."

"That's fine by me."

Myria says "Oh, by the way, what form do you plan to use? Lin told me that you mostly use human form or your normal form."

"Uh, yeah, that's right."

Myria says "You should probably use your old form, since that is what people will recognize. Especially the beast clans, convincing them to follow you as a human or beast will be much harder."

"That's a good point. I hadn't even thought of that. I guess I should start using it again so that the elves can get used to it. Thanks."

Myria says "It might also cause problems if you show up as a human, especially with Queen Amercy."

"Ugh, you're right. I had completely forgotten about her."

Myria says "You better not tell her that! Or if you do, make sure I am around so that I can watch!"

"Of course I'm not going to tell her that! I am also going to make sure that she doesn't find out I can shapeshift into a human form. The last thing I need is her deciding that she wants to marry me too."

Myria says "That would be a good way to fight the empire though. You could become the ruler of the entire peninsula fairly easily at that point."

"I don't want to! It is already going to be enough of a headache dealing with the beast lands."

Myria says "Wasn't one of your goals to unite the peninsula against the demons? Becoming the ruler would actually be the best way to do so."

"Wait, are you actually trying to convince me to marry Amercy? Shouldn't you be trying to convince me to marry you first? What is going on?"

Myria says "Whether or not you accept me is all about feelings at this point. You won't actually gain much by marrying me. Amercy on the other hand would bring you an entire kingdom. I am not trying to convince you to do it, I just want you to think about it. You tend not to think about things like this unless they are pointed out to you."

"I can't argue that, but why would I want multiple wives? I am not even sure what to do about you and Lin! Why would I add more problems?!"

Myria says "You were just saying that you don't want to rule and are planning to make me and Lin handle most of it. From everything I have heard about her, Amercy is an excellent ruler. She would make our lives much easier and she definitely already loves you."

"What are you talking about? We barely know each other!"

Myria says "Still as dense as ever, huh? Fine, I won't argue with you about it. Just me mentioning it means that you will think about it, that is enough for now. Other than the road, do you have any other orders for me?"

"Uh, not that I can think of now. Does Lin know about your idea for Amercy?"

Myria says "Of course. We have already agreed that adding more wives is a possibility as long as it helps you and we can get along with them."

"What?! Lin agreed to this?!"

Myria says "It isn't like we want to share you with others, but we also realize that you are going to attract a lot of women."

"No, I'm not! Even if I did, that doesn't mean I have to marry them! Wait, why are you bringing this up now? You could have waited until after I was back, or even until after the wedding! What are you hiding?!"

Myria says "Um, no reason!"

"No way. Considering everything, you wouldn't risk me getting mad at you right now without a really good reason. Come on, spill it."

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