I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1161 Summoning a Helper Part 2

Lin says "Congratulations!"

"Now, you have plenty of time to decide what you want to do. We will take it slow and tell you about this world so that you can make an informed decision. However, you should know that the other residents of this castle, my kids, are not human."

Bella says "That's fine, I have tons of questions, but before that, I am starving! I don't suppose you have pizza in this world?"

"No, unfortunately. That is something that I haven't found here and I miss a lot. Almost as much as I missed manga, wait! Lin, you should be able to summon some pizza!"

Lin says "I'm not sure what that is, but if you can describe it I should be able to find it."

"Great! Once we put some into the pouch, we can have pizza anytime we want! We need to make sure to get the really good pizza."

I quickly start explaining what pizza is to Lin and Bella chips in as well to help. Once Lin knows what pizza is, I start describing where to get the best, at least in my opinion. I even create an illusion of the map of the United States and show her where Chicago and New York are.

Lin says "Alright, so there are several types of pizza that you want me to get, right?"

"Right. Get as many different kinds as you can. Even if we don't like them, others will."

Lin says "Okay. Get out so that I can get started."

With a laugh, I lead Bella out of the library and take her for a tour of the castle. While I am at it, I create a room for her to stay in so that she can have some privacy. She is probably going to need some time to herself to think about things.

After the quick tour, we sit down in the main room and I give her a wide selection of dishes to eat. Then, while she is eating, I start telling her about how I was summoned and what happened after. I don't get far with my story before Bella has eaten her fill and starts yawning.

Seeing that, I describe the kids to her so she won't panic and then let her take a nap. Surprisingly, instead of going to her room, Bella curls up in the kids' nest to take her nap. I promise to wake her up to meet the kids when they return for dinner.

She falls asleep quickly, so I head up to the library to check on Lin's progress. Before I even open the library door, my nose tells me that she has succeeded. The smell of pizza brings back a lot of memories and makes me start drooling.

However, I still remember to knock and only open the door once Lin tells me to. Lin is sitting on the floor and around her are at least twenty pizza boxes. At that moment, I can't say which is more beautiful to me, but I'd answer Lin if I was asked.

"Great job! We are having pizza for dinner!"

Lin just laughs at me as I happily start shoving whole pizzas into my pouch. It is a good thing that I made those modifications to the pouch, otherwise it wouldn't fit an entire pizza. Now, I will be able to eat pizza anytime that I want and it makes me really happy.

Once all the pizza has been added to the pouch, Lin and I head downstairs to wait for the kids. While we are waiting I use the pouch to update the new recipes in the kitchen. This way, if the kids get addicted to pizza they can have it even if I am not around.

When the kids return, I intercept them at the door so they don't startle Bella. While I am explaining to the kids who Bella is, Lin goes over to wake her up. This way she can see the kids from a distance and hopefully they won't overwhelm her.

Once I have verified that Bella is awake, I calmly introduce the kids to her one at a time. Luckily, the kids are cute and friendly, so Bella seems to be alright when meeting them. After the introductions are over, I cover the table with different pizzas.

Bella says "You got pizza?! Awesome!"

Mulan says "Pizza? What's that?"

Bella has already grabbed a slice and taken a bite, leaving me to explain. Mulan, Mushu, and Nala dig in as soon as I am done explaining, but Albion looks disappointed. That is until I point out the veggie pizza and explain what the crust is made of.

As soon as he understands that he can eat it, Albion happily joins his siblings. Lin seems dead set on trying out every kind and is chatting with Bella as they eat. Each time a pizza gets finished, I replace it with a new one until no one can eat any more.

It is entertaining watching everyone pick out their favorite pizza and then argue which is the best. I stay out of the argument, even when Bella tries to claim that pineapple is the best pizza topping. Although, it does warm my heart a little when Lin and the kids all disagree with her.

After everyone is done eating, the kids go to watch cartoons and I have to explain to Bella how we have TV. Then, with Lin cuddled up against me, I go back to telling Bella my story. The telling takes a while, but it is a good way to tell Bella about this world.

Bella says "That's amazing! It really does sound like an isekai novel! But, what's this other form you keep mentioning?"

"Ah, this isn't my normal form anymore. This is what I looked like when I was summoned, but I have evolved since then. I didn't want to show you my normal form yet, I figured it would be too scary."

Bella says "Wait, you call this your not scary form?!"

"Yeah, actually. Do you feel up to seeing the real me?"

Bella says "Um, what do you look like?"

"Kind of like a small dragon, but with fur."

Lin says "Don't worry, he is only scary at first. After that, he is basically a big softie."

Bella says "Okay, I guess I am ready. Show me."

I take a few steps away so that I won't crowd her and then I drop shapeshift. As soon as she sees me, Bella screams and proceeds to hide under the table. Not a good start, but I stay still and give her a chance to calm down on her own.

Lin helps by walking over and hugging my neck to show that I am safe to be around. Up until now, Bella had seemed to be taking everything calmly, but I guess that was an act. Seeing that she isn't coming out from under the table, I back off a bit more.

Lin says "Bella? It's alright, he won't hurt you!"

Bella says "A dream, this is just a dream! I want to wake up now!"

Lin says "I'm sorry, Bella, but this isn't a dream. You are awake right now and you really have been summoned to another world."

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